

Previously Named as Fate: The New Poseidon ... "Hey there, God of the sea", said Kojiro as he came closer to Poseidon," Thankyou", he finished his words and cut Poseidon's right arm, then proceeding to evade his other attack he skillfully cut his other arm. Poseidon somehow took a part of his trident in his mouth and tried to attack but only to be cut down in four pieces. "You-You- Fucking Piece of Shit", he said as his body separated and he died. "Phew", said the Kojiro, with a tired smile he continued, "I guess winning for once feels pretty good, Huh?". Everyone stunned looked at the winner who had killed the God of the Gods," The... of Ragnarok is... The winner of the third bout... Humanity's Sasaki Kajiro!!!", people started cheering while God's looked at this scene with apparent anger. "Is this how I die? To a worm? Pathetic", cursed Poseidon at himself as his soul slowly faded. [Ding!] "What the...", he said. ... The soul of Poseidon and mortal fuses, now armed with his meta knowledge and Godly strength with infinite growth potential from the system what will he achieve? This has multiverse traveling and I know some of you don't like such lore, but I would request to give you a try if you are interested in ROR and Fate fanfics. First World: Fateverse/Moon Type Universe/Nasuverse{Currently} [Fate Apocrypha Completed] Fate Grand Order:{Currently} [Fate Grand Order: Orlean(1st) Singularity completed] [Fate Grand Order: Okeanos(3rd) Singularity completed] [Fate Grand Order: London(4th) Singularity completed] [Fate Grand Order: E Pluribus Unum(5th) Singularity completed] [Fate Grand Order: Divine Realm of the Round Table: Camelot(6th) Singularity completed] [Fate Grand Order: Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia(7th) {Currently Ongoing}] ... Confirmed Worlds: Record of Ragnarok(Obviously), Prosperous Threshold City: Babylon Singularity. Expected Worlds: Fate Grand Order: Pseudo Singularities, Fate Grand Order: Cosmos in Lostbelt, Fate Strange Fake, MHA, Danmachi, Marvel, The Land of Lustrous, Fairy Tail. [Loyal system] [No system slavery shit] [No specified system shop] [No system points system] [No beta Mc] To find out what happens next read it!

Akros_Zero · Anime & Comics
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96 Chs

The Journey of the fifth singularity

(Author's Note: My trip got canceled, and I am pretty much in contradiction about this, in the one hand I didn't particularly appreciate meeting my relatives, especially my cousins, and on the other hand I wanted a slight relief from the boring school life in this hot summer.

Anyway, how was the previous chapter? I mean my grammar? Did that excel my other chapters considerably? If I have to say, it is my correct writing skills. I have developed a secondary writing format or skill for Fanfics. I didn't know how it happened, but it just happened and I refrained from using my primary format as it is too humorous and sarcastic.

By the way, thanks for putting me in the top 6 last week! I appreciate that guys!)


Poseidon Pov

I have taken a new voluntary quest which is offering me quite a good reward.

[You have taken the Quest,' No need for the Protagonist '.

Mission objective: Restore the fifth singularity.

Completion Condition: You must restore the fifth singularity in Protagonist's stead.

Note: The Protagonist and his gang won't be able to come to the fifth singularity due to the system's courtesy.

Reward: EX Rank Noble Phantasm Upgradation & 500% Boosted Merits.

Penalty: No rewards will be granted.

Bonus Objective: Take several servants in your team to complete this objective.

Reward: Mystic eyes upgradation to Jewel Rank.

Penalty: No reward will be granted.

Bonus Objective: Don't lose a single servant in your team and restore the singularity with an absolute majority in strength.

Reward: Evolution of Mana Heart

Penalty: No reward will be granted.]

There is also an opposite quest in which I have to kill all the servants wanting to restore the singularity, it has some good rewards as well, but its best reward is Gluttony skill, and obviously, it isn't from Tensura otherwise I would have taken that quest without a doubt. It is from a world named ' Berserk of the Gluttony ', and it is the ability of its Main Character.

While powerful it has a huge drawback, and the reward while boosted from the original isn't a perfected version, thus I didn't choose this quest and instead opted for this one. My, Jalter, and Artoria's strength had increased rapidly during the past six months. I had finally started learning the Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist Martial arts as well.

