

Previously Named as Fate: The New Poseidon ... "Hey there, God of the sea", said Kojiro as he came closer to Poseidon," Thankyou", he finished his words and cut Poseidon's right arm, then proceeding to evade his other attack he skillfully cut his other arm. Poseidon somehow took a part of his trident in his mouth and tried to attack but only to be cut down in four pieces. "You-You- Fucking Piece of Shit", he said as his body separated and he died. "Phew", said the Kojiro, with a tired smile he continued, "I guess winning for once feels pretty good, Huh?". Everyone stunned looked at the winner who had killed the God of the Gods," The... of Ragnarok is... The winner of the third bout... Humanity's Sasaki Kajiro!!!", people started cheering while God's looked at this scene with apparent anger. "Is this how I die? To a worm? Pathetic", cursed Poseidon at himself as his soul slowly faded. [Ding!] "What the...", he said. ... The soul of Poseidon and mortal fuses, now armed with his meta knowledge and Godly strength with infinite growth potential from the system what will he achieve? This has multiverse traveling and I know some of you don't like such lore, but I would request to give you a try if you are interested in ROR and Fate fanfics. First World: Fateverse/Moon Type Universe/Nasuverse{Currently} [Fate Apocrypha Completed] Fate Grand Order:{Currently} [Fate Grand Order: Orlean(1st) Singularity completed] [Fate Grand Order: Okeanos(3rd) Singularity completed] [Fate Grand Order: London(4th) Singularity completed] [Fate Grand Order: E Pluribus Unum(5th) Singularity completed] [Fate Grand Order: Divine Realm of the Round Table: Camelot(6th) Singularity completed] [Fate Grand Order: Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia(7th) {Currently Ongoing}] ... Confirmed Worlds: Record of Ragnarok(Obviously), Prosperous Threshold City: Babylon Singularity. Expected Worlds: Fate Grand Order: Pseudo Singularities, Fate Grand Order: Cosmos in Lostbelt, Fate Strange Fake, MHA, Danmachi, Marvel, The Land of Lustrous, Fairy Tail. [Loyal system] [No system slavery shit] [No specified system shop] [No system points system] [No beta Mc] To find out what happens next read it!

Akros_Zero · Anime & Comics
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96 Chs

Goddess Problem?


Poseidon Pov

It was finally morning, and another day for the Mesopotamia. I could feel that the air was behaving weirdly as if wanting to announce something terrible is going to occur. Jeanne meanwhile sat happily beside me as we gazed at the horizon. Her head leaning on my shoulder, and her hand on my lap. I looked at the hordes of monster galloping towards the walls from kilometers away at the Demonic front.

The wall that protected the Fortress City Uruk also known as the Demonic front. I could see the servants summoned by Gilgamesh fighting there against the Demonic Beasts. " Poseidon, do you want to help them?", she asked while glancing at the distance, I paused and glanced at her realizing she was way stronger than ever before. 

" I want to test some spells, and since I am in alliance with Gilgamesh it wouldn't hurt to help them", I replied and she nodded, then standing up while summoning her Holy Flag which had gotten a white hue surprisingly, she said," Then let's go and free those beasts of their pain! ", her words sounded as if she was a frantic Devotee of some Hypocritical Goddess of Light or God of Darkness in some 3rd Rate Isekai Manga.

" Heh ", I looked at her jumping on the ground and then blasted off there in a sonic speed, I looked at the Blonde speechlessly before muttering," Stupid ", then I teleported directly at the Battlefield, the cries of soldiers rung throughout the place as a few died while fighting against the horde. I could see around thousands of beasts at the Distance, and then summoning my Trident I grabbed it tightly and then threw it towards the beast.

*Shringgg* *BOOM*

A sharp sound travelled through as my Trident pierced the air at a supersonic speed, clearing out all the beasts near it's path and then it struck against ground a few kilometers away creating a huge crack and shockwaves that turned the nearby beasts into gore. My move garnered the attention of everyone, and soldiers looked at the scene baffled.

