
Chapter 106: Artoria of Avalon 1

(Titus's POV)

In my current situation, I found myself in a rather peculiar predicament. As outlined in the previous chapter, I was presently being pinned down by a young girl I had nurtured since her toddler years. Despite her appearance, she had been alive for approximately 1500 years—far from the little girl she seemed to be.

"Wait, Artoria...! My dear Artie, listen to Unkie..." I attempted to protest, yet Artoria appeared disinterested in my words.

My hands and legs were tied by a complex fae spells. I could dispel them but it would take some time.

On other hand, Artoria already unbuttoned my shirt and licked my chest.

"Guehe! As expected of my premium-tier unkie, he even tastes good~!" Artoria exclaimed with a goofy-ass chuckle, proceeding to undress. She first took off her skirt, revealing pantyhose over white panties, and then unbuttoned her shirt, exposing her cleavage.

Even though I had never seen her as a potential love interest, at that moment, something stirred within me.

"Unkie, you love tight stockings, right? I'll let you play with my bottom today~! Hehe~!" Artoria chuckled, growing more eager by the minute.

She gently held my face, drawing closer. Her soft yet warm breath stirred a thrilling sensation, but I maintained my composure.

While I knew Artoria harbored deep feelings for me, I hadn't realized she was so persistent, willing to wait until now, even contemplating a return to Avalon.

"Unkie... huff* I've waited for so long and been desperate for you. I've kept myself pure for just this moment...!" Artoria declared, a tear forming in her eyes. I was taken aback by her level of commitment and decided to fulfill her wish.

Though I wasn't thrilled about it, I loved Artoria and couldn't betray her feelings.

I closed my eyes, bracing for what was to come. However, the anticipated sensation of lips never reached my face, and I saw Artoria's conflicted expression.

"Unkie, you don't have to make that face. I love you a lot, but I know you don't see me as a love interest."

I sat up, feeling awkward with her legs still around my waist, and sighed, "I mean, of course I couldn't. You were a toddler like yesterday. I used to feed you, clean your poop, and wash you daily. I still remember waking up abruptly, thinking I was getting drowned in a flood, but it was you sleeping on my face and leaking right into my mouth!"

"AAA! Stop! Don't say that!!" Artoria cried out with embarrassment when I began recounting her chaotic troublemaking shenanigans from her childhood.

"Pff! Phahaha!" My snickers escalated into full-blown laughter, echoing off the castle walls. We both dissolved into fits of mirth, tears pricking our eyes. Wiping the last chuckle from my face, I brushed a stray strand of hair from Artoria's cheek. "Tell me about Morgan," I urged.

She took a deep breath, her gaze distant as she began to weave the tale of Morgan Pendragon following my untimely demise.

Camelot mourned King Lot's passing with a nationwide ceremony. He was laid to rest with due honor in the heart of the city. Soon after, Morgan delivered twins, a boy and a girl, her grief transforming into the fierce joy of motherhood.

"The boy was named Arthur Pendragon," Artoria explained, "to ensure the flow of history remained untainted. Titania, the girl, bore your true name."

Without a word from Artoria, Morgan, fueled by an unspoken understanding of my desires, unraveled the threads of my identity and purpose. She retreated into the solace of magic, devouring ancient texts and arcane mysteries in her quest for answers.

Her reign, unlike the whispers of my wish, carved Morgan's name into a legend of gold. The first woman to unify Britain, she became known as the Mother of Britannia. Countless battles tested her mettle, each one a testament to her unwavering prowess. Rebellions, barbarian raids, even the Roman Empire's thunderous war machine - all faltered before her might, leaving not a single breath to carry tales of their defeat.

Morgan ruled with an iron fist. Those who transgressed, men who preyed on the innocent, found no mercy in her court. Public spectacles of their demise served as grim reminders of her justice. Yet, to her people, she was a shield, a nurturing mother who guarded Britannia with a ferocity born of love. Though feared, she earned their respect, her ruthlessness tempered by actions that whispered legends. No longer Briton or Saxon, they embraced a single tongue, a single identity - true Britannia.

Under her watchful gaze, Britannia flourished. Food shortages and the whims of weather may have occasionally threatened, but Morgan's acumen ensured no life hung in the balance. Her reign became a golden age, etched forever in the hearts of those who called Britannia home.

