

In an era where wolves and vampires are being hunted,a young vae-wolf has to start life in a new pack and place. Get her mates but with lot's of rivalry.

vennehlisah100 · Fantasy
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96 Chs



I followed Sky's dad to an office on the ground floor when suddenly, I felt Ania's uneasiness. I realized that I had left her unguarded and immediately opened the mind link to ask her what the matter was. She informed me that Sky wanted to have a chitchat with her and Mylar, but she didn't have a good feeling about it and didn't want to participate.

Jake growled in response to the news as I closed the link with Ania and opened another one with Sky and Mylar.

"Whatever it is you gals want to do with Ania, you better stop it. I am not having any of that. Stay away from my mate, Sky," I warned, and she growled before I sent Lemmy to them. "If Sky so much as tries anything with my mate, make sure she doesn't walk." I closed the link and turned my gaze to Sky's father.

"Yes sir, you wanted us to talk about my mate," I said, glancing at my watch impatiently. Ania was going to shift anytime, and my mind was all over the place, debating whether I should turn around and go back to the pack house or stay back at the coven and let her shift there before we embarked on our journey back.

"I am curious to know about your mate. What is her name and where is she from?" Ben asked, and I told him the little information I had about her. "Why do you ask?" I inquired.

"You know I am a pure breed vampire. The vae-wolf king and I are family. Vampires can detect family by smell, the way lycans do. And I can assure you that the woman you walked in with is my family. How did she end up in the Brooks pack? How does she know the lullaby song our queen used to sing for our princess? Your mate is my family." Ben explained.

I huffed, not wanting to add any more investigations to my already full plate, but things were starting to add up. I wondered why she was so strong. "Sir, please give me some time to look into this matter. I will travel with her to Brooks and see if we can gather any information. I want us to keep this between us until she shifts. I don't want her to be distracted, as it could delay her shifting. And we are only speculating, so we should not say anything to her unless we are certain." I snarled, and he nodded in agreement. We left it at that, and I stepped out to find Lemmy, with Joe following us behind.

"We have a problem. I'm noticing Ania's shifting symptoms, and they're getting stronger. Can we take the fastest route back to the pack house, or should we wait here until she shifts?" I asked them, without mentioning our suspicions about Ania. They looked at me, waiting for my decision. I cursed myself for leaving with her, but I knew it was better for her to shift where I was.

"Alpha, we can organize a room for both of you on the right wing of the castle. You can be with her there as she shifts. It's better than risking going, and the shift starts on the way. Remember, we are still being hunted. You will be placing your whole entourage at risk," Ben commented as he appeared before us. With that settled, we were led to our room, and Lemmy brought in our bags. That's when I noticed that my mate was furious about something. "My love, are you alright?" I asked her.

"How many times have you slept with her?" my mate asked me out of nowhere.

"Wait... what... slept with who?" I replied, sensing her growing anger.

"You know who I'm talking about," she shouted at me, her anger reaching boiling point. I had never seen her so furious before. Usually, she was calm and stubborn.

"I didn't sleep with Sky. We flirted, yes, but it didn't go any further than that," I told her the truth. However, she found it hard to believe.

Only then did I realize that she was shivering; goosebumps covered her skin and her teeth were chattering. I prayed to the Moon Goddess that nothing would delay her shifting process as her wolf side kept coming forward stronger. As for whoever told her that rubbish, I would deal with them later.

"Why are you getting enraged, Hunter?" she asked, feeling my rage, and I sighed. "No, I'm good, love. You are about to shift, and I don't want your anger to delay you any further," I told her as she flicked a switch on the fireplace. My mate was cold.

"The night you left me, you were with her. The nights you were not with me, you were with her. You left me alone, fretting, while she gave you pleasure." She held the words as her face went pale. She gagged, and I rushed to open the bathroom door for her. She rushed past me, and I prayed again for the Moon Goddess to help us get through the shift.

"Ania?" I called, following her into the bathroom. I found her with her head in the toilet bowl, throwing up.

"Are you alright?" I asked, grabbing her hair as she continued to be sick. She eventually fell back on her butt.