I ignored them as I floated on the air and started thinking of which spell I should test first. I decided to go with Super Tier Spell, ' Wind of Corruption ', and a large number of Magic circles surrounded me as I weaved the spell. " Wind of Corruption", I chanted and then the entire place became silent as wind remained still. Then a wide, and powerful gust of wind with a brown hue blew towards them, it threw thousands of the monster back due to enormous force it contained.

But it was not over, the bodies of monsters started decaying at a visible rate under everyone's astonished eyes. As the spell said, the Wind of Corruption is basically an Aoe spell that not strikes the enemies with a powerful shockwave and gust of wind, but also has corrupting and decaying properties that does immense damage to living creatures.

Even if they are monsters and corrupted beings in a way, they still are made by the Goddess of Life and Creation, thus this spell was immensely effective against them, though I doubt that will be the same for the corrupted humans that Tiamat will make. Well, I have a bunch of Super Tier Spells and Dozens of Summoning spells that I want to try against her and her army of 'New Humans'.

" Lord Poseidon!!!", said a servant carrying a Shield and spear while wearing a spartan mask, Leonidas looked at me with respect, awe, and admiration. " Thankyou for helping us!!!", he said formally while doing a weird kind of salute? " Let me thank you Lord Poseidon ", said another servant, a female this time, wearing extremely samurai clothes and carrying a Japanese Katana.

" We were in a pinch, and to come and help us directly, I would like to express my and other's gratitude on their behalf ", she continued while looking at me with a slight blush. " That's not fair Lord Poseidon!", said Jeanne arriving beside me while looking at me with a pout and small blush. She had arrived here just the moment before I casted my spell and watched how I absolutely pulverized thousands of beasts in a few seconds.

" You should have waited, you just jumped from the wall and started running like a brute", I said, her face reddened while she became embarrassed. Suddenly two hands wrapped around me and asked," Yes Amara?", I received a dissatisfied reply from her," That's not good Daddy, you are never surprised!", she was correct, I had extreme awareness of my surroundings even what is teleporting beside me.

Eh, as a billion year old God the one of the last thing I would do is to lose the awareness of my surroundings when I am in a place where enemies can come from anywhere. " Hm, What are you looking at insect?", Amara said while glancing at Leonidas whose body freeze the moment she looked at him. Amara was a Divine Beast and a natural enemy of Dragon-Kind, thus she was extremely high on the racial Hierarchy.

It was normal for Leonidas' body to freeze in fear, and well, this girl is too spoiled despite being humbled by her mothers several time. I grabbed her arms and swung her body, and in no moment she was leaning against my chest, I patted her head and caressed her horns while she looked at me with a blush adorning her face. " Oh Daddy!", she muttered happily.

" Leonidas, I want you to continue doing your impressive work. Not to mention a new horde of beasts should be arriving here soon ", I commanded him, and doing a salute he replied," Yes Sir!!!", it looked a bit funny and weird for me, after all Leonidas from my world hated Gods to the boot and would just like to plummet Apollo's face with his fists.

" So, you are Amara right?", asked Jeanne as she appeared in front of us with a smile on her face, and looked at Amara, ' My daughter ' , with interest in her eyes. Amara ignored her existence and continued enjoying my pats, poor Jeanne continued smiling while looking at the girl who didn't cared a bit about her. " Talk with her Amara", I said, and quickly she nodded obediently as if she was not ignoring her a second ago.

" Yes, Is there anything you want to say?", she asked a bit rudely, but Jeanne didn't mind it and instead taking her hands by surprise she asked with intense curiosity," Who is your mother?! I want to know about Lord Poseidon- Like everything! Thus I want to know who is your mother?! Do you have any brothers or sisters?! Or-", she asked with rapid precision, her lips moving in a sensual manner.

" Stop!!", shouted Amara stopping her, and then with a slight anger she said," Firstly, those three perverted women of Daddy are my mothers. Eh, none of them are my birth mothers, only Daddy is my real Daddy, they are my mothers just because they are women of Daddy. Also I have no brother or sister, only I alone am the daughter of Poseidon!!", her voice contained pride as she announced her identity as my sole daughter in existence.

Jeanne's face looked satisfied- and well more curious enough to make Amara shudder and hug me tightly, " Well anyway, going by your logic I am your mother as well! You can call me Mom! Also let's have a family hug!", said Jeanne as she leaped and hugged us while burying her face on my chest as well. I sighed and then smiled a little,' She is cute as ever ', I thought amused.

