

A man from an ordinary world finds himself in the Type-Moon universe. Originally, he was reincarnated with a Holy Grail just before the 5th Grail War. However, upon realizing how dangerous that 'Route' was, he wished for the Grail to eliminate the Grail War altogether. As a result, he avoided the Grail War and returned to London with Shirou, Rin, and Sakura. But the world of Type-Moon is unforgiving. Now, he must journey back in time when the servants from the Throne of Heroes were still alive. There, he must absolve them of their life's guilt, unravel mysteries, and uncover his own secrets related to the system and his reincarnated memories. --- Hey, guys! I am back with another fate fanfic. This time, I am making a mystery drama fic. People might get confused with the timeline, but fear not my lovely degenerates, I will thoroughly explain everything. Genre: Massive Drama, Politics, Mystery, Moon Cell, Fate/Extra, Romance, Moderate SEGGS Words: Around 2500 to 3000 words after some chapters. Schedule: 4 to 5 days a week. I will upload regularly if the chapter has 1500 words. Disclaimer: English isn't my first language, yada yada yada, I don’t own any character, yada yada. Author's request: If you don’t get anything or require some information from Type-Moon, you can comment in chapters and place any request. Warning: Heavy drama and romance element. If your cringe meter is low, read it anyway because you probably have too much free time. Tips: If you want to read advance chapters or help my sorry ass, do visit: patreon.com/J_Titan

J_Titan · Anime & Comics
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142 Chs

Chapter 63: Unexpected marriage

(Titus's POV)

I strolled down the hallway of the Clock Tower, Rin by my side. Our graduation certificates in hand, we leisurely wandered after wrapping up some paperwork.

"Why the contemplation?" Rin asked.

"Nothing much," I replied, then sighed. "Just my organization. I wanted to establish connections with the higher-ups, but lacking a prestigious family name makes it challenging."

I didn't need to be adopted into a family to create my organization. While I could forge my own path, garnering support from influential families was crucial. My vision was to form an independent mage organization with the Clock Tower's assistance, quietly influencing the world from the shadows.

"Come to think of it, I've heard something similar," Rin said, her cheeks tinted with a rosy hue as she glanced at me. I chose to ignore her.

Little did she know, I had only revealed a fraction of the details. But there was no necessity for her to delve deeper into the matter. Well, background was of small matter anyway.


"Fuck." Rin and I let out simultaneous curses at the sound of that irritating laughter.

"Luvia's here," I muttered under my breath.

Luviagelita Edelfelt walked in, her platinum blonde hair cascading in gentle waves, framing sapphire eyes that held a determined gaze. Her slender figure exuded grace, accentuated by porcelain skin. She bore a striking resemblance to Rin, save for her bust size and blonde locks.

"It seems Miss Gorilla has finally been tamed," Luvia chuckled, crossing her arms. Rin's irritation was evident as Luvia's breasts jiggled, provoking her further. "Still underdeveloped even as an adult~!"

"What did you just say, you blond drill bitch?!" Rin spat, clenching her teeth.

"Show some elegance in front of a gentleman," Luvia retorted before turning her attention to me. "Oh my, isn't this Mr. Titus Dusklock? Is it just me, or has Mr. Dusklock become more charming~?"

"Hello, Miss Edelfelt. How is Mister Edelfelt doing?" I greeted with a touch of elegance, a stark contrast to our usual interactions. While we were acquainted, this marked the first time she acknowledged me properly. Unlike the anime portrayal, Luvia exuded a typical 'ojou-sama' vibe and mage-like personality. She typically wouldn't bother with anyone unless they held a higher standing in the nobility, a common trait among mages. I understood, as most mages faced the same challenge.

"My father is fine. He misses you," Luvia replied, extending her hand. "And I miss you too."

However, Rin quickly stepped forward, slapping Luvia's hand away. "Hey, drills! Don't get close to Titus!" Rin shot a fierce glare at Luvia.

"Oh my~!" Luvia grinned, covering her face with a fan. "Miss Tohsaka, what exactly is Mr. Titus to you?"

"He's my best friend," Rin declared proudly. "But whatever he is to me, don't get cozy with him now that he's become charming and handsome."

Wow, I was taken aback by Rin's unexpected praise.

