
Fated to the wolves

Kaiah was as normal and boring as it gets until she loses everything and finds herself drawn to making changes she never saw coming. She unknowingly enters a completely different she must learn to live in and love, all while trying to uncover all her family secrets because they’re coming for her and she doesn’t know who, when or why. Come along for the journey of love and self discovery and she if Kaiah makes it out alive.

DaoistetSCd1 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

The Beginning

Here I am packing up my entire life in 3 boxes and a suitcase, Arizona has been my home for as long as I can remember and I'm about to leave it all behind. Its been a month, the longest month of my life since my mom died. She was my best friend (hell my only friend) and without her here this house, this city just doesn't feel like home anymore. I tried so hard to proceed as normal, to grieve and keep living as she would have wanted but I just can't shake this feeling that I don't belong here anymore. Since she's been gone I feel this pull to be somewhere else, I'm not sure where or why but it's almost this feeling of someone physically pulling me by the arm and I cant ignore it any longer. My life up until now has been pretty normal, I worked at a local bookshop, took a few random classes here and there but never really stuck to anything, lived with my mom in a small 2 bedroom apartment in the city and don't really socialize with anyone. It was always just the 2 of us, when she died of a heart attack she was alone (I was at work) and the funeral only consisted of me, the priest, and my boss Walter who always had a pretty obvious crush on mom. So you see I'm not leaving much behind, I decided it's time for a new journey so I threw a dart at the map and by tomorrow morning I will be in my new home in Manitou Springs, Colorado. As I packed up the last few things I see a box sticking out from under moms old bed, I bend down to pick it up and check that nothing else is down there. A black box with an intricate design of gold swirls sits alone under the bed with a thick layer of dust on it as if she put it there and forgot all about it. I pull the box out sit on the bed and blow the dust off the top, it doesn't have a lock or any writing to indicate what it might be but it has some weight to it. I open the box and there's a letter that says (OPEN FIRST) and a manila folder underneath. I take out the letter and close the box back up, I open it to see it is a handwritten letter by my mother

"My beautiful Kaiah, If you are reading this it means for whatever reason I am no longer with you. I know I never spoke of your father but I am hoping you are old enough now and able to understand everything you will soon discover. The packet left in the box contains everything I am able to pass on about your father, when you are ready its all there. If you are reading this because I have passed on and have not yet hit your 25th birthday please find it in your heart to open everything before then, I'm so sorry I cannot be there for you for this but you will get through it, you are so special and I know you will be brave. Love always, Mom."

Well that was cryptic I think to myself as I lift the packet and stare at it. I can't bring myself to open it and just feel this anger creeping up on me so I throw it back in the box and shove it into my last box before taping it shut. I asked my mom about my father a few times growing up and the answer was always the same "he was a good man who had to make some tough choices and couldn't stay with us" as I got older I realized that was a nice way of her telling me he didn't care enough to stick around so somewhere along the line I decided to not care about him just the same. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes until I feel the anger leave me enough to pretend its no longer there then I take one last look around what was my life the past 24 years. A single tear slides down my face and I quickly wipe it away square my shoulders and walk out with my suitcase. The moves will be shipping my boxes in a few days so for now I head to the airport with my essentials. The cab ride was short and quiet as I did not return the drivers attempts at small talk, the plane ride on the other hand felt like an eternity as I HATE height and flying is a nightmare for me. I get off the plane and quickly make my way to the baggage claim, once I have my suitcase in hand I head outside and look for the car I ordered ahead, when mom died I was left quite a bit of money which shocked me because we never had much that would've made me think she was sitting on a pile of money but her attorney said she invested and saved really well. I see my name on a sign and quietly make my way over, the driver takes my bag and stores it in the trunk as I get in and take out my earbuds to listen to my favorite murder mystery podcast during the drive. It takes 3 hours and finally I look up to see the long driveway to my little cabin in the woods that I purchased on a whim (like everything else in my life at the moment), it was beautiful and simple and secluded which is all I found myself craving right now. I thanked the driver as he parked then got my suitcase out of the trunk before turning and waving him off. It was dark the sun had already begun setting but not quite pitch black yet, as I took in my calm surrounding I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up and suddenly had that feeling you get when some creeper is watching you. I did a slow turn feeling slightly paranoid, I didn't see anything at first but when I started making my way to my front door I swear I saw a pair of glowing eyes amongst the trees. I took a slow breath and forced my feet to keep walking to the door even though my racing heart wanted me to run, survival 101 you're not supposed to run when you see an animal as most predators take that as an invitation to chase you for dinner. I fumbled with the keys left under the mat by the realtor and slammed the door shut once I managed to get in, I walked over to the window and peeked through the curtain looking for the creature lurking out there but found nothing. "You are really starting to lose it, maybe moving to the middle of the woods alone isn't the best idea for chicken" I say aloud to myself. I begin walking through the cabin turning on every light as I go, it's a small two bedroom but the kitchen and view out here are what sold me. I purchased it for an incredibly low price I was shocked when my offer was quickly accepted and paperwork sent to me before I could think twice. As I look around at the modern cabin décor I feel oddly at ease, I walk to the primary bedroom and begin unpacking when this sudden wave of emotions crashes into me. I sit on the bed as a few tears slip down my cheeks wishing more than anything I wasn't doing this alone.

