
Chapter XX: Orokamono

"As you know my name is Yozora Hoshimura, a first-year student at Hogwarts from the Slytherin house as well as a proud muggleborn." After saying that some people showed disgust either externally or deeply hidden, but I ignored this.

"Also, the current and sole heir of Lucis-Caelum, the most ancient and noblest house in the whole of magical Britain," I said with a grin on my face.

As I expected more than half of the people present including Mr. Tonks were confused as they never had heard of a wizard house with that name after all the last know living person in that family died centuries ago and he wasn't well known for the most part of the magical community.

But I didn't care about the common populace for the moment. What I wanted to see if the faces of the upper echelons of the ministry and the lords of the prominent families looking, and their expressions didn't disappoint me at all.

A plethora of emotions started to drip off the faces of those people, the first group were the one that looked as if they had seen the bogeyman in flesh, from what I could gather it seems that one of their ancestors was stupid enough to piss off some of the Lucis-Caelum, from the records in the vault it seems that all of them had an ability similar to my Armirger alongside the ability to be capable of using different magic systems, the sole reason that house was destroyed because they were flooded with a myriad of wizards against them. In another group of people, greed was starting to show even though they tried to maintain their composure. For them, the secrets of the Lucis-Caelum were too tempting and any other treasure that I had was more than enough to try to control me, cause in their eyes at the end of the day I was just a Mudblood. And a tiny amount of them didn't care too much if they had the opportunity to take it but they won't actively try to get close to me.

*Bam* *Bam* *Bam* "Silence" Fudge ordered as if he didn't know another word. "Mr. Hoshimura, I don't know how you know that name, but refrain from telling lies."

I titled my head at his words. "But Minister Fudge, I haven't told a single lie."

"Mr. Hoshimura, what you just said is simply impossible after all you are muggleborn and the last know member of the Lucis-Caelum was…" Said Fudge but he held his tongue from saying the last part.

"He was what, Minister?" I spoke coldly at the minister. "Killed? Assassinated? Persecuted? All this by the very same group of people that one of our ancestors helped to create what we currently know as the British Magical Community." After saying that Fudge flinched a little bit. 'wuss'

"If you are wondering if I have anything against this community fret not, I don't care a tiny bit about this," I said staring directly into his eyes. "But I am not here to have a useless chatter about my background, I am here because of him," I said pointing to Dumbledore. "Not only he dared to stalk me in the confines of the castle a place that is supposed to be a safe place for every student, but he also violated the privacy of my friend's mind and tried the same with me, so its only fair that I ask for retribution."

"Mr. Hoshimura!" Dumbledore shouted. "I know that you feel like I betrayed your trust, and you might be right," Dumbledore said in a very convincing tone of regret, that more than one of the people in the court seemed to believe. "But everything I had done was for the safety of the students at Hogwarts and to protect you from people that might use you for their own benefit," The old man said with a caring tone. "I swear to you Mr. Hoshimura, that I didn't have a second intention with everything I had done."

"You swear huh?" I said sardonically. "Then do it," I said as I looked the man directly in the eyes.

"Swear on your magic, that you didn't have any ulterior motives," I said with a grin trying to form on my face. "If you do it, I might forgive you."

At my words, for the first time, Dumbledore's smiley expression changed into an evident frown.

"Mr. Hoshimura! You don't know the severity of your words." Fudge said frantically

I looked directly into the minister's eyes, and I could see that this was not anger coming from a supporter, it was mostly out of pride. Most of the wizards, especially the pureblooded have a big amount of pride just for being Wizards, so I trying to make someone swear on their magic, is a big hit into their egos, even if they don't like the wizard in question.

"I think I do minister," I stated with a smirk on my face. "After all, Professor Dumbledore doesn't have anything to fear if what he says is the truth."

"Insolent kid, show more respect to the Minister." I woman yelled at me from the stands of the Wizengamot.

I looked at the woman that yelled and for the first time I came to this world I was speechless, I couldn't believe what I was seeing, I couldn't believe that someone could be this…this…

'How the fuck someone can be this ugly! God, I thought that this world made everyone look better but it seems that I was wrong.' Said woman was no other than Dolores Umbit-Umbridge who looked at me with spite, I didn't have to have the clairvoyance to know what the reform of that was.

I decided to ignore her and continue to talk to the Minister. "Minister, just doing that would clear all distrust from his side, so I think just muttering a couple of words, is worth it so none of us would waste more of our time."

Fudge frowned at my words, but it seems that he was considering them. Of course, it was not to bring justice after all he is a coward. He would play on the winning side the one that benefits him, the whole reason that he followed Dumbledore when Voldemort was on his rise was that what Voldemort wanted to create was too chaotic and evil, he wasn't an evil person just an idiot. But after Voldemort's fall, Dumbledore won too much prestige and political power for the liking of Fudge, and as paranoid as he is, he believes that one day Dumbledore would want his place as minister. So, this whole situation is too tempting for him, the perfect opportunity to lower Dumbledore's prestige, but he is scared about de kickback of this event.