"Well, it doesn't really matter. After all, Mr. Dusklock and I will be tying the knot someday," Luvia chuckled and laughed, breezing past the stunned Rin.

"Rin, I—"

But Rin didn't let me finish. She forcefully dragged me to a quiet hallway, pressing me against the wall and fixing me with a glare.

"Titus, what's the meaning of this?" Her eyes bore into mine, a mix of anger and something else I couldn't quite place.

I wasn't fond of her sudden change in demeanor, but then I noticed tears welling up in her eyes. Sighing, I knew I needed to explain.

"Remember my work. I used to manage the Edelfelt household finances, guiding them to profitability," I began, feeling the weight of the situation. "As a symbolic tie to the family, Mister Edelfelt spoke of an engagement between Luvia and me. Thinking about it now, it could have been beneficial for me to have the Edelfelts in terms of connections."

It wasn't as if Luvia and I were truly engaged. Besides some formal discussions, we hadn't even spent time together. Luvia's father simply saw me as a means to strengthen the Edelfelt family financially. This was a few years ago. I hadn't refused the engagement since I, too, had contemplated marrying her for the gains it might bring.

But it was a different scenario now.

"So, you want to marry Luvia for this?" Rin's voice wavered with emotion.

"Wait, I think you've misunderstood—"

"Then marry me!" Rin's declaration cut through the tension, hanging heavily in the air.

A heavy silence enveloped us as I tried to discern whether Rin was being genuine, but her expression showed sheer determination.

"Are you serious?" I asked, needing confirmation.

"Yes, I am dead serious. If stakes in Clock Tower are what you seek, the Tohsaka family has plenty to offer. By marrying me, you'll gain access to our family's mage meetings and other perks, such as lands and our family crest."

She wasn't wrong. Despite her family being almost in debt, Rin owned land both in London and Japan. Acquiring more land wasn't a challenge for me, but the advantage of her family name couldn't be dismissed. Unless I established myself significantly within the Clock Tower, the Tohsaka name could indeed be advantageous for the time being.

"And so, just marry me,"


(3rd Person's POV)

"And that's how I got married to Titus," Rin recounted, holding the marriage certificate bearing both their names. The reality of being married to her long-time crush was still sinking in. How had this whirlwind of events unfolded? She had no clue; everything had happened so swiftly.

"Damn, didn't think you'd move this fast," Shiro commented, shaking his head. "But you're still an idiot. Why put conditions on him?"

After their court marriage, Rin had imposed certain conditions, such as no intimate relationship or authoritative restrictions for a year. Titus, viewing it as a marriage of convenience, had naturally agreed. Rin had built a bridge only to dismantle it herself.

"Shut up! He'll understand, okay?!" Rin grunted, flustered by the unexpected outcome. She hadn't wanted to impose such restrictions, but she needed time to approach him slowly and resolve her own issues.

Titus had assured her that he would respect her choices, and in return, she had promised—going so far as to sign a Geis, vowing never to seek another man. Of course, it wasn't like she could approach any man in her current predicament.

"Well, whatever," Shirou said, yawning. "I'll be moving tomorrow, so I'm going to pack my stuff."

"No one's going anywhere," a voice interrupted, and Titus stepped forward. He looked at Rin and Shirou before continuing, "Guys, I think it's time you knew something about the Fourth Holy Grail War."

(Titus's POV)

As I unveiled information about the Grail War, both Rin and Shirou were left in stunned silence. The Grail War had been a hidden truth for them, thanks to my wish and the Grail's nonexistence in their era.

Starting with Shirou, he had no direct connection to the Grail War. However, the corrupted Grail had turned the city into ash, sparing his life before Kiritsugu Emiya adopted him. The man he admired turned out to be responsible for the death of his biological parents.

For Rin, the revelation hit hardest. The person who had killed Rin's father was none other than Kirei Kotomine, her current guardian. She struggled to reconcile the fact that the one who had ruined her family was now the person providing for her.

"Are you angry at me?" I asked Rin, breaking the heavy silence.

"No... But why tell us now?" Rin questioned, her confusion evident.

"Because now I have a means to make you guys stronger," I explained before standing up. Rin and Shirou followed suit. However, as soon as they rose, the surroundings shifted beneath their feet.

