
Chapter 46: Grinding

(Titus's (Ferdiad's) POV)

Five months had passed since my arrival in the Land of Shadows, and within this period, I had reached level 35. You might be wondering why I had only gained three more levels during this time. The reason was simple: I wasn't utilizing my full fighting potential.

My only options were to rely on my martial arts and rune magecraft, skills I had acquired from Scathach. I concealed my true abilities out of fear that Scathach might detect my otherworldly presence, potentially altering the course of history. Additionally, the more levels you gain, the harder it becomes to acquire further levels by defeating the same enemies just like in games.

I mean, how much experience can you really gain from defeating simple-looking skeletons and zombies? Moreover, 90% of the time, I had to focus on honing my skills. Unlike Cu, whose talent was truly monstrous, I was a slow learner when it came to the physical aspects of training. So, I had to dedicate considerable time to practice.

On the other hand, I had already mastered the rune magecraft that Scathach had bestowed upon us. I couldn't fathom how I could efficiently use runes without extensive practice, but I suspected it had something to do with my skill, Odin's Eye.

One day, I made the decision to sneak out. When everyone else had drifted into slumber, I found myself wide awake and refreshed. I had also noticed that I could easily replenish my stamina using runes. With just a few hours of sleep, I could endure a day's worth of activity. Having solved my sleeping problem, it was time to make my escape.

I adorned my battle gear—a dark set of pants and shirt, complemented by rune-enchanted leather armor. Scathach had taught us how to craft a skintight rune suit like hers, but I had never created or worn it. I refused to wear such an embarrassing leotard, where my little dragon would be blatantly visible. Curiously, Cu wore it, although he only opted for pants without a shirt.

Approaching Cu, who lay sleeping almost naked, you might wonder how I could share a room with a man who slept in the buff. I could only say that it was an Irish thing. In fact, Cu was rather modest. Based on my memory, most Celts wore minimal clothing, and sometimes, they would simply roam around in the nude.

Observing his physical strength, I could see that he was truly a monster. Given his reputation as the Irish Heracles, he mastered physical prowess faster than I did. However, I outshone him significantly in the realm of rune magecraft. This contrast motivated me to venture out and grind, aiming to reach his level. According to legends, Ferdiad and Cu Chulainn were evenly matched in strength. If I wanted to follow the proper human history path, I needed to catch up to him.

After ensuring Cu was undisturbed, I quietly exited the room and made my way to Scathach's quarters. Employing my Presence Concealment skill, I moved stealthily to avoid waking her, slipping into her room unnoticed.

Her chamber contained only essential furnishings—a bookshelf with ancient tomes and a set of sofas, one of which she was currently occupying as she slept.

'God, she is so sexy!' I bit my lips in frustration for having such degenerate thoughts.

I couldn't help but find her alluring, and it frustrated me to have such inappropriate thoughts. Her night attire, consisting of a blouse and a long skirt, was usually modest. However, in the current disheveled state, her skirt had ridden up, revealing the smooth curve of her buttocks and the long, elegant lines of her legs. The blouse, too, had shifted, offering an unintentional glimpse of underboob, a tantalizing fan-service that left me both entranced and embarrassed.

"Control yourself, Titus. She is your teacher," I admonished myself with a sigh, shaking my head. Despite my fair share of experiences with beautiful women, Scathach existed on a completely different level. Besides, my current body was still a virgin.

After a moment of contemplation, I approached her, taking the initiative to tidy her disheveled clothes. I then fetched a blanket and gently covered her, considering the cold temperature in the room.

"Thank you, shishou," I murmured, bowing in gratitude from the depths of my heart.

Regardless of her stern teachings and occasional harsh words, Scathach was the one who had made me stronger. I held immense respect for her as my teacher and mentor; words failed to capture my admiration for her.

With that, I left her room and ventured further, reaching an open hallway adorned with several windows. Without hesitation, I leaped from one window, descending a daunting six meters. An ordinary person might have met their end, but I was different. I enchanted my feet with a rune, landing flawlessly on the ground.

"Time to grind!" I smirked, determination lighting up my eyes as I sprinted toward the dungeon where the undead used to spawn. Nothing was going to hinder me from fighting at my full strength now.


(3rd person's POV)

"He is such a cutie," Scathach, who appeared to be 'sleeping,' opened her eyes and sat up with a warm smile.