It has a plethora of useful abilities that I can use and execute in the battle, though for a weapon-oriented guy like me, it can be said as tertiary in importance. Anyway, this time I decided to take Jalter and Artoria with me to help in my quest, they will help to fill the necessary number of servants needed for the bonus quest.


"So I will be coming this time, My Lord?", she asked me in happiness, I nodded then I turned to Artoria and said," Likewise you will be assisting me too", she nodded in obedience through excitement and a glint of determination could be seen in her eyes, and after that, I held both of their hand and commanded the system to make us descend, the next moment we were in the middle of the battlefield.

' System you could have sent me before or a bit later anywhere else, so why do you have to send me in the middle of the Warfield here stupidly?' I asked not liking the fact that I am at the same place and time the Ritsuka and gang were supposed to arrive in this singularity.

The system replied,[ You took the responsibility to restore the singularity in the protagonist's stead, so you were sent here in his stead, thus you were sent at the same time and in the middle of the fight.]

I sighed and replied,' Fine ', after that I looked around the battlefield, the American soldiers armed with Modern weapons were rapidly firing bullets at the enemies, Artoria and Jalter meanwhile had encircled me the moment we got here protecting me from any stray Celts that would come my way.

I looked around searching for the servant who is supposed to be there, but not being able to find her in this chaos I sighed and said," What a disturbance, Artoria, Jalter kill all those Celts", hearing they nodded, Artoria replied in a way a proper knight would," As you command my Liege", hearing that Jalter replied as well," They will be turned into dust for getting in your way, My Lord".

Thus, both of them attacked the shadow Celt soldiers, Artoria this time being able to use her full power due to the contract between us used her EX Ranked Noble Phantasm annihilating more than 70% of the Celts and clearing all the dust in the process, while Jalter using AOE Magic finished the rest of the them. The process was too quick and baffled all the American soldiers

"What?!", a soldier fell on the ground in shock, others too looked at us skeptically. " Are they on our side?", a soldier questioned, ignoring their comments I searched for the servant and found her, the silvery pink-haired girl was treating an injured soldier, she was dressed in a red coat with a black skirt with res trim, with white boots and gloves.

She was none other than, the Angel of Crimea, Florence Nightingale, nursing the injured soldiers. Jalter and Artoria looked in the direction where I am looking and found the Nightingale," A servant?", asked Jalter, I nodded and replied," We will be getting her on our team".

They nodded, I had already told them a bit about it earlier so they didn't question me, anyway, we went to meet her," Hey, our Lord wants to talk with you", Jalter said in an arrogant tone as always, Nightingale ignored her and continued bandaging the injured soldier, Jalter's eyebrows twitched seeing that and she stabbed the soldier she was nursing suddenly, killing him off.

Nightingale paused and then looked at Jalter with a glare, the next moment she punched at her breaking the sound barrier, and I stopped her attack grabbing her fist saving Jalter from getting hit, a huge air pressure got created by that and the ground below us cracked. Jalter and Artoria got ready in the battle position," WHAT HAVE YOU DONE", Nightingale asked in anger.

I replied," How about we stop this, my subordinate is kind of hot-headed you see", she didn't listen to me and again attacked me and I stopped it,' What a pain ', I thought wondering if I should kill her, she is an impressively strong berserker and if I want to complete that bonus objective getting more servants is necessary.

' Get back ', I ordered both of my subordinates who looked at Nightingale with a look as if wanting to eat her alive, they both got back hearing my order, I looked at the dead soldier, Nightingale, on the other hand, released a barrage of punches at me, I swiftly nullified them using the flowing fist martial arts surprising her.

Then I used a resurrection spell on that soldier reviving him," Arghh", he grunted and Nightingale looked back in shock, she then abandoned the fight and quickly checked him," He his completely healed?!", she said baffled, then looked at me with curiosity and asked," You did that?".

I nodded speechlessly, and her eyes suddenly lit up, she quickly came and grabbed my hands, then she asked me with intense curiosity in her eyes," How did you do that?! You revived him!", I replied calmly," I am here to talk something important, how about we move to a calmer place?", she pouted and demanded," No! Tell me first!".

I replied," I will only tell you if you listen to me", she stopped and said," Okay! But you have to tell me!", her eyes shined as she looked at me with a begging look. I nodded in affirmation.


"So you are a God?", she asked calmly and I nodded, Jalter and Artoria looked dumbfounded at Nightingale's lack of reaction hearing that. " Yes, I am Poseidon, the God of the Seven Seas and I am here to restore this singularity", Artoria said," My Liege is searching for helpers in achieving his goal and thus we want you to join us".

