

A man from an ordinary world finds himself in the Type-Moon universe. Originally, he was reincarnated with a Holy Grail just before the 5th Grail War. However, upon realizing how dangerous that 'Route' was, he wished for the Grail to eliminate the Grail War altogether. As a result, he avoided the Grail War and returned to London with Shirou, Rin, and Sakura. But the world of Type-Moon is unforgiving. Now, he must journey back in time when the servants from the Throne of Heroes were still alive. There, he must absolve them of their life's guilt, unravel mysteries, and uncover his own secrets related to the system and his reincarnated memories. --- Hey, guys! I am back with another fate fanfic. This time, I am making a mystery drama fic. People might get confused with the timeline, but fear not my lovely degenerates, I will thoroughly explain everything. Genre: Massive Drama, Politics, Mystery, Moon Cell, Fate/Extra, Romance, Moderate SEGGS Words: Around 2500 to 3000 words after some chapters. Schedule: 4 to 5 days a week. I will upload regularly if the chapter has 1500 words. Disclaimer: English isn't my first language, yada yada yada, I don’t own any character, yada yada. Author's request: If you don’t get anything or require some information from Type-Moon, you can comment in chapters and place any request. Warning: Heavy drama and romance element. If your cringe meter is low, read it anyway because you probably have too much free time. Tips: If you want to read advance chapters or help my sorry ass, do visit: patreon.com/J_Titan

J_Titan · Anime & Comics
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142 Chs

Chapter 133: Aphrodite's sins

(Titus's POV)

Regarding the side missions, I had quite a few of them. One involved rescuing Caenis from the clutches of Poseidon. There were missions for the twins who despised humans, as well as for other members of the Argonauts like Asclepius. I even had a mission for Jason, but for some reason, it was removed from the Mission Panel. The only reason I could think of was his death. Not that I had any intention of saving him from Medea's wrath.

There were also quests related to other figures from Greek legends who were alive during this era, such as Chiron, Achilles's father Peleus, and a few others like Icarus.

I could have undertaken many missions, but the problem lay with the gods and the alteration of history. For the time being, I couldn't change history more than I was already doing with Atalanta. Hippomenes, Atalanta, and I should have been long dead, yet here we were, alive. Moreover, Orion was in the Sanctuary, and Atalanta was mentoring him, which was already a deviation from history.

Furthermore, I didn't want to engage in unnecessary missions. I pursued Heracles because acquiring a strong fighter for my roster later on was advantageous. I also didn't favor many other Greek heroes apart from Heracles and Atalanta.

However, there was one quest that caught my attention.

"Let's meet her," I sighed and closed the system panel.

I found myself walking in another bustling city, filled with nothing but brothels and food stalls everywhere.

"Seriously, these gods will ruin the legacies of legends like Archimedes and Aristotle," I lamented, disappointed.

No one was learning new things, attempting to create tools and such. Food was plentiful, and sex was ubiquitous. The gods were hindering humanity's progress, much like how fairies were in Morgan's dreamshift.

Given the way the gods meddled with humans, preventing them from standing on their own, I doubted many Greek polymaths would emerge in these lands.

I knew they would be born centuries later, but given the amount of divinity and blind faith among the people, it seemed likely that the Olympian gods would even survive until the beginning of the AD era.

Shaking my head, I made my way to the shrine of Aphrodite, located in the town's center. I didn't enter the shrine but walked past it instead. Eventually, I reached a secluded spot in the woods and said, "You can come out, Aphrodite."

In response to my words, a figure materialized out of thin air. She had red hair and was dressed in exquisite robes. This was Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty.

"Hear me, mortal, and ensure that reverence imbues your speech when you address me. I am not one to be spoken to with such casualness. Remember, I am a goddess of Olympus, endowed with divine power and elegance. It is only fitting that you afford me the respect my divinity deserves."

I was left utterly speechless. How could she deliver such cringe-worthy lines with a straight face?

"Respect is earned and not demanded. And judging by the way you acted like a lustful animal in that meeting, I don't think I can treat you differently," I retorted.

