
Fate/Series: I have a simulated servant!

Louis died on Earth due to a truck accident, but he gains a system that tells him he can simulate lives and, in the end, turn those lives into heroes as long as the legend he creates is enough for him to become a heroic spirit. As his first simulation, he becomes a boy named Rémy in France. The cover is not mine. I have no rights to any of the characters other than my own.

Kj18 · Anime & Comics
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122 Chs

chapter 53

The night had fallen, and a dark veil covered everything around. Without the presence of the moon, the scene was immersed in deep darkness. Rémy, with slow and serene steps, made his way up to the top of the city wall. From up there, he contemplated the vastness of the roads swallowed by the night, with only the illuminated city remaining within the limits of the walls.

Suddenly, as he fixed his gaze on the dark expanse in front of him, he heard light, almost imperceptible footsteps. It was as if the person producing them was made of pure lightness. The mysterious figure approached slowly. Rémy turned around and, to his surprise, came face to face with Jeanne, whose long golden hair floated in the night winds. A smile illuminated her face, while her blue eyes sparkled like stars.

"Restlessness enveloped me. Why did you distance yourself? Are you feeling unwell?" Jeanne asked with a concerned expression, her eyes fixed on Rémy. She approached with light steps, avoiding eye contact with his face and turning it back to the darkness ahead, as seen from the top of the wall. The roads were difficult to discern, covered by the dense darkness that concealed them. The sky, embraced by shadow, seemed to have swallowed the stars and, above all, the moon. Only darkness remained.

"You had matters to attend to, and I didn't want to interfere or cause any discomfort. That's why I stepped back so you could handle your affairs," Rémy replied, while gazing at Jeanne. She, who kept her gaze fixed on the darkness, turned to him. Her deep blue eyes met Rémy's, like a mysterious sea. Her red hair accentuated the intensity of her eyes. Jeanne felt slightly uneasy, gently closing her eyes, which only enhanced her beauty and elegance. She spoke, her voice slightly trembling:

"I didn't want to ask this of you, but I wish for you to leave the fortress tomorrow. I need you to go to the south of the Loire River. However, understand that this choice is yours. I don't want to force you, but I long to always have you by my side..." Jeanne lowered her head, her golden hair partially hiding her face, revealing her slightly reddened ears.

"I have the impulse to refuse. I don't want you to get hurt again, like last time. I want to be by your side to prevent such events from happening again..." whispered Rémy, who was already close to her. He gently caressed her hair with his hand, while wrapping his strong arm around her waist. Jeanne felt enveloped by that gesture, gently colliding with Rémy's chest, causing a slight blush to rise on her face. She lifted her gaze, her blue eyes shining like stars, meeting Rémy's deep blue eyes, which seemed like a deep sea, full of promises and protection.

"But what could possibly be in the south of the Loire River that makes you ask me to go?" Rémy questioned, running his fingers through Jeanne's golden hair, feeling its soft texture between his fingers. A flash of curiosity sparkled in his eyes as he awaited her response.

Jeanne leaned her head against Rémy's neck, seeking comfort in his embrace. Those moments of tenderness and closeness were precious to her. She took a deep breath, savoring the masculine scent emanating from him, before answering with a calm but determined tone: "A duke, a trustworthy man, informed me that south of the Loire River lies a fortress, an English stronghold. They have been using that strategic location to obtain supplies and reinforce their troops."

Rémy felt a mixture of intrigue and concern as he stroked her hair. He knew that this new undertaking could be dangerous, but he also understood the importance of fulfilling the promise he had made. His voice sounded firm yet filled with care: "I know we will face challenges, but I am willing to move forward. I promised to help you on your journey, and this is an essential part of it." His words were accompanied by a sincere gaze, conveying to Jeanne his unwavering dedication and support.

A feeling of sadness crossed Jeanne's heart. She knew that danger surrounded them and feared for Rémy's well-being. She held onto his waist with her arms, seeking some comfort in his secure embrace. Her delicate hands slowly rose, tracing an upward path to his face. With tenderness, one of her hands touched the place where his eye was missing, as if seeking to transmit strength and determination. "Promise me you will be careful, that you will hold onto that spear firmly. I couldn't bear to lose you," Jeanne whispered, her fingers sliding gently across his skin, conveying all the love and fear she felt.

Rémy felt a tightening in his heart at her words. With an intense gaze filled with emotion, he held Jeanne's hand, intertwining his fingers with hers. "I promise I will never let go of this spear. It will be my protection and strength. And you, my beloved, will be my motivation to return safe and sound. But remember, it is also important that you are protected. I couldn't bear to see you harmed," he affirmed with a soft yet determined voice. His eyes met hers, reflecting the confidence and certainty that they would overcome any obstacle together.

Jeanne raised her chin proudly, her blue eyes shining with intense determination. "I will be fine, Rémy. I promise. I will lead my soldiers with courage and strategy. I won't allow any of them to get hurt. Believe in me, trust in me," she declared with fervent conviction. The sparkle in her eyes conveyed determination and a strength that contrasted with her fragile appearance. Rémy felt even more confident, knowing that by his side, he had a courageous and tireless woman capable of facing any challenge that crossed their path.