Nightingale replied in a blunt tone," Nope, I have patients to nurse and take care of", Jalter's eyebrows twitched as she glared at her,' My Lord, this bitch is going too far, please give me permission to show her place right now ', she said to me telepathically, I said,' No need, also Jalter be in control, we don't need any unnecessary enmity now ', she nodded calming herself down.

I said to Nightingale," If we restore this singularity, then the war will end and so no more people will get injured ", her eyes shined hearing that and she said with determination," Why didn't you tell me earlier than?! I will join you!!", I nodded satisfied, she continued," Can you teach me how you're saved that soldier?".

She looked at me expectantly, " You ungrateful sw-", Jalter stopped seeing me looking at her, she flinched and looked below," I... Forgive me for impudence Lord", I gave her a nod making her breathe in relief, then I looked at Nightingale who had grabbed my hands and looked at me cutely,' She is surprisingly cute ', I thought amused by Berserker's state.

" I will", I replied, a happy expression came on her face, she started waving my hand rapidly and said," Thank you!!!", then she gave me a kiss on the cheek baffling the two women behind me, I said," Now, how about we make a plan".


Jalter and Artoria looked at the map I had created," My Lord, that bitch is infuriating, she isn't giving a bit of respect to you and even dare to kiss you in front of us!", Jalter said, Artoria nodded in agreement and said," She isn't even attending the meeting for some worthless peasants", hearing their words I replied," Don't fret over such matters, she is a berserker and making strategies isn't her thing".

They nodded in reluctance, I said," Now, let me explain about this singularity and its situation, firstly we are in the American continent, and currently, it is in the midst of a war. There are three factions fighting for supremacy, the first faction is in possession of the Holy Grail and they want to rule this singularity, their leader is Medb a spoiled bitchy servant in short, and their strongest servants are Cu Chulainn and Arjuna, as for others, they are too weak and can be easily disposed of.

The second faction, whose leader is Thomas Alva Edison had taken the alias of President King, wants to save America from the Celts, and then make America the only nation to survive incineration using the Holy Grail, Karna and Helena Blavatsky are two noteworthy servants under him.

Then comes the third faction, it can be said they are currently the weakest faction, they are composed of servants who do not agree with the ideology of either of the two factions and have united to form a resistance against them, they are the only ones who want to restore the singularity. Their leader is Geronimo, and Rama and Scathach are their strongest servants."

Jalter said," Interesting My Lord", Artoria said," Indeed, if there is something amusing that I find would be how a famous servant of Ancient Indian Origin is in every faction", I replied," Well, that's an interesting coincidence, though it matters little to us, we will be taking the third faction under us and restore the singularity by destroying the other two factions".

"Understood", Artoria replied and Jalter nodded, we got ready to leave, and not long after Nightingale joined us," I have finished giving all the instructions to Doctor Benjamin Rush, Now we can leave!!", she said excitedly, Jalter grunted hearing that, apparently she doesn't like Nightingale for obvious reasons, Artoria was cooler with the situation though.

I summoned a horse for me and Jalter using my Divine Authority, Artoria had her own horse so I didn't summon any extra for her and Nightingale as she didn't know how to ride a horse, I got on top of my summoned horse, and Jalter sat behind me and grabbed my chest, taking advantage of the situation she started caressing my chest and sniffed me perversely from behind me, Artoria looked with jealousy at her from her own horse, Nightingale meanwhile asked troubled," Can I follow you on foot?".

I shook my head and said," They are powerful Summons and despite being weak in battle power their speed is nothing to scoff off, so get on Artoria's horse", she pouted and replied," Fine", then got on the top of Artoria's summoned horse, then I commanded the horse to start running, and it charged rapidly forward and started running on the air as if it was solid.

Artoria's horse did the same and followed us, In a few seconds, both the horses had broken the sound barrier, meanwhile, I used Magic to search for Geronimo's group, and getting the direction they are located, we turned towards their direction.

To be continued...

(Author's Note: Yesterday my Boards result came out, and I am happy with them, Despite being an otaku I managed to score over 85%, and got 100 out 100 in English Literature, in Science I did okay as well, getting above 90 in Biology and okay in the Physics and Chemistry.

P.S.: I have a question for you all. What is a villain for you? Someone who is a villain by actions, personality, or both?)