
Fated Love (FL)

Losing the love of your life can be a life-changing event, for many, it might even be a life-ending event. Aarush lost his wife, the only woman he could ever fall for, yet that was seven years ago. The many years of anguish and depression continue to chain his life to a standstill, yet the entrance of a single girl may be key to releasing him from the chains of his past love.

WA_Naqvi · Urban
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10 Chs

Chapter Four

"Ina!" A young girl ran through a mid sized house, a smile playing on her face. She ran up a flight of steps and quickly knocked on a door. "Ina, hurry up! Wake up!"

"Reni, it's early. Why are you waking me up?" The door suddenly opened and a beautiful, young woman was unveiled. She had light brown hair which reached her lower back, and stunning hazel eyes. A petite nose sat on her mature face. She was a beauty to behold.

"Ina, did you forget? It's Saturday, and the tutoring is today." Reni spoke in excitement. "Yunus Sir is such a good teacher. I've been going to him for the past few days for help, and he doesn't get mad when I don't understand anything, plus he tries different ways to explain. He is so good. I can't wait to get tutored by him, plus…" She then smiled mischievously. "...he is such a handsome teacher. His dressing is so stylish, but everything else is so… cool. If no one told me he was thirty five, I would have thought he was around your age at most."

The woman raised an eyebrow. "Why are you getting so excited? You have to ask your dad first, remember? Plus, what's wrong with me helping?"

Pouting, the girl crossed her arms over her chest. "Dad already said that it's fine if it helps me improve my grades, but mom keeps saying no. She says to just learn from you or Amin Uncle, but both of you guys are so bad at teaching."

"What did you say?" The woman looked at the girl with a frown.

"Nothing." The little girl took a few steps forward and smiled fawningly. "Please, Ina. Take me, please."

Seeing her act so childish, the woman sighed. "Alright, I'll take you. Do you know where the location is?" With lightning speed, Reni handed a slip of paper to the woman. "Brat." Being called such a term made Reni smile embarrassingly.

"It's a little far, but I looked up the area. There aren't lots of houses here, but each one is huge! I don't know how Yunus Sir can afford it." Reni didn't know that Aarush was a doctor, since he never really spoke about it to others. He didn't like to brag about what he was, so only a few people in the school knew he was a doctor.

"Wow, this place is supposed to be for wealthy people." The woman spoke with a raised eyebrow. "How could he afford to live here? Like it isn't as expensive as the houses in Mumbai, but he could move to that place and do well if he could afford a house in such a location."

"Ina, have you been there before?" Reni asked curiously.

"I have. It was to visit your dad's boss." She spoke with a smile. "Anyways, let's get going then. It's nine already and the tutoring starts at ten, right? Let me get changed and we can go."

Reni turned around and was about to run off. "Alright, let me go and tell Amin Uncle…"

"No!" The woman suddenly paled and grabbed Reni's arms.

"What's wrong?" Reni asked curiously. "Amin Uncle has a bike and it would be faster if he took us."

"Reni, if you want to come with me, we will take a rickshaw, but if you want to go with Amin Uncle, go by yourself. I won't be coming." The woman spoke with a glare.

"Why are you getting so mad… we can go ourselves then." Reni pouted and walked away. Seeing the girl walk away, the woman finally sighed. This was the same woman Aarush saw at a stop sign once, getting yelled at by her brother.

'Reni, sorry about this, but that Amin Uncle of yours is no good person. He is always trying to take advantage of me and tries to touch me. I can't feel safe going anywhere with him. Plus, my brother, your dad, is trying to force me to marry him just because he is your mom's brother. I hate him!' Ina, or what she was really called, Inaya, was her brother's only sister and Amin was her sister in law's older brother. Everyone was trying to get them together, but she never said yes. How could she? The man tried to force himself on her so many times. She had to lock her room with multiple locks, keep her window sealed shut, and even watch her every move around the house. She knew that if he tried to rape her, her brother would be fine with it. He would be all for it if anything. No one in the house was a good person, they were all evil, she hated them all. The exception was Reni, of course, who was oblivious to all of this. "I should get ready and leave as quickly as possible. The sooner the better."