"It must be the stupid tea we drank; I've been feeling sick since then," she groaned, clutching her stomach before lying down on the cool tiles. I flushed the toilet before stepping over her and turning on the shower.

I asked, 'The tea?' She nodded, and then I gripped her shoulders to sit her upright.

"I don't think it's the tea. I think you may be about to shift soon," I told her.

"I can't shift. I would have already," she murmured.

"Well, I would say that's wrong. You're just a late bloomer since I hurt our bond," I said, peeling off her jumper. "I don't want to shift. I don't want to shift in this miserable place where you f**d her," she panicked, sitting upright. I gripped her shoulders to stop her from getting to her feet.

"No, mate, I didn't sleep with her. I have never slept with any other woman since I met you," I told her, but she pushed my hands away.

I gritted my teeth and looked away, angered that she didn't trust me, although I knew it was my fault. I had flirted with Sky, causing her to fret. Taking a deep breath, I faced her and cupped her face in my hands. "Calm down, love, please," I pleaded with her, but her eyes brimmed with tears as she started to have a panic attack. She began to breathe rapidly and shallowly.

"Shh, Luna, calm down. Let's get you in the shower first," I told her. But every time I tried to remove more of her clothes, she would slap my hands and tell me not to touch her. I didn't give up. When I unclipped her bra, she growled at me, "Get out!" she snapped.


"Get out. Go to your f*ckbuddy. She is somewhere, lurking, hungry for your d**k. Now get out!" she screamed at me. Her eyes blazed brightly, almost glowing, as she panicked. I chewed the inside of my lip, knowing that it was just the shift bringing out our monstrous side. Yet, I could feel her resentment towards me and the hurt that it caused.

"I won't touch you then, okay? But I am staying. You're not shifting on your own," I told her, fighting the urge to stifle her worry by using the bond and calling. She looked away from me.

"I said get out," she whispered before wiping away a stray tear. My heart pinched at her defeat, and I knew that she blamed me for it. I blamed myself too.

"I will find you some clothes," I told her before walking out. I found some of my own clothes for her and set them on the bed before returning to the bathroom. She was sitting on the floor with her knees up.

"Ania?" I asked, crouching beside her just outside of the shower spray. She turned her head to the side so I could see her face, and her eyes were glowing. Why couldn't her shift wait just one more day so I could explain myself?

"It's so cold," she murmured, and I nodded.

"Yes, you'll be hot and then cold again," I told her, and she nodded, tucking her face into her knees. I looked at the window, clicked my tongue, and shook my head. There was no moon high in the sky that night.

"Come on, let's lay in front of the fireplace. I'll move all the bedding over there," I told her, holding out my hand. She lifted her head and looked at it.

"There is no moon tonight," she said, and I pursed my lips in acknowledgement that she had noticed. I nodded my head.

"I'll be right by your side. I'm not going anywhere," I reassured her. Ania looked at my hand before sighing.

"I'll get you dry," I told her. Her eyebrows pinched together before she took my hand, and I pulled her to her feet. She wrapped a towel around herself, shivering, and her teeth chattered despite her flushed skin. I handed her one of my shirts, and she dried herself off. While she did that, I moved the furniture in front of the fireplace before dragging the mattress and blankets over. Turning to face her, I saw her hunched over while rummaging through the suitcase for underwear. Her other hand clutched her stomach.

"Will you please sing for me that lullaby?" Ania requested stubbornly.

"Of course," I replied, smiling softly. I took a deep breath and began to sing the lullaby in a gentle, soothing voice. As I sang, Ania closed her eyes and her breathing slowed.

The crackling of the fire and the soft melody of the lullaby filled the room, creating a peaceful atmosphere.

After a few minutes, I finished the song and looked over at Ania.

She had fallen asleep, her chest rising and falling steadily under the duvet. I sat back and watched her for a moment, feeling grateful for the opportunity to comfort her in some small way.

As I sat there, I couldn't help but think about the fragility of life and how important it is to cherish the moments we have with the people we love. I made a mental note to remind myself to appreciate every day, no matter how small or ordinary it may seem.

