

A man from an ordinary world finds himself in the Type-Moon universe. Originally, he was reincarnated with a Holy Grail just before the 5th Grail War. However, upon realizing how dangerous that 'Route' was, he wished for the Grail to eliminate the Grail War altogether. As a result, he avoided the Grail War and returned to London with Shirou, Rin, and Sakura. But the world of Type-Moon is unforgiving. Now, he must journey back in time when the servants from the Throne of Heroes were still alive. There, he must absolve them of their life's guilt, unravel mysteries, and uncover his own secrets related to the system and his reincarnated memories. --- Hey, guys! I am back with another fate fanfic. This time, I am making a mystery drama fic. People might get confused with the timeline, but fear not my lovely degenerates, I will thoroughly explain everything. Genre: Massive Drama, Politics, Mystery, Moon Cell, Fate/Extra, Romance, Moderate SEGGS Words: Around 2500 to 3000 words after some chapters. Schedule: 4 to 5 days a week. I will upload regularly if the chapter has 1500 words. Disclaimer: English isn't my first language, yada yada yada, I don’t own any character, yada yada. Author's request: If you don’t get anything or require some information from Type-Moon, you can comment in chapters and place any request. Warning: Heavy drama and romance element. If your cringe meter is low, read it anyway because you probably have too much free time. Tips: If you want to read advance chapters or help my sorry ass, do visit: patreon.com/J_Titan

J_Titan · Anime & Comics
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142 Chs

Chapter 76: King of heroes can't be this cute!

(Titus's POV)

A few days back, while peering into the world through my Moon Cell, I spotted an unusual company that had sprung up. Initially, nothing seemed out of the ordinary until I caught sight of its name: Uruk Investments, a moniker linked to another infamous character from the anime. Intrigued and eager to meet the king of heroes, I secured an appointment and headed to the company.

"I wonder what happened to him…" I mused as I strolled into the building. In the 4th Holy Grail War, Gilgamesh had assumed a human form. With the disappearance of the grail from this timeline, I speculated he might have reverted to being a mere mortal. However, the presence of a thriving company suggested he retained some heroic spirit powers.

I'd avoided making contact with him before, for reasons that you know, but circumstances had shifted. Meeting him had become both a necessity and a matter of curiosity.

Navigating through the building with an assistant guiding me, I eventually reached the CEO's office.

"Welcome, Mr. Dusklock. How may I assist you?" greeted a lovely lady seated in the main chair as I entered.

In response, I offered only a smile, maintaining a moment of silence. The lady seemed slightly uneasy with my lack of verbal response. After a brief conversation she received, she suggested I take a seat and wait before leaving the room.

I waited patiently for a couple of minutes until I heard approaching footsteps. The door swung open.

"Welcome, the king… of… heroes?" I rose to greet the oldest king of heroes until the figure approached and halted before me.

With short blond hair and red eyes, there was an inherent majesty to him, though it was overshadowed by the sheer cuteness and adorableness of the boy standing before me. Yes, the Gilgamesh I had anticipated turned out to be a 10-year-old child!

"Hehe, looks like I have disappointed you, Mr. Dusklock." The blond-haired child grinned, "I am the owner of this company and former Archer-class servant, Gilgamesh. Nice to meet you~!"


My Gilgamesh can't be this cute!!


"So, you turned into a child when I wished for the Grail's disappearance," I muttered, listening to the diminutive king beside me. "C-can I pet you...?"

I attempted to stroke him, but he swiftly snapped my hand away.

"No thanks~!" Young Gilgamesh beamed a smile. "And do you know the meaning of personal space?"

Now that I think about it, we were sitting opposite each other. When did I end up beside him? Are my parental instincts kicking in?

Anyway, let me explain how the infamous, arrogant, peak-asshole King of Heroes transformed into this bundle of cuteness.

In the fourth Holy Grail War, he emerged victorious, becoming human just like in the anime. However, when I wished for the Grail's removal, it affected him. If not for his own prowess and cheat treasures, he would have disappeared since his body was created by the power of the Grail. Yet, like those who didn't return from the dead when the fire erupted from the Grail, Gilgamesh didn't vanish entirely. He merely reduced to this petite form, retaining only his skills like Golden Rule. He utilized this skill to amass wealth and established a company to maintain an image and identity.

"Anyway, let's get to the main topic," I said, turning serious. "Gilgamesh, can you grant me your clairvoyance, Sha Naqba Imuru?"

In the Nasuverse, only three individuals possess Rank EX clairvoyance. The first two are Solomon and Merlin, capable of seeing both past and future. However, Gilgamesh's clairvoyance is in an entirely different league. Beyond past and future, he could read attacks, a person, and any event like an open book. He could even peer into parallel worlds, akin to my Odin's Eye, exploring 'what if' scenarios flawlessly.

Although lacking a physical form, it manifested through Gilgamesh's mind. I had devised a means to extract it.

"Can I ask you why?" Gilgamesh inquired.

"Well..." After a sigh, I explained the threat posed by the Beast of Babylonia looming in our world.

"That's why I saw no future for this world," Gilgamesh mused, rubbing his chin. He then addressed me, "Look, Mr. Titus. I glimpsed this disrupted timeline in my adult self, and now that you've explained the danger of a Beast, I can tell you that this world is just a bubble. The moment that Beast matures, everything will be gone."

Despite hearing such disheartening words, I calmly smiled. If I were as immature as my past self, I might have fidgeted like a rabbit.

But now, mature and understanding what needed to be done, I replied, "I know, that's why I want just that one favor." I looked directly into his eyes. "With Clairvoyance, I'll be able to see in which time that Beast is maturing right now."

