

A man from an ordinary world finds himself in the Type-Moon universe. Originally, he was reincarnated with a Holy Grail just before the 5th Grail War. However, upon realizing how dangerous that 'Route' was, he wished for the Grail to eliminate the Grail War altogether. As a result, he avoided the Grail War and returned to London with Shirou, Rin, and Sakura. But the world of Type-Moon is unforgiving. Now, he must journey back in time when the servants from the Throne of Heroes were still alive. There, he must absolve them of their life's guilt, unravel mysteries, and uncover his own secrets related to the system and his reincarnated memories. --- Hey, guys! I am back with another fate fanfic. This time, I am making a mystery drama fic. People might get confused with the timeline, but fear not my lovely degenerates, I will thoroughly explain everything. Genre: Massive Drama, Politics, Mystery, Moon Cell, Fate/Extra, Romance, Moderate SEGGS Words: Around 2500 to 3000 words after some chapters. Schedule: 4 to 5 days a week. I will upload regularly if the chapter has 1500 words. Disclaimer: English isn't my first language, yada yada yada, I don’t own any character, yada yada. Author's request: If you don’t get anything or require some information from Type-Moon, you can comment in chapters and place any request. Warning: Heavy drama and romance element. If your cringe meter is low, read it anyway because you probably have too much free time. Tips: If you want to read advance chapters or help my sorry ass, do visit: patreon.com/J_Titan

J_Titan · Anime & Comics
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142 Chs

Chapter 120: Developments and unexpected faces

(Titus's POV)

Atalanta and I, well, tied the knot in the end. Winning the race meant I had to marry her, as the rules declared. No hearts were truly involved, just like with Morgan, but that didn't bother me much. Being married made things easier for us on the move.

"Hohoho, I knew my dear daughter would find a good husband!" Atalanta's father, boomed with laughter. A bald, portly man with a naturally kind face, he still couldn't fool me. I saw the darkness lurking beneath that forced smile, the evil he kept hidden. We stood before him, ready to outline our next steps.

"Father, thank you..." Atalanta, beside me, addressed the man who'd abandoned her in the woods. It should have filled her with hate, but for Atalanta, the abandoned child, parental love was a yearning deeper than any other. It's why she'd returned, why she'd agreed to the marriage, why she craved his recognition – to finally taste the love she'd never known.

"So, Titus," the king drawled, "when can I expect an heir to the throne?" His casual words were laced with selfishness, almost making me snap. My usual calm facade threatened to crumble, but I held it together. He still served a purpose.

"About the heir," I replied, "it might not be possible. My wife, Atalanta, has made a vow of chastity. So..."

In that moment the king snapped. He slammed his hand on the throne handle and spat on Atalanta's foot, "By Zeus' beard, woman, are you a doe or a barren fig tree? A wife who won't breed is worse than a swarm of locusts!"

"Father, I… I am Goddess Artemis's follower and have vowed…"

"Silence, you useless piece of shit!" King Iasus roared and threw his bronze glass of wine on Atalanta. The wine glass hit Atalanta's head before flunking away. Her blond hair get dirty with unsure if it was wine or her own blood.

"Blast your Artemis and her moonlit hunts! What use is a goddess' favor when I have no heir to inherit this kingdom? You were supposed to be a lioness, Atalanta, roaring cubs to secure my line. Instead, you dance with shadows, your womb as empty as this wine goblet! At least pay me for bringing you into this world!!!"

I stayed quiet, a hidden storm watching another brew. King Iasus's reactions were textbook, but Atalanta, the fiercest huntress I knew, was...still. She stood like a statue, absorbing every venomous word the old goat spat at her.

Her body betrayed her stillness, though. Tremors flickered under her skin, and tears welled in her eyes like trapped rain. Reality, not some fantastical dream, was biting hard. The love she'd yearned for, the warmth she'd chased across kingdoms, might forever be a mirage.

The observer in me wanted to stay hidden, but the fury brewing in my gut wouldn't allow it. This trash wouldn't call himself a king in my presence.

Unleashing my skill: King's Domain A, I uttered one word, "SILENCE!"

