
Fate of Lucious - A New Beginning

A boy of 17, suddenly thrown into a world of magic and prophecy's and warships, burdened with the responsibility to save the world from a fearsome fate. What will happen..? Running through magical lands, fighting beasts, falling in love and learning despair, will Lucious survive... or PREVAIL!!?!?!?!

AvalonMystery · Fantasy
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Chapter 2

Next morning, I got up early and ready to leave fifteen minutes before my usual timings. All because I was too excited to get my hands on that pendant.

With a skip in my steps, I went downstairs and after eating a simple breakfast consisting of omelet and orange juice, I drove to the college. It was a lucky day, as there was also a short quiz on fiction writers and I couldn't wait to answer those questions.

I entered the class to find Professor Baggins already on the podium. With a slight nod, I headed to my usual seat and sat down softly. Soon enough the class was filled with the sound of chatter and my friends sat around me, in their seats. I had quite an unusual friend circle for someone who was famous. Isabella was a short, stubborn girl who always wanted her way but was never mean to others. Karl, on the other hand, was a nerd with good looks and a tall height. And was quite popular for a nerd. Then there was Chang, he was a transfer from China and we had hit it off the first day he transferred here, so yeah, I was the closest to him. Last but not least there was Ren and Sophie, they were in a relationship and had been a couple for the last two months. While these noisemakers chatted I looked out at the sky, it appeared as if it was about to rain today and I would be needing an umbrella, thankfully Grandpa Max had been clever enough to keep one in my bag without me knowing.

The day goes by in a blur and before I know it, I am on my way back home. When I reach my block, I see a crowd gathered around my house. My neighbors, the Strauss's are inside as I make my way in. They all have glum looks on their faces and I can tell its bad news. I ask about my grandfather but none of the answers. I rush up to his room and search all over the house, but I can't find him.

"Please be ok Grandpa!" is all I can think about.

I go back to the living area and find out that my grandfather had a heart attack. I rush to the hospital and find him admitted to the ICU. Apparently, the doctors did surgery and he is out of danger. I sigh in relief and go inside my grandfather's room with the doctor's permission. He seems to be sleeping so I just sit beside him, watching. After a minute or two, he twitches and slowly opens his eyes.

"So you are finally here, Lu", says my grandpa with a weak smile.

I hold his hand and nod. He gestures for me to get closer so he can speak in my ear. As I lean in, Grandpa gently cups my cheek as a lone tear escapes his eyes.

"Now listen closely to me my boy, all you need to be is kind and have courage. And always remember, there is no point fearing the unknown. You just gotta move forward with everything you got and never regret your decisions.", said Grandpa, dropping his hand.

"What are you saying? You can just tell me all this after I take you home." I said with a confused and worried look.

"I am sorry, child. But this is as far as I go. You are on your own now. When you reach home, go to my room and you will find a key under the mattress of my bed. It opens a secret cabinet behind the bookshelf. There are a diary and a pendant in it. Make sure to read the letter inside the diary." said Grandpa and slowly closed his eyes.

"Secret cabinet?! Key? What are you saying, grandpa? Please open your eyes!!" I frantically tried to wake him and soon the doctor arrived and asked me to leave the room.

About half an hour later the doctor emerged from the ICU and started walking away. I stopped him and was about to ask when he slightly shook his head. I just stared at him, dumbfounded.

I could literally feel my head going numb...

Soon enough I was surrounded by my friends as Chang sat beside me patting and stroking my head.

My head was pressed against my palms so I could not see their expressions but from the atmosphere around me, I could imagine the looks on their faces. No one pitied me, which was good, they knew I hated it when someone sympathized with me, they were looking at me with worried and complicated expressions. I stood up in a jiffy and brought seven drinks from the nearest vending machine and took this time to compose myself. Then I headed back and handed one drink each to one of them keeping one of cold coffee for myself. I popped the can and downed half the drink in one go. Then I got ready to face my friend.

"So, what do you want to say", I said as I turned to my friends.

I half expected them to look at me with gloomy eyes but they all had a smile on their faces. I was surprisingly a little taken aback but soon recovered. I gave then all a weak smile. They knew exactly how I felt and I felt fortunate to have such amazing friends.

We contacted all the relatives and the funeral was to be held tomorrow.