But once again the pink-bitch woman interrupted. "Don't you dare to ignore me petulant brat." She said in a high-pitched tone. "Your ilk doesn't have manners at all."

Mr. Tonks who remained silent for a long time frowned at her words and couldn't remain silent. "Miss Umbridge, what do you mean by 'your ilk'? I hope I am getting things wrong." Even though Mr. Tonks was enraged since he perfectly knows what she is alluding off, she still is a member of the Wizengamot, so he still needs to remain as calm as possible.

On the contrary, Umbridge was trying to do a sweet smile, but anyone could see the prepotency behind that smile. "I think it's obvious what I am talking about, even he is telling the truth about being an heir this… "Umbridge gave me a disgusted look. "Boy, doesn't have the regal supposed for an heir, but that can be expected from his upbringing."

Mr. Tonks was about to say something, but gramps raised his hand to stop him.

"Miss Umbridge, I would appreciate it if you remained silent about my grandson's upbringing, and let's get on with the real reason we're here?" Gramps calmly said but an intangible pressure surrounded the courtroom after his words.

Everyone got tense at the pressure that was imposed on them, more than one of them was sweating cold, for them, this was unthinkable after all he was just an old muggle. I wonder how they would react if they found out that technically speaking gramps is an existence higher than all the people in the room. I thought that gramps flexing a little bit would be enough to make them shut up, but like Einstein once said, 'human stupidity is infinite'.

"I will not tolerate a filthy old muggle and his Mudblood progeny to desecrate the ministry with your insolence!" An enraged Umbitch yelled while staring daggers at us "You should be grateful that we are magnanimous enough to listen to you to lowlife as both of you" But her ranting didn't end up there. The idiotic woman took her wand out of her robes and pointed it to gramps.

"You should learn how to act in front of your superiors."

"Dolores don't!" Fudge screamed frantically.

Dumbledore stood still as he wanted to see how I would react based on what he saw through Hermione's memories. Madam Bones and Mr. Tonks also started to take out their wands to neutralize Umbridge and protect us. But we didn't need protection at all.

Both of us moved at a speed that seemed like we teleported from everyone's perspective, me using Sonido and gramps just using his A-Rank agility. Gramps grabbed the people near the witch and moved them afar before they could react. I on the other hand reached for the stupid bitch wand and snatch it from her hand. The surprise made the woman the trip as I looked down on her.

All the wizards and witches were surprised by the events that just happened in front of their very own eyes. They weren't strangers to an apparition or other kinds of teletransportation magic, but they couldn't feel any magic energy being used, and on top of that the very old man that made them feel chills on their spines did that with no apparent effort. But what disturbed them the most was me as they couldn't believe that a "child" could give someone that kind of look I was giving to Umbridge.

"I had enough." I coldly stated making the people in the court snap out of their trance.

Umbridge stared at me hatefully but before she could mutter anything I slapped the hell out of her ugly face. "Who said you could talk?" I said in a threatening tone.

"Mr. Hoshimura, you are assaulting a member of the Wizengamot!" Said Madam Bones in a concerned voice. "Even though she tried to assault your grandparent and you, this can have serious repercussions. So please let us handle the situation."

I gave a smile to Madam Bones. Not one of the smiles that I gave to people to mock them or make them angry, just a smile. "Everything will be okay, Madam Bones," I said as I snapped Umbridge's wand.

"Mr. Hoshimura, what you have done is a serious crime no matter who you are, nobody is above the law." Fudge stated seriously.

"The minister is right." Lucius Malfoy spoke for the first time since the hearing started. "Mr. Hoshimura the presumed heir of a dead house not only didn't give a single bit of respect for the members of the Wizengamot, but he even dared to assault a fair member of the Wizengamot without reason, so he and…the muggle who helped him should receive a punishment according to their transgressions." He said with a presumptuous voice.

"What are you talking Malfoy!" Mr. Tonks indignantly yelled at Malfoy. "Dolores Umbridge was the first one who instigated everything! On repeated occasions, she made blood supremacist claims against the Hoshimura's! She even dared raised her wand to them.!"

"And how do you know that she was going to hurt them?" Lucius sneakily said. "As far as we know, she just raised her wand, since not a single spell or curse left her wand."

"Mr. Malfoy is right!" a member of the Wizengamot shouted.

"The kid is to dangerous, if he can do that now and defies our authority, who says that he won't try to usurp the ministry in the future."

"We are what defines what is right and what is wrong, we can't let a brat talk to us like that!"