Inaya quickly got changed into a pretty outfit. It was neither fancy nor revealing in any way, yet she looked extremely beautiful in the clothes.

"Reni, let's go." Walking down, she saw Reni waiting by the door meekly. "Did you grab everything you need?" She saw the backpack on the girl's back and asked quickly.

"Yup, everything is here. Let's go." Reni finally smiled and dragged Inaya out of the house. They quickly caught a rickshaw and drove away from the house.

"Bali, set the tables up. Also, prepare a few snacks later for the kids." Aarush lazily sat on a sofa. A cat laid on his lap comfortably, yet Aarush didn't pet it at all. "Also, when the kids get here, put Yun in his room. I don't want him making trouble, alright?"

Bali ran around and got everything done orderly. Bali was really good at his job, which was why Aarush wasn't stingy with the pay, rather Bali got paid a very good amount. So good that he never thought of leaving Aarush's care even though the latter was such an angry person. "Yunus Sir, everything is done. Should I grab you some tea?"

"No, just grab me half a glass of mango juice. I'm craving something sweet." Aarush smiled and said with a lazy voice. The past few days, he felt much more happy. After all, his family was finally coming to see him. Bali knew of this and was hard at work, making sure the whole house would be clean and tidy for when they came. Every single room was cleaned, from top to bottom. Aarush even gave Bali a good raise because of all the work he was putting in. Maybe Aarush made less than he used to, but he still made a decent amount. Especially as a surgeon, he made a good amount just by doing a single surgery. His clinic also had a steady income, plus he owned the land around his clinic which had a few other shops, so he got good pay from that as well. So, giving Bali a raise was no problem at all.

"Alright, I will bring it right over." Bali ran into the kitchen with great strides, soon after bringing Aarush what he wanted. "Sir, I had a question?"

"Yes?" Aarush said with his eyes still closed. He took a sip of his juice smilingly.

"I cleaned the rooms for your parents and siblings, and you also had me order a new bed and lots of toys for your niece." He spoke in a soft voice, not trying to say anything loud.

"What's the question? Get to the point." Aarush felt a little irritated by his start up. If he had a question, he should just ask, why was he wasting his time?

"Well, you have two gardens, one of them is of your use, while the other one is empty. Should I arrange something for that empty garden? It's a lot bigger and also the pond is larger too. Maybe, I can get something inside so your niece can enjoy, or even add a few scenic items which your parents can look at while they rest?" He spoke his thoughts and then looked at Aarush with a questioning look. Of course, a bit of worry and fear filled his eyes. He didn't want to say anything that would make Aarush mad, but he knew that Aarush was willing to waste money on anything his family may like, so this was his suggestion.

The question entered his ear and Aarush suddenly got up, Yun jumped off and walked to the other sofa lazily. Aarush turned around and grabbed Bali's shoulders tightly. The latter almost peed his pants. "Amazing! You're right! I completely forgot about that part of the house, and it's not indoors either. There is a great sky view, plus the area is large and right beside the kitchen!" Aarush felt excited, he truly did forget about that part of the house. He never really went there. The smaller garden, which was something he used often, was the only place he went to other than his own room. He loved to collect different kinds of plants and even small critters. He had small turtles in the pond as well as a few fish. Although not the greatest thing, he liked to do his own mini experiments on the plants in that garden, seeing what would happen in certain situations. He also wanted to see interactions between the various critters and animals. He loved it, which was why he made that place off limits to all, and why he never went to the other one. "You did good Bali, I will reward you for this. Before that, I want you to have someone make that place look as scenic as possible, bring harmless animals that could survive there, but I don't want anything artificial there, everything must be natural. If you bring a plant, I don't want it to be in a pot, it must be planted into the ground. If you bring insects, don't bring anything that could harm my family, but still bring something that would help the garden. If you get this job done well before the day ends, I will give you a good bonus. Now go, get this done as quickly as possible. I want it done before my family arrives tomorrow." The real reason Aarush was excited was because he knew that having such a place would hold many benefits. It could be a place of relaxation for his parents, or for his pregnant sister. It was also a place where he could try and have a bit of fun with his niece, whom he hadn't seen in so many years. She was his precious niece, someone he considered as important as Aeleya, yet because of the latter's death, he couldn't face anyone.

