
Fated to the Powerful Hybrid

Oh my GODD.....Alice gasped at the sights in front of her. She recalled that her college went on a trip and she was thrown out of the bus into the forest by her worst enemy and bully, Anne Brine. She last remembered that she hit her head on a rock and blacked out. By the time she woke up, it was night. Looking at the thick black clouds and the full moon, she gasped in pain as she tried to get up. Walking deeper into the forest, she felt that she was being watched, the trees were moving vehemently and a howl was heard. Alice shuddered in fear, then she saw shadows creeping up to her, she looked up and was met with different colors of eyes. They were wolves....AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, She tried running away but it was too late. Before she could turn, a huge wolf pounced on her and revealed his set of white teeth. Alice screamed as he approached her neck, then she blacked out......

Marvie1 · Fantasy
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Fucked by a Werewolf or Was it a Lycan???

Alice' POV

I woke up and noticed that I was in a dark cave, a dungeon to specify. How did I get here, I tried moving but I was chained hand and leg. A scream escaped my mouth when I heard two loud bangs and the iron barred door fell with a heavy thud. It was a wolf, that same wolf that prowled on me. He looked fiercer than before.

"You, you... don't come closer".

I screamed trying to wriggle out of the chains but it walked faster then eventually broke into a run. Before I knew it, it pounced on me and placed my hand over my head making the chains to break. "Let go of me, you animal", Of course he was an animal. I screamed and kicked at it but it was like hitting a rock. It broke the chains on my leg and carried me on his shoulders, then it ran on all fours out of the dungeon breaking the walls.

I screamed, kicked, struggled, cried but it was all pointless. What was he gonna do with me. I bit it's neck hard but it seemed like it didn't affect it. It's furs was lustrous black and very silky but that wasn't what mattered now.

Before I knew it, I was thrown to the ground earning an 'Ouch' from me. We were back to that forest.

Suddenly, it brought out it's claws and tore my shirt. I cried as I felt the gash on my chest, there was no piece of clothing on me. My boobs, I tried to cover my boobs with my palms while kicking it but instead it pinned my arms to the ground and tore down my pants and panties in an instant.

I felt helpless, I couldn't lose my virginity like this, not especially with an animal. Hot tears rolled down my cheeks.

GOD please...l screamed, I didn't know if it was out of ectasy or pain. I felt a wet, rough and squishy thing on my belly button. I looked, it..it was a tongue, it's tongue.

I was going blank, I tried pushing it away with my legs but it pinned me with it's paws instead and licked my face. I gasped when it licked my lips, mmmmmmhm. It licked my lips repeatedly turning me on.

It left my lips and came over to my hair grasping it in his paw and sniffing me repeatedly, It trailed it's nostrils to my neck. I moaned as it licked the nape of my neck then my throat making me to hold it tight.

Seemed like it satisfied him because I could see dark lust and obsession in it's eyes. I felt hot liquid down my thighs. I really couldn't believe I was gonna lose myself to an animal. His rough tongue glided down to my boobs.

AHHH hhhhn, It sat me up and held my little waist sucking my hardened tit and the blood from the gash on my chest. I moaned holding it tight as it went on vigorously.

What it was doing really felt good. It's head caressed my chin while it's tongue was doing wonders to my tit. Suddenly I felt it's claws on my tit which made me scream, It was painful but it really felt so goooood.

I dilated my eyes in surprise, it's tongue ravaged my nipples while it was also doing wonders down there at the same time. I felt dizzy, my head was going blank at the pleasure it was giving me. I threw my head sideways in ectasy and moaned loudly when I felt it's head between my legs.

JEEPERS, I went mad. I held it's head trying to push it away, I was gradually losing my breath. It's tongue moved snakily hitting my G spot continuously.

I couldn't hold it, I felt the wetness not from his tongue but from my lower. It was too much, I couldn't take it. Everywhere gradually darkened and I blacked out. But before I blacked out, I heard it say 'Mate'.


I yawned and tried getting up, I felt so sore. The events of last night played in my head, then I began to cry. I, I've lost it, What will Drake think of me? My blood went hot, I felt like I was back to that night because I suddenly felt like that wolf was licking me. I recoiled on the bed hugging the bed sheet tight thinking of how wild yesterday was.

Was I still a virgin? I touched myself, I couldn't find my clothes and I wondered how I was gonna leave the room. Then I saw a well built wardrobe, I hadn't even looked around. I was in a beautiful exquisite room, the room was really large and attractive. The white curtains with a tint of gold and velvet red shone as the sun rays lit the room with the huge chandelier on the ceiling. The bed I was on was a king sized bed and it was white in color.

There were European and Italian furnishing around, the combination was really cool. I was a fan of Italian products especially their fluffy beds and sofas. Probably that was why the bed was cozy.

There was a black door, I didn't know where it led to but through the glass window, I could see flowers and tables, seemed like a terrace. My eyes trailed back to the wardrobe which had a mirror door.

I tried walking to the mirror but I fell, My thighs felt so painful, I couldn't even move.

If I ever see that wolf again, I would kill it with my bare hands. I had to crawl towards the mirror.

Then I realized that the gash on my chest was gone. I lost some blood then but the wound, it wasn't there again. I couldn't even find a trace of it.

I rubbed my chest repeatedly but I couldn't feel any pain. I stood up, I have to leave, I said to myself, but before I could take a step again, I fell. How was I gonna leave like this, I never for once thought that my body would experience this kind of torture. Just then I heard a creak on the door...