

In an era where wolves and vampires are being hunted,a young vae-wolf has to start life in a new pack and place. Get her mates but with lot's of rivalry.

vennehlisah100 · Fantasy
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96 Chs



My body shut down, but I could hear everything going on around me clearly. Everything! Dwight's frantic screams for help were loud, yet my body felt foreign to me, numb. I could no longer feel the cool breeze or the hands grabbing me and moving me. All sensation was completely gone. However, my mind remained alert. I only knew I was being moved because I could hear what was happening around me. It was as if my body had suddenly died, and I was just a conscious mind living inside an empty shell.

"F**k! He's burning up!" I heard Junior gasp somewhere off to the side of me.

"I'll get the doctor," I heard Zara say from somewhere off in the distance.

"No! Just open the doors. He needs Ania. It's her heat!" Dwight said.

"Junior, grab the other side of him," Dwight ordered.

I could hear them climbing the stairs, their footsteps echoing on the corridor floors, and the creak and groan of the doors being ripped open.

"Did Desmond already bring Ania up here?" Dwight asked someone before I heard Travis's voice.

"Yes. Gary just escorted him back to his room," Travis answered.

"Open the door," Dwight told him. I could smell Ania's scent. It was odd. I had a sense of her, yet not my own body.

"Get out, Travis. You aren't needed in here now," Dwight ordered.

"Yes, Beta," Travis answered, and I heard the door click shut.

"Help me get him on the bed and undress him," Dwight said, talking to Junior.

"Now what?" Junior asked.

I felt nothing and could only listen as they tried to figure out what to do.

"Um, ah, he's gonna kill me! I need to undress her too, but if she wakes up, I know she'll look for Rina," Dwight cursed.

"I have some handcuffs," Junior said.

"Some what?" Dwight asked, and I was wondering the same thing.

"Handcuffs. Just in case you need them. Here, I always carry a pair with me, you know, just in case I need to handcuff someone." I heard the teasing tone in his voice.

"I don't even want to know what you get up to," Dwight spoke.

"Indeed, you don't, Beta. Now, I'm a team player. If needed, I'll perform," Junior said.

"Perform what? Give me those handcuffs," Dwight said.

"We can find someone else to 'handle' the king since his queen doesn't want to," Junior said, and if I could move, I would have strangled him for saying such things.

"That won't be necessary, Junior. Go see Zara," Dwight ordered him.

"Yeah, right, Beta. The offer still stands. If he just needs a good f**k, I don't mind getting him one of my wh*res," Junior stated. "Out, Junior!" Dwight yelled.

"I'm going. No need to get your panties in a wad. I want to check on the boys, anyway," Junior said.

"Huh? Are they alright?" Dwight asked.

"Yeah, all good. Uncle Junior is on kiddie duty until Zara gets off," he said. F**k! Why did I let him on as my personal guard? The man could fall in a barrel of titties and come out sucking his thumb, that's for sure.

I heard Junior leave before hearing Dwight move around to the other side of the bed. I heard the clink of metal as he placed the handcuff on my wrist, then heard him attach it to Ania's.

"S**t! I should have told Desmond to stay," I heard Dwight mutter to himself.

"Ania?" Dwight called out, tapping her to try and rouse her awake. "Sh*t! Ania, I'm going to undress you, okay?" he stated. My growl echoed in my head, but it didn't seem to be heard by anyone but me. I couldn't help it; I didn't want anyone to see her undressed, especially while vulnerable during her heat. Not that Dwight would ever do anything to harm or upset her. The man was a gentleman.

"My King, if you can hear me, you will have to get over it. I will try to undress her with my eyes closed," he muttered before I heard him tearing her clothes off. He talked through each step as if seeking permission that neither of us could give him. But it put me at ease, and the first spark of feeling came when he draped her on my chest. Her touch provided some relief, but I remained paralyzed, unable to move or feel anything else. The sound of sheets being moved around us indicated that he was covering her nudity.

Then I heard a knock on the door, which opened with a creak, and Travis's voice reached my ears.

"I don't mind watching over them if you want to get some rest, Beta," he said, earning a growl from Dwight.

"I am not going anywhere while they are vulnerable. You aren't needed here. I will call you back when you are, so get out!" Dwight told him.

Silence filled the room, but Dwight never left. I could hear him turning pages in the book he was reading. It felt like hours later when I gradually regained my feeling, but I still couldn't move or open my eyes, no matter how hard I tried. After a while, Ania stirred, and I listened to Dwight berate her, and in a way, myself. Though he was addressing her, I listened, knowing he was right, and I felt terrible that she was bearing his anger for our stupidity, mostly mine. I should have listened to her, and now I had to make it up to her.