Bali felt more excited and overwhelmed, not because of the rewards, but because of Aarush's praise. Ever since he started working for Aarush, he never felt a large need for money since his pay was great, so what he cared about more was Aarush thinking highly of him. He greatly respected Aarush; the latter was so hard working and accomplished. "I will begin right away." With that, he quickly ran towards the circular exit, but just when he opened the door, he saw a couple of people standing there, about to knock on the door. "Hello." Bali took a step back and greeted in a respectful manner. No matter what, he was Aarush's servant, so he had to treat his guests with great respect. Bali looked at the two and noticed that both were girls, one of them was a little girl and the other was a stunning beauty. "Are you here for tutoring?" He asked politely. He didn't feel anything towards the women, he was a married man with two kids who were in university. No matter what, he loved his wife dearly, he would never look at another woman.

"Yes, I'm Reni, from Yunus Sir's school. He said to come around ten, but we got here a little earlier, is that alright?" The one who spoke was Reni, but her eyes never stayed on Bali, rather they were scanning the massive house. Just the entrance was so amazing, seeing the inside made her gasp. It was many times larger than her house. Inaya was also a little shocked. The house was even better than the one her brother's boss had. It was massive and beautiful.

"No problem." Bali said with a courteous smile. "Yunus Sir, a student of yours is here." Bali said this and waited for a reply patiently. "You two can come in."

"I'm coming." His deep voice entered the girl's ears. Reni looked at her aunt and smiled.

"Ina, you'll see what I mean when you see him. He is really handsome." She spoke in a whisper, but Bali was able to make out what she said. The latter couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. He looked at Inaya once again and suddenly thought something.

'I did hear that Yunus Sir's wife died very early in their marriage from Dara Sir. If this woman could marry Yunus Sir, that would be good. Yunus Sir has been alone for too long.' Bali wasn't oblivious about things related to Aarush, rather he knew quite a bit. Dara had a run down with him, informing him of Aeleya and her death. He knew that Aarush was married for only a month before his wife died. This was important information Dara told him because the latter did not want a servant saying something unknowingly that could upset Aarush because of their lack of knowledge. He felt heartache for Aarush.

Inaya and Reni waited patiently and Aarush appeared in front of them with a smile on his face. "Reni, it's you." Aarush walked over in smiles. Reni also walked over, pulling her aunt's hand. Inaya was a little shocked by the man in front of her.

'He's truly a good looking person.' She couldn't help but think. His man bun was a little unique compared to other guys, but it exuded a hint of charm. His earrings were also different, but still made him look good.

'Isn't this the woman I saw the other day?' Aarush moved his gaze from Reni to Inaya. He felt a little shocked at first seeing the woman he saw the other day. 'A small world.' He couldn't help but come to this thought. "You must be Reni's…" Aarush didn't know what to say exactly. She resembled Reni slightly, but she looked a little young to be the mother of such a big girl.

"This is my aunt, Yunus Sir." Reni introduced them quickly. "Ina, this is Yunus Sir. Although he isn't my math teacher, I go to him for help because he is the best teacher I know. Yunus Sir, this is my Aunty Inaya. Like you, she has a bachelors in english, so she helps me with english at home." Reni introduced them quickly.

