
[42] Pledging Allegiance to the King Named Me

"Long time no see, Artoria..."

His gentle words were like a breeze caressing the face.

Artoria's golden hair swayed slightly in the radiant sunlight.

The sun seemed to freeze in stillness.

Silent and tranquil.

Even though it was the bright noon of a sunny day, it felt as freezing as the deep winter.

The silver-haired youth standing in the square smiled, and the surrounding atmosphere was as silent as death.

Only the deep green eyes of the golden-haired girl trembled, and her delicate lips quivered.


She muttered this title in a daze.

Anyone could hear the tremor in her voice.

It was like a vibration of heartstrings, producing a dull hum.

For a long time, the resonance lingered.

Her thoughts struggled to the end.

Artoria still couldn't bring herself to call that name.

Was it still unbelievable?

Or was she afraid that after shouting that name, just like the countless nights of shattered illusions in these days, it would awaken her again from the dream?

"...So, this is not a dream."

As if seeing through all her thoughts.

That person, he said with a smiling expression.

"You have grown into a very outstanding person, Artoria."

"Your journey has been tough."

As the words fell silent.

The lingering sound seemed to echo in the wind.

Alvin raised his hand.

Instead of his fingertips, a gentle breeze gently touched the girl's cheek.

This familiar touch.

It made Artoria's heart, for a moment, return to that swaying wheat field.

She was waiting like this.

Waiting in the clear sunlight.

Waiting for such a person to come to her, punctually, keeping the appointment, gently caressing her cheek.

He was there.

He really was there.

...It wasn't an illusion.

The moment she realized this.

Her heart rippled slightly.

"Did you deceive me?"


No need for any extra words.

No need for any unnecessary expressions.

Her eyes asked like this, and his eyes answered like this.

Knowing his intentions.

It was as if, in the abyss called numbness, he suddenly glimpsed a dazzling light.


Unable to stop, those accumulated bitter feelings overflowed.

Unable to stop, the surging bitterness flooded like a tide.

All the strong, indifferent determination.

All the masked disguises and lies.

All the silent and sorrowful emotions throughout the journey that had no one to confide in.

Only in front of him, only in front of this person, almost as if shattered, shed, and revealed in an instant, the girl could finally begin to vent the pain and grievances accumulated in her heart.

"Sir... Alvin..."

No need to restrain anymore, no need to brew anymore, no need to suppress anymore.

The deep green lake overflowed just like that.

Clear and pure like morning dew, dripping like a pearl curtain.

The girl named Artoria... shed tears.

Everyone stared blankly at this scene.

Not only were the onlookers trembling in their pupils.

The Knights of the Round Table behind her were already dumbfounded.

Except for Kay, who showed a bitter expression on his face.

The knights had never seen their savior, whom they had sworn allegiance to, showing such a bewildered and dazed expression before.

Not to mention... crying.

Lady Artoria...

...Whether on the battlefield of fierce combat or in everyday conduct.

Her figure, her expression, had always been indifferent and as holy as a deity, making people irresistibly want to admire that dazzling radiance.

This is as if the savior descended from heaven.

Such an almost innate king.

Would he even... shed tears?

"You... you..."

A deep voice suddenly rang out, accompanied by a grinding of teeth like a lion.

"...Who the hell are you?!"

The surging anger finally broke through that mesmerizing vortex.

Gawain issued his inquiry.

He absolutely couldn't tolerate it.

As a Knight of the Sun who supports the savior, he absolutely couldn't tolerate anyone causing Lady Artoria to cry...

"...Tell me your name! Audacious madman! My holy sword has never been swung at the insignificant unknown!"

This suddenly loud roar also abruptly awakened everyone from their daze.

The unsheathed holy sword, shining dazzlingly like the sun, instantly attracted everyone's attention.

That's right...

People began to discuss fervently. 

Who is this guy in front of them?

He actually pulled out the Sword of Selection.

But it seemed like such a character was unheard of, and no one had ever heard of his fame.

Which reclusive knight could it be?

Lady Artoria, it seems, also seemed to have known him before?

Even... shed tears for him.

Mysterious and unpredictable.

Shrouded in mist.

This abruptly appearing dark knight instantly became the focus of everyone's attention.

Some of the townspeople watching vaguely felt that this face was somewhat familiar, but several years had passed, and the once young boy had grown into the present youth, making it difficult for them to remember where they had seen him.

"Unknown nobody...?"

Listening to the handsome young man in front of him, that high-pitched inquiry.

Alvin just smiled indifferently, raised the Sword of Selection slightly, and held it casually in his hand.

"Perhaps I am indeed just... an audacious nobody."

He lightly raised the sword, pinching it between his fingers and swaying it casually.

Anyone could see that this guy had no regard for this sword at all.

"But now,"

Alvin said with a smile.

"I've already pulled out the Sword of Selection, Sir Gawain."

"Don't call my name like that! You...!"

"...The audacious one is you, right."

Alvin said lightly.

Although his voice was not loud, it suddenly suppressed Gawain's roar, and even clearly reached the ears of everyone present.

As soon as these words were spoken.

Gawain's expression froze for a moment.

"I have pulled out the Sword in the stone."

Alvin still smiled, his tone still calm.

"As stated by the wise Merlin, I am now the unquestionable King of Britain."

Saying so.

Alvin looked towards the magus of flowers peeking from the roof and showed a knowing smile.

"Alvin, could he really see me?!"

A strong palpitation suddenly surged in Merlin's chest, almost making him unsteady on his feet.

However, when he looked at the silver-haired youth with suspicion.

He had already withdrawn his gaze.

It made people feel that the just now fleeting glance seemed like an illusion...

"Audacious? Madman? Be mindful of your words..."

Alvin tilted his head.

In such an interested manner, he interrogated him.

"Sir Gawain, where is your respect? Where is your reverence?"

"You, who shout and yell in front of the king like this, are clearly the one being audacious, right..."

"So, as I said..."

The smile disappeared.

The silver-haired youth raised the Sword of Selection expressionlessly, and the sharp tip of the sword pointed directly at the Sun Knight's face.

"You should, to me, your king..."

His voice suddenly became indifferent, as if the sunlight also became cold with his words.

"...Properly, swear allegiance."

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