
Father of Existence

When a man dies in a house fire with his wife in his arms, he discovers that the girl they adopted all those years ago was not as simple as she seemed. And with that the start of a great adventure in all those worlds he once thought of being mere fiction. This is a multiverse fanfic where anything from entertainment media can and will be part of, be it actors, video games, books, anime, cartoons, etc... Current world: Star Wars(in the old Republic Era) Hub World:Almagamation of Slice of Lifes/Lovekome (ToLoveRu + Black Cat+ Okasan Online+Komi San+ Nisekoi+ Shokugeki no Souma+ Medaka Box+ more.) Visited world: My Little Pony + others. League of Legends + Ori + others. The cover's not mine, I only own my OCs. Additional tags(will be added as the story goes.): Wincest, Massive Harem, No Netorare, No Yuri. Planned releases on Mon/Wed/Fri.

Foguinho_Loulko · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

Chapter 30 - There will be no unnecessary drama

speech:"like this"

though:'like this'

telepathy:<like this>


Friday everyone, hope you all have a great weekend.


////////3RD POV///////

Cadmus got back from the kitchen with the snacks, a tray full of sandwiches just to be faced with a tense-filled situation of the little girls staring at Carla who adorned a wry smile on her face.

He approached the group.

Cad:"*cough* Here, enjoy."

Taking everybody's attention he put the tray on the coffee table at the center, Lala and Medaka were looking at him inquisitively, Sephie's expression couldn't be read because of the veil and Gil had a content smile thinking some drama would begin and Cadmus would be in a hard spot.

Cadmus just indicated to them with his look to eat first as he sat on the other couch, beckoning Carla to sit on his side.

As he sat on the couch, his hand moved in front of everybody, a runic circle of symbols appeared in front of him and moved in his direction, and like a glove, it started covering his entire body from his hand.

And like any other time, as if the fast forward button was pressed, his body rapidly aged while his clothes extended to fit his body, and there he stood, in his older appearance taking Carla's hands on his own.

There are a few simple reasons why he did that, three to be exact.

3 - The third reason is the show of good faith, he will not be showing everything and giving all the secrets, but a minor secret such as this, one that he uses quite often if he starts by sharing rather than letting them find out.

Through this, he can control the conversation and show his willingness to cooperate and trust them.

2 - The second reason is because of cooperation, Eden Chornos is a massive, terrorist, organization of smart people, that is to say, they are paranoid with their information and have the patience to wait for the right moment.

Showing a little of his abilities to potential allies is a good way to secure them, and as a bonus, he can include Medaka that way.

There is no question of how strong she can become and the Kurokami group is also a good ally to have, so making Medaka halfway aware of what she will have to deal with may be vital to start a good partnership.

1 - And first and more important to Cadmus, NO UNNECESSARY DRAMA, Cadmus loves to watch romantic movies, what he doesn't like, is when the whole premise of the conflict is something they could have resolved by sitting and talking like adults.

Some people may try to defend by saying 'But then there will be no movie' to which he would respond 'Then they should have actually put some thought on the plot and make a proper script.'.

There is to say, Cadmus hates, unnecessary, forced, contrived, and easily avoided drama.

Seeing his transformation in front of them, Gid narrowed his eyes as Lala and Medaka were with their eyes and mouth wide open in astonishment.

Sephie:"So that's why you could recognize that my husband was transformed, you also make use of such things."

Cad:"Something like that, I kid bossing adults of major organizations is not something that happens on Earth, so I tend to grow my body momentarily to avoid headaches."

Nodding in understanding Sephie proceeded to take a sandwich, what Cadmus said was true, and it got the message across that he wasn't an adult taking the form of a child like her husband.

While some people argue that he is still an adult in the body of a child it has to be remembered that reincarnation is a part of life.

So even though the memories are erased from the souls it doesn't change the fact that there are tons of people walking around with souls aged in the millennia.

So they, Cadmus and his family, just decided to think of themselves as a child if they had a natural child's body, as in, as long as you are reincarnating and going through natural puberty like anybody else.


Sephie took a bite of the sandwich giving a pretty sexy moan, she quickly held her mouth with both hands giving Cadmus an accusatory look. Gid had anger in his eyes and was ready to attack at any moment.

Carla:"...*sigh* I know the feeling, any adult that tastes his food acts like that the first time."

Seeing Carla's solidary smile with an 'I know how it feels' face did calm down Sephie a little, she looked at her daughter to see if she knew something about it only for the little runt to not look at her.

Sephie sighted, looks like Lala is much more mischievous than she initially thought.

Gid:"*snort* Yeah right, like normal food could do something like that let's see for myself, my body can take any toxin know in the galaxy, OOhhhhh~~~~ yeah baby."

After all the macho speech Gid was the first time that somebody who ate Cadmus food looked like was actually having an orgasm.