"English bachelor?" Inaya looked at Aarush with raised eyebrows. "And a math bachelor?" She said this aloud, but Aarush just smiled, not wanting to correct. Whether he had a bachelors or Phd in math didn't really matter. He was teaching kids, so in the end, both were not so different.

"So, you are the aunty that Reni mentions so often?" Aarush extended his hand to shake hers, but he saw Inaya take a step back rather than shake his hand, which made him frown a little, but it was only for a second. He awkwardly took his hand back and just scratched the back of his head. "Anyways, we still have a bit of time before the others get here, so you guys can come in and just settle down." He led the two into the house and helped them find a place to sit. Aarush looked at Inaya and smiled. "Would you like something to drink while you wait? Reni, what about you?"

"Nothing sir, no need to trouble yourself." Reni spoke hurriedly. This was a teacher from her school, how could she be rude enough to ask him to bring her a drink? That was just a dumb thing.

"What about you?" Aarush asked Inaya, but the latter just shook her head.

"Thank you, but I'm fine." He nodded his head and sat down across from them. "Mr. Yunus, her parents are a little curious about how this tutoring works, would you mind explaining it to me?" She asked politely.

"No problem." Aarush explained with patience. "I have a total of ten students at a time, of course some of the spots are reserved for those who wish to come to me regularly. Anyways, I help kids from various age groups in various subjects, so other than math, I'll help with english, chemistry, biology, and much more. The session's last three hours where I help clarify questions for the various kids. I will assign a few pages of homework which they can practice if they want, and any questions they still have can be brought up either during the next session or if they see me at school." He gave a brief explanation. Although he focused on kids, sometimes university students would ask for help as well, though he would keep their sessions at a later time.

"So you teach various subjects?" Inaya asked with a bit of suspicion.

"Mostly. Although I prefer math and english, I can teach other things no problem, up to a certain level of course." He smiled and said. As a doctor, when he was preparing for his MCAT and was also completing his degrees, he took various subjects, so he had a good grasp on various topics.

Inaya listened and carefully made the mental notes. Her brother was curious so she needed to inform him about the session. "Just one question."

"Go right ahead." Aarush felt a headache coming as he saw this person question him so seriously. He felt like he was being interrogated.

"How are you making sure you get to each student equally? Like, if two are struggling and can't move on, how will you help them both without wasting their times?" She asked a question which caused Aarush to feel a little irritated.

"I'll help the one who approaches me first. I'm one person, so I can't help everyone all together." He gave her a weird response, which made her frown.

"If that's the case, why would this place be better than the rest?" Seeing her aunt act like this, Reni felt her face flush red in embarrassment.

"Ina…" She couldn't help but call out, but her words hit air.

Aarush frowned. "I'm not here to compete with other tutors, nor do I care for such a thing. If people come, then they come, if they don't, then it doesn't matter too much. I like teaching and helping others, so I'm doing it, but if you don't like this place, then you are free to find someone else."

Inaya also frowned a little. Reni saw this and felt her head hurt. 'What the heck is wrong with Ina? Why is she saying these things? He is helping me because I asked, not because he needs students.'

"I was just curious." Inaya waved her hand and said with a plain look.

'What's with her? Why is she so hostile?' Aarush didn't understand why she was acting like this. They just met. Little did he know it was because of Reni. The latter boasted about him so much, while also calling her a bad teacher. This hurt Inaya's pride a little.

The three sat in awkward silence. Soon, more people gathered. Aarush greeted them one by one. Some came with their parents, and others came alone. The age group differed a little. Some were in their teens, while some were children.

"Alright, same as usual. Parents, if you wish to stay, you can go and wait in the usual place. If not, then just come pick up your kids at one." Aarush smiled. Some of the parents were regulars, so they went towards the kitchen, knowing where this room was. A couple parents left from the exit, saying a few things to their children.

"Ina, are you staying or going?" Reni asked curiously.

"I'll stay, it's only two hours." Inaya decided to follow the parents who were here as well. Even if she left, where would she go?

"Alright." Reni smiled and sat back down with the rest of the kids.