I pulled her close, wrapping her in her blanket and settling her onto my lap. She whimpered, and her body shuddered before eventually relaxing as I rubbed her back and sang the lullaby to her.

However, suddenly she lurched forward in my arms, tripping over the blanket and stumbling as she made her way to the bathroom to throw up.

As she got up, I followed her to the sink basin where she rinsed and brushed her teeth. Her skin felt clammy as she moved slowly.

Leaning on the door frame, I watched her wet her face and then the back of her neck. When she was done, she stopped beside me to leave, and I stepped aside to let her pass.

However, by the time she got back to the bed in front of the fireplace, her teeth were chattering, and every inch of her flesh was covered in goosebumps as she huddled beneath the blanket.

Her mind was churning as she lay down. I could feel her confusion, curiosity, and fear of knowing the truth. Her pain writhed through the bond, causing cramping and nausea.

Your first shift always sticks with you and is excruciating.

"So you didn't touch her?" she asked.

I swore to her, " I didn't touch her."

"Love, I have reason to believe you are a vae-wolf, but let's wait until you shift, and then I can explain," I said. She nodded weakly.

Silence fell over us both, her pain worsening. I could use the calling to help her calm down and reduce the pain, but as the night dragged on, she moved closer, eventually letting me under the blanket with her. Her legs kicked as the pain intensified, and it seemed to take forever. It wasn't until the early morning hours that I struggled to handle seeing her like that, as she rolled and turned, trying to get comfortable.

"Ania?" I called to her as she turned over closer to the fire. Her eyes blazed brightly like jewels, her pupils fully dilated with a blue hue through them. She groaned, kicking off the blankets, her skin heating, and I knew she was close to shifting; I would never forget the burning sensation that enveloped her beforehand.

"Make it stop, make it stop," she cried before screaming, and I heard her back cracking. Gripping her arms, I yanked her on top of me. Her skin was so hot that she was burning me. Her feet scratched down my legs.

"I am going to make the calling stronger, okay my love?" I told her, and she screamed, her spine breaking and realigning under my palms. I tugged her shirt and pants off, her nails digging into my chest, and I felt her feet changing, her toenails turning to claws as they raked down my flesh, tearing me to pieces.

"The calling will help. We will deal with the aftermath later, okay?" She writhed but nodded her head, and I flooded her with the calling just as her fingers broke into claws, sinking deeply into my chest like hooks. My blood ran down my side. At that rate, she was going to bleed me out if I remained in that flimsy skin-suit of a human. The sound of her femur breaking and her scream would always haunt me.

I turned her head so that her ear was flat against my chest, allowing her to listen to my heartbeat and feel the vibration of the calling. She calmed down, but was still in agony when her claws dug in deeper. I could feel them grating across my bones; they were in that deep. I pulled her hands off my chest, and her claws slipped out.

My wounds were longer than a lycan's claws and about three inches in length. Blood gushed out of me where she had struck me, so I quickly shifted beneath her, feeling my bones break as my wolf Jake took over. Just in time, before she could clench her hands again, her claws raking down my chest. Thankfully, this skin was more durable in my wolf form.

As I tried to calm her down, my hand moved up and down her back. Just then, the door opened, and I knew the rest of them were worried; her screams were deafening.

I ordered whoever it was to Get out, and the door quickly shut just as her bones started breaking again. The shift was going back and forth, prolonging her transformation.

"Shh, breathe, Ania," I whispered, hugging her close and using my body heat to bring down her temperature as I absorbed what I could through our bond.

"Kill me, kill me," she begged, but I shook my head and held her tighter.

"Please, just kill me," she cried.

"I can make you shift, Ania. But it will hurt like hell, but it will be quick," I told her. As her spine stiffened against my hand and her legs lengthened, her feet touching mine, fur sprouted along her naked flesh as she sobbed.

"Make it stop," she cried, and I grasped her face in my hands, tilting it up toward mine. I gasped at the sight of her eyes. There was no doubt that she was a vae-wolf.

"I will make it stop, love," I told her as tears spilled down her cheeks. I couldn't let her remain like that any longer than necessary when I could command her to shift.

