

A man from an ordinary world finds himself in the Type-Moon universe. Originally, he was reincarnated with a Holy Grail just before the 5th Grail War. However, upon realizing how dangerous that 'Route' was, he wished for the Grail to eliminate the Grail War altogether. As a result, he avoided the Grail War and returned to London with Shirou, Rin, and Sakura. But the world of Type-Moon is unforgiving. Now, he must journey back in time when the servants from the Throne of Heroes were still alive. There, he must absolve them of their life's guilt, unravel mysteries, and uncover his own secrets related to the system and his reincarnated memories. --- Hey, guys! I am back with another fate fanfic. This time, I am making a mystery drama fic. People might get confused with the timeline, but fear not my lovely degenerates, I will thoroughly explain everything. Genre: Massive Drama, Politics, Mystery, Moon Cell, Fate/Extra, Romance, Moderate SEGGS Words: Around 2500 to 3000 words after some chapters. Schedule: 4 to 5 days a week. I will upload regularly if the chapter has 1500 words. Disclaimer: English isn't my first language, yada yada yada, I don’t own any character, yada yada. Author's request: If you don’t get anything or require some information from Type-Moon, you can comment in chapters and place any request. Warning: Heavy drama and romance element. If your cringe meter is low, read it anyway because you probably have too much free time. Tips: If you want to read advance chapters or help my sorry ass, do visit: patreon.com/J_Titan

J_Titan · Anime & Comics
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142 Chs

Chapter 5: The tyrant

Titus's (Tacitus) POV)

The day began early in the first century, so I rose just before sunrise, embarking on a quest for the essential components to awaken my magical circuits.

Back in that era, my knowledge of magecraft was limited, and I had no intention of delving into its secrets. This was mainly due to the fact that magecraft was still viewed as heretical following the supposed demise of Jesus Christ. Zealous followers remained vigilant, hunting down practitioners of any magical arts. Additionally, for reasons unbeknownst to me, Nero had imposed a ban on many forms of magecraft. To avoid worsening my situation, I resolved to quench my thirst for ancient magecraft knowledge and instead focus on unlocking my magic circuits through conventional means.

I grinned as I clutched a book containing detailed information on various herbs and their locations, conveniently left behind by my body's previous occupant.

To clarify, magic circuits typically don't awaken through conventional methods. Typically, an individual's magic circuits activate due to a traumatic experience or accident. However, this was merely a façade. Many possessed the means to awaken magic circuits, provided they had access to the right materials, knowledge of leylines, and a robust immune system. Since I had previously awakened magic circuits in my natural body, doing so again shouldn't pose a significant challenge.

Leaving the city, I ventured into the nearby forest in search of the herbs required to create a potion crucial for purifying my nervous system and veins, facilitating the flow of mana.

Around 9 in the morning, I returned to the city, on the lookout for additional ingredients. The market seemed to be thriving, thanks to Nero's reduction in indirect taxes, which had lowered prices and boosted consumer activity. Both merchants and citizens were reaping the benefits.

I collected the necessary materials and brought them back to my home and workshop. While some of the herbs were unfamiliar, I was grateful for Tacitus' thorough documentation of their effects.

Commending my past self for the foresight, I nodded with satisfaction and began preparations for the ritual. With the abundance of mana in the air and the city's positioning on leylines, I didn't need to seek another location.

After a few initial setbacks, I successfully concocted a potion to fortify my immune system and veins. I then carefully inscribed a magic circle and arranged jewels around it to channel more mana.

"It's time," I declared, settling in the center of the circle and consuming the potion I had painstakingly brewed.

"Phuah! This tastes worse than rotten eggs!" I exclaimed, grimacing. I hoped that in my next incarnation, I wouldn't have to endure this foul concoction.

I focused on regulating my breath and entered a meditative state. Gradually, my body heated up, and perspiration formed on my skin. While such a process usually involved excruciating pain, my current body seemed better equipped to withstand it. I persevered through the ordeal, and after a few minutes, I opened my eyes, greeted by a couple of notifications.

[Your magic circuits have been opened.]

[MAG Parameter and MP have been updated.]



Name: Titus Faria Dusklock (Temporary Name: Publius Tacitus)

Age: 19

Elements: Light (Special)

Level: 12 (Locked)

Parameters (Temporary):

STR: 14

MAG: 18

END: 33

AGI: 14

LUC: 25

Additional SPs: -

HP: 86

MP: 99

Skills and abilities: [Herbalist C, (temporary)]


Illusionary Arts Rank D: [Illusion Hide], [Expression Distort]


"Hmm, my maximum stats do indeed align with those of my real body," I mused as I performed some calculations. It became evident that my base stat stood at 500. In Tacitus's body, my overall parameters mirrored my original ones, except for an additional 20 points in endurance.