Unbeknownst to Ferdiad and Cu Chulainn, Scathach didn't require sleep or sustenance in the Land of Shadows. She was the invincible queen, literally unkillable. However, she occasionally ate with them and rested to emulate human behavior.

Ferdiad often visited her room during the night, where they would engage in lengthy conversations. Sometimes, he shared his stories while she reciprocated with hers.

Today, Scathach had a different plan in mind. She wanted to play a game, suspecting that Ferdiad would come to see her. To test his intentions, she pretended to be asleep, deliberately disheveling her clothing. She wanted to observe if Ferdiad would take advantage of her, considering his evident fondness for her body. Much to her expectations, he didn't. She knew he was a gentleman, regardless of his occasional perverted behavior.

In truth, she didn't mind his touch. Unlike Cu, who remained focused solely on training, Ferdiad took care of her in various ways. He ventured outside to procure different kinds of food, including meat, for their meals. He picked fruits and flowers, aiming to impress her after she had mentioned her preferences just once. Additionally, he diligently cleaned the entire castle every week and always inquired if she needed anything.

All in all, he was the dream boy any girl could wish for.

In her dilemma of not being able to show favoritism or reciprocate Ferdiad's feelings, Scathach decided to allow him physical contact as a reward for his devoted efforts.

"If only he had been born a few decades ago..." she mused, contemplating what could have been. If Ferdiad had existed just a few years earlier, she would have nurtured him into a formidable warrior and then banged him dry. She wouldn't have even allowed him to glance at another woman, so deeply enamored she would have been with him.

Regret washed over her as she thought, "If only I didn't have to prove to everyone how much of a badass woman I could be and then fucked things up..."

Scathach sighed, shaking her head. She knew that if she revealed her dark past and the twisted choices she had made, Cu and Ferdiad would likely run away from her.

Determined to focus on the present, Scathach got up and adorned her trademark skintight suit. With a flick of her hand, she materialized a crimson demonic spear. Armed and ready, she left her room, determined to find out what her charming pupil was up to.

"Let's see what my charming pupil is up to..." she murmured, her eyes filled with a mix of curiosity and affectionate amusement.


(Titus's (Ferdiad's) POV)

I ventured further into the inner sanctum of the Land of Shadows, where higher-level undead creatures roamed. Soon enough, I spotted skeletons and ghouls wielding weapons. Activating my skill, [Odin's Eye], I assessed their levels. Skeletons emitted a slightly blue hue, while ghouls appeared in a darker shade of blue. They were stronger than me, but not unbeatable.

However, I had no intention of wasting my time on these mobs. With a swift incantation, I cast a rune spell that illuminated my body, simultaneously taunting all hostile enemies. The undead creatures noticed my presence and charged towards me. To deal with them, I conjured a fireball in my palm using [Amaterasu: 5 tails EX+]. Channeling the same skill, I infused divinity into the fireball, transforming it into a brilliant, golden blaze.

"Ha!" I exclaimed, releasing the fireball like a bowling ball. The impact was explosive—BOOM! Upon contact, the fireball obliterated the first undead it touched. Around 50 or so undead met their demise, either incinerated on the spot or blown into pieces.

"That's the power of divinity for you..." I muttered, wearing a wry smile. The combination of fire and divinity proved to be the ultimate weakness of the undead, a theory that had now been successfully tested. I made a mental note to practice this newfound power later.

A notification popped up: [You have been leveled up!] I had gained a level after dispatching around 70 undead. Encouraged by my progress, I decided to venture deeper into the dungeon.

The terrain resembled a colossal crater, growing deeper as I proceeded. The further I walked, the stronger the undead became. Simultaneously, the sunlight waned, plunging the area into near darkness. That explained why Scathach had restricted our visits to daytime.

Undeterred by the encroaching darkness, I lit a torch and cast an observation spell on my body. Activating [Odin's Eye] once more, I could now discern the auras of the enemies lurking in the shadows. With newfound determination, I pressed forward, ready to face whatever challenges awaited me in the depths of the dungeon.


In a split second, I leaped, narrowly evading a colossal blade. The sword crashed into the wall behind me, shattering it into fragments.

"!!!" An ear-piercing battle cry echoed, and I turned to see a shadowy figure—a grave keeper wielding a giant sword.

Reacting swiftly, I pulled out a spear and thrust it at the giant. To my astonishment, the spear snapped like a toothpick. My eyes widened, but before I could react, the giant landed a powerful punch to my belly, hurling me into the nearby barrier.