"Is that so..." Gilgamesh sighed. "I am sorry to say this, but I don't have that Noble Phantasm anymore."

He explained that he could only use a few Rank A skills, including Golden Rule, but aside from that, he was pretty much just a normal kid. Even if he had that clairvoyance, he wouldn't use it since deploying such a Noble Phantasm would render everything known to him, making life hellishly boring. He would have granted me that broken skill, but he simply didn't possess it anymore.

"I see…" I sighed with disappointment.

"But I think you should continue to complete these trials. Maybe one day, you can travel in time freely and then visit the adult me during my reign," Gil tried to cheer me up but ended up feeling low himself, "Although my adult self is an asshole and probably won't listen to you."

Yeah, he hated his adult self, just like in the game. But he was probably right. I should persist with my missions. Perhaps, in the future, I could visit Gilgamesh in his time and inquire about the whereabouts of the Whore of Babylonia.

I didn't recall summoning Gilgamesh in the Moon Cell Holy Grail War since he was sealed in the 'Far Side of the Moon'.

"By the way, mister. Can I ask you a favor in exchange for future help?" Gilgamesh raised his question. I nodded, prompting a sigh from him. "Can you take my guardianship?"

"Wait, what?"

To my confusion, Gilgamesh explained that he had been hunted down or bothered by various mages worldwide. After becoming a child and departing Kirei Kotomine's protection, the world of a living heroic spirit somehow discovered him, making him a target for various mages. Initially, he created this company to feed mages and deter them from bothering him. However, now, everything was spiraling out of control.

By coming under the guardianship of a high-ranking magus like me, he could avoid most of the trouble and resolve some legal issues to move freely around the world.

"And so, can you –"

"Of course!"

I agreed immediately. When he looked at me with those puppy eyes, my parental instincts couldn't resist any longer. I lifted him in my arms and planted a kiss on his cheek.

"Wha!" Little Gilgamesh turned red, confused and flustered as to what had gotten into me.

"From now on, you are my son," I smiled, lifting him onto my shoulders. "Let's go to the theme park for some father-son bonding. Let's go!"

I cheered and headed toward the door.

"Wait! I didn't agree to be your son!!!!"


"Ugh, I shouldn't have gone overboard…" I groaned, reminiscing about my time with my new 'son'.

I used to frequent theme parks with my children during the London dreamshift, and I had missed those outings. When Gilgamesh proposed being my 'son', I got a bit carried away. Initially irritated at being treated like a child when he was an adult inside, he eventually relished the park visit like a kid.

It was just a mental strain, reminiscent of the suffering I experienced during the London dreamshift.

Strolling along, I spotted Rin standing before a colossal mansion, dressed casually with bandages adorning her hands. It was the same abandoned building that had once been Rin Tohsaka's home.

"Titus, I wanted to cook a lot of food for you today, but I can't…" Rin muttered, a hint of disappointment evident. "That jerk priest didn't leave a dime for me. Should have taken legal action against him before the fight."

She used to be exceedingly wealthy, but Kirei's mismanagement had left Rin penniless.

"Oh, but you can," I smirked, jingling some keys in my hands. "Get ready for a good hotpot tonight."

Aware of her injuries, I refrained from showing pity. For some reason, she seemed to appreciate being given orders.

A smile flickered on Rin's face before curiosity seized her. "But how?! It's mortgaged to a bank…!"

Grinning, I presented her with some papers. "I bought the bank."


Rin and I were seated on the sofa, engrossed in a movie. Our post-dinner routine involved spending time together, whether it was watching TV or discussing our days. This evening was no different.

Suddenly, I sensed something unusual. Glancing at Rin, who was absorbed in the movie, I detected a captivating aroma. I knew she had recently taken a bath, but this scent was different—akin to the alluring pink aura I'd only sensed in Nero or Tamamo during certain moments.

The aura vanished as swiftly as it appeared. Perhaps it was just my imagination.

"Ano…" Rin spoke, breaking the silence. "You know… it's been a while since you asked me for 'that'?"

"You mean sex?" I raised an eyebrow, looking puzzled.

"What?! No!! We haven't done anything shameful!" Rin retorted, cheeks flushed. She then coughed and tapped her laps, "I-I am talking about this…"

I scrutinized Rin from bottom to top and raised an eyebrow, "Sucking your cherry petals?" I smirked, "Didn't know my wife could be so bold. Going straight for the hard way, eh~?"

"I am talking about a lap pillow! A lap pillow!" Rin protested, her face deep red. "Jeez, I am thinking about giving my husband a reward, and here he is talking nonsense."

"Really?!" I exclaimed with excitement as I noticed her cozy laps. Although I had laid on her laps a few times, I never explicitly asked for it since our marriage.

Rin blushed and nodded.

"Yay~!" I cheered and dove into Rin's lap. Her legs were second only to Scathach's, still holding their own charm. I nestled my face in her lap, savoring her scent. My nose even brushed against Rin's little soft hair on her cherry.

"W-wait! Ah~! Don't nuzzle your face there! Mm~!" Rin protested amid her moans but didn't push me away. Instead, her palms began to softly caress my hair, providing an otherworldly comfort.

Despite Rin's laps being top-tier, there was one issue—they made me incredibly sleepy.

All my worries, sadness, displeasure, and life's hurdles seemed to fade into distant memories. Her gentle hand running through my hair felt like a magical charm, healing my mental health. My muscles relaxed, and I felt at ease.

Though I had only slept on her lap a few times, it always felt nostalgic, as if our relationship extended across ages.

As I drifted into sleep, I thought I saw Rin in… super saiyan form?

I think I had watched a lot of anime. Well, without worrying about anything, I just relaxed and enjoyed my relaxing time.
