

In an era where wolves and vampires are being hunted,a young vae-wolf has to start life in a new pack and place. Get her mates but with lot's of rivalry.

vennehlisah100 · Fantasy
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96 Chs



As I woke up, I looked up at the ceiling and saw the bed canopy instead of my dim light. I blinked and became vaguely aware of people talking when something beside me moved. I quickly looked around and saw Beta Dwight at the end of the bed, as well as Gary. Turning my head, I found the king sitting beside me, and I realized that I was on his bed.

"Sleeping beauty awakens," Beta Dwight said. I jerked upright, but a hand landed on my shoulder and pushed me back down, causing my back to protest at lying on it.

"Please lay back down. I gave you quite a scare, I didn't mean to. But for tonight, you will stay in here," the king said, and I shook my head, trying to get back up.

"You'll stay with me tonight," he repeated, and I looked to his Beta and Gamma. They said nothing in my defense. Were they really going to leave me in here with him? He had just been a beast a few seconds ago. What about Zara? What would she say?

"I'm sorry to have disturbed you all. Leave the rest to me. I will have it fixed tomorrow," King Arman told them.

"Are you sure you can handle the mess?" his Beta asked.

"I am sure I can manage," the King told them. Both men's eyes darted to me for a second before they both bared their necks and walked out, leaving me alone with a man who had just turned into a savage beast. I thought I was going to die for sure. The door clicked shut softly. My breathing picked up again. Despite the room's vast size, I suddenly felt claustrophobic and caged in like a mouse trapped in a lion's cage. I actually prayed that I would pass out again. Terror filled me, and I was suddenly too scared to move.

"I won't hurt you, Ania. I didn't mean to lose control like that," he said, his voice perfectly calm as if nothing had happened.

"You can speak freely, Ania. It's just us. Not that Dwight or Gary would ever speak against you," he said. I was already very aware of the fact that they had just left me alone and trapped in here with a man who looked more like a monster than a person not too long ago.

I swung my legs over the side of the bed, wanting to go back to the safety of my room. "Lay back down now," he ordered, and I instantly obeyed, unable to fight the command as it washed over me like a tidal wave of pure alpha, king's dominance. His blankets were soft under my hands, but my back was screaming in protest, and I couldn't help the whimper that escaped my lips.

"What's wrong? Answer me," he asked, leaning over me.

"My back, please. I can't lie on it," I told him, and his eyes widened.

"Sorry, I forgot. You may roll on your side," he said, turning me to face him.

"I am a man, not a beast. Now, don't be frightened," he said, grabbing my hand and placing it on his chest, holding it there. All I could do was blink at the man who was becoming bizarre by the second. What was wrong with him constantly touching me? Did he have a rogue fetish? I had heard of strange fetishes.

"I know you're scared, but please don't be afraid of me. I don't want you to be scared of me. And just for the record, Lycans don't eat people," he said with a soft laugh.

I began to wonder if this was the same man from before. I briefly entertained the idea that he had undergone a lobotomy while I was passed out. He seemed so carefree now, just an ordinary person in the way he was talking. I could almost forget that he was a king.

"I see you're feeling confused," he observed, still holding onto my hand tightly.

"I don't let anyone get close to me in that state besides Gary and Dwight. But when my vampire and wolf sides merged, I was able to recognize you before losing control," he explained, perhaps trying to reassure me that he hadn't hurt me.

"You don't talk much," he remarked, and I struggled to find the right words. I was a rogue and he had ordered me to lay in his bed with him for some unknown reason. He held my hand as if I were a pet he was deciding whether or not to put down. He yawned and covered his mouth, rolling onto his back, but still, he didn't release my hand.

I wanted to tug my hand away from his, but at the same time, I enjoyed the sensation of his big hand covering mine, sending tingles down my body, making me feel relaxed. I yawned, wondering what time it was. Eventually, he fell asleep, and soft snores filled the room. I think I lay there for about an hour before I gathered the courage to reclaim my hand and sat up carefully. I made sure not to move the bed too much. As I stood up and took a step, the floorboard creaked loudly under my foot, and I froze, my heart thumping frantically in my ears. I glanced over at him before taking another step, but he suddenly spoke, appearing in front of me. Damn vampires and their speed.

