
Father of Existence

When a man dies in a house fire with his wife in his arms, he discovers that the girl they adopted all those years ago was not as simple as she seemed. And with that the start of a great adventure in all those worlds he once thought of being mere fiction. This is a multiverse fanfic where anything from entertainment media can and will be part of, be it actors, video games, books, anime, cartoons, etc... Current world: Star Wars(in the old Republic Era) Hub World:Almagamation of Slice of Lifes/Lovekome (ToLoveRu + Black Cat+ Okasan Online+Komi San+ Nisekoi+ Shokugeki no Souma+ Medaka Box+ more.) Visited world: My Little Pony + others. League of Legends + Ori + others. The cover's not mine, I only own my OCs. Additional tags(will be added as the story goes.): Wincest, Massive Harem, No Netorare, No Yuri. Planned releases on Mon/Wed/Fri.

Foguinho_Loulko · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

Chapter 5 - The Next steps

speech:"like this"

though:'like this'

telepathy:<like this>

comms:=like this.=


Hey guys, I'm back, sorry for the mini hiatus, this is the first Chapter of the day, I will be rechecking the others before releasing them.

A few changes, while re-researching I noticed that I made a mistake with the Council members and will be changing and fixing it, and in this chapter I will add a new feature that will make it easier for you guys to remember the characters in the novel.

Thank you so much for commenting NoOneSpecial22, Setaka, and Ithriel, I made an extra effort for you guys so I could deliver more chapters than normal today I hope you enjoy.


┍ Main Cast ┑




┕ ┙

///3RD POV///

Already having familiarized himself with the know-how of how to hail a cab from Satele, Cadmus made his way back to the spaceport where the girls were waiting for him.

Moving impeded, he entered the ship and was amused at the scene he was witnessing.

Samus was sitting on her pilot chair, in Zero suit, while crossing her arms under her moderate size breasts with a frown on her forehead.

Lala was in front of her, notepad in hand, scribbling something as she wears a lab coat and glasses, nodding to herself.

Cad:"Hey girls…What is happening?"

Cadmus asked amusedly seeing the annoyed expression on Samus's face.

Samus:"...She is helping me?"

She answered in an exasperated tone.

Lala:"Oh Cad, I was just going over her suits, both the armor and the sexy one–."

Samus:"Hey, I've already told you it's an ultralight, protective symbiotic suit that allows me to move as I need without impeding any of my movements and protects me from stabbing and simple energy weapons."

Cad:"But you still look really sexy in it."

At his comment, Samus looks at him trying to appear angry but the light blush on her cheeks betrayed her.

Cad:"But then again, a beautiful woman would look good in almost anything she wears."

Uncorsened about her act, he added with a shrug.

Because of the sudden successive hit of praise about her appearance, which is something that she is extremely unaccustomed to, because of her past, she let an uncharacteristic girly groan of frustration.

Her face became flustered and she hmphs looking away.

Lala, seeing Cadmus complement Samus in a natural non-flirty way which somehow made it more effective, even more for someone that is not used to honest compliments, narrowed her eyes.

She pursed her lips in annoyance, frustrated that the guy she likes was already burrowing himself into another beautiful girl's heart.

Noticing the kind of thoughts she was drifting to she couldn't help but sigh, disappointed with herself for not being able to be honest with her feelings and just confess.

Cadmus after saying his piece ignored the girls and started to mark their course on the star map.

Samus's browns twitched, she is not used to something like this, the compliments about her figure aside, having people to work with was something wholly new for the outcast bounty hunter, former soldier.

Even more with some other people just making her ship home.

It bothers her, as it's something outside of her comfort zone, but she had to admit that the few interactions that she had with them weren't unpleasant.

Maybe it was because her past was completely unknown to them that she felt a little more relaxed in their mixt.

Who knows?

One thing is certain she has a lot of time to find out.

Samus:"So I take it you have a plan of action."

Shaking her head off of useless thoughts, she inquired.

Cad:"Yes, the Outer rims, home of the scourge of the galactic society."

Samus:"*snort* No better place for a bunch of no-names to get big bucks and fame or die trying."

