

Fate is never to one hold. Even with a bursary run, things turn out eminent for the young star Liili Anderson. Love is always profound. With three gentlemen playing the scenes, who is the true love to her? With a mafia don on left, a young caring yet kept billionaire to the right, and a said friend Felix Madickson taking the same journey as her, who is her true love and how does she end?

David_Crespo_Imbe · Urban
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32 Chs

Chapter two.

University opening.

The two left in a hast to attend to the outdoor work Leaving the butler laughing and smiling to himself.

Entering his room, Felix looked around as he organized his items for the following morning since the sun set as though a lover in search of a lost beloved.

Organising the small sized dining, Liili set almost everything in place. The table was full of various delicacy that she prepared. After finishing the core, she called to the two men in the house to dig in. Mr. anderson sitting at the head end with Liili to her right and William to the left, the family looked eye catching with one glance. Forgetting their previous thoughts and goals, food was a to never ignore or disrespect in life. It was like a commoner reaching the kings presence.

After digging in for a while, Liili streached her head before following with a cough to get the two men attention. Dad, she called bringing mr. anderson back to the present hand.

Am doing my best for the two of you to shine in this world of terror. I got some savings and sure it will take you a few steps and clear the registration as well. He said with a worry smile like he had everything at hand.

Liili looked at her dad with pitty. Recalling the strong and admirable mr. anderson who always shouldered her burdens and worry. He was a parent that every child would love to have in life one who never accepted defeat not to mention hear say. With his less words yet low paying job of a taxi driver, he still fought to let his children have the best.

Dad, she called ounce again but this time with a deep smile that said it all. Everything is fine. Her smile said it all allowing mr. anderson to calm down before inquiring,"will you just keep me waiting for the news or I should join the police for that goal" he said as he raised his chin up like a teen lady eager to hear the gossip around.

Dad, do you know I got a mirracle, she said, Do you take him for a god?, Will chimed in leaving the two in laughter that made the house more lively.

Oh, sorry then, she mocked before continuing. Like I said dad, your preparations are un called for here. I was given a full scholarship to the Lords unversity here....Waiting not for her completion, William anderson looked out of place. cough cough, this day is mine yet look, am left behind the curtains instead of listening to me first. You see that even the bible confirms it saying that "even the last shall become the first." ok! I give up this time but it's only this ounce, Liili worned with sheer determination. Then its a done deal.

Mr. Anderson looked at his children before turning to his late wife. How i wish you were here my dear. He took almost none of myself , he said with bits of worry. The sorrow in his eyes said it all. The loneliness he has had for these years is now at face.

You know dad am soon becoming one of the best cartoon master in Asia. I only need one of my work realeased and everything will be at hand. Look who is talking here, why haven't i heard my name around. Do you think babies walk faster than their elders.She mocked.

Lifting his arm, he fondled the young lad's hair a bit. You really took on your mother dearly, he said.

Now to my world, Liili said. So, are we paying requirements as usual and your uniforms. He asked. Can't you follow the script here for this ounce? She said with a serious note more like a movie director correcting an acting actor.

Raising his hands up, I give up then, madam director. He said trying to keep up to the play script.

Nothing is needed this time, I only need my head and note books for the classes. They even promised never to terminate the bursary. Am talking my degree from the number one unversity in our state dad. she said but this time with delightfulness. It was to everyone at a low status to reach the lords unversity that was more to an earthly heaven among students. Then you should only remember the reason as to why you are there. Fruits near our catch are always eye catching but not better than the ones you get after climbing the tree.

With that done, the trio left for sleep as the sky was now dark for sight.


The next morning came early enough as though declaring the huge day for the freshers. The sun rose with a golden display as though it had the news at hand.

The huge gates of the Lords unversity were fully opened to welcome the entrants. With the huge notice that read, YOU ARE MOST WELCOME TO THE LORDS UNVERSITY,

Another announcement was passed in no time informing all the new entrants in their first year that they were given a full week to study the geography of the school.

On the second flow, stood a young youth. His build perfect for sports and his blonde short hair, the brown trousers and t-shirt that were money itself reflected his status stand.

Behind him came an old man. His brown hair was turning to grey. With a black tak suit, he was spotted always in no time. Make no trouble son, he said. I won't side you even with the huge shares we hold in school.

Felix walked around the school the and stopped at the fields gate. Walking in, he was greeted byte a beavy of ladies at the volleyball court.

After a minute view, he walked further in search of the basket ball court. On reaching the field, he was taken by suprise as not even a single new entrant was here.

On seeing him, Andrew the acting captain called out, guys, look what we got here. A fresher on the field. How hilarious, Derrick his henchman bellowed.

Taken by anger, Felix walked to the court and inquired, did you just called me a fresher? He demanded.

I did,so? A baby eager to walk his father's path. Andrew said before dropping to laughter.

Then, how about having a one on one play, The Looser appologises and cleans the three pools tomorrow, he said.

Deal, Andrew answered. Prepare to do your tasks. Derrick said with a mocking smile.

Who will do the cleaning and shoulder the humiliation? coming next.