
Fated to be yours.

Alicia gets a job by coincidence at a fashion company but is constantly ridiculed and humiliated by Edwin,the handsome CEO of the company. Alicia and Edwin ends up falling in love but a mysterious and dark past threatens to tear them apart.

Funmilayo_Dakeekun · Urban
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10 Chs

Love and redemption (2)

Alicia immediately closed the door,turned to her confused mother and became teary eyed with a tight fist.It was clear to Mrs.Jones that her daughter was extremely angry.But why? Who is this man and what could he have done to make her this angry ?It looked like Alicia would explode any minute.

Mrs.Jones stared at her daughter in confusion and slowly asked." What happened?". 

Just then Edwin began shouting from where he stood outside the door.

" Alicia I am sorry.I am sorry please forgive me. I know I have made a big mistake.please forgive me."

Immediately he said this,Mrs. Jones figured out that it must have been the man who hurt her daughter.She just left and sat down on the chair trusting Alicia to handle the matter.

Alicia became even more angry.She opened the door and stared long at Edwin who was standing outside the door with a helpless face.

Her face has now become red with heavy tears in her eyes.She walked up to Edwin and stared at him giving a chuckle and licking her lips.

He did not need to be told that she was very angry and hurt.She looked away for a minute recalling all the disgrace and humiliation she encountered.

She looked at him again and asked '' sorry? What are you sorry for? Tell me! Is it for calling me a characterless lady and insulting me in front of your guests or is it for tainting mine and my family's reputation? 

Edwin was quiet and realized he had hurt Alicia a lot.Normally he couldn't bear it when anyone spoke rudely to him whether he was right or wrong but this time he was as quiet as a graveyard.

"Listen here Mr.Edwin,you have not only hurt me but you've broken my soul as well" She said in a serious tone. " What do you expect? That you will come and apologize whenever you feel apologetic and I will just forgive you like that?"

And everything will be normal again? 

" For a woman her character and dignity is everything to her and you just shattered that at the party.And as if that wasn't enough,you had to involve my mother as well" .

" I will never forgive you for insulting my mother.Do you understand? She gave a heavy sigh and looked away for a minute. " It would be better if you leave here and never came back again." Alicia said and went back inside.Slamming the door so hard that even the birds on the tree flew away.

Edwin is at loss for words as he enters his car.He thinks about Alicia's word.`` I thought  it would be easy to get her to forgive me?" He gives a deep sigh and wonders who could help him in begging Alicia.

Alicia just went back to her room and Mrs. Jones thought it would be better to give her some space.

She sat down on the bed in her room and began to cry.She already made up her mind not to forgive Edwin but somewhere in her heart,it was screaming for her to forgive him.

Why would she want to forgive him? Why is she feeling bad when it should be Edwin who ought to feel bad instead?. 

Edwin thought of meeting Damien for help since he was friends with Alicia.He starts and car and quickly drives off to office in hope and excitement.

Alicia layed on the bed in confusion.She thinks of going to Bethany's office if she is on break. Maybe talking to her might help her figure out what was wrong with her.

She got downstairs and walked towards her mother,putting one hand on her shoulder."Mom,i am going to Bethany's." 

" Okay,take care" Mrs.Jones said looking at her daughter with love and affection.Alicia leaves and takes a taxi to Bethany's office.

Edwin hurriedly gets out of his car when he arrives at Fashion X and runs to Damien's office leaving the employees shocked with a look of confusion.

Damien raised his head from reading the files on his table only to see that Edwin was running toward his office.He frowned and had a look of curiosity.

" Are you being chased? Should I call the police? He asks about taking his phone from his desk when Edwin stops him breathing heavily from running.

" No need for that" Edwin said sitting on the chair still panting from the run.

" I need your help Damien,please help me." Edwin said with hope while Damien looked on with a frown face.

" What happened? Why do you need my help? Damien asked in curiosity.

" Please i need you to help me beg Alicia so that she can forgive me.I went to her house earlier but she sent me away.please what should i do?

Damien relaxed his back on the chair and gave Edwin a long stare.Then he suddenly breaks into a hysterical laughter.He laughed to the extent that he was banging his hand on the table.

Edwin looked at his friend in confusion and thought to himself " Why is he laughing?".He only got angry overtime.

Bethany took Alicia to a restaurant when she saw her at her office.They ordered for a glass of iced tea with a cup cake.

" What happened?You seem stressed." Bethany inquired.

" My boss,Edwin came to beg me in front of our house today" .

"  WHAT!" Bethany shouted, grabbing the attention of the people in the restaurant.When she saw that all eyes were on her,she gave an embarrassing smile and scratched the back of her head.The people continued eating their food.

" What did you do when he came?" Bethany whispered to Alicia due to the fear of shouting again.

" What else? I gave him an earful and sent him away" Alicia said.

" Why are you laughing? Do I look like a comedian to you?" Edwin angrily told Damien.

" When I warned you, did you listen to me? I told you that you shouldn't insult her but you didn't listen.Why do you think i will help you" 

" Please help me Damien you are my only hope.I know i have done wrong now i want to right my wrong.please." Edwin pleaded.

Damien stood up and moved closer to him.He bends down and whispered into Edwins ear." I have a plan".

The two friends looked at each other and smiled.