The word vibrated with the wrath of a thousand storms, each consonant an iron fist slamming against the pomposity puffed up within these gilded walls.

Atalanta, eyes wide as a fawn's, instinctively took a step back, yet her warrior's gaze remained steady. But Iasus, the self-proclaimed king, crumbled. My words, infused with the potent weight of my kingly skill, crackled through him like lightning. His florid face paled, lips twitching like a landed fish as my aura descended upon him.

The gilded chair beneath him, once a symbol of his meager authority, groaned in protest as he slipped from its embrace. Gasping, eyes bulging, he scrambled onto the cold marble floor, crawling like a worm on a hook.

Ice glinted in my eyes as I met the king's gaze, the temperature plummeting despite the stifling air. "How dare you hurl insults at my wife in my presence?"

Romance might not have bloomed between us, but she was mine, the queen of my home, the highest title in my domain. I may have weathered my own share of barbs, but insults aimed at those close were an unforgivable trespass.

"You lord over a kingdom," I continued, each step towards him a hammer blow, "yet show no mercy to your own blood? Does your crown smother the basic duty owed to kin? Where's your honor, King Iasus of Arcadia?"

His face, crumpled by fear and fury, sputtered, "But… she can't bear a child… my heir…!"

"My heir?" I arched an eyebrow, a cold amusement playing on my lips. "Since when did I cede that right to you?"

Then, in a gesture that drew a surprised gasp from Atalanta, I took her hand, the warmth of her palm grounding my rising anger. "Children or not, she is my wife, and no one, not even Olympian gods, will cast aspersions on her in my presence."

Atalanta's cheeks flushed under my gaze, but I held her hand firm, letting the unspoken message speak volumes. My attention, however, remained fixed on the tyrant before me. The anger still crackled in my veins, and to etch a lesson into his craven soul, I materialized a spear in my hand, its point shimmering with raw power.

My Gungnir, the spear of gods, hummed with Bifrost energy, its tip cracking with divine lightning. I raised it, not to strike, but to banish. "You are obsolete. Be gone."

Atalanta, momentarily consumed by the heat of the moment, cried out, "No!" But my words were already a storm unleashed. The room erupted in blinding light, the very air crackling with power.

The blast threw rubble everywhere, but I shielded Atalanta, my body a bulwark against the chaos. When the dust settled, the scene was utter devastation. A searing crater gaped in the wall, a testament to Gungnir's fury. The sky above was rent asunder, pierced by a spear-shaped hole. The earth itself bore a trench, meters wide, a scar from my divine weapon's wrath.

Both King Iasus and Atalanta stared, their eyes wide with terror. He was alive, though barely. I hadn't planned to kill him, just to leave a lasting impression.

You might be wondering why I was so furious with him. Well, I am a kingmaker. I simply couldn't bear witnessing such a scumbag seated on a throne. My role in shaping the destinies of rulers only intensified my disdain for individuals like him.

"A-a-are you… a demigod…?" Iasus stammered, his voice a mere tremor.

"You lack the worth to know," I said, snapping my fingers. In an instant, a chest overflowing with pure gold materialized, its weight almost bending the floor. "Use this to mend your political woes, but never again dare claim ownership of my wife."

With that final pronouncement, I turned and left, Atalanta close behind. The king's future was uncertain, but one thing was clear: he wouldn't forget the day he challenged the wrath of this future boi.


That night, Atalanta and I were in our bedroom. It was the time usually meant for bed breaking activities, but there would be none of that between us.

Atalanta was dressed in a simple white Greek tunic that accentuated her slender figure. It was a moment that typically would lead to undressing one's wife, but in our case, there was nothing to be done. Our relationship was different, defined not by physical intimacy but by other forms of connection and respect.

"Atalanta, why do you still yearn for that man's affection? You're smart enough to realize that the love you seek from him will never come," I said, my arms crossed.

"Shut it!" She gritted her teeth, her bangs shadowing her eyes. "In the wilderness where I lived, I always longed for affection. What's so wrong with wanting love from my only family? You'll never understand my pain!"

