
Chapter 1

Lala Clementine D'Moon was graduating today but the most exciting thing was that she was going to meet the family of her boyfriend Jax Calum. Four years romantic relationship was so strong that when Jax told her the secret of his identity; Lala did not break up; instead she was a little  surprised that she loved a Vampire all these years. Jax behaved just like other normal guys and never showed bad side of his character, it was because he doesn't bear bad character at all and loved Lala from the core of his heart, a good smart guy with excellent academic achievements. He was good in all extracurricular activities, and he was famous all his study years in students.

They were on carriage and heading toward Dusk Lake where the family estate prosper under the customary human laws; Jax removed the curtain of the carriage and looked outside there was something strange the rain which was supposed to cherish the gardens of the estate were dying red, he could see far in the distance and was shocked. One of the estate mansions was on fire and the rain was struggling to take over the surroundings. He wasn't able to understand what happened.

He ordered to stop the carriage and told Lala to stay there until he return back. She nodded seeing the streak of worry on his forehead. Lala grabbed his hand before he could get off the carriage, he turned with questioning eyes but the next moment their lips met and Lala passionately kissed trying to remind him that she was on his side. His family estate was always welcoming but today it seemed hunted by the black world; with this thought coming in his head, he started running toward the mansion, his family was in trouble.

His father Alastair Calum and mother Constantine Calum both bear the soft nature unlike other vampire families; they believed that living with human colonies was possible and they could learn from each other but the other vampire families hate humans. When Jax told his mother that he fell in love with a human girl, his mother did not mind and instead wished to see the girl soon.

Jax was running in the middle of the rain and blood red muddy ground. The flames of the fire were suppressed by the rain but not entirely. The central entrance was broken, it was alarming. There were blood stains all over the marble flooring; two of his family's loyal servants were killed and their bodies were not in condition to be looked at, Jax pulled a curtain from the drawing room to cover them. This was more alarming and painful.

After looking inside every room of the mansion, he was disappointed because his parents were nowhere, just as he moved toward the second terrace he heard a weak voice. He hurriedly turned to recognize. His father was almost dragging himself to reach him wounded all over. "Dad! What happened here and where is the mother?" he asked, supporting his father. "She took her away, go and save your mother…" before telling who took away his mother, Alastair Calum breathed his last. For some time Jax was looking blankly he could not believe that his kindhearted father was killed and died in his arms, the lifeless blood pooled body was evidence how brutally someone injured him. "Who did this?" drops of tears fell but as soon as he remembered that his mother was in danger, his calm eyes appeared red once again.

Jax placed the body of his father carefully and covered, he was short of time to search his mother. He came out of the mansion, the rain was not furious anymore with his sharp eyes he looked at the muddy ground if someone left just now that means there might be some trace to follow behind and sure enough bare feet left few traces. He was following closely but it was not looking fine, he could see now that the traces were leading him toward the carriage where he left Lala his dearest love.

He got worried ever more because perhaps she was also in trouble. There was no one in the carriage before he could shout out her name he sensed something and jumped to the other side of the carriage. There was a dagger in the hands of the girl and the blood pooled body of his mother was laying in front of her. "Mother! Mother please open your eyes." He fell on the ground and supported his mother. Her lips were pinched together and it was evidence how much she suffered before death. Lala stepped back to see Jax.

Jax was crying his lungs out, in just a few moments he faced two deaths: his father and mother died in his arms and he could not do anything, his voice echoed in the silent and gloomy estate. The blood was still dripping from the dagger which Lala was holding. Jax came in his senses and turned toward the girl he always loved with his heart. "Why! Tell me why you did this?" he shouted insanely. Lala Clementine dropped the dagger and shook her head, "I did nothing: it was not I" she stepped back seeing Jax furiously reaching her.

Jax looked down at her words and pointed toward her muddy bare feet, "You still have the courage to say that you did nothing?" the red blood eyes were looking at her, these eyes used to shower love but now there was only hatred for her. Lala Clementine lowered her head, "Believe me Jax, It was not I" she lowered her head so that Jax could not see her anger filled eyes.

"You will be sentenced to death no matter if you speak out the name who helped you to kill my family though I really wanted to know your real identity, tell me who you are?" he dragged her along the carriage and placed the body of his mother inside. His voice was filled with anger and hatred.

"I saw someone outside the carriage when you left that's why I came out, believe me It was not I," Lala begged him to listen to her. "Who it was?" Jax asked without turning his head. There was no answer to what he asked.

"I don't know perhaps a girl with the same height as I." she tried to remember the fast pace shadow. Jax smirked at her, "I never knew that you are a liar and I can't believe that all these years I was loving a liar, someone who deserves my hatred." He spoke broken. Seeking revenge for his family was the only path of his life from now on, if she was not telling the name of those who were with her; he would search them on his own but won't show mercy no matter what. "Until the Vampire lord ends the trials and gives a verdict you will remain my slave." He turned around suddenly and bit on her wrist to give a master slave bond in her blood. He decided to show zero mercy who kill his family also Lala had no exception. Jax thought that Lala hide her real identity and deceived him.