

Previously Named as Fate: The New Poseidon ... "Hey there, God of the sea", said Kojiro as he came closer to Poseidon," Thankyou", he finished his words and cut Poseidon's right arm, then proceeding to evade his other attack he skillfully cut his other arm. Poseidon somehow took a part of his trident in his mouth and tried to attack but only to be cut down in four pieces. "You-You- Fucking Piece of Shit", he said as his body separated and he died. "Phew", said the Kojiro, with a tired smile he continued, "I guess winning for once feels pretty good, Huh?". Everyone stunned looked at the winner who had killed the God of the Gods," The... of Ragnarok is... The winner of the third bout... Humanity's Sasaki Kajiro!!!", people started cheering while God's looked at this scene with apparent anger. "Is this how I die? To a worm? Pathetic", cursed Poseidon at himself as his soul slowly faded. [Ding!] "What the...", he said. ... The soul of Poseidon and mortal fuses, now armed with his meta knowledge and Godly strength with infinite growth potential from the system what will he achieve? This has multiverse traveling and I know some of you don't like such lore, but I would request to give you a try if you are interested in ROR and Fate fanfics. First World: Fateverse/Moon Type Universe/Nasuverse{Currently} [Fate Apocrypha Completed] Fate Grand Order:{Currently} [Fate Grand Order: Orlean(1st) Singularity completed] [Fate Grand Order: Okeanos(3rd) Singularity completed] [Fate Grand Order: London(4th) Singularity completed] [Fate Grand Order: E Pluribus Unum(5th) Singularity completed] [Fate Grand Order: Divine Realm of the Round Table: Camelot(6th) Singularity completed] [Fate Grand Order: Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia(7th) {Currently Ongoing}] ... Confirmed Worlds: Record of Ragnarok(Obviously), Prosperous Threshold City: Babylon Singularity. Expected Worlds: Fate Grand Order: Pseudo Singularities, Fate Grand Order: Cosmos in Lostbelt, Fate Strange Fake, MHA, Danmachi, Marvel, The Land of Lustrous, Fairy Tail. [Loyal system] [No system slavery shit] [No specified system shop] [No system points system] [No beta Mc] To find out what happens next read it!

Akros_Zero · Anime & Comics
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96 Chs

It was not supposed to be like this!

(Author's Note: Enjoy the chapter!!)


Poseidon Pov

I stood in front of Scathach, the Queen of the Land of Shadows ready to battle with me in her full glory, wearing an extremely appealing, sexy, and tight uniform, and thighs that would make any man of culture like me to be pressed between them.

I nodded to myself proud of my choice, while Scathach frowned and said," Can you stop ogling me and focus? ", Her words were blunt, she was indeed a bit new to the matters of love, but she was no woman to shy about such matters and even about sex.

I respected her words, knowing well how much effort she had put up to get strong enough to give me an extremely good battle or even have a chance of defeating me, while her Godkiller would be more lethal to me due to my increased divinity but that would be but meager compared to my increased prowess after my divinity had increased more than 50 times.

I got serious and took a battle stance summoning my Trident, A cruel smile formed on her face," Poseidon, do your best otherwise you will be up for a beating, and remember that, I won't go on easy", she said showing her sadistic nature. Her words made me smile, one that contained pride and cruelty,' I will Break that pride of Warrior ', I thought as a cruel glint appeared in my eyes.

Then the time slowed in my vision and I charged towards breaking the sound barrier on my first step, reached a speed ten times faster than sound, and thrusted forward my Trident only for her to teleport away, and attack from behind, I smirked and used my Noble Phantasm ' World of Water ', and the next moment we were in a different place.

" You used your Noble Phantasm?", she asked with narrowed eyes and quickly gazed around, She was showing such a reaction because she knew I hadn't used such an ability till now, at least from Jalter she knew about it. Meanwhile, I breathed excited feeling all my parameters increasing by a single rank, My abilities increased as well, including my personal skill Divinity which had reached the EX Rank.

I couldn't completely comprehend why the difference between A+++ and EX Divinity was so big unlike its other counterparts but I could understand it now, what Arjuna Alter must have felt, because the level of my Authority had temporarily risen to new heights. It wasn't as shallow as it previously used to be but rather more powerful, and more conceptual.

" Gae Bolg Alternative! ", Scathach had completed her chant of the Noble Phantasm, but that wasn't what made her so confident against me, rather the fact that her parameters had been increased by a single rank and she had boosted all of them to EX Rank, and using other powerful spells as complementary, her attack had reached a terrifying EX Rank level.

' It's really strong and deadly ', I thought as I saw the red Spears living linings of mirages coming towards me, it was imbued with a curse of Deaths sure to kill any high-ranking Divine Spirit, even a top one,' But it had been over since the beginning ', I thought as the divinity raged around me and I silently chanted,' Time-Stop ', but Scathach's attack didn't stop, as it pierced through the magical effects.