"Yeah, I'll never understand your pain," I admitted.

My own family had treated me like an animal, which was worse than death, but I wasn't about to share that with Atalanta. I didn't want her sympathy.

I moved closer and gently lifted her chin. "Titus... tell me, why are people so heartless as to easily abandon those they should care for? Why must I live in an era devoid of mercy? Is it so strange to desire love for those children and for myself?"

"Of course not. Your wish is noble," I assured her, wiping away her tears. "And listen well, as I explain who I am."

I then shared my purpose and who I was fighting against. I didn't go into details about saving exactly 100 children or protecting her chastity, but by sharing some of my capabilities, I gained a bit of her trust.

"You don't owe me anything. I, no, we will save all the children in the world and protect your chastity. We might be strangers now, so just observe me and, if possible, try to trust me," I concluded.

Atalanta gave a soft smile and wiped away her last tear. "This is okay. I trust Ti— I mean, I trust milord," she blushed.

Hearing her formal address, I smirked and opened my arms. "You know, my wives say that anyone can melt in my embrace and forget their sorrows. Come here, you won't get a second chance."

Atalanta looked confused, but after a moment of contemplation and with rosy cheeks, she finally melted into my embrace.

Yes, Rin size. However, her body was slim yet robust, her muscles developed to enhance agility.

After a silent and heartwarming hug, she slowly and seemingly reluctantly pulled away. Her face was flushed, and her eyes wandered around.

I chuckled and petted her head, "Romance might be impossible, but I can offer affection as your family. Believe me, I'm pretty good at it."

Atalanta blushed and nodded softly. "Ahem, you must be hungry, so I will prepare dinner."

"You can cook?" I asked, a bit puzzled.

"Yes, I used to cook when I was in the Argonauts. Besides, living as a huntress, I have hunted and cooked my own food," Atalanta explained. She then narrowed her eyes, "Did you think I am a useless woman who doesn't know her way around the house?"

"Well, yes, but for a different reason," I admitted, recalling the cooking skills of the women I had encountered. Only Tamamo and Boudica knew proper cooking, while others barely put any effort into making dinner. Rin could also make decent meals, but I wasn't expecting this wild huntress to know the basics of household work.

Anyway, Atalanta prepared some roasted meat that surprisingly tasted good. After enjoying the dinner, she went to sleep.

"She is too careless," I sighed, observing Atalanta's bare bottom. A single gust of wind, and she was all exposed.

To assess the person I should be protecting, I brought my head close to examine her intimate area. Even her pubic hair had a mixture of green and blond hints, but the small line was pure, evidence of her chastity. Unfortunately, I would never get to experience that.

I sighed and covered her with a blanket, giving Atalanta a kiss on her forehead, earning a smile from her.

In the Nasuverse, if there was any character I admired after Saber, it was Atalanta. They both wholeheartedly devoted themselves to a wish that wasn't for personal gain but for the salvation of others. That selfless wish made her incredibly beautiful. I couldn't help but show warmness despite her cold attitude.

I vanished from the room and teleported to another location, an underground chamber I had crafted using magecraft for the purpose of summoning my servants.

[Two free servants are available for summon.]

"Two?" I questioned, puzzled. The system usually allowed only a single free summon, but this time, it indicated two. These summons were random, so I had no idea who would appear.

Deciding to proceed with the random summon, I watched as three command spells formed on my hand. Two magical circles then materialized before me, the room trembling as immense magical energy gathered, eventually enveloping the space in a bright light.

As the light faded, I saw the two newly summoned servants, and their identities left me astonished.

"Fufu~! That's not the face you should be showing to your shishou," chuckled a beautiful woman. She was clad in a body-hugging suit that showcased her voluptuous figure and wielded two spears.

"Hehe, didn't I tell you that you would be in for a surprise, unkie?" grinned a petite blonde-haired girl, holding a staff.

From their appearance and tone, it was clear they were Scathach and Artoria Pendragon. But how?! How could they be summoned when they are alive right now?



FYI, not dead yet. Also try my new parody fanfic about Gigachad