"Cough! Cough!" I gasped for breath, my strengthened body allowing me to recover swiftly. However, the battle was far from over, as the giant loomed menacingly before me.

In the midst of my thoughts, a familiar voice reached my ears. "Dodge and find the caster. He must be empowered by an undead mage."

I nodded and leaped high into the air, scanning the surroundings for the mage. Soon enough, I spotted another purple aura—a person holding a staff. Swiftly, I pulled out a bow and imbued the arrow with the fiery essence of Amaterasu and divine energy, then let it fly.


My arrow pierced through the caster effortlessly, ending his life in an instant. Turning my attention back to the giant, I reached into my Inventory and drew a sword. Infusing it with the same potent combination of fire and divinity, I descended and cleaved the giant in half. It dissipated into nothingness, and I gained another level.

[You have leveled up!]

Internally, I cheered at my newfound strength. Yet, I knew I now had to face an even more formidable foe than the shadow giant and caster.

"Quite the colors you are showing, eh?" Scathach raised a brow as she approached, clad in her customary skintight outfit, and holding her crimson spear.

"I…" I stammered, knowing my fate was sealed. A lengthy beating and then a day-long lecture awaited me. I closed my eyes tightly, bracing for a slap or a punch. Instead, I felt a soft palm against my cheek.

"Why did you hide your powers from me? Do you have no trust in your teacher?" Scathach's voice remained monotone, but I detected a hint of disappointment in her eyes.

I shook my head. "That's not it… It's just—"

"If you had told me earlier, I could have trained you more efficiently," Scathach interrupted. She had already asked about our abilities so that she could train us accordingly. Cu had revealed everything but I never did.

"How can I say…"

"Is it about Cu?"

I nodded my head.

"He must never know about it, as I have to face him on equal ground. If he discovers my powers, he'll insist I use them, and he'll lose, which I don't want," I explained.

At the end of our two years of training, Cu and I were destined to fight for the demonic spear Gae Bolg. If he found out about my hidden skills, he would push me to fight at full strength, and I would win, as I had foreseen with Odin's Eye's clairvoyance. Therefore, I had kept everything concealed, except for what Cu already knew.

"That's all I can explain. I can trust you with my secret, but please promise me never to reveal this to Cu. I beg of you," I pleaded.

Scathach closed her eyes and nodded. "I have no intention of meddling in your affairs. All I want is for my pupils to be the strongest they can be, utilizing what I offer and what they can learn." She then walked past me. "There is a place where you can face even stronger warriors."

My eyes sparkled with excitement, and I leaped forward to hug her.

"Go ahead if you want to be turned into mincemeat," she warned, stopping me just a few millimeters away from her. I breathed a sigh of relief, having managed to control my emotions. Scathach was a formidable woman, unlike anyone I had ever met. But, oh well, sometimes, the things we can't obtain are the most beautiful.

On our way, I explained some of my skills to Scathach, like my fire manipulation and its divine aspects, along with my Force skill. I omitted my Odin's Eye, as revealing it would alter my course of action. Under Scathach's guidance, I slew a few more shadow undead, gaining two more levels. She cautioned me never to venture deeper at my current level, as one wrong move could cost me my life, regardless of my strength.

"Gyu!!!" A demonic boar, about three feet in height, charged at me. It was one of the phantasmal beasts that lurked in the crystal caves of the dungeon. I stood unarmed, following Scathach's instructions to fight without weapons. Conjuring a fireball mixed with divine power, I shot it at the boar. The creature cried out as its skin burned to a crisp but continued its charge until it rammed me with its huge tusk.

"Ugh!" Instead of dodging, I used my sheer strength to stop the charge, knowing the boar was already weakened due to my fire spell.

[Undead boar is trying to curse you.]

[Curse nullified.]

Fighting these phantasmal beasts was perilous due to their curses. The deeper you went, the deadlier the creatures became, their curses capable of turning a normal person into the living dead. However, against me, these curses were ineffective, thanks to my high resistance.

"Ha!" I roared, lifting the 100 kg boar in the air with its tusk and then slamming it onto the ground. Enforcing my fist with a rune, I applied my Force Skill to deliver a powerful punch.


The sheer force shattered the ground beneath us, leaving the boar's head a grotesque, unrecognizable mass of flesh.

[You have leveled up!]