My eyes narrowed as I was hit by the several attacks of her spears and then I was pinned in the air," Takeee! Thisss!!!", she shouted as she threw her other spear at me, my body met its attack head-on and I cast no spells to defend myself because I knew it would be useless. Finally, the attack ended, she had put her entire strength and almost her entire mana.

" Ho-How?! ", she said horrified seeing me unscathed,' Again, It had been over since the beginning ', I thought as I looked at the Reality Marble crumbling, she clicked her tongue and got ready to attack me again, but I stopped time and then teleported behind her, I grabbed her waist forcefully with my left hand and her breast with my right hand.

Finally, when the effect of the spell wore off, she tried fruitlessly to break my grip and I squeezed her breasts, I whispered in her ears," That was amazing you broke through the constraints of time, even if it was for a short moment but that attack took nearly your entire strength, and I still have enough Mana to spare, so in short you lost ".

I squeezed her breast tightly, she moaned,"~Ahh!!~", her cute voice resounded through the fading reality marble. " Damn, It was not supposed to be like this!! ", she said complaining, as although her attacks had been amazing in reality they hadn't done even a single scratch to me. I chuckled and my left hand ran through the belly and reached her crotch and then I rubbed there lightly.

"~Umm~", she released a light moan as my hand reached her pussy and I started rubbing it over the fabric, my right hand started squeezing her breast and playing with it. Soon it became wet, and I turned herself towards me, to see her blushing face.

" Give me time my ass, it didn't matter how much time I had taken to get stronger, you would have beaten me anyway since you grow stronger as well, and much faster than me ", she said with a pout, obviously she had imagined many situations and how our fight may play out, but it wouldn't be me unscathed and then fondling her nearly drained out self.

" So how about it? My cute little queen", I said whispering in her ear, the reality Marble completely crumbled down revealing the outside world, and two women with a face full of shock and surprise looked at us, then a blush adorned their faces, while Godzilla looked at us innocently just knowing it's a man-woman thing we are doing, poor him.

"~Um, so Poseidon you have won, though you destroyed every bit of my pride with it, You are so heartless!~", she said showing her dissatisfaction, I squeezed her breast tightly, making my hand sink deep down into her flesh and said," But if I were to hold back you would have been more dissatisfied right?".

She moaned lightly and then became silent for a second and then sighed deeply," You are right, I am grateful you didn't hold back at least it showed me that I am not that strong in front of truly powerful beings", she said then looked at me with red cheeks. I smirked and let the hold of her pussy and breast, she turned towards me and moved forward for a kiss.

I leaned towards her and kissed her on the lips, our lips met, and then our tongues. Our tongues started battling each other and I savored the taste of her saliva, my hands started moving around her body, and I started caressing and fondling her with delight. 


Our passionate kiss continued for a few minutes before our tongues separated leaving several linings of saliva between them. Her eyes were filled with lust, her face was adorned with a heavy blush, and a small string of liquid dripped from her privates, It was clear what she wanted, and I was no different.

"~You finally conquered my heart and defeated me. As such I will pledge my loyalty to you and devote myself to you, who will be my new Lord and my husband~", she said with heavy breathing in a sultry voice, I moved near her ear and nibbled it gently making her spasm.


*Splurrt* *Splurrt*

My hands grabbed her butt giving her support while she hugged me tightly, finally once she had finished orgasming she leaned against my chest. My desires were clear for all to see, I quickly teleported us into the castle leaving my two pervert servants unsatisfied.


Once I had teleported us to my private room in the castle, I unsummoned all of my clothes making me bare naked, and then Scathach followed after me becoming naked as well. My heart beat rapidly as I looked at her naked body, her white, soft, and smooth skin, her bountiful chest, her voluptuous body with just the right curves, an ass that can be said to be nearly perfect and just imagining how it would feel by slapping them turned my body hot.

I wasn't the only one ogling in the room, she was also ogling my body with predatory eyes, A perverse look formed on her face as she glanced at my perfect body which was muscular but wasn't a bundle of muscles either. Her eyes widened when she looked at my big tool and asked surprised," I-Is that supposed to be that big?!", I smirked not a bit ashamed of my big tool.

I said with pride," Not every man has a big one, and certainly not as big as mine", She nodded and then grabbed it with her hand gently, and started stroking it. My cock instantly became big reaching new heights and she asked me with a sluty smile," Does it feels good?", I nodded. I suddenly said," Even though I love this, I would love to do something more intimate".

My eyes glanced at her perfect ass, once I had seen them raw I wanted to fuck her as quickly as possible, she gave me a smirk and leaving my cock she said," So impatient, but I like it! Shows that I am feast to your eyes", a bit of pride swelled up in her, from the fact she could drive a man like me a bit crazy. Then she lay on the bed and I quickly got on top of her. Our faces were close and then we kissed each other again.