"No! I refuse to spend my first night here crying" I say as I pull out my phone and request a ride to the nearest bar. I finish unpacking my clothes and toiletries as the car takes an hour to arrive, the only bad part so far about my new home is that I'm about 30 minute from the closest town and still don't have a car. I rush to the bathroom and change into some new high waisted jeans, a crop top, a flannel over and some boots. I fluff up my wild blonde curls that come down to about the middle of my back and throw on some mascara before grabbing my purse and heading outside. I make sure to lock up and turn on the porch and driveway lights before leaving as to not scare myself again. Just as I finish locking the door the car pulls up and I hop in.

"Good evening my name is Gerald, how are you tonight?" the cab driver asks.

"I'm fine thank you" I say politely looking down at my phone trying to decide on a song to listen to.

"How are you liking the old Maple cabin? Are you renting for the weekend?" he asks glancing at me in the rearview with a friendly smile.

Maple cabin? I think to myself. "um no actually I bought it, I just moved in today" I say now giving him my full attention.

A look of shock came across his face then he went back to smiling so quickly I thought I imagined it. "oh. I never thought anyone would buy that place. They usually just rented it out to adventures tourist the last couple years since old man maple died."

"why wouldn't anyone buy it? Its gorgeous out there and its been pretty kept up on the inside as well." I ask wondering the same thing I did when I came across the listing online and again when I acquired it at such a low price.

"well you know just old local tales, nothing to worry about" he said with a nervous chuckle.

"well we have some time, why don't you tell me some of these stories" I clasps my hand in my lap and look at him through the mirror with a small smile that said I wasn't taking any of this serious.

He gives me a quick glance to see if I was sure then quietly sighs before speaking. "don't kill the messenger but legend has it those woods are full of monsters, they watch and hunt those who dare step on the land. Old man Maple was the only one to ever live amongst them but maybe that's why he never spoke a word to anyone." He finishes with a small shrug.

I thought back to the glowing eyes I saw when I first arrived and a small shiver ran down my spine. "You know people love spreading scary stories it probably just helped keep kids off the property" he quickly said sensing my anxiety. I nodded my head to agree but never looked back up to meet his eyes as my gut was telling me it was more than a scary story. We arrived at the bar a couple of minutes later I paid and exited the car staring up at the neon light that read LUNAR PUB I took a deep breath and headed in. It was dim inside with a few people scattered about some at the bar some at tables and some playing pool in the back. I sat at the corner of the bar that was empty and ordered a beer and a shot of whiskey ready to drink away my sorrows when this overwhelming smell of vanilla and cedar hit me it was the most masculine and comforting smell I've ever smelled in my life and when I looked up to locate the source I saw two hazel eyes looking at me from across the bar. The man was gorgeous but clearly had no manners but the way he continued to blatantly stare at me after being caught. Men that look like that are only one thing, trouble! I rolled my eyes threw back the shot and walked outside to drink my beer at one of the empty tables out front. I was staring at the moon in all its beautiful glory as the door opened and that smell hit me again, I look up to find the same stranger from the bar.

This creep is following me" I thought as I gripped the pepper spray I always carried on my keys.

"can I help you with something?" I asked as I took a sip from my beer trying to look casual. I kept looking at the moon not daring to look at him as the smell seemed to intoxicate me more than the drinks.

He shifted his weight on his feet "No I'm sorry, you looked...familiar. I didn't mean to bother you" he spoke so softly and his voice was husky and I looked at him before I could stop myself. His eyes slightly widened and then he smiled at me in a way that made my heart want to jump out of my chest.