" Ahem, why are we missing this family hug? I am coming as well ", said Jalter as she leaped and hugged me from back, Artoria who had teleported with her and Scathach joined as well, while Scathach sighed at the stupidity she was going to commit before joining the hug as well, all of them squeezed me tightly, while Leonidas gave me a thumbs up from the side, and Ushiwakamaru blushed a lightly and looked away? Well we are not doing anything lewd, this woman is just weird.

" Now, I would love to be hugged by you all for hours like this, but we aren't at our home, rather at a dangerous place, so I would like you leave me ", I said as I looked at the supersonic Goddess approaching us on her ' Heavenly ride ', her twin tails swayed erratically as she approached us. The others too became wary as they sensed the approaching Divinity. They quickly broke the hug.

" DIEEEE!!!! ", shouted the Goddess as she jumped from her Maana, and performed a kick towards me at a supersonic speed. Her movement came to halt as Amara grabbed her leg in the midair, while intense wind and shock waves were produced by their clash as the ground below us cracked and rocks were thrown in the air.

" Wha-", she tried to express her shock only to be punched in the gut and thrown hundreds of meters away like a ragdoll, her body rolled in the air while hitting ground and dirt several times, until her movement came to an halt as she crashed on the rocky hill. Amara's body teleported beside her, while the Goddess of beauty stood up with scratches visible on her body with an enraged look on her face.

" A mere Divine beast dare-", Ishtar tried to speak another cliche young mistress line, only to be punched on her face by a fist of Amara imbued with extreme level of Divinity, her nose broke as a huge part of the hill behind her was pulverized as she was thrown back again, her body rolling like a ragdoll. I looked casually at their clash, while Leonidas had his jaw dropped.

Soldiers hid behind the wall as they witnessed the clash that left them stunned, Hills, ground, everything seemed to made of a thin layer of dried clay as it broke down, and pulverized as Amara clashed. ' It is over ', I knew it as the Goddess was knocked out, while her beautiful Rin-face deformed slightly. She made the stupidest move by attacking me Physically instead of the EX Rank Noble Phantasm she took pride in.

[ Hey Master, it's getting boring here. I am just waiting here for the final boss to appear not some spoiled daughter. Still that Spoiled daughter vs Spoiled daughter clash was a bit amusing], said System.

(A/N: Damn, I almost forgot him/her)

' You normally stay silent, and don't care about such matters. Now intruding here?', I asked the System and soon received a reply,[ Master, I am a sentient being and I tend to get bore as well. My previous masters were humans and were weak from the start, so I got much enjoyment from seeing their growth while getting strong at least till they died, even my last Master who was a God, ended up in hilarious situations due to his arrogance. It was fun, and for the first time I understood that I get bored].

I teleported beside Amara who had grabbed unconscious Ishtar by her neck, and said,' System, well then I will talk with you more ', I received a thumbs up, and then shifting my focus to Amara I said," Leave her, Amara ", and then she left the Goddess making her fall on the ground, while spitting on her and muttering," Fucking Insect, she dared to disturb me and my Daddy's moment, be grateful bitch. Because of Daddy I am leaving you alive ".

I didn't cared about her insults, since I shared the sentiment and then creating a rope of Water with my Divinity, I decided to try and attempt to get her on our side. She was a High Goddess in the end with a fairly powerful Noble Phantasm in her arsenal. It could even pulverize Gilgamesh even if he was wearing his Golden Armor and other Gods, it was the manifestation of the very Concept of Venus, powerful enough to make King of Gods fear.

But in the end it didn't made a scratch on the enemy I am going to face, Tiamat is more powerful than I am, and thus I would need all the help I can. Now it depended on her whether she joined or sent back to Heaven. Thus holding her body we both teleported back to the Demonic front, and others became relieved seeing Ishtar unconscious, it was time for me to solve this Goddess Problem. 

To be continued...

(A/n: I am really sick and it will take several days for me to get well, sigh so maybe I won't beupload 7 chapters, character images need t delayed, it already too my entire str to wrtie this?)