
Chapter 98 

This world had always been fair. Every inch of land, every gain, every enemy, every benefactor, and every one of them made up for it.

Just as a group of vicious, greedy, and deadly enemies were waiting to take the life of that Man's life, another busyie of the Myrons clan's estate, Caleb, found Rosalie, who was in the middle of a meeting.

"Little demon, I'm busy. If you want to throw away your worries of growing up, please find Fannie or other maids and beauties." Rosalie turned off the video and turned to look at the document in her hand. She was so busy.

"Amaya, Luis, and Tesa all wanted to kill your little sister. I just found out from Amaya's bodyguard Kaylin was missing." Caleb walked to her table and pressed her documents with his little hand. "You don't want anything to happen to him, do you?"