Cad:"You have previous experience?"

Samus:"Something like that."

Lala:"Did they give you any trouble?"

She asking while approaching the console to see the location Cadmus had marked.

Cad:"No, I let them sense some of my power to dissuade them from making any major ploy against us, at least for now when they have something more important to spend resources on."

He answered while taking a seat and waiting for Samus to start piloting.

Lala:"Right, the evil empire."

Lala added while also taking a seat.


Samus:"And they are letting us go, just like that? And what about that woman, the one you have the connection with."

Cad:"*sigh* It's more complicated than that, it's like this."

Cadmus proceeds to give them a rundown on the Force, that the connection is something already documented on Satele's family tree and about the Unknow and Wild regions.

Samus:"...I see, it certainly would make it easier for them to not be as concerned with the fact that we don't have identification like this, but you are certain about the girl part? Can't they do something to exploit her against us?"

At her raising concern about Satele's possible problems, Lala and Cadmus raised an eyebrow looking at her incredulously.

Even if she isn't totally antisocial, Samus didn't make any attempt to mask her evident displeasure about the whole situation.

Even more for the fact that she had to rely on other people.

So, out of the blue, she speak of them as a team did catch them off guard.

Samus:"W-what? I depend on you guys to get home and you made it crystal clear that you could abandon me at any time, trying to make a good relationship is the least I can do."

Getting a little embarrassed because of their reaction she quickly explained her actions, making them nod, and yet she still pursed her lips in displeasure.

Cad:"Anyway, you don't have to worry about it, they most certainly will try 'teach' her their ways and try to indoctrinate her and put her in dangerous battles to get us to participate but that is nothing we can't handle."

She still didn't put much faith in his reassurance, mainly in the indoctrination part, but since she didn't know what were his full capabilities.

She also isn't an expert on telepathic bonds, as what she has with her suits is on a symbiotic, almost subconscious, level so she decided to concentrate on what she knows.

She looked at the coordinates and with the route sets she started the take-off procedures to make their way to the Outer rims.

Cad:"Oh, right, did you get it?"

Lala:"Ehen, of course, he did try to slime his way out of it but we managed to work things out, he will keep his mouth shut, and since you only asked me to take it for a full deep analysis I thought you had no problem giving back the artifact to him."

Cad:"Yeah, I don't have a problem with that, good work Lala."


Cad:"So, what you were discussing about Samus's suits?"

Samus:"Urgh, not again."

Lala:"Oh, I noticed that it looked weakened, it had something of a means for a stronger set of systems but it looked like it was taking out of it, but t being alive, it was regenerating to its base form."

Cad:"So, what is it you are planning?"

Lala:"Upgrades, I have a few ideas for her suits and her ship, but I can do nothing until I check everything and adapt to her kind of technology, and I really want her to be able to hide her sexy suit."

Samus:"Again this is not a sexy….You know what, think whatever you want."

She was about to go on a tirade again, but seeing the appreciatory once-over Cadmus gave her body in the suit she looks at it for a second, and while slightly moving her chair to get out of his sight, grumbled the rest of her sentence and got back to piloting.



Lala:"Anyway, she was saying I can't do anything about it, the combined effort of the science division of the greatest military force in her world can't discover much about her suit and only make already a set, few, upgrades for her suit."

Cad:"And you, my beautiful pink-headed genius took it as a challenge?"

Lala:"Ehen, of course, I will show that I'm way better than the Choroin that made her suits."


Lala:"Yeah that."

An uneventful journey of the usual banter issued as they finally arrived at the outer Rim sector, Samus, who was distracted by talking to people, something other than mission and duty finally noticed.

Samus:"Hey Cadmus, I think you forgot to put the coordinates of the planet we should be going."

Cad:"And just now you noticed?"

Samus:"T-that's your fault, you two distracting me, that's why I work better alone."

Cad:"*chuckle* Right, I left it for you to decide."


Cad:"As you said, we have to have a good relationship between us, so I don't think you want to be ordered around by someone you barely know and we are supposed to be a team.

Cad:"I will take charge when I find it necessary because of my experience but other than that we will talk to decide most things."

