

They tried her on her cell, but it was switched off. A maid came running towards the both Jun Wei and Jing Viana. She was panting.

"Madame.... young miss... she.. ". She panted.

" Common say something. " Both father and mother Jun's mind was turmoil.

"T -the guards o-on the gate saying that they didn't see ou-our young miss. "She Stammered.

" Then where did she gone? ". Mama Jun said Worriedly.

" Let's go and check her room. " Both of them hurried to upstairs.

Both of them reached her room. When they started searching a paper on the study desk catch their attention.

Papa Jun started reading. His hands frozen in middle air. The paper flew away from his hands and mama Jun catched that paper.

She started to read. Her hands began to tremble and her eyes became both misty and wet with tears.

[Mom and Dad,

I know now time will be ticking to eleven, right? (Viana raised her head and glanced at the clock. It indeed eleven°clock.)

I know you guys tried hard to get me on cellphone. It's switched off, right?. Now I will be on my way to far away from you guys.

You guys will be thinking why I am suddenly leave the house. If you guys can reject other things for me, I can reject the house. Yeah you are right! I did hear yours conversation yesterday. You guys decided to abandon my Meimei, so I decided to abandon our house. You guys don't worry I will come back. But Mom you should remember don't ever try to blame Dad. If I heard that you guys divorced forget about me.

I'm taking Meimei with me. Now I am her official guardian. I will find out a way to contact you. Don't get became tired. I will come back before my date to take over companies reach.


Little Jun..... (◞‸◟ㆀ)]