
Chapter 8

The blood flowed copiously in all directions, forming a red river that snaked through the city streets. In the midst of this scarlet torrent emerged a female figure, partially concealing her face behind a sinister mask. Her previously white hair was now dyed a deep red, soaked in the viscous liquid. Her eyes, of a penetrating yellow, resembled those of a serpent, gleaming with pleasure at the grotesque scene.

Beside her, scattered in every corner, lay several lifeless bodies. Their bodies appeared dehydrated, as if all the blood had been sucked from their veins. The only exception were those bodies untouched by the woman.

"I'm starting to get addicted," Carmilla whispered as she ran her hand through her hair, trying to remove the remnants of blood that stained it. Gradually, her locks regained their original color, shining in their former whiteness.

"Why have the wyverns stopped?" Carmilla asked, puzzled. She looked up and noticed that the winged creatures remained motionless, not tracking human hiding places.

"Could it be the master who stopped them? But why would she do that?" Carmilla wondered, perplexed. It was inconceivable that Jeanne would order the wyverns to cease their search without an apparent reason.

"Do not get irritated or upset; they merely obey me," said a calm and serene voice. Surprisingly, Carmilla had not noticed the approach of the speaker.

"Who are you?" Carmilla asked the man approaching her. The individual had long red hair, and only one of his eyes was visible, the other covered by a curtain of locks. The revealed eye was a deep blue, like the ocean waters. He wore simple garments, akin to those of a peasant.

"It is disrespectful to inquire about someone's name without first introducing oneself," Rémy replied to the woman in front of him. He did not know her identity, but he knew she was a servant, just like him.

"You are capable of controlling the wyverns? And even taking command of those who are commanded by the dragon witch," Carmilla asserted, as if speaking to herself.

"I have a few surprises in store. But changing the subject, it's time for you to die!" Rémy declared, his eyes instantly chilling. Observing the bodies beside the woman had stirred up a feeling he could not ignore. Although he had not protected them for the sake of the safety of the citizens of France, he had done so because of Jeanne. However, that did not mean he would not protect them if necessary.

"You have suddenly changed your attitude. You must have spilled a lot of blood in your existence, for I feel your insatiable thirst," Carmilla said, on alert, determined not to be caught off guard. The wyverns watched her, waiting only for the command of the servant who confronted her.


In Orleans, Jeanne Alter stood before Gilles, addressing him with a question.

"Is everything prepared, Gilles? We lost one Knight; the saint couldn't bear to continue committing atrocities. It seems she either killed herself or succumbed. I will need to summon new servants to assist me," Jeanne expressed to Gilles, who stared at her with wide eyes.

"Yes, my Jeanne! That saint was useless. I expected more from her, given her title of saint," Gilles replied, organizing the preparations for the summoning.

"Hm? Gilles, I've lost contact with some wyverns. I can no longer sense them, although I know they are still alive," Jeanne revealed, perplexed, to Gilles. Although she could sense that the wyverns were still alive, she had lost control over them, as if she had been deprived of her command.

"What? My dear Jeanne, only you have the power to control these creatures. I don't believe it's just an illusion in your mind. Is something troubling you?" Gilles asked, concerned for Jeanne. He had never imagined that there would be someone else capable of controlling the wyverns besides her.

"Do you doubt me, Gilles? I'm telling you that I've lost control over the wyverns, so it's true!" Jeanne Alter replied, irritated by Gilles' doubt. The servant's uncertainty did not sit well with her.

"No, my precious Jeanne, you've misunderstood my words. How could you even think such an absurd thing? Never, at any moment, has such an unfounded idea crossed my mind. I would never question Your supreme wisdom, which is the most extraordinary I've ever witnessed, no, the most sublime that exists. I am merely concerned and wanted to know if you are in good health," Gilles quickly spoke, feeling compelled to clarify his feelings. Now, he questions the identity of the person controlling the wyverns.

"That's better, but please, stop with this excessive flattery. It must be some summoned servant, like Maria. But which servant could it be? Who is he?" Jeanne wondered as she fixed her gaze on the wyverns she had lost control of.


"Since you desire my death, so be it. Eliminating servants is something ordinary for us," Carmilla said, pointing her staff adorned with a purple crystal sphere at its end.

"I understand that what you claim is true. However, I won't allow you to triumph, nor cause further turmoil," Remy had to agree with the woman. Although they are servants, it doesn't mean he will remain inactive.

"Who could have imagined that someone who previously cared only about Jeanne now concerns himself with the well-being of others? I am truly surprised," Remy reflected to himself. For him, the only relevant factor is Jeanne. The other people, for the most part, don't interest him as much, but her influence somehow affected him.

"Focus on the unfolding battle. Your carelessness may result in your own death," Carmilla warned. Remy, who was immersed in his thoughts, was compelled to abandon his contemplative state upon realizing the approaching danger. A dark portal materialized above him, and a statue fell exactly where Remy had been, causing a crack in the ground due to its weight.

