

Mel kept quiet for a while before assuring her that she was completely fine and that there was nothing to worry about. She got ready before they both left to work. On her way she met Alyssa who saw her but actually did nothing,that was so unlike her. After a short while,someone called her and told her that Princess Alyssa wanted to see her. She wondered if Alyssa had figured out that she had been there that night and heard everything they said but she decided against it,there was no way she could have noticed unless...

When she got to where the princess was,she put on a tough face although there was turmoil within her. Alyssa stared at her for a very long while before finally breaking the silence...and her first words almost made Mel stumble on her feet.

"It was you,right? You heard everything we said....you saw us right??And you better be honest or else I....."

Yes,it was me,"said Mel cutting Alyssa short of her threat,"and it's very sad that you too are caged in this prison,made to live a life you don't want,you basically having no freedom to even express your own feelings. Who would have thought that you,of all people would be swayed by love? Alyssa,you are no different from me..."

"Shut up,you wretched maid, I can never be like you...and about this matter,it stays between us...Just so you know Jerald is of the sixth level in magic and also highly skilled in combat,so if you love your life,you better shut your mouth."

But the words rang a bell in Mels mind...those were practically the same words Phanuel had used on her....birds of the same father..

Back in her room,Mel thought of Alyssa's words,'Jerald is of the sixth level' and this made her wonder how far his magic could go. She was only at the second level yet her strength and agility had greatly increased,what about Jerald who was at sixth level? She summoned Florah and asked her about it and Florah replied with much enthusiasm...She was happy that Mel was willing to learn. After explaining all the details to her,Mel told her she too wanted to progress as fast as possible but Florah told her to take it slow or else there were consiquences to pay. That made Mel shut her lips tight. Things had not really changed for Mel even though she was now a bit stronger. Phanuel still forced himself on her and Alyssa was still on her neck,she still cried herself to sleep and sometimes Florah had to put her to sleep with her magic,Mels pain was unbearable. She was dying to talk to anyone,to let someone know whatever she was going through..but there was no one and one time she tried talking to Florah,she was forced to stop because of the way Florah had pitied her, something she hated most. Many a times she tried suicide but even death rejected her,she could not fit in anywhere. She felt solo,she was solo.