When Dwight finally left the room, I listened to her talking to herself. Her voice brought me comfort, her touch put me at ease, and then she marked me. It shattered every barrier and seized my soul. Her fear for me crashed into me as the bond was forged, and I had never felt such immense relief as I did then. Our bond was forged for life.

Ania remained close to me, occasionally whispering and biting me as her heat pushed her to the brink of her sanity, consumed by instinct. I lost track of how many times she pleaded for me to wake up. I listened to her sing the anthem of her kingdom, her harsh breaths echoing her struggle with her heat.

I longed to comfort her, to assure her that I was alright. I wanted to alleviate her suffering, although I wasn't certain if she would allow me to. Time seemed to stretch out, agonizingly slow. She writhed in agony above me, her claws tearing at my skin as she rubbed her face against my chest.

I could hear the sheets tearing as she fought the urge to mate with me. She didn't want me unconscious, but her pain was overwhelming. It broke my heart to know that I couldn't do anything to help her in that moment. Her tears moistened my chest as she contorted in pain. It was pure torture, and I listened as she implored me to wake up. She desired my presence and pressed her ear against the center of my chest, as if hoping to hear my heartbeat and find solace in it.

Her claws scraped down my sides, and her teeth found any opportunity to bite me. She sought refuge and attempted to distract herself from her heat. Then, as my senses slowly returned and I regained some movement in my fingertips, her temperature soared while mine dissipated. Ania was wracked with pain and, out of reflex, I reached out to touch her. My fingers became entangled in her hair, and she froze. I blinked up at the ceiling, gradually becoming aware of my surroundings, only to find her face reddened and blotchy from crying and her heat, peering down at me.

I whispered softly, placing a kiss on her forehead. She gently moved her hips against mine, tilting her head back to rest on my chest, her ear pressed against it. My touch had a soothing effect on her, as she seemed to relax instantly, and I ran my fingers through her hair. Her breathing gradually evened out, and then she began to purr, lightly rocking her hips against me, coating my hardened member with her arousal. A low groan escaped my lips, and I closed my eyes, reveling in the sensation of her wetness sliding up and down my shaft. The desire to plunge deep inside her, to feel her inner muscles tighten around me while she moaned with pleasure, consumed me. My member throbbed with anticipation, eliciting a soft moan from her. Holding onto her hips, I momentarily forgot about the handcuffs, but she didn't complain as I awkwardly grasped her and lifted her higher.

"I won't touch you until you say it, my love," I whispered into her hair.

"Please! Make it stop!" she groaned, attempting to shift lower. Her teeth sank into my chest, her nails lightly scratched my shoulders, so I swiftly rolled over, flipping her onto her back and capturing her lips in a passionate kiss. Ania responded immediately, kissing me hungrily and wrapping her legs around my waist.


He had been gone for hours, and the waiting had become pure agony. My mind was consumed with thoughts of whether it was too late, and I couldn't help but wonder if I had caused harm to my mate. Why hadn't he told me that he could die? Did he seriously believe that I would let him perish? Yes, we had our obvious issues, but none of them were worth dying for. So why would he risk his life without informing me? If he had told me during my heat the first time, I wouldn't have let him die, despite my anger towards him.

My skin was hypersensitive, and I struggled to shift my position to alleviate the pain. However, the limited movement only made it worse, causing the handcuffs to dig into my flesh, slicing through my skin and obstructing my circulation. I longed to curl up into a ball, but the restraints prevented any such attempt. With every shift, my wrist grew thicker, intensifying the pain as the metal cut into my flesh. Thus, I was forced to remain in the same position.

As the hours dragged on, I felt myself succumbing to a rabid state, the internal heat within me growing stronger. My claws involuntarily extended from my fingertips, repeatedly slicing into Arman as I battled against the pain and the searing heat that made me feel as though I were boiling from the inside out. His scent, once soothing, now became excruciating as the overpowering urge to mate consumed me.

Arman might think I was attacking him if he woke up. That thought made me whimper, and my heart raced faster as worry gnawed and clawed at my insides. My stomach clenched painfully, and my c**t throbbed with its own beat. Death would be preferable at this point. The pain was excruciating as I rocked my hips against him, desperately seeking any form of relief. Sweat beaded and glistened on my skin, drenching my hair as my temperature soared. The agony was so intense that I pleaded to be put out of my misery, crying out and writhing.