Cad:"In the map, I have uploaded the basic summary of each important planet in the Outer Rim, just take into consideration that we need credits, information, and this dimension technology when choosing the planet."

Samus paused while looking at Cadmus who just stood there with a calm face.

Gratitude could be clearly seen in hers, but without saying anything she just turned back to the star map hologram.

Samus is not ready to share, and she thinks that she never will, but she is thankful for the way Cadmus is indicating how their partnership is going to be.

For her whole life, since that traumatic point in her childhood, she has only been told what to do and had to obey orders.

So if Cadmus is being truthful this would be the first time that she has some kind of control over her life.

Cadmus for his part also said nothing more, just watched as Samus eagerly absorbed all the information he had imputed into her naviboard.

Samus was paying close attention to each planet, mainly the ones on the fringe of the Outer Rims, like Dantooine, Tatooine, or Dathomir.

There were good planets located on the Outer Rims like Naboo, but they are technically part of the Mid Rim, which would make them mid to upper-class sector.

For now, she concentrated on those that could be considered margin, as it was easier to get unwanted information, money, and military-grade equipment.

Samus' eyes briefly shined when going through Mandalore, but she decided that it would not be an advantage for now, going in practically blind.

She put it in the definitely visit it later folder.

She also got disgusted with the Hutt sector, but she thought that there was nothing she could do about it.

But Cadmus...

She shook her head from useless thoughts and continued going through the planets.

She also noticed a marked coordinate, there was nothing on her star map, only the name Drommund Kaas, she thought that Cadmus put it there, she didn't know why but it must be important.

Actually, her scanners did pick up a sizable star body in that location but seeing that it had nothing about it in the star map she received she decided to ignore it.

She thought it to be weird since it was so close to the space station on the planet called Korriban, from where they escaped.

She didn't fully trust Cadmus yet but decided to let it be.

He has a lot of secrets, as does she, but until now is doing the necessary to help her get home, so she will try to believe in him for now.

After musing for a few minutes she decided to make her way to Tatooine

It is the perfect starting planet, it is not in the Hutt sector, is a great importer of technologies and the shady dealing happens there more often than not.

Other planets would either have too much security or be so much of a backwater place that would bring no advantage at all.

Like the jungle planet Dathomir or the farm planet Dantooine.

Also, these planets are located literally on the other side of the charted galaxy from where they are, sure they have hyperdrive, but there is no straight hyperlane to that side, meaning, they would have to make a lot of stops to correct course.

And that side is close to the "Evil Empire" so it's best to stay clear for now.

So in the interest of gathering the resources they need without much headache from the authorities or a super warlord family annoying them, Tatooine was the place.

(A/N: No joke, I spent hours in the star map investigating the most important planets, lore-wise, and it really didn't have any better place to start in the Outer rim.)

Completing the landing procedures, that took longer than necessary because of Samus' uniquely designed ship.

They landed and Cadmus was the first to exit and finish the procedures with the landing officer as the girls were trying to find clothes for Samus.

Initially, Lala wanted to give her women clothes and Cadmus's wives were excited to send clothes for her through their shared space.





Samus:"I am not wearing girly clothes."

Lala:"They are just a white shirt and pants."

Samus:"But the shirt has these girly thingies."


Samus:"Yes, these stupid things and these pants are too tight."




Carla:"She really just said that?"

Scatach:"I'm having Deja Vu."

Ivy:"Hypocrisy, we know thy name."


Lisa:"HAHAHAHAHA the big famous bounty hunter is scared of girly stuff."


Shaking his head with an incredulous look on his face Cadmus opened his mouth.

Cad:"Are really sayi–"

Samus:"Not another word."

Noticing how stupid she sounded, talking about tight pants while wearing a skin-tight suit she stopped Cadmus from making any kind of commentary.

Not that his amused smile, mocking her, wasn't more than necessary to make her embarrassed.


Cadmus shook his head helplessly while throwing his hands in the air as if he had given up.

Finally, he waved his hand in Samus's direction and a bunch of clothes appeared out of thin air covering the bounty hunter who opened her arms and catch them.

