
Fate/Series: I have a simulated servant!

Louis died on Earth due to a truck accident, but he gains a system that tells him he can simulate lives and, in the end, turn those lives into heroes as long as the legend he creates is enough for him to become a heroic spirit. As his first simulation, he becomes a boy named Rémy in France. The cover is not mine. I have no rights to any of the characters other than my own.

Kj18 · Anime & Comics
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122 Chs

chapter 19

Maria was ready to react, her muscles tense and her senses sharpened. However, before she could launch into battle, a sword appeared before her, intercepting the spear attack that would have struck her. Her eyes widened in surprise as she recognized the wielder of the sword. "Siegfried?" Maria called, her voice filled with disbelief. She thought he had been defeated when facing Rémy Alter. "Could it be that I underestimated you? Isn't that right?" Siegfried looked at her, his gaze filled with determination. He had thrust his sword into the dragon's back, preventing it from taking flight, and now he reached out his hand to Maria and Amadeus.

Rémy Alter, on the other hand, had to plant his spear in Fafnir's back, preventing it from flying as the dragon fell. Maria and Amadeus held onto Siegfried tightly, preventing an imminent fall. And then, with a deafening crash, the dragon collided with the ground, roaring in pain.

"I see that we will have a fight after all." Rémy Alter declared, as he endured the impact of an attack of petals, which slid over his body without causing any harm. His expression remained undisturbed.

Frustration took hold of Maria. "It's extremely frustrating. We can't even harm our enemy. He must have some weakness!" Exasperated, she bit her lip, her hair swirling around her head as she took a leap back. Crossing her arms in front of her chest, she closed her eyes for a brief moment, channeling all her emotion into her words. "For France, I will defeat you! For my beloved citizens! I will fight against you all day long, if necessary, exhausting every last drop of sweat from my body to protect my beloved homeland!" Maria softened her voice, but the intensity of her emotions could be felt in every word. She pointed her crossed hands and a pink light enveloped her, forming an energy sphere that shot toward Rémy Alter like a powerful projectile.

Rémy Alter, nonchalantly, brushed off the dust from his shoulders and felt the energy approaching. The impact pushed him back, but his face remained unshaken. "It seems that not even magic is able to harm me. Well, that makes it easier." A cynical smile danced on his lips. Soon, several energy balls struck his face, causing him to instinctively close his eyes.

Amadeus, perplexed by Rémy Alter's apparent invulnerability, opened his arms and furrowed his brows. His gaze met Maria's, who wore a bitter expression. "Even magic has no effect against this guy? It's simply unfair. Will I have to resort to my music?"

Siegfried, sword in hand, exclaimed fervently, "Free yourself! Balmung!" A bluish aura surrounded his blade as he advanced with determination against Rémy Alter. The impact of Balmung's attack was overwhelming, causing destruction around him.

The hearts of Maria, Amadeus, and Siegfried raced with anticipation. Would this be the moment when they finally discovered a weakness in the invincible enemy? However, to their disappointment, steady and unwavering steps began to echo through the surroundings.

Maria, with hope shining in her eyes, dared to ask, "Did he get hurt, didn't he?" Her voice carried a hint of longing, ardently wishing that Siegfried's attack had taken effect against the relentless adversary.

"I'm hoping so," added Amadeus, sharing the same longing.

Rémy Alter, however, continued advancing, walking calmly towards them as if nothing could shake him. His impassive expression was a sign that the powerful attack had left no mark on his body. "You're hoping for something that won't happen, unfortunately. The misfortune is all yours," he declared, his words filled with confidence.

"I sincerely hope you can fulfill what you said. Otherwise, you will be labeled as a queen who cannot be trusted, a monarch whose words hold little value. I believe you wouldn't want to be remembered in that way," Rémy Alter spoke, his words dripping with disdain, as he moved his spears in perfectly synchronized motions, charging impetuously towards his adversaries.

"Here he comes!" Maria shouted, her voice filled with a mixture of fear and determination. She prepared for the imminent battle. "Yes, here he comes. Maria... take Mr. Siegfried and run. I will take care of dealing with our enemy here," Amadeus stepped forward, firm in his resolve. "Do you think it's better to fight him here than alongside this queen of France?" Maria questioned, refusing to accept such a proposition. After all, she had the responsibility to protect all her subjects. "I apologize, but it won't be this time. I will help, and you will be indebted to me, alright?" Amadeus smiled, extending his arms as he activated his Noble Phantasm.

"I hope the power of my attack proves effective against you. Otherwise, I have no idea how I will stop you," Amadeus murmured to himself, his eyes fixed on the imminent opponent. "Requiem of Death!" Amadeus shouted, releasing his Noble Phantasm. Instantly, several men wielding musical instruments appeared, filling the surroundings with an unforgettable melody. "This time, I will assist... I wasn't able to before, but now I will give everything to help."

