

A group of four friends with different skill sets and knowledge get sent straight to the nasuverse about a month before the fifth murder death kill, with a "Gift Pack" from a certain trolling vampire. .................................................................................................................................................................. Four Mc pov's,which will probably result in absolute chaos. Also, expect a goofy amount of bullshittery.

Diobutstronger · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Prologue, four decent people.

Kickoff Baby

.............Semi-Marcus pov........

Marcus Dean was letting loose for today. He and his friends had decided to go out and treat Isaiah to dinner at Denny's, as it was his birthday. Marcus would have loved to cook the meal himself but he didn't have the ingredients he needed to make a truly delicious dish. So Marcus asked Isaiah where he wanted to go to eat. He responded with Denny's and that's where they went.

"If you had the option to spend an entire week on an uninhabited island with no food, shelter, pouring rain everyday, once every year, to make it so for the rest of the year you could go anywhere and do anything you would like as long as it was legal? Would you?" Grayson White the ace wide receiver of his school's football team asked a question with a large smile on his face directed at the other members of the party while waiting for his food at the four person table in the middle of the restaurant. Grayson wore a purple gold letterman's jacket that was unbuttoned, revealing a bit of the white t-shirt underneath, which was paired with the navy blue pair of jeans he wore as pants, on his feet were a pair of brown sandals. This outfit, accompanied by his blond hair and generally handsome face gave him a striking appearance.

Marcus assumed Grayson was just trying to make small talk, and Marcus knew he and the other members were willing to indulge him, as it would distract them from their currently empty stomachs.

"Probably, I mean realistically it's only a week, so that leaves 358 days left in the year to fuck around and explore, right Grayson? But that leaves a question once you're done with your week in hell, who provides the ability to travel anywhere and do anything to the people/person staying on the island? Would it be the government? An eccentric billionaire? Anyways," He coughs. " The point I'm trying to make is the question has many details that have been left out that I would need to make note of before making a decision. Not to mention the fact the island might not have potable water." Javier Esculla responded with a grin that matched his unruly appearance his wild and curly black hair being the main cause. Javi wore a button up hawaiian shirt with sunglasses covering his eyes, he wore tacky pink cargo shorts that covered his knees, his look finished off by the christmas themed crocs he was wearing.

Marcus had a hard time taking Javi seriously with what he was wearing, but could see after his words that Grayson looked a little dejected, which was further reinforced by the next person to talk, but seriously what the fuck was Javi wearing? He eyed Javi with a confused stare as Isaiah cracked into laughter.

"HAHa Grayson, he got you there you stupid bastard!" Isaiah effectively the brains of the friend group joked while laughing. Isaiah wore a white black striped polo that was tucked into the black sweatpants he wore matching the black sneakers that were on his feet. His straight gray hair along with his get-up gave him a lazy appearance.

Marcus gave a smile at Isaiah's joke, as Grayson was really a bit of an idiot, or at least he could be. He knew how to take a joke though. Marcus was excited to eat his buffalo chicken sandwich though that wasn't exactly what it was called on the menu, he assumed that they were similar due to the picture he saw in the menu. Seriously though, thinking about Grayson's question he wouldn't go to an island in the middle of nowhere even if it meant being free to explore the world after you're done. There would be no guarantee you would survive on the island, or even bring people you care about on your trip throughout the world.

Marcus would never want to be alone in the first place, let alone in distant countries by himself unable to speak the languages. He doesn't want to leave his friends or family alone either. He would be the person who was there for them when they needed it. Even when no one else was. That was his purpose as a human being. To pull others up, while keeping himself up as well. This was the reason his friend group was made in the first place. He gathered a group of people who had given up and attempted to bring them to their fullest potential.

He was lucky. He had succeeded in saving one of his now best friends lives. He would never forget that moment or day, which sprung the creation of the friend group. If he hadn't been there he would have lost an opportunity. Opportunities are lost everyday, to make new friends, to discover your talents, to push yourself to a wall and then break it down. That's why Marcus vowed to never miss any opportunities like that again and would make sure his friends don't either.

"Marcu..arcus godammit again! MARCUS!" He heard Grayson yell at him quickly snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Yeah?" He asked dumbly, before he noticed the waiter had delivered the table's food.

"Get your head out of the clouds and dig in....also you're paying." Javi said whispering the last bit.

Marcus shook his head freeing himself of idle thoughts and took a bite of his sandwich. Or he would have, had he not felt the sandwich disappear from his hands and feeling his ass smashed into asphalt. He took a few seconds to stare at his hands where his sandwich just was, before being snapped out of his confusion by an unmistakable voice.

"What the fuck?!" He heard Grayson exclaim loudly from next to him.

Marcus took in his surroundings. He saw the forms of his friends also sitting on the asphalt each looking confused as himself. He faltered for a second as they were in the middle of a crowded street in what seemed to be a marketplace filled with asian people who were looking at the four of them bewildered. From what he could tell, the marketplace was Japanese, as the signs he saw seemed to indicate so. He would need to confirm with Javi first, as that was one of his expertise.So much for a birthday celebration, he sighed before his face hardened instantly and he spoke in a slow quiet tone.

"Alright guys, be calm don't panic follow me, act natural and make sure to stay quiet."

Someone needed to figure out what was happening, and luckily, Marcus Dean was the person there to save the day.

.........................End of the prologue..............

Next chapter should be around two days from now. proboly also what was marcus wearing? no one knows.