Cad:"These are my clothes, you are a little taller than me, but I've already accounted for my growth spur so they should fit, don't worry about the chest area as I like to wear bigger shirts for comfort, there is also a few of my wife's more neutral clothes."


Cad:"Is either that or you will have to walk around in skin tight suit with your poking breasts and your prominent butt crack."

Getting tired of her nonsensical protests Camus gave an ultimatum of what her choices are, and gritting her teeth in shame Samus took his clothes ad ran off to one of the rooms on the ship to try them out.

Cad:"Just make sure that she doesn't spend hours in there."


Cadmus said to Lala as he massaged his temple, and Lala laughed at his pain.


So Cadmus is now waiting for the bounty hunter, he didn't have to wait for much time actually.

Lala:"LET'S GO!!!"

Samus:"W-wait, why are you in such a rush?"

Lala:"You took too long"

Samus:"I'm not used to this, I've only used military uniforms."

Lala:"...You poor poor girl."

Samus:"Hey, you don't need to look at me with pity."

As they banter around with each other, finally, Samus' new visage became clear.

Cadmus's clothes weren't the only ones that he threw on her face, his wives were nagging for him to make Samus dress something more feminine so he ended up mixing some of Carla's clothes in.

Samus was wearing an orange sweater underneath an aviator parka and black jeans.


As she got off the ship and look at Cadmus nervously, fidgeting under his appraising look.

Cad:"See, wasn't so bad, and you do look great in it, now let's get going there's a bar nearby where we can get bounties."

Samus only nodded in agreement, shy about his compliment, and Lala, stomped her feet in frustration for being ignored even though she also dressed up to be praised only to be ignored.

Cadmus of course knew, but as he likes to tease people he couldn't waste such a good opportunity right?

Initially pouting, Lala forgot all about it as they crossed the dry streets of the city they were on, seeing the all-new architecture and alien races, Lala lost herself in her curiosity, letting her cute bubbly side take over.

Samus was not much different, only on a more reserved side, she didn't have many chances to just go around exploring other cultures, for her, until now, it was just a mission after another.

And as something always has wrong, they started being followed.

And of course, all three of them noticed, and with a single look between them, they decided to play cool and let the other party be the one to make the first move.

Even Ahri, woke up as noted by her ears that suddenly sprang to life.

It didn't take long for them to come to the entrance of a bar, or as they are called here Cantinas.

Getting in, like a typical western cowboy movie, the place seemed to stop all noises just to see the newcomers.

In truth this place was already quiet, contrasting the rugged aesthetic, this was something like a VIP Bounty Hunter club, it's not like only a select few could get in, but normally it was only frequented by people of some renown.

So it's a given that newcomers that nobody ever heard of would get the curiosity out of the bunch.

Cadmus made his way to the barkeeper as the girl followed behind and their pursed, after a brief hesitation, followed suit.

They spread out as soon as they got in pretending to be normal patrons of the place but keeping their eyes on Cadmus's group, particularly the women.

Their apparent leader could be classified as something like a cat person.


All the other people in the bar looked interested, as if a show was about to begin, and started placing bets on how it would end, none of them put any faith in the trio, which was dressed as if they were on vacation, with no weapons.

Lala:" Give me your strongest drink."

Lala demanded while slamming her hand on the counter, with a big smile on her face making everybody look at her amused.

Cad:"She will have a glass of milk."

Barman:"Are you sure?"


Cad:"I'm the one paying for it, or you don't have it?."

Lala:"Stupid Cadmus, don't let me have fun."

A little dismayed at the way Cadmus talked to him, he huffed but still got the glass of milk, the other patrons rolled their eyes and chuckled at the absurdity of going to a bar to drink a glass of milk.

And finally, their pursuers started to move.

Goon 1:"You are at the wrong place, stranger."

Cad:"We will be the judge of that."

Goon 2:"Wow, don't need to be so feisty, we are just trying to inform you, some outsiders, about better places from our lovely community."

Cad:"Maps exist for a reason."

Goon 1:"*snort* Aren't you a smart ass?"

