

Winter Knight was a sixteen year old girl who lived with her single mother. Her father passed away when she was a toddler. Her mother was a specialized international aid worker for the biggest humanitarian aid company in the world, Universal Relief Inc. Due to her mother's job, they were forced to move around a lot. Winter was a sophomore and she had been enrolled in four different high schools.

Winter sighed as she laid in her bed, staring at her ceiling which was covered in glow in the dark star stickers. She heard a knock at the door. "Come in!" Winter watched as her mother entered the room. "Hi sweetheart. Just wanted to check up on you, see how you were doing. Make sure you're ready for school tomorrow." Winter looked over at her, "Yes, Mom. I'm ready for school." Her mother smiled warmly. "That's my Winter. Lights out in ten." Winter rested her head back on her silk pillow case after her mother left the room and sighed, "Another school." 

Winter sat groggily, staring in the dark as her alarm went off. "Winter, your alarm! Get ready or you're going to be late." Winter sighed, looking over at herself in the mirror as she got out of bed. She pulled on her uniform and went downstairs. Winter noticed her mom staring at her and tilted her head. "Yes Mom?" She noticed the tears in her mother's eyes, "What's wrong?" Her mother hugged her and said, "I'm sorry that we have to keep moving around. I made sure to tell my boss that I wanted to stay here until you graduate." Winter hugged her mother back, "It's okay, Mom. Really, I understand." She smiled softly as her mother looked at her, "What a good daughter I was blessed with." Winter walked to the counter to grab a banana for breakfast before walking towards the front door, "I'm off to school." Her mother nodded, "Have a good day honey."

Winter glanced down at her white, green, and blue uniform. She then looked at the giant sign positioned near the front gate that said "Golden Academy High." Winter rolled her eyes thinking, "This campus could petition to be its own country." Winter's crystal blue eyes darted around, attempting to take it all in. She noticed everything. The people bickering, friends greeting each other, and teachers supervising students. Her mother said she had always been her little detective. Winter was so absorbed in observing that she didn't notice the boy behind her until he knocked into her. Winter's eyes met his red ones. "I'm sorry," Winter said as she stared at the boy. He didn't acknowledge her and kept walking. Winter watched him and noticed that she wasn't the only one. It seemed to her as though everyone's eyes were on him. He was soon surrounded by people. Winter dusted off her skirt and kept walking towards the teacher's office. She walked to the nearest teacher and said, "Excuse me. My name is Winter Knight. I'm a new student." The male teacher gazed at Winter, before looking at his clipboard and mumbling "Night." Winter looked around the office. Most of the teachers seemed occupied, except one young female teacher that was watching her keenly. "Yes, right here. Night. Class three." She leaned over and shook her head, "Knight. With a K." The male teacher grimaced and looked back at his clipboard "Winter Knight, class five." Winter noted his scowl. "You will address me as Mr. Cornell. I am your homeroom teacher." He stood, "Follow me to the classroom." Winter nodded before looking back at the young woman and smiling. The woman immediately averted eye contact. Winter furrowed her eyebrows before trailing after Mr. Cornell. Mr. Cornell entered the classroom first as Winter counted thirty seconds in her head before entering. "Shut it. All of you. We have a new student today." Winter studied Cornell out of the corner of her eye before focusing her attention on the class. She smiled brightly. "Hello everyone. My name is Winter Knight. I just moved here. Please take care of me." Winter identified whose attention she had and the body language of each of the students. She took into account who clapped when she was finished and whose eyes were still on her as Mr. Cornell told her where to sit. "My eyesight isn't the best so can I sit in the middle?" he sighed, annoyed. Winter took her seat, still feeling eyes on her. Every action, every word she spoke was controlled and calculated. She maintained a neutral expression as she thought, "This is going to be a long day."

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