"I think it's time for us to go to sleep," Rémy murmured, bringing his face closer to Jeanne's perfumed hair. Gently, he inhaled the seductive scent of her golden locks, while his fingers entwined in her hair. It was an intimate and comforting gesture that brought a subtle smile to Jeanne's lips, whose eyes shone with the complicity of that moment.

Rémy turned his gaze to the night sky, immersed in the dark vastness where only darkness prevailed. "The hour is late, and we need to rest," he stated. Contemplating Jeanne, who was nestled in his arms, he noticed a mischievous glint in her eyes. "I don't believe it's late, actually, I think it's still early," she teased with a mischievous smile. Rémy responded confidently, "I'm sorry to inform you, but I have an innate ability to discern time accurately."

Jeanne looked at him playfully, her eyes sparkling with challenge, ready to refute his words. "According to my calculations, you're lying," she proclaimed, slowly moving away from Rémy as if meticulously calculating his supposed falsehoods. "So, according to my calculations, you are a liar, and everyone knows that being a liar is not an admirable quality!" Jeanne turned, pointing an accusing finger at him, her expression brimming with mischief.

Rémy, surprised by the turn of events, pretended to be perplexed. "But how did you find out? Are you a witch?" he questioned in an exaggerated tone. Jeanne, far from being offended, welcomed the joke with a captivating smile. "Yes! I am a witch! And you, liar, shall be severely punished for it," she proclaimed, lifting her head proudly and placing her hands on her waist.

A look of feigned apprehension took over Rémy as he crossed his arms over his chest and closed his eyes, as if awaiting the imminent punishment. "No, Miss Witch! I beg for mercy! I was merely studying about time! Don't harm me!" he pleaded, diving into the performance with enthusiasm.

Jeanne couldn't contain herself and started her theatrical performance. "Your punishment shall be the worst imaginable! You shall be devoured by dragons! Go, my children, devour him!" she exclaimed, as if summoning mythical creatures. Taking advantage of the moment, her agile fingers found Rémy's neck and began relentlessly tickling him, exploring his most sensitive spots.

Rémy, overwhelmed by the sensations, lost control and laughed uncontrollably, succumbing to the wave of tickles coursing through his body. The laughter echoed in the air as he tried to evade Jeanne's nimble hands. "Hahaha, stop! Stop it!" he pleaded between laughs, feeling weak and unable to resist the tickles on his neck. He ended up falling to the ground, surrendering to the intensity of the sensation.

Jeanne, realizing the effect she had caused, ceased the tickling, but a victorious smile adorned her face. She approached Rémy, extending her hand to help him up. "The witch prevails! Now you know what happens when you lie to me," she said, a mix of triumph and tenderness in her voice.

Rémy accepted the extended hand, allowing Jeanne to help him up. As he recovered from the tickle attack, their eyes met, revealing a sparkle of affection and mutual admiration. Amidst interrupted laughter, he finally found the words, "You always manage to surprise me, Jeanne. It's incredible how you turn even the simplest moments into something magical."

Jeanne smiled, feeling the warmth of the compliment filling her heart. She drew closer, enveloping Rémy in a comforting embrace. "It's because you're special to me, Rémy. I want every moment by your side to be unique and memorable," she confessed, planting a gentle kiss on his cheek.

Rémy felt the softness of her lips against his cheek, which squished under the contact. A shiver ran through his body, and he found himself yearning for a kiss on the lips, but the unexpected sensation also brought him pleasure. "I was expecting a kiss on the mouth, but this way pleases me as well. So, here are my kisses!" With an expression of affection and tenderness, Rémy squeezed Jeanne in his arms, immersing himself in a rhythm of countless kisses on her cheeks. Each warm and intense touch left their faces flushed, not only from the passionate kisses but also from the force he imposed with each gesture, as if wanting to express all the love he felt for her. "Easy now! I'll end up with no cheeks at this rate." Jeanne, amused, wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him tightly. She asked him to calm down, or else she would be left without her precious cheeks. "That's your punishment, you saint of God!" Rémy joked before returning to tenderly kiss her cheek.

Curious about the new endearing nickname given by Rémy, Jeanne asked with a smile, "So now I've become a saint?" He confirmed, with a radiant smile on his lips. While Rémy's gaze wandered towards the city out of the corner of his eye, something caught his attention. However, Jeanne didn't notice this quick furtive glance. When his eyes met something intriguing, the serene expression on Rémy's face instantly turned serious.

"It's an honor to be called a saint by you," Jeanne sincerely said to Rémy, who returned the smile. "Shall we move forward, then? I need to leave early for the place I must go." Rémy released his arms that embraced her. Soon after, the two descended from the wall through the stairs. As they reached the ground, Rémy took the initiative: "Go ahead, I'll talk to my team and we'll arrange to meet tomorrow." Joy filled Jeanne, as it meant that he wouldn't leave alone and that their chances of facing any danger would be reduced. While Jeanne headed towards the place where they slept, Rémy watched her departure, as well as his own journey. However, the smile that once lit up his face gradually disappeared, making way for a somber expression.

"You can come out of hiding now," Rémy spoke with a serious tone, carrying an underlying intention of murder. The air seemed to grow denser, almost suffocating, as if the turbulent atmosphere was impregnated with Rémy's murderous rage.


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