"W-what! Do not bring up that incident! I was merely feeling isolated," she protested, her face turning as red as her hair.

"That's better," I replied, then took her hand to lead the way, adopting a formal British tone, "Well, my fair lady, please accompany me."

Aphrodite scoffed but walked alongside me. I guided her to a table and chairs set up in the clearing, inviting her to sit before I brewed some tea for her. She was curious about the drink, as tea was unknown in this era, but I encouraged her to try it. After ensuring it wasn't poisoned, she took a sip.

Her eyes widened after the first sip. "What is this beverage?"

"It's not liquor. This is called tea," I said with a smirk. "Enjoy it while you can, as you'll soon forget about it."

Due to the workings of Geis, she wouldn't remember anything once she left my presence, except for me and the question I posed.

"Make an exception for this. I wish to take it back to my palace."

"That will only happen if you provide me with information about the Beast of Babylonia, Draco."

To her words, Aphrodite set the cup down and looked into my eyes, "She had made a deal with fa- I mean, Zeus."

My eyes widened, but I shook my head. It was to be expected.

"I cannot offer further insight. The exact nature of the power or treasure Draco revealed to Zeus, or the specifics of their agreement, remains a mystery."

"That's okay. You don't need to delve further. You might draw unwanted attention," I warned. If Aphrodite were found prying too much, Zeus might not just sit idly by and could start to monitor her actions closely.

"This is... very considerate of you," Aphrodite said, her eyebrows raising before her lips curled into a grin. "I have another important piece of information, but there's a condition."

I raised an eyebrow. "What is it?"

"Kiss Artemis and fondle her breasts," Aphrodite said with a grin.

"Okay," I immediately responded. Despite my lack of fondness for Artemis, partly because she was as capricious as Aphrodite and partly because she spooked me a lot during the Super Orion banner, I agreed.

Aphrodite's eyes widened as she set her cup down. "Why did you agree? Are you mocking me?"

"I mean, why not? She is technically my mother-in-law, and it would be amusing to tease her," I said with a smile, then narrowed my eyes. "What seems to trouble you, my dear lady?"

Before I could receive any response, I found myself on the ground with Aphrodite atop me.

"Mortal, how dare you?! How dare you dismiss me?! You're willing to engage with that simpleton but not me?!" Aphrodite exclaimed, her aura radiating a fierce red. If it were any other man, he would have succumbed to Aphrodite's allure long ago. However, I had prepared myself, having enchanted my body to resist all forms of curses or mental influences.

"Pff! Hahahahah!" I burst into laughter.

"W-why are you laughing?" Aphrodite looked flustered.

"You remind me of a certain pink-haired lady!" I chuckled, then regained my composure. "However, I believe it's unbecoming of you to force yourself upon me."

"What does that mean?" She glared at me, puzzled and slightly irritated by my reaction.

I smirked and rose, finding myself in an awkward situation with her legs wrapped around my waist and her boobs pressed against mine, but I didn't let it distract me.

I gently lifted her chin, meeting her gaze. "You have desired no man but your husband, Hephaestus, correct?" I asked.

Aphrodite's eyes widened, and she froze in place. Shaking my head, I stood up and straightened her disheveled clothes, then took her hand. "Now, before you start to throw a tantrum, come with me," I said calmly.

Without waiting for her response, I led her into another reality. The grassy landscape transformed into a closed room, where we could see a woman breastfeeding her child. The woman's eyes radiated love and warmth, yet there was also a hint of loneliness in her gaze.

She was a prostitute in one of Aphrodite's 'Paradise' brothels, having just given birth to a child with an unknown father.

"Aphrodite, this woman is surrounded by 'love' every night, but why does she appear so lonely?" I asked, turning to Aphrodite who stood beside me.

Aphrodite remained silent, her gaze lowered.

I clicked my tongue in disappointment and dispelled the illusion. I then pressed Aphrodite against a tree, slamming my arm against the wood to emphasize my point.

"It's because what she experiences is not love, but lust. That woman yearns for a loving man and a simple life, but deities like you have corrupted her. That innocent child will also be scorned and blamed for sins he never committed."