They stood in bewilderment at what seemed like the entrance to a room. Upon entering, they found the space filled with several skeletons swarming the plane lands.

"Try calling status," I instructed both Rin and Shirou. They nodded, and a holographic system prompt materialized before their eyes.

"What the? Is this like a game?" Rin questioned, baffled by the sudden display.

"Yeah, I can see my level too!" Shirou exclaimed, intrigued. "So, can you explain what's going on?"

"I will," I replied, snapping my fingers, causing weapons to materialize in their hands. Shirou received her signature twin swords, while Rin was armed with gauntlets.

"Go on and clear them," I directed, gesturing toward the skeletons that filled the area. Both Rin and Shirou nodded, immediately engaging the undead. Shirou adeptly wielded her swords, deflecting attacks and delivering precise strikes, while Rin utilized Bajiquan, obliterating the skeleton monsters with her bare hands.

You might be wondering how I managed to create this dungeon. With control over the Land of Shadows and the Moon Cell core, I connected both realms. Leveraging the Moon Cell's assistance, I scanned my system and created similar panels for Rin and Shirou. This allowed them to encounter mobs, hone their fighting styles, and grow stronger.

I didn't have a strong reason to assist them, but in the Nasuverse, they were the main characters, and I didn't want them to endure the same hardships I had faced.

After clearing the mobs, Shirou and Rin returned, visibly winded but wearing amused smiles.

"How are you feeling?" I inquired.

"Good," Shirou replied, wiping away his sweat.

"I'm feeling good too," Rin chimed in.

"Shirou, Rin, I want to say that this world is beautiful. It's where we should create memories. To safeguard this world, we need strength at any cost. Strength isn't just a need; it's a necessity."

Turning to Shirou, I continued, "Shirou, you once inspired me to strive for a saintly ideal, even if the ideology seemed foolish. It's because of those words that I'm proud of who I am. So, build those muscles and become the hero you should be proud of."

Then, directing my attention to Rin, I said, "Rin, I... I just want to thank you for being my friend. I had your back when you needed it, so now, I'm here for you. If revenge is what you seek, I'll assist you."

As I finished speaking, Rin and Shirou's eyes welled up with tears.

"Why are you crying?" I asked, puzzled. But instead of an answer, Rin darted into my embrace. "Awe~! Hugs are nice,"

Shirou placed a hand on my shoulder. "You are such a nice dude. I love you, bro... *sniff*!

"Yeah, same here."


I was in my bedroom, engrossed in a book when I heard a knock. Upon my permission, Rin entered.

"I'm not disturbing you, am I?" she inquired.

"Oh, goodness, I didn't expect my Japanese wife to start acting so formal on the first day," I teased. Instead of retorting, Rin blushed and nodded cutely.

Not wanting to keep her waiting, I gestured for her to sit on the bed.

"Hey, I mean Titus, am I being childish with those restrictions and demands?" Rin asked, likely referring to the terms of our marriage—no physical intimacy for one year and restrictions on her actions.

I sighed and confessed, "Rin, I really like you, and I would love to do a lot of intimate things with you. However, we're a married couple now, and in such a marriage, physical intimacy isn't the only thing. Mutual understanding and respect are essential for a healthy relationship. So, I'll respect your decision."

Having been married four times, I understood that tragedies could occur, but mutual respect and patience were crucial. As someone who had borne the weight of the greatest tyrant in history, my patience level was high.

"I see. Thank you, Titus, for being an understanding man," Rin said, her ears and cheeks rosy. "Just give me some time. Bear with my childish antics for a while."

"I will. Take your time," I assured her, sensing that something was bothering her. I decided to let time reveal our fate.

"Umm, by the way, you can tell me how... a wife is supposed to act in the house? You can order me around too, you know…" Rin muttered, shyly squeezing her legs.

I chuckled and nodded, "That's okay. So, what do you need to know first?"

"Then tell me your likes or dislikes," Rin enthusiastically said, producing a notebook and pen.

"Likes, huh? Well, what I like most are thighs."

We then spent the entire night conversing, deepening our understanding of each other as a couple.


I know Rin's character is different but everything will be explained later.

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