

Fate is never to one hold. Even with a bursary run, things turn out eminent for the young star Liili Anderson. Love is always profound. With three gentlemen playing the scenes, who is the true love to her? With a mafia don on left, a young caring yet kept billionaire to the right, and a said friend Felix Madickson taking the same journey as her, who is her true love and how does she end?

David_Crespo_Imbe · Urban
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32 Chs

Chapter, thirty.


Many officers were now in place, The sirens were the party music to be heard as officers reported one by one.

At this moment, another police vehicle arrived in place, based on the attention given to it, it expressed the great importance the officer in there held.

The door was opened and an elderly man came to sight, his black-grey trimmed hair left many officers wondering, it is Anton, he looks to come from the driving seat, don't tell me he is the one we have been waiting for to take the criminal report.

Don't be stupid, a bulky officer knocked his head from the back, he is coming from the driver's seat, he may have picked the inspector from the station.

Now if you mention it, this old fogy is about to retire and so thinks walking with the big dogs will make him bark. They mocked. Although most of them found him in service, he was nothing but a laughing stock to the police department.

At this moment, Inspector Nelly graced the crime scene. For all his time in service, he was a no nosence officer who always ignored his other officer's requirements. Even his trainee never raised...

Taking his stance, he walked smartly to the crime scene, he was a student to one of the best officers in the department. Although his teacher was transferred to a greater department, he was more contented of the police department as he held his freedom at work than the strict department that his mentor held.

Wearing his gloves, he began his work as he checked the deceased.

At this moment, Mr. Anderson graced the scene with his old friend in the lead. Being the officer in charge, many offered their salute on his arrival.

Although he looked calm, he felt terrible at heart and prayed that it were not her, the love he held for the Andersons was that of a father to his children. No father would pray for misfortune to befall his children even when considered the most stone hearted.

Mr. Anderson started shaking hannestly, he knew of the yellow dress the deceased was wearing. It was the trending fashion they used with her friends. The ankle lets she held were not knew to his sight, and the most scariest of all was the blonde hair she held. This sight was making him run wild.

Was he this a failure in life, the wife died in a stupid sugger like this one yet his daughter wants to follow the same path. Why does he have to shoulder such budden in his life race.

Have you just closed your eyes to me indeed. Mr. Anderson braced the sky with a minute as he asked, it looked clear that he was a man of faith but could not stand the path of Job.

He walked slowly but steadily. It was all the same to life, we had to brace ourselves to face all the barriers with bravery despite their size and fear they bring to our hearts.

If one took better glance at the deceased, bit hair style, dressing code or say the ankle lets, it was certain that this was Liili Anderson the only daughter to the Andersons. That mother like figure to Wills even when all never matched.

Remove the vail for him to approve the identity of the deceased, instructed inspector Nelly.

Mr. Anderson braced his heart, his hands shaking though one struck by an electric shock.

On removal of the vail, Her face was all bruised and burned. Her dress looked torn with force, the hand marks that proved excessive pressure on the deceased were in place.

It looked that she struggled a lot in her last breath. The hand marks on her body indicate forceful pressure with her hands bound down.

This proves that she was raped by more than one person, but due to fear of revealing thier identity, they decided to burn her face with acid and then kill her off. This is beyond torture since she had to bear a lot of pain yet they still killed her off.

From my conclusion, these guys knew her well and she approached them without any caution. They were either friends or someone she was well firmed with lured her to this layer.

Mr. Anderson stood frozen in place. Whether he got the deduction report of the inspector or not, no one could confirm this. All evidence proved to match his only daughter that resembled the mother a lot.

Is he to suffer this lose till end, at first it was his beloved wife and here comes the daughter. Were the heavens against him to this level?

I do believe in God but where is He indeed when my family perishes off one by one. I do appreciate your works and providence but can't take this on anymore, cried Mr Anderson. Who said men don't cry?

With a tap in hand, inspector Nelly tapped his shoulder in a way to pull him back. I have handled many cases like this one and indeed the appearance leaves many in sobs but we need a post mortem report to clarify her identity. She may even not be the person you think she is.

In a rush, the corpse was taken off to the mortuary for a proper report. Inspector Nelly even vowed to witness all the necessary arrangements there. All who knew his character would recommend that this case was to reveal it's gists. He was a small stone in one shoe that never let him acknowledge the peace of proper stand.


The day went on like that till it was to the brilliance of dusk.

Sitting in silence was Mr Anderson. If one was used to visiting his house, he would always be welcomed by feminine smiles and laughter from a far but it looked the real opposite today as he sat with self animosity on the dining. Whether he was condemning himself or recalling those moments, not one could tell but he was out of place.

At this time, the door bell rang and he awoke though one that was initially posesed.

Walking to the door, he was beyond the description of lazy in his sluggish acceleration. He was no where near the Mr. Anderson know. Just after her graduation, she was faced by this.

At the door, inspector Nelly walked in with a file in hand wrapped in a white envelope. He was sure it were the results of the Post mortem report.

Could you hand this case to me in person apart from the police department?

Inspector Nelly started with a question, Although not a pro in this, he was sure based on the way his old friend treasured him, he was real gold for the task.

Recalling the few words in their chat, he gave the case to him with a smile.

Great, you need to calm down first for me to hand you this envelope. After reading it, you need to stay put.

Mr. Anderson opened the envelope with shaking hands, was it good news or bad. Why was Nelly consoling him in the first place?