I enveloped her with my call, trying to numb her as much as possible before pressing my lips against hers. "Shift!" I commanded. Her lips parted and her face turned red as if she was suffocating, and then every bone in her body broke at once.

Fur began to replace her soft skin, and her petite hands turned into clawed ones. The sound was horrendous as she shifted in my arms. Her scream chilled me to the bone, but within seconds, she was lying on my chest. However, it wasn't Ania anymore. Her fur was a deep blue, and her eyes glowed like jewels when I turned her face towards mine to look at her. A sob escaped my lips when I saw the eyes of the vae-wolves' royal bloodline staring back at me.

The Vae-wolves all shared one quality: their eyes remained camouflaged with the environment, blending in seamlessly. However, Ania's eyes were changing hues from blue to red. Then, her elongated canines changed into fangs. She turned her head to look at her hand, turning it over to find that it wasn't a paw like that of a lycan, but instead took on the characteristics of a vampire. Ania looked at me in shock. Ben was right - my mate wasn't a lycan.

"I am a vae-wolf?" she murmured, flexing her fingers before tilting her head at the sound of her voice in that form. I chuckled, tears streaking down my face as I played with her ear sticking upright on her head. A purr left me as I pulled her higher, burying my face in her neck.

"I am Jake and you are?" my wolf whispered to her, sitting upright and pulling her into my lap so she could see herself. Her long, bushy tail wagged from side to side, and I grabbed it, showing her. She grabbed it with two hands, tugging on it before she giggled. She let it go and looked down at herself, gasping.

"I'm Claudia," she sobbed.

"It's nice to meet you, Claudia," I whispered to her, while running my nose across her face. Her fur tickled my nose, as I tried to stop my emotions from choking me. Her wolf was the most beautiful thing on the whole planet. We rolled and turned our wolves, playing together, as I waited for her to mark me. But she didn't.

When I asked her why, she said she wasn't ready to unless she found out the truth about me and Sky. That didn't deter our wolves from having a good time, though. I had an erection, the bond calling us to mate, but I wasn't going to force her or use the calling to make us mate. I would only mate her when she wanted to.

I watched her fall asleep before I took a shower and went out seeking Ben.

Ania was royalty.

I felt sick, knowing that Ania wasn't beside me where I could touch her and feel her warmth, as I stalked through the halls searching for Ben, who wasn't answering the Mindlink. Every cell in my body called out to her, telling me to go back to my mate and covet her away from the rest of the world. However, I had to remember that I wasn't sure where Ania was from; I had to find out her true lineage.

"Where are you, lover boy? I need to see you I miss you so much. Please come to my pink room." I snapped, halting my steps in the middle of the corridor as Sky's urgent thoughts flooded my mind-link.

"I'm sorry, Sky, but we can never be together. I have a mate, and I'm not going to cheat on her,"

"Come on, she won't know. I won't tell," she pleaded, but I shook my head firmly.

"No, I'm not going to complicate things. And she would know if I cheated - we're bonded, and the pain of infidelity would be excruciating for both of us," I explained, pushing Sky out of my mind and following Ben's scent toward his office.

As I jogged down the stairs in front of the castle, I growled in frustration. Ania was being stupidly stubborn - I understood why she didn't want to mate, but she was almost going into heat, and guess who was suffering because of it? Me.

As I pushed open the office door, I was greeted by boxes of files scattered all over the floor as if someone had been rummaging through them. In the chair by the window, I spotted Ben passed out drunk, the smell of liquor hanging heavily in the air. It was so unlike him to get himself into that sort of state.

Clicking my tongue, I tapped him to startle him from his slumber and growled, "F***ng wake up. My mate is a vae-wolf."

He looked at me with a smile, and I cursed under my breath. I didn't know where my mate was from, going by Ben's words. She could be related to him, but how did she end up in Brooks with no knowledge of her heritage? Furthermore, I didn't know who was behind the murders in my pack. It was all becoming too much to handle.

As the alpha vae-wolf, two unsolved mysteries were too much for me to bear.