My tears mingled with my bite marks on his chest when I suddenly felt his hand in my hair. I froze, wondering if I had imagined it, if the pain had driven me to madness. Only when his fingers caressed my scalp, moving through my hair, did I realize that I hadn't imagined it all.

Pushing away from his chest, I looked down at him and saw his eyes open, staring up at me.

"Shh," he whispered, tilting his face up to kiss my forehead. A sigh of relief escaped me. He was awake. I had never experienced such immense relief before in my life. My heartbeat quickened, knowing that I hadn't harmed him.

My hips rocked against him as I pressed my ear flat against the center of his chest, seeking the soothing essence of his voice. Arman responded instantly, relieving my worry that he might not. I had been concerned that he would be angry and leave me to suffer. His voice slipped out, and I basked in it, soaking in the calming effect as it rumbled through his chest and vibrated against me, soothing my soul and the tumultuous bond between us.

Arman ran his fingers through my hair, causing my breathing to slow. Embarrassingly, I began to purr, mimicking his voice while moving my hips against him. Any remnants of dignity I had left were gone. I no longer cared as long as he satisfied the desires of my body, fulfilled the love that yearned, and answered the demands of our bond. His firm length slid between my drenched folds, my arousal coating his member and saturating my thighs.

A moan escaped me when I heard him groan, his hard length brushing against my c**t. Arman gripped my hips, awkwardly placing my hand behind me as he lifted me higher, moving me away from his pelvis. I cried out at the loss of friction, which only intensified the throbbing pain between my thighs.

"I won't touch you until you say it, love," he murmured into my hair. His hot breath brushed across my neck, sending shivers down my spine. I attempted to move lower, but his grip tightened, keeping me in place. He was really going to make me say it? Despite the intense pain consuming me, I would beg if he demanded.

"Please! Make it stop!" I groaned, desperately trying to shift lower. My teeth sank into his chest, tasting the saltiness of his skin, which proved to be intoxicating. I ran my tongue over the bite marks, savoring his blood that flowed over my tongue, further arousing me. Even as my claws scratched his shoulders and pierced his flesh, his grunt transformed into a purr.

Arman repositioned his arm wrapped around my waist and rolled, flipping me onto my back. His lips immediately molded with mine, and his enticing scent elicited moans from me as our kiss deepened. Desire surged through every fiber of my being as I wrapped my legs around his waist, pulling him closer to me.

The handcuff on our wrists clicked as he maneuvered my leg, which was wrapped around his waist, higher, grinding his hips against me in a gentle rhythm. I gasped, breaking the kiss, as his hard length slid between my wet folds and brushed against my core. My hips arched, yearning for the friction he offered, but he growled in annoyance due to the handcuff making things difficult. My hand fell to his hip, digging my nails into him.

"Did he leave the key somewhere?" Arman asked, but I didn't answer, nor did I care about a damn key. Lifting my head, I sank my teeth into his chest, biting him. Arman purred, his hand going to my hair, holding my face against him. My other hand was trapped at our side. Arman fisted my hair, forcing my head back, only to recapture my lips with his. His tongue delved between my lips, tasting every inch of my mouth, and I rolled my hips against him. He rocked his hips against me, his fingers lacing with mine while the other hand still tightly gripped my hair as he devoured my lips.

I moaned into his mouth, my thighs drenched as he sucked on my bottom lip, nibbling on it. His lips traveled lower, down my neck to my mark. He sucked on it, making my eyes roll into the back of my head, and my toes curled as tingles flooded my entire body, causing me to tingle all over. My temperature reduced as the bond came alive.

Arman's hot, fiery mouth and tongue continued their descent before his lips wrapped around my nipple. He bit down on it, making me hiss, before soothing it with his tongue, only to turn his attention to the other, teasing it with his hot tongue until it hardened so much it was almost painful.

Moving down my body, he kissed the side of my ribs, going lower with each kiss, sucking and nibbling on my skin, making me squirm every time his lips and stubble grazed a ticklish spot. He kissed my hip bone.

His teeth grazed over it and scraped down my flesh as he moved down between my legs. He gently pushed my legs apart, his handcuffed hand placed flat on my stomach, his fingers still laced through mine, while his other hand gripped my thigh, pulling it further apart. His warm breath swept over my intimate area before his mouth covered it completely. He growled, running his tongue across my moist lower lips.

His flat tongue glided across my glistening wet folds, parting my lower lips as he sucked my sensitive spot into his mouth. His tongue swirled around the pulsating nerves, eliciting cries of pleasure and causing me to writhe with desire.