Cadmus had a disgusted face and was complaining to himself, if at least it was a hot waifu, Lala had a look of horror looking at her father moaning in pleasure and Sephie facepalmed.

Medaka had a neutral look on her face as her eyes didn't leave Cadmus and Carla's hands.

Cad:"Well, first of all, before proceeding with the conversation, I think we have to bring Medaka up to speed, it is an important issue and we may have to include her family in this."

Sephie held her shin, thinking for a few seconds, before nodding in approval.

So Cadmus proceeded to explain a short version of what was happening to Medaka, who listened intently to him, at the end of all, she finally opened her mouth and said.

Medaka:"So, are you going to reject me again?"

To which Cadmus could only look at her deadpan reminiscing their first meeting, Cadmus is two years older than Medaka and met her after she had talked with Misogi.

===========FLASHBACK NO JUTSU==================

//////MEDAKA POV/////

What is the meaning of all of it?

Why was I even born?

Is it true that the only meaning of my mother's existence was to give birth to me, just like my father's people say?

Why does everybody look at me as if I am a monster even when they are praising me?

After all the training and effort, I solved their problems because they wanted me to, what does it matter if I am two years old?

Math is easy and theoretical physics is simple, the answers were always in front of their noses, it is not my fault that they dedicated their entire life to it and couldn't see.

There is nothing wrong with what I did, they were lost so I took it upon myself to do it the proper way since they don't have the capability to do so by themselves, being the foolish flock they are.

And yet, their faces of despair, as if their life ended, the looks of unsettling they give me as if I was at fault for their inability, I don't understand.

Humans are complicated, emotions are too hard to comprehend.

If all my efforts and anything I do will only end up in situations like that, why was I even born?

Medaka:"Why do I exist? What is my purpose in life?"

I can't help but ask that question again and again, as I sat in here, on the bench of Hakoniwa General Hospital, a hospital made to deal with peculiar children.

???:"There is no purpose in life."

A voice cut my thought and a noticed a boy sitting beside me, he looks a little older than me. The nameplate on his shirt had Misogi written on it, and he had a destroyed plushy toy at his side.


Misogi:"Life is meaningless, no matter what you do, in the end, you will die, and all your efforts will be erased, they might write your name down in history but you still be a fleeting memory in the minds of people, your story, distorted for their mean."

That…. is true.

Misogi:"No matter what you do, you will be judged by others, they will always put fault on what you do no matter how big your effort or how perfect was the result, they will take all of your pride and make it all meaningless."

Yes, time and time again, the way they treat me when all I did was help, their looks of displeasure when all I did was finish what they couldn't.

Misogi:"So why even try? Why put in the effort? There is no point in being alive."

With these parting words, the boy left, leaving me in a turmoil of anxiety and despair I didn't even feel the hours pass, examination after examination where I was just a robot doing what I was told.

Eventually, when I was growing bored I was about to escape somewhere.



???:"Are you alright?"

Medaka:"yes, there is no problem, excuse me."

I ended up bumping into someone, a boy a little older than me, he had a visitor badge with his name on it, Cadmus, it also had a colored stripe that indicated that he was a volunteer.

I try to excuse myself and begin my escape but the boy holds my arm, I look at him questioningly.

Cad:"Yeah, you are not ok at all, come, let's get you with the other kids."

Medaka:"there is no need for that."

Cad:"You say that with a small voice and a blank expression as if you accepted the end of the world, what's up with that?"


Cad:"What do you mean?"

Medaka:"nothing, everything is meaningless, there is no point in living."

Bringing me to the front of the internal playground he stops at the entrance and looks me in the eyes, a few seconds pass as he looks like is searching for something my look.

He lets go of my arm.

See, everything is meaningless, so there is no–Ouch

I hold my head with both my hand and look at him in surprise, nobody hit me before.

Cad:"You. are. two. years. old."

He makes a point to emphasize every word.

Cad:"You have a whole life ahead of you to think of something like that, now it's time to forget all the bullshit and go annoy other kids on the playground."

What is he saying?

Medaka:"What is the point? There is no essence in life, everything will become dust eventually, even the entire human race."



Cad:"And? What of it? It is your life after all, it will have the meaning you want to have, and that's the beauty of it, you choose, what you want to do to make it happy and what does it matter what happens after you die? You are dead, I don't think you are going to care about it right?"


Cad:"And as I said, you are only two years old, do you really think all throughout human history you are the first to think like that? Millions of people ask this very question every day, that is called an existential crisis."


Cad:"And as I said, you define it, if you want to be a nobody living in the middle of nowhere with a dog and a shotgun, you can, there is your choice to make and your meaning to give."

I never thought of it like that, it is true, many people had asked this question, many of them were great philosophers in all of history and still, they didn't stop living their lives and enjoying as they see fit.