I grasped Aphrodite's chin, forcing her to meet my gaze. "Aphrodite, you and the rest of the Olympians are not human and will never understand humanity. You were granted divinity to guide humans, yet here you are, misguiding them. Your role was supposed to be about bringing couples together, yet you've destroyed so many."

Despite my harsh words, Aphrodite did not react. In the end, I released her, realizing my efforts were in vain.

"Aphrodite, perhaps you will never be punished for your transgressions. But it doesn't matter, for your existence is already tragic. You will forever yearn for 'true love,' a gift that will forever elude you." With those final words, I left Aphrodite alone and vanished from the scene.


(3rd Person's POV)

Atalanta was in the midst of conversing with wet nurses who were breastfeeding infants. Many of these women were former prostitutes who had given birth, yet they still produced breast milk and helped feed other infants as well.

Observing the tender scene of children being lovingly nourished by these women, Atalanta felt a strange sensation in her chest. Whenever she saw children with their mothers and fathers, a pang of discomfort would wash over her.

Excusing herself, Atalanta stepped out onto the balcony. From a distance, she watched as Titus gave orders to the workers, a smile tugging at her lips. However, her smile faded as she rubbed her stomach.

"Oya~! Are those desires already stirring?" a voice suddenly exclaimed, startling Atalanta. Turning around, she found Tamamo-no-Mae standing there.

"I-it's not like that...!" Atalanta rolled her eyes, knowing exactly what Tamamo was insinuating and not wanting to discuss it.

"It is exactly that, and you can't deny it," Tamamo said, advancing with a grin. "But you have a choice: you can either flee from these feelings or confront them."

Atalanta sighed and decided to open up. She explained to Tamamo about the pain in her chest and the sense of disappointment she felt in herself.

"Mikon~! I think Atalanta-chan is in love with Takeru-sama~!" Tamamo chuckled, but her expression quickly turned serious. "However, I don't believe Atalanta-chan deserves Takeru-sama."

"W-why do you say that?" Atalanta inquired, curious about Tamamo's reasoning.

"Why? It's because everything has been handed to you without any real struggle. Where is the sacrifice that we all made for Takeru-sama, which you have not?" Tamamo challenged.

Atalanta was left speechless and didn't appreciate Tamamo's tone. "Now your true colors are showing. You must be saying this because you don't like me. After all, I am the one he is with now, not you," Atalanta retorted, bracing herself for a confrontation.

However, Tamamo didn't escalate the situation into a fight. Instead, she laughed and then stepped closer, cornering Atalanta against the wall.

Tamamo wrapped an arm around Atalanta's waist and lifted her chin with the other hand, even going as far as to gently rub Atalanta's lips, causing her to become slightly flustered.

"You're right; I don't like you. In fact, I don't want any other woman near my Takeru-sama. I want him all to myself for eternity," Tamamo confessed with a grin. But then, her expression softened. "But I know Takeru-sama wouldn't be happy with that. He is a man, and as his woman, I respect his desires. For him, I am willing to sacrifice, over and over again. Even if it means making sacrifices for you, Atalanta-chan."

Atalanta was dumbfounded. What kind of woman was Tamamo? Did this mean all of Titus's women shared the same resilient spirit, willing to make sacrifices for him?

Feeling even more miserable, Atalanta realized she hadn't considered whether she truly loved Titus.

"So, Atalanta-chan, instead of avoiding your feelings or potentially hurting Takeru-sama like the rest of us, talk to him. Even if it's difficult, listen to your heart and be committed. No matter how impossible your wish seems, you can achieve it," Tamamo advised, then kissed Atalanta's forehead and stepped back.

"Good now?"

Blushing, Atalanta looked at Tamamo. "It feels better," she admitted with a smile. "Thank you, Tamamo. You truly are a strong woman. I admire you."

"Why, thank you~!" Tamamo responded with a cheerful tone.

For the rest of the day, Atalanta and Tamamo engaged in heartfelt conversations about love, each gaining new insights from the other.


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