
Fated to be yours.

Alicia gets a job by coincidence at a fashion company but is constantly ridiculed and humiliated by Edwin,the handsome CEO of the company. Alicia and Edwin ends up falling in love but a mysterious and dark past threatens to tear them apart.

Funmilayo_Dakeekun · Urban
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10 Chs


Alicia arrives at her house looking weary with smeared makeup.she rings the doorbell of her house.Her mother opened the door and was shocked to see her in the state she is in."Alicia my dear,what happened?" Mrs.Jones asked her.Alicia just rested her head on her mother's shoulder." Mom,I am tired" Mrs.Jones took her inside and made her sit on the chair.

" Listen to me my dear,please tell me what happened at the party.Did someone insult you?" She asked hoping to get some answers to her questions.Alicia looked at her mothers eyes and burst into tears.Mrs. Jones gently patted her back and Alicia ended up telling her mother all that happened at the party.

Edwin is seated on the chair in the living room with his hands crossed. He contemplates on believing if Alicia is innocent or not.After a while,he came to a conclusion that time will tell.

Mrs.Jones was immediately infuriated after Alicia explained what happened to her at the party she went to.``How can anyone be so cruel?It is clear that he does not have any respect for women whatsoever.I won't allow you to go to that company again.They don't deserve you." She comforted Alicia who was sobbing profusely.She took her to the room to rest.

Damien could not stop blaming himself for what happened to Alicia,maybe if he never left her alone then what happened to her wouldn't have happened.He was more baffled at Edwins behaviour."When did Edwin become so self centred?" He  thought to himself.

The next day,Bethany arrives at Alicia's house early in the morning." Good morning aunt,morning Alicia" She shouted as she rang the doorbell.Mrs.Jones opened the door for her and they both went to the living room.

" Where is Alicia aunt?I thought she would have been ready to go to work but i can't see her anywhere.

" She is not going to work in that company again." Mrs.Jones replied her." Why aunt?Did something happen?Bethany asked and Mrs.Jones explained what happened at the party last night.``I will never allow my daughter to be constantly humiliated at a place where no one respects her feelings.Mrs.Jones added.Bethany is shocked to hear this and is feeling sympathetic toward Alicia.She is about to go check up on Alicia when Alicia comes downstairs all dressed up and ready to go to work.Mrs. Jones is surprised.

"Don't tell me you are planning on going to that place again after the humiliation you went through yesterday" Mrs.Jones asked her daughter looking like she could slap Alicia at any minute if she didn't listen to her.

"I can't just leave my job just because some set of people don't like me mom.And besides i haven't done anything to be ashamed of.It is the person who is wrong that needs to be ashamed." She recalls Edwins insult.

" Go to your room Alicia,you are not going anywhere.You will find another decent job soon." Mrs.Jones sternly said.

" What if I am insulted at another company?Should I just leave there as well?'' Alicia said, staring at her mother with pleading eyes.

"What if he insults you again and humiliate you in public?you know i can't stand to see you in pain.Mrs.Jones said teary eyed.

"Then i promise you that i will quit the job myself.Alicia assured her mother.Alicia and Bethany leave for their respective workplace.

Alicia arrives at the office and is met with groups of gossip.Alicia becomes the talk of the day.Some said she is intentionally feigning innocence portraying a sympathetic lifestyle for promotion while some believed that she has been unfairly treated.

She ignored their unscrupulous talks and walked towards the elevator to go to her office but was stopped by a group of friends from the finishing department.

"You must be so happy right? You became so famous overnight without having to work hard for it." One lady said." Goodness knows how she enticed sir damien" The second lady added. " Aren't you ashamed of yourself Alicia? If i were you i wouldn't even show my face around here ever again" the other lady said glaring angrily at Alicia.

" And why should I do that? I didnt murder someone so why should i be ashamed.You are the ones who should be ashamed of yourselves" Alicia said pointing at them." Despite being a woman, you find joy in giving another woman pain. You should have all supported me and stood by me when I was getting insulted without doing anything wrong but you just stood there watching and enjoying the scene. Your parents must terribly regret giving birth to a human being like you.! It would be better if you all faced your life instead of worrying about mine." Alicia walked inside the elevator while they watched the door of the elevator shut speechlessly. They were utterly disgraced and thus went to continue their work thinking of Alicia's word.

Alicia arrived at her office, dropped her bag and headed straight to Edwins office to report for the day. " Good morning sir," Alicia muttered in a serious manner.

" Good morning, the fashion runway is tomorrow, contact the finishing department and make sure the designers are also ready. Be very sure that everything is in order. " Edwin said authoritatively.

" Okay sir" Alicia muttered and slowly leaves his office. She gets flashback of Edwins insults but encourages herself not to be weak.

" As she walks along the corridor,she sees Damien.She is about to go and greet him but is halted by Edwins words,warning her to stay away from Damien.

" Hi,how are you? I hope you are feeling better." Damien says and notices Alicia's reluctant expression. " Oh,I understand.You dont have to feel pressured.its okay." He smiled while Alicia couldn't help but stare into his eyes and wonder what kind of person Damien is.How could he know what she was going through without her having to say anything? She simply smiled and went to her office to continue her work.

Damien is sitting down on his chair viewing the magazine when edwin enters." I don't want to see your face,just leave" Damien angrily said, not lifting up his head.

" Are you still upset with me pal? Edwin asked, hoping to cheer him up." Pal?" Damien replied with a smile and stood up to Edwin." I used to have a friend who was caring,open minded and not self centred but that friend is dead.I don't know the person standing in front of me anymore" Damien said.

" How could you say this just because of Alicia? How could you break your friendship just because of a girl you recently met Damien? 

" That is the problem! That is your problem Edwin! You think that everything I say is because of Alicia.Well let me inform you that I am angry with you because you are not a good human being and not because of Alicia." Damien said.

Edwin stared long at his friend and finally asked the question he has always wanted to ask." Are you in love with Alicia?" 

Damien looked at Edwin for a moment and decided not to lie to himself anymore." Yes,I am in love with her.I love her!" He left the office while Edwin continued staring into space.