"And where do you think you are going?" King Arman asked.

I gazed over at him, but he didn't move, and his eyes continued to stare down at me. "Can I... just go back?" I stuttered.

"My King, I don't think..." I started, but he moved too quickly for my eyes to track with his vampire speed. Suddenly, the air was knocked out of my lungs, and I found myself pinned beneath him on the bed. I was having trouble sucking in air, and my panic made it even more difficult. My brain seemed to have forgotten how to breathe, as my fear stole my ability to function.

"I'm not letting you go anywhere," the King said with a smile, his purring chest vibrating against mine. As he moved, I became acutely aware that he was pressed between my legs, with his entire body covering mine. He leaned in closer, running his nose along my cheek.

His purring grew louder as he pressed his nose into my neck and took a deep breath, causing my heart rate to spike. I tried to remind myself that Lycans didn't eat people - he had said so himself - but here he was, sniffing me as if I were his favorite meal, savoring my scent before devouring me.

"I could devour you, and it still wouldn't be enough," he growled, and goosebumps rose on my arms at the sound of his voice.

"But Lycans don't eat people," I squeaked, praying he wasn't lying, as he ran his nose back up my neck and across my cheek, stopping at my lips. The King laughed, his stubble tickling my face, while I stared wide-eyed at his erratic behavior.

"Not that kind of devouring," he laughed, shaking his head.

"So pure," he mumbled, rubbing my lips with his thumb, his eyes fixed on them. I silently prayed that Dwight and Gary would come back. I didn't even care about the position they would find me in, as long as they could get me out.

"No, I am not pure. I am a rogue. I am already mated and marked," I blurted, feeling confused. I was the least pure among them all. I had no pack, nothing. I was already mated and marked by Hunter. Arman pulled away from me, sitting up on his elbows and looking down at me. Although his position did not change, his weight was no longer crushing the air from my lungs.

"Where is your mate then?" he asked.

"He's dead!" I simply replied.

"How long ago was that?" He asked.

"It was five years ago," I stated. "Well, my mate died five years ago too," he said, dropping his head. I sympathized with him.

"Did you love him?" he asked.

"Yes, more than anything else," I said truthfully. Arman looked away, appearing to be annoyed at my answer. Did I say something wrong?

I shifted beneath him, trying to get out from under him. But when his eyes moved back to mine, they made me freeze and shrink into the bed.

"Don't you feel like moving on and getting another mate?" he asked.

"Is it even possible?" I asked back. I didn't understand why he was questioning me. What good would any knowledge be when I am a Rogue?

"When and if your mate is dead, you are free from the mate bond. You can get marked and mated by another one," he enlightened me. My face heated. Could I really mate another one apart from Hunter? My mind raced. I shrunk back further from him.

My face heated further at my idiocy. The lack of oxygen must have muddled my brain or stunned it. I must have sounded like an idiot. No wonder he questioned me; he must have thought something was wrong with my intelligence. Embarrassment flooded me when his words finally registered.

Wait, did he want me to become a sex slave, as some packs do to rogues? The thought horrified me. Tears burned the backs of my eyes, and I squeezed them shut, trying to will myself to calm down and not make noise. He was the king; he could do what he wanted with me. I was a rogue, and he was not just any other king; he was the alpha of kings, the overall ruler of all kings. He could kill me, and no one would even care to ask why.

"Is that why I'm in here? Are you going to...?" I asked, but then stopped, realizing that knowing the answer would not make the situation any less horrifying.

"Ania, I'm not going to have sex with you. I was just asking a question," he said, brushing my cheek with his hand. I opened my eyes and glanced up at him. He seemed almost sad, but then his eyes flickered black for a moment. He let out a heavy sigh and dropped his head onto my chest.

"I hate how skittish you are. I could kill your Luna for making you this fearful," he growled. I didn't know how to respond to his words.

"I don't want you to be scared. I don't know how many more times I can say that before you believe me. Even Rina spilled stew all over Dwight earlier, and she begged for her life at his feet. It's madness," Arman growled. I wondered if Rina was okay. I hadn't seen her in what felt like ages, and I missed her terribly.