My hands fondled her chest and I enjoyed teasing her hard pink nipples. Our kiss lasted for minutes before we separated and I quickly got before her womanhood. She separated her legs in M shape and revealed her pussy to me. I looked at her pink pussy covered by two folds. I rubbed it lightly using my hands and then she said,"~Please Fuck me already!".

Her voice contained desperation and yearning to be introduced to the forbidden pleasure. I decided to not prolong it any further and quickly put my tip in the pussy, I thrusted my cock deep inside her womb in one go piercing through her hymen.

*Plap* *Plap* *Plap* *Plap*


Blood dripped from her pussy proof of her virginity, which had been claimed by me. I grunted in pleasure feeling her soft vaginal walls squeezing my cock tightly, her pussy was smaller than average, something that I can agree upon without any doubt, it was as if this woman was born to be the perfect woman for a man. I started moving my hips and making her moan in pleasure.

*Plap* *Plap* *Plap* *Plap*


Her moans of pleasure filled the room, they were submissive further igniting my desires. I started playing with her boobs, and then went forward and started sucking her nipples, her hands grabbed the back of my head as she tried to push me in her breast,"❤~Suck them hadwer!~❤", I did just that and started sucking her nipples crazily, and then bit them

*Plap* *Plap* *Plap* *Plap*

"❤~Ahhhhh!~❤It feels so gud!~❤"

She orgasmed as I continued fucking her in the pussy, the feeling of her soft pussy wrapping my cock around was just that pleasurable. I looked at her face, her expression distorted from the pleasure. I moved forward and leaned for a kiss, She opened her mouth and our tongues wrapped each other, my saliva flowed into her mouth and she devoured it greedily. Meanwhile, I continued moving my hips, shaping her pussy into mine.

*Plap* *Plap* *Plap* *Plap*

"❤~Ahhh!~❤Slurrrp~❤Slurrp~❤Chu~❤Ahh!~❤I love yo~❤I love yu~❤I love you!~❤"

I broke our kiss leaving her tongue alone and started moving my hips faster, the sounds of flesh colliding filled up the room. I continued fucking her for several more minutes leaving her a total mess with my stamina. Her womb had already started taking my shape, and soon it will be in the right shape to pleasure me as much as it can. My cock started throbbing and giving a final push, with my cock head entering her womb, I creampied her womb.


She moaned loudly as I filled her womb to the brim with my seeds, finally when I stopped cumming I slowly took my cock out letting the mixture of her juices, blood, and my semen flow out. She breathed heavily looking at me in a daze. Finally, when she recovered, I decided to go for a blowjob, and she happily knelt before me.

"~Your cock, it is as majestic as you, it makes me want to hop on it crazily~❤", she said as she rubbed her cheek against my cock, I grabbed her head and caressed her cheek," Please me", I said to her, giving her shiver to spine, she breathed heavily as she gazed at my cock. She licked it gently and started sucking it to the best of her abilities.


The erotic noises rang in my ears and just looking at her deprave face as she sucked my cock filled me with mental satisfaction besides the pleasure from the act. I started moving my hips grabbing her head from the back as I mouth-fucked her. I grunted in delight feeling her soft tongue sliding below my cock. It continued for minutes till I pushed my entire length into her throat and held it in the position.

Her nose collided against my pubic region, and her tongue reached my balls, her face was hot as she looked at me well aware of what was gonna happen next. " I am coming! ", I said as I released my semen in her mouth painting it white.


She gulped down my semen and once I had finished cumming she moved her head backward, taking my cock out of her mouth with a pop sound, leaving a thin trail of semen between my cock and her tongue. " Was it good?", she asked me for validation, Despite me holding in charge her eyes looked at me with anticipation.

" It was good", I said not lying a bit. Then I said," Now, get your ass towards me while facing the wall", I was ready for one of my favorite sex positions, and she did as I said raising her ass towards me. I slapped them making them jiggle alluringly, her mouth released low moans due to my actions.

" Do you like being fucked by your husband in such an obscene manner?!", I said, she replied quickly,"~Yes!! I like being fucked by my husband and shown my rightful place!! The way you make me feel! I have never felt like this before! So, please! Keep fucking me till my legs give up!~❤", satisfied with her answer I thrusted my cock inside her vagina.

*Plap* *Plap* *Plap* *Plap*

"❤~Ahhh!~❤You are so deep inside me!~❤I love you!~❤"

I started moving my hips, and then grabbed her ass and squeezed, my hands sunk deep down inside the soft flesh and I enjoyed the feeling of being in domination. With every movement of my hip, her ass rippled alluringly, and I smacked those buttcheeks printing my handprints on them.