Cad:"So, for the love of Existence, stop this unnecessary drama."

He pushes me into the room, it is not full of children but it looks like they are playing in harmony, the boy enters right after and it looks like he is supervising the kids in here, that must be why he is a volunteer.

What he told me does hold a lot of weight, but the question now is what meaning will I give to my life?

I start to muse to myself as I find a corner to think, and I notice a boy, about my age, struggling to find the solution of a simple, shape-match puzzle.

Those people look, flash through my mind but I look at him, Cadmus, and decide to approach the boy and help him anyway.

I took his toy and easily solve it for him and give it back.


???:"Wow, this is amazing, how did you do that?"

Medaka:"It's just a simple puzzle, anyone can do it."

???:"You must be really smart."

Medaka:"I am."

???:"Can you solve this one as well?"

He gives me other puzzles that even a monkey could solve, but I decided to indulge him, and he gets impressed every time.

Medaka:"Why are you so happy, these are meaningless puzzles."

Cad:"I wouldn't say that."

As I was muttering lowly to myself, I didn't notice that Cadmus had approached us.

Cad:"This toy is made to train young minds that had difficulty with logic, as everyone is different, some will have an easier time than others, and right now, you have given another purpose to the toy."

He says to me as he points to the boy who had an amazed face as he was redoing the toys I solved for him.

Cad:"You made him happy, you solved the toy and showed how it was done, brought joy to the boy, and with that, you may have won a new friend."

I couldn't help but open my eyes at the revelation he was giving me, he starts to pat my head and says to me with a warm smile.

Cad:"Right now, even for a brief moment, this was your meaning in life, that you unknowingly gave yourself, it was something you chose, well done little one."

Enjoying his caress and looking at his smile as he said that to me, it was as if an explosion of colors was realized in this world, I finally recognized the feeling that I had when I helped the boy.

But more than that, much more strongly than realizing the freeing feeling that the meaning of my life was always in the palm of my hands, there was a more explosive immediate feeling burrowing in my chest.

When he was taking his hand off of the top of my head I take hold of it, look deeply into his eyes, and say.

Medaka:"Marry me."

Yes, he had to be in the rest of the meaning of my life, just as important as the feeling I have now, that my life is in my hands is the person who helped me get that meaning in life.

I never understood what my father said about the Kurokami love but now I do, this person has to be with me, for the rest of my life, I don't know if I could live without his very presence close to me.

Cad:"I refuse."


That was the first time someone refused something to me, I knew it, you are special.

========END OF FLASHBACK=============

It has been almost five years since I last talked with Cadmus, it was really hard for me, the pain of being away from him was the hardest thing of my life but it was something I have to do.

I traveled all over the world and learned about how to be a good wife in all different cultures that exist for this moment just to be accepted, but I forgot the crucial part that marriage is between two people.

It is given that he will not accept when he doesn't even know me.

The fact that he has multiple wives and they don't object to him getting more is a good thing, so before he answers me.

Medaka:"I see that I have been too eager in our relationship."

He raises an eyebrow looking at me questioningly.

I get up from my seat and point at him.

Medaka:"I Kurokami Medaka, vow to make you accept me as your wife, from now on, I will be at the forefront of this matter and help you to show, what kind of person I am and that I am worthy of being part of your family."

I make my stance clear to Cadmus and at the last part I look at his wife and declare with conviction, she narrows her eyes analyzing me.

Medaka:"No matter what, as long as it is from you Cadmus I accept."

I finish talking to them and turn to Lala.

Medaka:"And I will help you, Lala, you may not love him as I do, but I don't think it will take much for him to burrow into your heart."

I extend my hand to Lala and she shakes while having a wry smile on her face.

Medaka:"If you excuse me I have things to prepare on my end and as you guys have some private matter to discuss I will leave early, we can schedule a meeting at a later date."

Sephie and Cadmus nod at my affirmation and I am escorted out of the house by Cadmus's wife.

Outside of the house, a car was already waiting for me, and as I was going to say goodbye to Cadmus's wife she talk to me first.

Carla:"Your speech has been noted and I must say that me and the other wives approved of it, I'm Carla by the way."

I get a little surprised when she said the other wives already knew, but considering all the alien talk we were having earlier doesn't seem all that farfetched.

Carla:"Here take it."

She gives me an old phone.

Carla:"It is safe and can only talk with other phones like this."

I nod, makes sense considering we will be dealing with a far-reaching shadow organization that had, and may still have, spies in all places.

Carla:"It can also be used as a direct line to Cadmus."


She says that with a meaningful smile.

Carla:"This is a shot we are giving you, don't screw it up, we are waiting for you to prove that you can be part of our happy family."

I resolutely nod at her and get into the car to go talk with my father.