"Ugh! This smell is unbearable!" I groaned, noting that my body was covered in a dark, foul-smelling goo. "I need to find a way to take a bath."

Another kilometer to go before I could find a suitable bathing spot. After 30 minutes of searching, I reached a riverbank where the tide had receded. Here, I observed two men engaging in dual cultivation but hastily departing upon catching a whiff of my noxious odor.

I must clarify that in this empire, whether one's inclinations leaned towards homosexuality, bisexuality, polysexuality, or any other preference, it was all acceptable. Emperor Neo herself had a wife, so there were no restrictions. As for me, I had already developed a mental immunity to such matters.

With no soap available, I resorted to bathing using some herbs to cleanse my skin. After an hour in the water, I emerged and dressed myself. Returning to the city, I soon detected an unusual tension in the atmosphere.

"What's happening?" I muttered, puzzled. Normally, people would be strolling the streets, even in the late evening, but all I could see were patrolling guards. I attempted to question a few of them, but they appeared equally clueless.

I was about to head back to my chamber when, through a house window, I spotted Seneca, my foster father, seated with a drink in his hand. I entered his room and took a seat across from him.

"Foster father, what's the commotion about?" I inquired.

"Her Majesty attempted to assassinate Agrippina but failed. However, she has arrested her mother on charges of numerous murders," Seneca replied, his eyes devoid of expression.

"Care for some?" Seneca offered me alcohol, but I declined, wary of any potential impact on my magic circuits. "Aren't you surprised?"

"Well, it was somewhat expected. Her Majesty Nero was always on the edge in court, and every human has their limits," I remarked, offering my opinion. Besides, Nero would likely to execute her mother soon.

Seneca blinked a few times before a smile graced his lips. "You've matured quite a bit. Are you still the same Tacitus I knew?"

No, I wasn't. I decided to delve deeper into the matter of Nero. "So, does Her Majesty Nero possess any evidence of Lady Agrippina's crimes?"

"Evidence? Do you mean proof? I doubt it. Her Majesty is the emperor, and she holds the power to pass judgment."

His response baffled me. I knew that strange laws existed in ancient times, but executing without evidence made little sense.

"If that's the case, perhaps you should advise Her Majesty to secure at least one piece of evidence regarding Lady Agrippina's alleged crimes. It would provide a solid defense against the Senate's attempts to undermine her reign."

"Hmm, now that you mention it, it might serve as a good countermeasure against the Senate. But then again, Her Majesty Nero is not one to heed my counsel. She's consumed by rage," Seneca sighed.

I shrugged and decided to listen. After all, Nero was known to be a stubborn figure in history. Despite being adept at governing, he possessed a colossal ego. I suspected the female version of Nero wouldn't stray far from her male counterpart.

"By the way," I ventured, "Is same-gender marriage a common practice among royalty?"

"Of course not. It was all Agrippina's doing. The followers of Yeshua were opposed to such unions, but Agrippina's influence was unyielding."

Seneca must have been referring to Christians. While the religion had spread throughout the Roman Empire, its influence was notably hindered around Jerusalem and neighboring regions. I couldn't help but wonder how I would react if Nero initiated Christian persecution, given my deep respect for religions and cultures. I had spent my early years under the care of a local church's priest after my parents abandoned me.

"What about producing an heir? Is there a method involving the heavens to conceive a child?" I inquired further.

Seneca burst into laughter. "Pff, haha! No, it's not quite like that. We can enlist the aid of a magician to perform magic and—"

"What about alternative methods?" I interrupted, not wanting to hear the first method.

"Or Empress Octavia could simply spend a night with another man to conceive a child."

"...what?" Did I hear that correctly? Octavia was Nero's wife!

"Yes. If a child can't be conceived with one person, the woman can always try with another man just for the sake of having a child," Seneca explained, attempting to clarify the practice.

My silence spoke volumes, my eyes betraying a simmering anger. Seneca, sensing my discomfort, hastily added, "Or, families can opt to adopt someone. There are many individuals with royal blood within the capital."

Finally, something I could relate to. It was a challenge to uphold moral values in the midst of Roman customs.

I excused myself and returned to my home. There, I practiced some spells and, satisfied with their performance, retired to bed.


The following day, beneath the open sky, I spotted the same girl with golden blond hair. However, her lovely countenance was juxtaposed with the headless body of another woman.

"This woman I just beheaded wasn't human, but a monster. She wasn't my mother but a witch who had murdered many people of royal lineage and attempted to poison me," the blond-haired girl declared, raising the lifeless head of her birth mother high.

"Now, my Rome will once again reign over this land. All hail ROMA!"

On March 23, 59 AD, Nero publicly executed Agrippina, her mother. While some of the general public celebrated Nero's actions, others were horrified and repulsed by the cruelty of the emperor. That year, Nero's reputation as a tyrant was firmly established.