"Fortunately, I managed to escape unharmed. Now, where is she?" Remy searched around, looking for the woman who was no longer where she should be. "Did she flee? Well thought out, she must be a sorceress; she's at a disadvantage. It's plausible that she chose to escape."

Blood stained the ground profusely. Carmilla emerged from a pool of blood behind Remy, with the nails on her right hand growing, resembling sharp blades. She lunged forward with that hand, but a wyvern let out a powerful roar. Remy widened his eyes and crouched just in time.

"Thank you, my friend," Remy mentally expressed his gratitude to the wyvern that had roared.

Remy acted quickly, delivering a kick to Carmilla's abdomen, which she defended with her staff, pushing herself away from Remy. She had no intention of engaging in a direct confrontation with him, as it would be suicidal.

"That was close, I almost got defeated," Remy whispered to himself. If the wyvern hadn't alerted him, he could have been killed or gravely injured.

"You caught me off guard, the fault is mine. However, this time, the circumstances will be different!" declared Remy as he stared at her... However, Carmilla disappeared once again. Remy whistled for the wyverns, who filled their mouths with flames! One wyvern flew rapidly towards him.

Remy leaped and was caught by the wyvern, while the others breathed fire in the blood-soaked area where Carmilla had possibly been. Thick smoke emerged, accompanied by intense heat.

"She can't have survived, right? However, it's a real possibility. I need to verify to be sure," Remy uttered. Although he wasn't certain if she had perished, he didn't believe that Carmilla would be defeated so easily.

After the flames and smoke dissipated, Remy landed from his wyvern and instructed them to remain alert. He continued his meticulous search but found no trace of her.

"She truly escaped? It was a swift getaway," commented Remy. He combed through every corner of the city but found her nowhere. She had indeed escaped!

"Search every inch of this city, even beyond its limits. Find her and let out a roar as soon as you locate her, I will know," instructed Remy to the wyverns, who let out a powerful roar and took flight. He mounted one of them and soared into the sky. His goal was to protect the people who had fled the city.

"I hope to find her here, Jeanne. I long for the moment we reunite," said Remy expectantly, fixing his gaze on the horizon surrounded by the sky.

The scene was engulfed in chaos and blood as Remy desperately searched for Carmilla, his enemy. He recognized that she was a dangerous adversary and couldn't underestimate her. Mounted on his wyvern, Remy flew over the city, observing every corner in search of any sign of her presence.

While Remy remained firmly focused on the search for Carmilla, his heart was also filled with concern for the safety of those who had fled the city. He couldn't allow them to be helpless in the face of the imminent threat. With tireless determination, he instructed his loyal wyverns to meticulously explore the surroundings, going beyond the city's limits, with the mission to find any trace of the dangerous woman. If they spotted any clues, they were to let out a piercing roar, immediately alerting him.

As the majestic wings of the wyverns cut through the skies, Remy felt his heart pulsating with a mixture of apprehension and caution. He was aware that Carmilla was more than just an assassin; she was a relentless threat. The uncertainty of her being a "caster" only increased his need to remain on high alert, ready to face any challenge that arose.

Unyielding, Remy delved into the darkest and forgotten corners of the city, meticulously examining every inch in search of any hint that could lead him to Carmilla. He knew he had to stay vigilant and not underestimate her cunning. His heightened senses remained constantly alert as he soared over the city on his majestic wyvern, diving into narrow streets and shadowy alleyways. He was determined to leave no corner uninvestigated.

While the wyverns diligently searched the surroundings, Remy continued to scour the city tirelessly, without rest. Every corner, every abandoned building, every shadow was thoroughly investigated. He knew the woman could have escaped beyond the city limits or be cleverly hidden in some unknown corner. Caution was his most faithful ally, and he was unwilling to let her escape unpunished.

Hours dragged on like eternities as Remy persisted in his tireless search. Frustration began to mix with growing concern. However, he knew that giving up was not an option. The fate of countless lives depended on him, and he refused to fail.

"I can't give up now," murmured Remy with conviction, his words echoing in the wind as his wings cut through the skies. "I will keep searching, no matter how arduous the task. I will find Carmilla and stop her before she can cause more havoc."

His unwavering determination fueled his actions. Instructing the wyverns to persist in their tireless mission, Remy was determined not to rest until he found the answers he sought. He knew the truth was out there, waiting to be uncovered, and he would spare no effort to reach it.

"No sign of her... She truly escaped." After hours of searching, Remy couldn't find her. He had gathered the survivors, but they hadn't seen her either. The survivors were frightened as the wyverns had captured them and brought them forcibly.

"I urge you all to calm down! These wyverns pose no threat to you!" Remy's voice echoed powerfully, aiming to reach the ears of all the terrified citizens.

"But isn't that Remy himself?! Impossible!" a trembling citizen exclaimed in shock.

"Yes, yes, it's him indeed! Remy is alive!" another person shouted with effusive joy and relief.

"So, does that mean he joined forces with the dreaded dragon witch? Isn't he her knight?" Another citizen murmured with apprehension, fearing for everyone's safety.


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