"Mrs. Inaya, since this is your first time, you can just follow the rest of the parents into the room. There are snacks and other things while you wait. I've left some things there so you guys can do something if you're bored. Anyways, enjoy your stay." He smiled and watched her walk away with a nod. "Alright guys, let's start."

Inaya walked away with the parents. She followed closely, not knowing what to do.

"You are new, right?" One of the parents, a mother, approached her with a smile. "You are very young, who would have thought you had a child?"

"Oh no, that wasn't my child, she's my niece." Inaya smiled and spoke politely.

"Oh, so that's the case." The mother smiled. "Anyways, what do you do?"

"I don't really have a job, so I write." Inaya spoke sheepishly. After getting her degree, she didn't know that it would be difficult to get a job unless she became a teacher.

"You too?" The woman said in surprise.

"What do you mean?" Inaya asked curiously.

"I forgot, you're new, so you probably don't know much about Mr. Yunus." The mother smacked her head and smiled. "Well, he is truly a weird and amazing person."

"How so?" Hearing her words, Inaya felt a little irritated. 'What could be great about this guy? He probably comes from a wealthy background. How could someone who only has a math and english bachelors be so successful? Plus, I know he is a teacher, so he must have a good background.' She still felt offended that her niece thought Aarush was a better teacher than her.

The mother smiled. "Well, he has a bachelors in english, but he has written over a dozen books now, a lot of them are actually not unknown. He keeps them in the area we hang out in. Although I don't really get his stories, they are supposedly very popular."

Inaya raised her eyebrows. "Dozen?"

"Yup." They soon arrived at the area. There was a large dining table right next to the kitchen with a bunch of small snacks. Beside the dining table, there was a shelf with various books. The mother led Inaya to the shelf and pulled out a book. "This is one of his books." She passed it over to Inaya.

"I've never seen this one." Inaya said.

"Well, it's one of his newer ones which came out last year." She went through the shelf and pulled out a thick book with a black cover. "This is an older one."

"This?" When Inaya saw the book, she felt a bit of shock overwhelm her. It wasn't a book she was unfamiliar with. Although she had never read it, she had seen it in many libraries and shops.

"Familiar? It was supposedly a very popular book." The mother said with a smile.

'Impressive.' She couldn't help but think this, but this feeling made her feel more frustrated. She was a bachelors in english as well, so how could she lose out to him. "Not bad."

"Yup." The mother smiled and walked over to the table and sat down.

"How is he as a teacher though?" Inaya sat down beside her and asked with a curious expression.

"My son says he's very easy to understand. So, probably pretty good." She said. "Plus, he doesn't take a fee from us, so it is great." The mother grabbed a bag of chips and opened it up, eating it slowly.

"I don't know, if it's free, I feel like it may not be that great." Inaya didn't grab anything, her pride told her not too.

"I don't know." The mother smiled. "It is great for us common folk. Plus, he is a very accomplished man. Did you know he studied in America?"

"That doesn't mean he is smarter than the rest of us, it just means he grew up in a richer house." Inaya retorted with a smug expression. The mother was much older then Inaya so when she saw this, she couldn't help but giggle.

"Well, you and him seem to be similar ages, so I guess it isn't weird to see a bit of competitiveness." She smiled and continued to eat. "You can go on and do what you need, I recommend reading one of his books, who knows you might not think that badly of him." With that, the mother pulled out her phone and began to go through.

Seeing her do her own thing, Inaya thought for a moment and decided she wanted to see how good these books were. 'Let's see what the hype is all about.' She grabbed a small one and looked at the title. Cloud the Universe! 'Weird title.' She had never seen this one before, so it was likely not that popular. The truth was, she was right. It was the most unpopular book Aarush had, but weirdly enough, it was one of Aarush's favorites. As one of his oldest books and one he loved writing, he could never hate it even though it wasn't popular.

Flipping to the first page, she began to read the book.