*Plap* *Slap* *Plap* *Slap*

"❤~Hit me~❤Hit me hawder!~❤Ahhh!~❤Fuck your wife!~❤"

Her words made me hasten my movement, and I leaned forward and grabbed her breasts and started playing with them, The feeling of being able to do anything with such a sexy body was really nice, I started licking her back and then started giving hickeys on her back living my mark on her.

*Plap* *Plap* *Plap* *Plap*


I moved to her sexy and attractive neck, my hands squeezing her breasts tightly as I gave a hickey on her neck leaving a red bite mark and then started licking there, I started licking her shoulder blades not wanting to leave a single part of her body, I wanted her to mark her mine, she was all mine!

*Plap* *Plap* *Plap* *Plap*

"❤~I am all yours!~❤Love me to your heart's content!~❤Ahhh~❤"

Her words were delightful to hear, I breathed in heavily and grunted in pleasure as her vaginal walls squeezed my cock even more tightly as if not wanting me to go. Her womb had already taken into my shape and my pleasure had further increased, I left the attention from her back and fastened the movements of my hips, as I felt my cock throbbing. Giving a final thrust I hugged her tightly, my hands squeezing her breasts tightly as I cummed thick ropes of semen, again and again, filling her womb up.

"❤~Ahhhhhh!~❤Fill my insides to brim!~❤"

Once I had finished cumming, I left the hold of her body slowly moving backward and taking my cock out of her pussy. She turned towards me and looked at me with desire and moved near me,"❤~Poseidon~❤Love me~❤I love you so much~❤", I smiled and caressed her cheek," From now onwards you are mine, forever", I said with obsession, she smiled and said," Yes, I am yours", then we both kissed each other.

After that, our love making continued for days leaving two unsatisfied women.


3rd Pov

"Fuck it! Till when that bitch is gonna hoard Lord's Love?!", said Jalter with anger and dissatisfaction in her eyes, it had been days till Poseidon and Scathach had been engaged in the obscenity. The sounds of their lovemaking which was quite loud made her feel hotter at the same desire for Poseidon's love, and his thick cock inside her vagina.

Artoria who too had dissatisfaction and a frown on her face said," It's her first time so I shall let it slide but after this, I should get most of his love and attention!", Jalter's eyebrows twitched hearing her and she said," Just because you have gotten stronger, doesn't means you can boss me Artoria".

Artoria looked at her coldly and said," I have gotten stronger, thus my body is more suitable to engage in intense lovemaking with him, hence giving him more pleasure than you two are ever capable of, it's only right that I spend most of the time with him.", Jalter glared her with anger," Do you wanna fight bitch?!".

Artoria snorted summoning her Divine Lance and her Divinity erupted from her body, signifying her status as a High ranking Divine Spirit, a summon who could tear down the entire world. Jalter quickly summoned her Flag and got in a defensive position feeling suppressed by Artoria's overwhelming presence. " Why don't we try? Who is more worthy of him? You or me?", she said as a smirk appeared on her face.

As the fight was to erupt a voice suddenly froze them in their tracks," What do you think you two are doing?", said Poseidon coldly, they quickly unsummoned their weapons and looked at him. " Lord! This bitch is trying to hoard you all for herself due to the sudden increase of her prowess!", said Jalter trying to put the entire blame on Artoria.

Artoria calmly retorted," I was just telling her how I should be rewarded for my increase in strength", Her voice contained confidence. If it was before then she would never be able to win against Jalter but now that she had become a Goddess she was literally the strongest subordinate of Poseidon. She didn't put Jalter into her eyes anymore, at least till she became as powerful as her.

She was confident that Poseidon would choose her for sex now! Why? Her charm had tripled, her face had become more beautiful, and her body had become even more voluptuous. She was more aware of her charm and hence was confident that Poseidon who likes strong and beautiful women chose her,' With my bountiful chest, and my breedable ass, I doubt Lord will put this woman with only big breasts in same position as me', she thought.

Unfortunately for both of them, Poseidon was not in the mood for their bicker and said," I will be resting for a bit, then don't fight and even bicker, I will look into this matter but if you were to fight before that, and argue I won't have sex with you both for a year", both of them froze and then looked at him with begging expression, their faces could make any weeb on their knees and lick the ground.

But Poseidon remained unaffected and left the place for his much-needed mental rest, while Artoria and Jalter looked at each other in fear," How about a temporary truce?", asked Artoria and Jalter didn't deny that, not being able to Poseidon's love for a straight year will be plain torture! They didn't want such a miserable fate!

To be continued...

(Author's Note: Life has really hit me hard, not getting free time as much as i used to is really hard, though I think I will cope up somehow. Still updates aren't gonna as regular as they used to be, sadly. I hope you can understand my circumstances.

P.S.: I will soon release a chapter showing other character's abilities, and update Poseidon's character sheet.)