Goon 2:"You should be careful with that mouth of yours, you don't want it to get you in trouble around these parts."

Lala:"*snort* And yet, you have been following us, way before we opened our mouths, dumbass."

As the goons started a verbal challenge Cadmus and the other five guys, leader included, were getting closer, surrounding them.

It was clear that no matter what, this discussion would end badly and they would use it to justify capturing them in broad daylight.

Lala ousted them and looked at the ugly mug of the first goon to speak with contempt and a disgusted face froze the whole scene.

Leader:"GET THEM."

Forgoing all semblance of pretend the guys charged, at the corner, more credits were being thrown at the table in the betting pool.

Cad:"Just don't kill them, we need information."

After saying that, Cadmus walked to the table and bet everything he had on the girls, breaking the bones of everyone.

Goon 1:"Come here you little bitch."

With anger in his eyes because of the way Lala looked at him, the first goon was the first to reach its target.

He swung his right fist at her head, Lala ducked and punched him on the ribs, stopping him mid-turn, with a low frontal kick on his leg he was in the air, and as a finish, her fist came down as a hammer in his chest.


Goon 1:"Guh"

Everybody Else:"Ssssssshhhhhhh."

Everybody watching sucked on cold air as they heard a loud crack as soon as her fist, connected to the goon's chest.

Not to be deterred, the other six guys took electric battens and advanced at the same time, three for each girl.

As the fastest guy, of the trio that went for Samus, tried to poke her with the stun baton, her hand, which was covered in her zero suit, slapped the tip of the baton out of the way, in the direction of one of the other guys, who managed to dodge.

The third guy tried to hit her in the blind spot only for her to hold the baton, he smiled and turned up the voltage, and the current could be clearly seen going wild in her hand, but she remained unfazed.

Taking her other hand, she held the guy's shoulder and forced the baton he was holding onto his chest.

He tried to fight back, but Samus was way stronger than him, lightly tightening her grasp on his shoulder, breaking it.


As another one was down, the other two came running at Samus's back, lunging at her with the batons, she ducked, stepping backward as she hit both guys in the legs with her elbows, and as they grunted in pain, more bones breaking sounds were heard.

She caught their heads before they fell to the ground, and like they were ragdolls, raised as high as she could and slammed them on the ground.

Lala for her turn, was playing with her food, so to speak, with a goofy smile on her face, she crossed her arms on her back and was dodging gracefully all attacks, infuriating all of her assailants.

As the leader lunged at her, screaming in anger, she jumped and kicked his hand onto his ally, making him take out one of his own guys.

And before he could recover, she now lunged at him, kneeing him on his stomach, making him throw up all of his stomach's content and while he was down, the knife of her foot came down like a guillotine on his back.



With his spine broken, the leader was now almost drowning in his own vomit, unable to get up on his own.

Goon 6:"Hiii."

Now scared, the last guy tried to run, Samus was about to move, but Lala would not let a prey get away.

Running faster than the guy, she passed him and stood at the entrance, a broad predatory smile on her face.

The guy was scared shitless but could not stop in time, as he came running full speed, Lala hit her palm on his chest.



Stepping a foot forward she slammed the guy, full force on the ground.

Both girls gave a glance around, looking for more opponents, seeing none, they looked at Cadmus and nodded.

Cad:"Well, I guess I won."

Random NPC:"Hey, wait a minu-*Gha*"

As Cadmus was gathering all the credit chips on the table a random mob held one of his hands, taking out his pistol.

He didn't even manage to finish his sentence as in a blink of an eye, Cadmus' fist hit his throat and now the guy could not breathe anymore.

Cad:"Well guys, it was a pleasure betting with you."

Random NPC:"*Huuh*,*Huuuh*."

As Cadmus makes all the credit chips disappear, like a magic trick, the guy tries to suck any air without any success and slowly he falls on the table, unconscious.

He comes in front of the barman again.

Cad:"We are looking for some jobs and were told this was the place to be, so, want to do some business?"

With a polite smile from Cadmus, an amused one from Samus, and a harmless one from Lala, this bar owner, who worked as a handler for bounties, had a very bad feeling about all of this.
