
Fated Bonds

The adventurous tale of romance between a pirate and a mermaid. Thier love story ridiculed by others only said to be a myth never to be spoken but nevertheless the duo struggles to overcome and be with each other forever. Will they make it? Find out in this exciting story.

Bee_writess · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter 19

"Get your leather! Get your cheap cheap leather!" A vendor shouted.

The dock was busy with traders trying to sell their items, some burly men offloading their boxes from big ships and carriages all around and passengers getting down from the ships.

Finn looked around observing the dock, walking a bit further to get a carriage.

"Oi." A voice said from his side.

He turned coming to face a trader of crystals.

"I sense bad energy all around you. I feel a sense of doom arising." He closed his eyes slowly looking up, taking a deep breath, and looking back at Finn. "There's a bad omen that's going to happen to you or you're a bad omen waiting to happen to others."

Finn snickered. " What do you suggest I do then?" His eyebrows cocked.

"Might I offer you some crystals? For a small price of course." The seller said bringing out some crystals of many colors.

"What do they do?" He asked, smirking at the seller.

"This one." He said pointing at a purple crystal. "This would send back the bad omen you carry and cleanse your spirit." He moved it to the side bringing out a green one. "This has healing properties and cleansing powers. If you just get the two I assure you you'll be safe for as long as possible."

"You humans must think everyone is delusional and gullible." He kissed his teeth, turning away.

"Sir, just a minute!" The seller shouted at the walking figure.

Finn sighed, turning back to the seller's booth.

"What may be the issue now?"

"I'll give you both for just five good coins."

"Just five gold coins?"

"You make a tough bargain sir. Okay, I'll give you three gold coins. That's my last price and I'm not going any lower."

"Pathetic," Finn said, spitting on the floor, walking away.

He walked as fast as he could, fetching a carriage almost immediately.

"Where to sir?" The carriage driver asked.

"The Good West Brothel, my good man."

"Okay, sir."

The carriage shook at intervals on the rocky roads on the way to the brothel.

"Fuck." Finn said as his head banged against the wall of the carriage.

"Take it easy there mate." Finn barked at the driver.

"Sorry sir." The driver replied.

"Are you from here sire?"

"No. Why?"

"You look like a friend I used to have in the past and then all of a sudden he just disappeared. Never heard from him again."

Finn's teeth are grounded. His veins pulsing with an impending headache.

The driver didn't seem to notice the face of Finn and continued to talk.

"He had this handsome face and saved the town from a wizard who wanted to eat souls. I think his name was Gully or Gill. Something along those lines, I really can't recall. He was a sharp man. You look almost like him."

"Coincidences happen too often," Finn said with a tight smile.

"Indeed Sir. We're here."

Finn came down from the carriage bringing his luggage with him.

"How much would that be?"

"A whole silver sir."

Finn reached into his pouch bringing out a fine gold coin, "Keep the change." He said whilst walking away.

"Thank you, good sir. Your days shall be long and forever happy.

Finn walked to the door of the brothel already hearing the slight giggles and not-so-quiet moans.

"Laura!" He said smiling at the woman sitting in the reception and picking her nails.

"Aiya," She said, moving from the table to where Finn stood and kissing both his cheeks. "Monsieur Finn, it's been awhile."

"Indeed Laura."

"Should I get you some rum and perhaps a girl or some girls?"

"You know me so well." He said, flashing a big smile at her.

She reached over the counter and grabbed a key handing it to Finn.

"Are my favorite girls available?"

"Oh yes, they are." She walked into a passage, her narrow hips swaying. "Fiona! Selene!" She shouted.

Two identical-looking girls walked forward gracefully.

"Mr Finn." They both said in unison bowing slightly.

Finn's breath caught in his throat as he beheld two almost replicas of Lilith, the one he loved.

He snapped out of his daze holding his hand out to the two girls. "A deep pleasure to meet you both." He said kissing their hands that were held in his. "Shall we?"

They walked to the room which was quickly opened by Finn. As soon as he got in, he grabbed one of the girls and began to kiss her like he was a man out of thirst and she was water.

"Oh, Lilith, your lips are truly as ravishing as they look." He said in between a moan.

The two girls looked confused as they looked at each other.


"Oh, I do apologize."

They returned as Selene's hand reached down to grab his crotch through his breeches.

He groaned loudly as he lay down on the bed taking Fiona with him, their lips still interlocked.

Selene pushed down his breeches taking his hot hard length in her mouth. She bobbed up and down leaving Finn a complete mess.

"Lilith you do it, do good." He moaned in complete ecstasy.

Selene moved, settling on his hot hard length with her throbbing wet core.

They moaned in unison as she sank down. She bounced up and down stopping at intervals to give attention to Fiona who was touching herself.

"Lilith…" Finn said, his body becoming rigid.

He sat up, taking her boobs in his hands and stuffing his face in them as he came to a very satisfying release.

He twitched as she came down from him and then he was in the middle of two women snuggling against him.

"Mr Finn," Fiona said.

"Yes, beautiful?"

"While it was going on, you kept saying someone's name repeatedly. Is she someone to you?"

"She is someone to me or at least was."

"Oh alright." She replied, snuggling back into his neck.

"I'm going to get you, Lilith." Finn thought to himself.

"If you can't be with me and stay happy forever then you don't expect to have a happy life with someone else forever."

"You either be with me or be with your daddy in hell." He thought to himself as he smiled sinisterly.