I felt a surge of pride, of satisfaction. This Morgan, forged in the fires of loss and understanding, had exceeded even my wildest hopes. She had not just ruled - she had built a legacy, a beacon of golden light that promised to illuminate Britannia for generations to come.

"So, that's how it was," Artoria finished, her voice gentle. "Sister loved Britain, but she never let herself fully open up to anyone. She lived a life as a human king, earning respect and a noble death. She was truly one of a kind."

I stared at the sky, tears tracing silent paths down my cheeks. Pride choked me, a yearning to meet Morgan again and kneel before her brilliance. As her teacher and mentor, her story filled me with a joy words couldn't describe.

"She never remarried," Artoria continued. "Even in her seventies, suitors lined up for her hand because of her beauty. But she remained loyal to you. Sir Kay tried, but she politely declined... then married someone else to get him off her back."

Poor Kay. He should've given up earlier. Not a bad man, but his constant hovering irked me.

"She was incredible... and I... what have I done?" Guilt gnawed at me.

I felt frustrated and ashamed of myself. Regardless of my reasons, Morgan had been honest and earnest with me, yet I deceived her. For the sake of the mission and my oath to never see my children until the Whore of Babylonia's death, I betrayed her trust. I didn't know how I could face her again.

A soft hand rested on my back. Artoria's voice, barely a whisper, broke the silence. "Please, Unkie, don't worry. Morgan didn't blame you. Even in the end, she loved and respected you deeply."

Her words soothed the storm within me. Maybe, just maybe, there would be a chance to meet again. I knew anger might greet me, but I had to try.

"As for the others," Artoria continued, "Sir Percival fell for Melusine. She cared for him, but he misread her affection and proposed."

I chuckled, teasing Artoria. "A bit like you, eh?"

She pouted, her cheeks flushing. "I'm devoted to you, okay? This isn't some teenage crush, it's real! Do you have any idea how many times I..." she sputtered, then blushed even harder. "I mean, I'm holding myself back for you!"

I laughed, shaking my head. "Alright, alright, I get it. Sorry, continue."

"Sir Percival became a brilliant knight and married Kundry. As for Galahad, he became Morgan's strongest knight and commander. He even mentored your son, Arthur."

Relief washed over me. My decision to take them under my wing had been the right one. Percival's gentle nature and Galahad's strong sense of justice were perfect complements to Morgan and myself.

"Galahad also married your daughter, Titania, and lived a rather peaceful life. As for your son…" Artoria glared at me with rosy cheeks, "He inherited his sex frenzy from his father."

"The heck?! Really? Ahem…" I coughed, turning red. I didn't know my curse could be inherited! If that were the case, I would have checked on my children while they were in Morgan's tummy.

"Yeah, it became my sister's sole problem, a headache far worse than any challenge. In terms of prowess, he was a mighty king with a ridiculously strong force, conquering all of Ireland and even some parts of Europe."

"Damn, son." I was impressed that he had become a king.

"However, his sex life turned out to be a complete disaster. He married 20 women, conceived uncountable children, but none stayed because of his inhuman sex drive. Everyone ran away. Heck, even Attila the Hun had to admit defeat after losing a war and getting impregnated."


What the heck is wrong with my children?! Going so far as to get involved with the reincarnation of the White Titan?! No wonder it became a headache for Morgan. After all, it was her responsibility to ensure that the prince behaved and carried on the kingdom.

"But after marrying a simple village girl, his sex drive calmed. He then led a somewhat chaotic life. He died because a barrel of ale fell on him…"

"…" I was speechless. Seriously, I should stay away from alcohol. "I don't want to hear any more about him."

I didn't think I could take any more embarrassment. Morgan would surely kill me the next time she saw me.

"By the way, what about you? How did you end up being locked in here, and what about Merlin? Furthermore, if Avalon is with Melusine, then what about Shirou?"

I launched some questions I had been wondering about for a while. Even though the timeline didn't flow as originally, Merlin should have come to Avalon to avoid disrupting it.

And how could two Avalon existed at the same time? There was Avalon in Shirou's body, so I was shocked when I saw another one with Melusine.

"Oh, I just made a cheap copy of one and threw it somewhere," Artoria answered my last question. She then sighed and continued, "As for how I ended up here… well, it was my sister who trapped me here."


Okay, my scheduler was busted. At first I thought it was hacking problem but it was just my VPN. Sorry for the delay.

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