I had reached level 40, a mark that might seem low but qualified me to be a general in any army worldwide.

"Good work. You are improving well," Scathach emerged from the shadows, complimenting my progress.

"Huff* Still not at Cu's level…" I panted, acknowledging my shortcomings.

"Everyone learns at their own pace. Anyway, let's leave this place first," Scathach suggested, leading the way, with me following closely.

"What are those crystals...?" I inquired, noticing the crystalline stones emitting a green light in the cave we were exploring. They were beautiful and possessed dense magical energy. I considered collecting some for further research.

"Those are demonic crystals. Touch one, and you will be cursed to death. In your case, they would only bring bad luck," Scathach explained.

I hadn't mentioned to her that I also possessed an enormously high luck stat.

Scathach then instructed me to create a protective bounded field and settled on soft grassy soil.

"Come and lean here," she said, tapping her laps.

"A-are you serious, shishou?!" I couldn't believe my eyes. Was I finally going to touch her legendary thighs?!

"Yes, you need a rest. But no funny busi—"

"Woohoo! Yeah, baby!" I cheered, unable to contain my excitement. I jumped onto her, burying my face between her thighs and rubbing my cheeks against her skin. "Finally, shishou's thighs… oh boy, if I die right now, I won't have any regrets."

You might call me a degenerate or a simp, but Scathach's thighs were SSS tier. They weren't just any woman's limbs; they were a masterpiece, the epitome of perfection and the best lap pillow ever.

"Is this how you're supposed to have a lap pillow?" Scathach asked, turning around to see Scathach's stern face. Her expression was as impassive as ever, but her aura hinted at her annoyance.

"In my country, lap pillows are often like this," I explained, but I didn't want to lose my precious lap pillow. "Just this once."

A brief silence fell over us as a rush of air swept through the area. Scathach began running her fingers through my hair, making me feel cozy and drowsy.

"Ferdiad, I'm sorry, but I'll never be your woman," Scathach suddenly said, surprising me. I had assumed she didn't consider human feelings, but her words put me at ease.

"Nah, you'll be my wife one day. I mean, if I can't even bed— I mean, love the most beautiful woman in this era, what kind of warrior would I be?" I retorted playfully.

"Hh-huh~!" Scathach chuckled, but her tone turned somber. "If you were born just a few decades ago, I might have fallen for you, but it's impossible now."

"Yeah, yeah, two other women said the same thing, but then they fell for me anyway."

I didn't need to elaborate on the drama I went through with Nero and Tamamo. Nero initially claimed to love all her people unconditionally but ended up falling for me. Tamamo, too, started by loving Emperor Toba, but her affection eventually shifted toward me.

As for Scathach, I knew there might be some complications, but I felt confident in handling the situation.

"You mean, you already have other women in your eyes?" Scathach's tone turned cold, and she ceased ruffling my hair. I guess she didn't like playboys.

"Yeah, they were…" I replied with a smile. As soon as I used the word 'were,' Scathach's icy demeanor softened. "I still love them and hope to meet them again in the next life, with the proud face that I will to protect them."

With those words, my eyes grew heavy, and I drifted into a deep slumber, cradled in the protective embrace of my enigmatic teacher.


(3rd Person's POV)

"Poor boy…" Scathach smiled softly as she ruffled Ferdiad's delicate hair. An initial twinge of annoyance at his relentless pursuit faded when she realized he was chasing shadows, figures from a past he could never reclaim.

Now she comprehended the depth of Ferdiad's determination to grow stronger. He aimed to avenge those he had lost, yearning to confront them proudly in the afterlife. If given another chance, he vowed to protect them with all he had.

Admiration welled up inside Scathach for his noble purpose. The more she understood him, the more his character shone brightly.

"I think I am also falling for him," Scathach murmured, pressing a gentle kiss to Ferdiad's cheek. Though devoid of her own emotions, she wished to convey Ferdiad's sentiments.

She cradled his head in her arm, lying beside him. Wrapping her other arm and leg around him, she hugged him tightly, offering him warmth, even though her own body held no life.

'He is truly warm,' Scathach thought, smiling as she kissed his cheek once more before closing her eyes.

Unbeknownst even to Scathach, she felt a warmth akin to human touch for the first time in a century and slept, embracing the essence of humanity once more.


Can you guys provide me some feedback on the fighting scenes? It is after a while that I am writing fighting scenes again.

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