"I won't hurt you, Ania. Not ever, do you understand?" he asked. I nodded, and he growled, causing my eyes to widen slightly at the sound.

"No, say it," the King insisted.

"I understand," I whispered.

"No, say 'I won't hurt you'," he pressed.

"King Arman won't hurt me," I spluttered out, turning my face away from his intense gaze. Only his fingers on my chin brought my face back to his.

"I won't hurt you. I don't want to hurt you, so I won't," the King assured me. He studied me for a moment, his hand moving back to my face as his thumb brushed over my lips again before he tugged the bottom one down.

"Um, sir," I called out, and he smiled as if my awkwardness amused him in some way.

"It's Arman," he murmured. His eyes flicked to mine for a second, but his thumb continued to play with my lip. He settled his weight back on me, and my breath lodged in my throat like a ball threatening to choke me to death.

"I have to leave the castle tomorrow. I need to go to a nearby kingdom. Dwight and Gary will remain here with you unless you want to come with me," the king said.

"I thought you were the last Vae-wolf Royal, and the rest were just Lycans?" I asked without thinking. He smiled back at me.

"Ah, there's that voice. You can ask me anything, Ania. I like your questions, I like hearing your voice," I swallowed nervously. The King laughed softly, and the sound made his chest rumble against mine.

"It reminds me that you are still breathing," he chuckled again. Great, even the king was aware of my brain cells that randomly died in his presence.

"And yes, I am the last Vae-wolf Royal. Dwight and Gary don't want me to leave the castle since King Richard has something against me, and he could be working with the council. I want to meet with an elder who is a friend of mine and talk it over, get his advice," he explained.

The king looked at me with a concerned expression, and I couldn't help but wonder if his friend was truly on our side or if he was secretly supporting Richie's rebellion. As if he could sense my doubts, the king spoke up.

"Don't worry, Ania. What Richie did to that friend was unforgivable. During his time as an alpha, he killed many innocent people in the name of sacrifice to the moon goddess. His actions almost caused the downfall of our kingdom, as we faced sanctions and lost support from donors and allies. Not many people are fond of Richie, and his cruelty knows no bounds," the king explained.

Although I was aware of Richie's violent tendencies, it was still chilling to hear the extent of his brutality. The king's words reassured me that his friend was not working with Richie and that we could trust him to support our cause.

A memory lingered at the back of my mind, pulling me back to a time I tried desperately not to remember. It was one of Richie's brutal acts that I had experienced. We were camping by a stream, and Rina and I were lying on the grass under an old oak tree. Two other teenagers from the packhouse were sitting around the fire, and they both got up to wade their feet through the water.

"Girls, don't get too close to the water. It's deeper than it looks," I scolded. I always panicked when children went too close to the river, as neither of them could swim to the shore. One of them had nearly drowned once when we were playing. She sank straight to the bottom like a stone, and Valentine had to pull her out. It had made me wary of water since, especially when I was in the company of young ones, like that day.

I looked over at Rina when a noise sounded amongst the trees, and her startled expression was mirrored on both of us. Suddenly, Valentine burst through the trees, and I had never seen her so scared.

"Run!" she bellowed as she ran straight toward me. I grabbed Rina, and she grabbed the hands of the two girls with us, yanking one of them towards me.

"It's King Richie's guard," she cried. "They're coming for the girls!" she yelled.

"For what?" I asked, as she gripped me around the waist and we jumped into the water, swimming to the other side. She then went back for Rina, who was screaming for the girls to swim across. We all swam across to the other side.

"Why are they chasing us?" I asked, scared as wolves burst from the trees with savage snarls. "Because King Richie is a bastard psychopath. He wants to sacrifice them to the moon goddess," Valentine said in a panicked voice.

"Run now, don't stop, don't look back, just run!" Valentine snarled before shifting. It was the first time I had ever seen her shift. She was also among the few friends we stayed back with after Hunter's death. Rina gripped my hand, and we both took off running. We gave the girls a head start so we could follow behind them, but Valentine stayed behind to hold the wolves from us.

We didn't get far before we were captured and taken back to the packhouse where Valentine's dead body lay in the living area. "Who among you wants to run away? I can give you a head start," Richie snarled.

I shook the memory away. Richie was always going to be my worst nightmare.