

Another date 11of June after twelve years.

An another birthday party after twelve years, gusts are enjoying their time. mama Jun and father Jun welcoming their gusts.

Today is our little Jun's eighteenth birthday. Every single person waiting to see her. Nobody know how she looked or what's her name.

She loathes sociality. And she was studied in the world class university sacred Hearts at country-R which was far away from her own country country-A and her home town Maplewood city. She studied there over five years. She got degree in arts, computer engineering and fashion designing and she also got a master degree in business administration. She completed her high school education in her age of fifteen.

And she also completed these courses in five years. But her father and mother only aware of her degree in business administration. She also have so many secrets that they unaware of.

Suddenly the lights in the hall went off. The spot lights focusing the upstairs. In the upstairs a graceful figure slowly getting down from the upstairs. Her body is fair like jade, her eyes are twinkling like stars and her silky jet black hair floating like waves at her waist.

She is wearing a light yolk yellow evening gown. There is bead work on her yoke, sleeveless and her shoulder can see (it's not like off shoulder, it's more like a uhhhhh..... huh! her shoulder can see through the material. Huh! that's it.). She is wearing a light weight and simple diamond set with big earrings.

She slowly getting down. Simple and Elegant like a princess. She felt a little uneasiness, every single person staring at her yaaar how can she comfortable?.

Her appearance was breathtaking. There was a pin drop silence.

"Hello everyone, " Jun Wei Na greeted everyone with awakerdness.

Everyone who staring at her snapped out from their own dream land.