
Fated Bonds

The adventurous tale of romance between a pirate and a mermaid. Thier love story ridiculed by others only said to be a myth never to be spoken but nevertheless the duo struggles to overcome and be with each other forever. Will they make it? Find out in this exciting story.

Bee_writess · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter 23

"Do you want the curls falling off this side or this side?" Beth said moving Lilith's hair from side to side.

"Do you think I should even leave it tied up?"

"Oh my word Lilith you're so indecisive." She said, poking her waist, laughing.

"Because it kind of looks better." She said smiling.

"It does and then we could add a side part."

"Oh, my word. Why didn't I think of that?" Lilith said looking at her friend incredulously.

The two burst out in laughter.

Beth moved the hair to the side, pushing the other side to the back of her ear.

"You look so beautiful," Beth said, hairbrush to her chest, her eyes brimming with tears.

"You flatter me too much." She said red staining her cheeks.

"And your hair is so lustrous." She said weaving her hands through the curls.

"Thank you. I'm a bit nervous for dinner. What if I don't fit in? What if they don't like me? What if-"

"Hush now," Beth said, placing her finger on her lips, and bending down to meet her eye level. "You're like the sweetest person with the best personality I've ever seen. You're like a pretty ray of sunshine on an Easter morning."

"You're the sweetest." She said, hugging her.

Beth laughed, hugging her.

"I think the carriage is here." She said checking the windows and hearing neighs of the horses.

"I must make haste then." She said tidying up her clothes on her makeup.

She wore an ivory color decorated with some pearls and studded little diamonds. Her pearl white flats matched the whole fit.

Her lips were plump and pink as usual and the natural rosy blush on her cheek was better than even the fake ones the ladies were.

"Miss, the carriage is here." A manservant said knocking on the door.

"It's time."

"Remember what I said. You look beautiful." Beth said, smiling.

She walked down the stairs elegantly allowing the Coachman to lift her to the carriage.

"Thank you." She said,

"It's my delightful honor, Miss." He said, flashing her a smile.

She sat next to Kent. He looked dashing as always. Her heart thumped loudly in her chest at the proximity of them in the carriage.

"You look wonderful." He said suddenly.

"Thank you-"

"As always." He said, flashing a smile at her.

Her cheeks flamed.

"I'm sure everyone agrees, even the Coachman I could see it in his eyes."

They laughed.

They reached the Ershire manor. The steward walked them quietly to the dining room.

"My good man." Lord Ershire said loudly walking up to Kent.

"Ershire. How are you? I do hope you've had a delightful day so far." He asked, shaking his hand.

The two men shook hands and Kent noticed some bruises underneath his sleeves and his hands shaking slightly.

"Are you okay? You have some bruises on your arms and your hands are shaking. That's odd."

"Oh, I'm fine. I've just been boxing these days." He said with a slightly shaky smile, looking around vigilantly.

"You took up boxing? That's quite a surprise."

"It's not a very enjoyable task. I find it excruciating." He said gripping his hand tightly, blinking.

"Are you ok-"

"Is anything the matter gentlemen?" Lady Geraldine said walking in between the two men.

"No. Nothing at all. Ershire just told me he took up a new hobby, boxing."

"Oh? Did he?"

Kent nodded, noticing his friend's shaky smile.

"Well, there's no time for this now. Let's discuss over dinner shall we?" She said, already walking to the table.

Lilith was looking at the art on the walls of the room, admiring their vivid strokes and their vivid colors.

"Lilith dear?"

Lilith turned surprised.

"Lady Geraldine. Lord Ershire. I didn't hear when you came in." She said bowing slightly.

"You don't need to bow," Geraldine said.

Ershire walked to Lilith, taking her hands into his, and kissing it gently.

As his lips grazed the skin of her hand. She saw something.

His screams of pain and agony. The sounds of whips crackling. The sounds of begs and pleads but to no avail.

"Lilith?" Kent finally said.


"You looked a bit lost in thought," Kent said worriedly.

Lilith looked at Ershire worriedly. Geraldine noticed her gaze at her husband, her teeth grinding hard.

"Shall we eat?"

They sat down on the table and then the dishes began to be served.

Each person was given a plate with vegetables some seafood and a pottage at the side.

Lilith gagged at the food but it felt rude to refuse food and state your preference in someone's home when they offered you food.

Kent noticed her displeasure. His brows tightened. They began to eat. Lilith played her utensils on the plate, occasionally indulging in small talk with the hosts.

"Lady Geraldine, pardon me for asking. You seemed a bit weak and pale the first time we met. Are you okay now? You looked sick." Lilith asked concerned.

"Oh dear, I was down with the worst case of the flu. It was truly a horror…" Lilith listened as she got lost in thought coming back when she felt a place being slowly shifted to her.

She looked down seeing it was Kent and his vegetable salad asking her to switch because he knew she didn't like meat.

"And what's going on here? A bit of a display?" Ershire said, smiling at Kent.

"Oh, not at all." Lilith's aid with a smile.

"She doesn't eat meat or seafood so she has to eat mostly vegetables and fruits," Kent replied.

"Oh, I see. Fighting for a good cause. I like it."

"Could you not chew so loudly?" Geraldine said suddenly.

Kent noted Ershire's face immediately turned awkward, Several emotions passing through his face in just a short time.

"I apologize." He said quietly.

"While I had the flu, the whole manor was so unorganized. I wasn't strong enough to discipline my staff and they were being disrespectful and needed to be corrected. Immediately I got back on my feet, I gave them the corrections they very much needed and I'm going to do it again if I see them going out of line again." She said,

"For example, making an impromptu decision without consulting me. These commoners, right?" She said sipping her wine slowly.

The whole room turned quiet.

"Dessert anyone?" She said rising with a perfect smile from her seat to get the homemade sorbet.

"Something is going on." Kent thought to himself.