"I don't care about your help! I have to fight for my people as a queen! I don't expect you to understand, I know that's beyond your comprehension!" Maria yelled with anger, refusing to let anyone die in her name. "Indeed, you don't understand. That's why I won't abandon my post," Amadeus declared with unwavering determination. "Oh, how lovely... ah! What curse is this!" Rémy Alter sarcastically remarked, but when the music penetrated his ears, something changed in his expression.

"What?" Maria, Amadeus, and Siegfried exclaimed in surprise at the unexpected turn of events. "Turn off that damn music! Silence that horrible melody!" Rémy Alter screamed, clutching his head and feeling a piercing pain echoing through his brain. "Your Noble Phantasm had an effect on him. Not even mine had such an impact," Siegfried said, shocked, as he looked at his sword with a mix of disbelief and uncertainty. "What are you waiting for? Let's escape! Now!" Amadeus shouted, urging them to take the route of retreat.

"Don't run... Damned... I will capture him..." Rémy Alter muttered with difficulty, his ability to speak affected by the torment tormenting his mind. "No! I can't succumb now! Especially because of a mere melody!" Rémy Alter shouted, the pain in his head still throbbing with overwhelming intensity. "I feel weakened... What has this Noble Phantasm done to me?" Rémy Alter questioned himself, confused and dazed.

"Roar!" Fafnir rose from where it had fallen, wounded but flapped its wings and took flight. "You're fleeing, you damned... reptile," Rémy Alter mumbled, overflowing with anger, his frustration intensifying. "I need to... finish off that musician," Rémy Alter whispered, gradually realizing the relief from the pain, albeit to a small extent.


"Shit! Damn your husband! Are you listening? That bastard dared to touch my hair again." Jeanne Alter exclaimed about Jeanne, causing her to rise, full of indignation. "Don't you dare insult my beloved, please. I won't allow it," Jeanne spoke with irritation, getting up from the ground at the same time. "Isn't he a damn bastard? Look at what he did! That guy will pay dearly, you can be sure of it!" Jeanne Alter spoke with burning anger, kicking a rock furiously.

"Please, calm down. We need to assess where we are. Kicking a rock won't change anything." Jeanne stared at the location where they were. "It will! My anger will be vented on it! Besides, there's only jungle around here! And what do you plan to assess anyway?" Jeanne Alter kicked the rock again with uncontained fury.

"We have to check if there's any city nearby. That way, we'll know where we are. And considering we didn't fall too far from the previous city, it's likely that Rémy is in the vicinity." Jeanne ignored Jeanne Alter's outburst and expressed her thoughts. "He's already coming. We need to orient ourselves quickly. It would be better if I summon more Servants." Jeanne Alter spoke, sensing Fafnir's imminent presence.

"Who? Rémy?" Jeanne asked, turning around. "No! I'm talking about my dragon. I couldn't care less about your idiotic husband." Jeanne Alter commented with disgust. "Could you stop speaking like that? Don't you feel even a bit of empathy?" Jeanne inquired. "Why should I feel empathy? I don't even know him. Sorry, but unlike you, who seems to have lived a fairy tale, my tale doesn't exist." Jeanne Alter replied, revealing her bitterness.

"I'm sorry. I know you never had the opportunity to know him. But I strongly believe that if he were by your side, maybe you wouldn't be so bitter and rude as you are now," Jeanne apologized, with a mixture of sadness and hope in her gaze.

"You pity me? Is that it? Well, let me tell you that I don't need your pity. I'm grateful he's not present in my life, that he's not part of my story because it only proves that he's no good, that he couldn't save you! Look at what he has become. Even if there's a possibility that this person isn't really him, there's no way to be certain," Jeanne exclaimed, raising her voice, revealing her irritation and bitterness.

"They called us copies. Therefore, it's plausible that he isn't my Rémy indeed. Although I consider that possibility, deep down in my heart, I don't hold hopes that he's the same," Jeanne admitted, showing uncertainty but still a glimmer of hope in her words. "However, I won't allow you to speak ill of him. It wasn't his fault that he couldn't protect me, but mine... If I had simply refused, none of this would have happened... There would be no betrayal... We would still have our family," Jeanne poured out her emotions.

"Although, in my thoughts, I keep insisting that it wasn't my fault, it's hard for me to accept that I had no part in it," Jeanne looked up at the sky, tears already welling up in her eyes. "I hope I don't start crying, after all, our ride is on its way," Jeanne said, glancing at the sky where a dragon is approaching.


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