
[25] Living is for Peace of Mind

[The intense battle raged on for a full day and night, only relenting with the faint light of the rising sun on the horizon. The witch, seemingly unsatisfied, finally released her restraint.]

[The soreness in your waist and abdomen didn't last long, as the ultimate life form, your strength had somewhat recovered. Amidst the tender moments with the witch, you inquired why she didn't personally go to meet her sister.]

[Morgan fell silent for a moment, eventually shaking her head gently.]

["Alvin, your birth has never been revealed to the public, so Britain is still unaware of your identity."]

["Although I don't know why Merlin hasn't detected your White Dragon blood, or what he's scheming... if I get close, that guy will surely become alert."]

[Based on these considerations, Morgan decided it would be better for you to approach Artoria alone.]

[Having personally experienced the endurance of your body, Morgan believed that few in Britain could pose a threat to your life, not even Merlin.] 

["So, before you leave... hold me a little longer."]

[You embraced Morgan's usually cool body tightly, and soon, the tremors of the bed became even more intense than before.]

[Without any romantic words, you responded to the witch's unrestrained demands with rough actions.]

[As the long and fleeting moments passed, the witch finally lay satisfied and languid on the bed, her silky silver hair scattered on the damp sheets.]

[After kissing her lips, you left the castle, never forgetting to come back and nourish the land named Witch with your presence.]

[Time passed swiftly, and the weather in the age of gods was always favorable. Britain's winter was exceptionally short, quickly transitioning into this bright spring day.]

[In the fertile fields already fertilized, you sowed carefully crafted crop seeds engraved with ethereal absorption runes and constructed an array to gather the leylines of this land.]

[In your view, the issue of food was often the foundation of a country. With the magecraft, you aimed to cultivate improved crop varieties during this age of gods, achieving a significant increase in yield.]

[Feeding the people was the most crucial state affair.]

[During the leisure of the farming season, it was the time for you and Artoria to engage in sword training.]

[Practicing with such an excellent instructor as you seemed to stimulate the instinctual struggle within her dragon blood. She was rapidly becoming stronger at a pace of almost one step per day.]

[Every passing day, the muscular strength contained in her red dragon body became more substantial.]

[However, as the ultimate life form, your progress would only be higher, stronger, and more exaggerated than hers.]

[Through the continuous battles between you, Artoria's sword skills were almost entirely seen through and mastered by you.]

[In these months, she had never once gained even a slight advantage in your hands.]

[The broken wooden swords on the ground became more and more.]

[However, despite the predictable and overwhelming defeats each time, it seemed not to have affected her optimistic and positive mindset in the slightest.]

[But, you were not in a hurry to succeed.]

[After all, birds of a feather flock together. To let this pure dragon heart fall into darkness, you knew it required a long and profound influence.]

[Days passed smoothly, and under your subtle influence, Artoria's swordsmanship gradually carried an edge that was not present before.]

[With the lengthening of time, the friendship between you two became deeper and more profound.]

[Apart from the topic of lineage, which you both tacitly avoided, you almost formed a relationship where nothing was off-limits.]

[Your knowledge from two lifetimes surpassed even the great magus Merlin, who was a half-incubus. Due to the limitations of this era, if we were to talk about teaching prowess, Merlin wouldn't hold a candle to you.]

[Therefore, the questions that Artoria had been unable to understand for a long time, you could easily enlighten her with just a bit of guidance.]

[You could significantly perceive that she was becoming more and more dependent on you...]

Spring's warm breeze brushed over the snow-capped mountains of the northern frozen plains, caressing the outskirts of towns with budding green grass.

Britannia, favored by the age of gods, once again displayed a vibrant scene of flourishing life, a spectacle of all things thriving.

On the wheat fields, the perplexed voice of the young girl echoed in the wind.

"Alvin, why do the lords hoard so many knights and horses but are unwilling to clear out bandits and magical beasts?"

Recalling Merlin's lesson on Imperial Arts from last night, the magus of flowers advised her to abandon human emotions and emulate her father, the king, to become an indifferent being, transcending everything, to grow into a qualified ruler.

Is indifference and ruthlessness the path to kingship?

The golden-haired girl pondered, unable to make sense of the logic here. She turned to Alvin for guidance.

"If people live in peace and prosperity, wouldn't the towns become more prosperous in turn?"

"Town prosperity doesn't necessarily mean the lord's finances are abundant. Humans are selfish beings, no one willingly considers their hard-earned labor as taxes."

Alvin glanced at the golden-haired girl and asked, "Artorius, have you ever thought, what is it that people live for?"

"What people live for..." The girl furrowed her brow, pondering for a moment. "Isn't it to pursue goodness and righteousness?"

"No, unfortunately, you're quite wrong, far off the mark."

The silver-haired youth spoke softly, his words as elusive as the wind's whispers.

"It's for peace of mind..."

"Peace of mind?" The girl murmured, repeating the phrase.

"Yes, people live for peace of mind."

Alvin shifted his gaze to the lush green expanse.

Five days after the beginning of spring, signs of spring were everywhere.

The daylight gradually lengthened, and the azure clouds seemed ready to fall.

Cracks in the remaining ice, vibrant red buds on new branches.

Encountering everything, one feels joyful, love for spring is not exclusive to oneself.

Full of vitality, everything competes and thrives.

Despite the apparent prosperity, the hardships of humanity, age of gods or not, remained unchanged.

"More food, greater wealth, stronger power, longer life... Even forming relationships, sacrifice, and even realizing ideal aspirations, all of it is merely to achieve peace of mind."

"Throughout their lives, people are chasing after things that bring them peace of mind."

"But peace of mind also means stagnation and contentment."

"...How can livestock be content?"

"If cows and horses stop moving, the millstones for wheat won't turn, and people won't have fine flour to enjoy."

"Therefore, for humans, cows and horses must bear the burden of being cows and horses, and their offspring must continue the cycle."

"So, lords must instill fear in the populace. Only when they feel insecure can they be compelled, under the guise of defense, to conscript people and collect taxes."

Alvin smiled meaningfully.

"Artorius, if you were a lord, would you bother to expend effort to eradicate bandits and beasts?"

As the words faded away, even the sound of the wind seemed to dissipate.

In this silent stillness, the girl remained in a daze for a long time.

"Alvin, the way you put it..."

She hesitated,

"Lords and bandits, aren't they essentially the same?"

"Exactly, exploiting the fruits of others' labor is one of the nobility's essential traits. You understand this very insightfully, Artorius."

Alvin smiled.

"Human beings are creatures who, in pursuit of peace of mind, choose to indulge in desire..."

"To attain peace of mind, they are willing to entrust their lives to more powerful entities, be it lords, gods, or that so-called... thing called a king."

"What people truly want is an immaculate savior."

"However, in this world, where can one find a perfect and ideal ruler that satisfies everyone?"

"It's nothing but a delusion."

If you're interested in reading more, feel free to visit my pat reon which already contains 20+ chapters: 

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