"The knowledge of the Lucis-Caelum is too dangerous we should take it from him and obliviate him!"

"Throw him to Azkaban!"

"Take his wand!"

Madam Bones gritted her teeth at the words of the members of the Wizengamot. "Don't say stupid things like that, he is just a kid!" She said with anger to her fellow members and changed sight at Fudge. "Cornelius you can't that the words of this fool seriously, it's oblivious that they are talking out of greed."

With her words, it is pretty clear that she knows about the Lucis-Caelum, not surprising though. After all, being the current head of an old house and a high member of the ministry, she can get this kind of information easily, but I liked that different from the majority of the imbeciles present, she stayed true to her definition of justice. Sadly, her words fell on deaf ears.

If earlier was tempted by the idea of diminishing Dumbledore's influence, now he was falling straight out to the idea of hoarding the knowledge of a family feared by the whole magical British community. And even if he couldn't use the "magic" of the family, the other knowledge gathered by them is priceless and could empower most of the current wizards That alone could exponentially increase his influence and in the future stand out against Dumbledore.

"Amelia, I know you have a soft spot for kids, but the Hoshimura's indeed broke the law, so they have to take responsibility for their actions." Fudge said in a stern tone.

Madam Bones and Mr. Tonks wanted to continue arguing with the minister but someone interrupted them.

//Author's Note: Play: The Power of All For One//

At first, a small sound left my mouth, but soon after another small sound left, and another after that, I was doing my best to hold it but, in the end, I couldn't hold it anymore and started to crackle maniacally. My laugh filled all the confines of the courtroom making some of the people feel chills on their backs, while some others just thought that I lose it, but some of the people realized the meaning behind my laugh. I was mocking them for their stupidity, arrogance was permeating every single of my laughs and this made them angrier than before. I couldn't seriously believe the bullshit that these people were uttering.

Frowns become visible for the most part of the members of the Wizengamot, but I couldn't care less and continued laughing. 'Honestly, why did I even try to use logic with these kinds of idiots, I should know that these people with stick on their asses, I knew that there would be foolish people trying to take MY things for their own benefit but I overestimated their intelligence, they think that they are all mighty for being born as a member of an old house, but it seems that I must do what I did at the start of the term.' And as I finished my inner thoughts my laugh started dying and stared coldly at the buffoons.

"Yozora Hoshimura, your disrespect toward us would not be tolerated!" Said Fudge staring daggers at me. "You physically assaulting a member of the Wizengamot along with Dumbledore declaration of you being a potential threat to the students at Hogwarts makes thing-"

"Shut the fuck up" I said with a threatening tone releasing my killing intent while cautiously casting a fear inducement spell.

A dreadful feeling embraced the majority of the people as if at any given moment the reaper's scythe would bisect their heads. The weak-minded members started to breathe roughly as they felt something pressing their chest tightly, some of them even had tears falling from their eyes. But to my surprise, four members of the experienced members recovered sooner than I thought and waived their wands against us.

"Desmaius!" The four people chanted at the same time as the spells flew directly toward us.

"You all are acting like mighty animals but at the end of the day…" I said as I snapped my fingers making four blue diamond-shaped constructs appear in the direction that the spell was going. "Insects are insects." And at the time the spell reached the diamond figures they disappeared making them confused. But in no time, they fell on the floor making it visible that the same diamond-shaped constructs were behind them.

"Now that you are all silent let's have a proper conversation." Said as gramps and I walked once again to the middle of the room. I looked around and could see some faces full of horror while looking at me. 'Well, it seems that the spell was more effective than I thought.'

And as soon I reached my destination, I could see that Dumbledore while being affected as I purposely released more killing intent to him for the most part, he was fine, but he looked at me with hateful eyes. But I could see that he was regretting everything that made this situation from happening as he thinks that he opened Pandora's Box.

"I hope you enjoyed the show Dumbledore. To be honest, I thought that you will be the first person to try something funny in this situation, but it seems that other fools beat you at that." I sardonically said while grinning. "And who could have thought that a "simple" case of using magic towards a minor would become something completely different, so shouldn't we resume the real reason we are here?"

"Hoshimura it's not too late to redeem yourself-"Dumbledore tried to say but he was interrupted by a gramps that grabbed him by his right arm and put him on the floor as he was trying to take out his wand when I was "distracted".

"You have quite the guts to try to attack my grandson by surprise," Gramps said annoyed. "The so-called greatest wizard is worth this much, huh? No wonder why little Yozora looked down at you." Gramps said with disdain as he handcuffed him with magic suppressant cuffs, a little gift of Ragnuk. "And don't try to use magic as it would be meaningless."

"Thanks, gramps," I said to him, even though I was prepared from the beginning for an ambush.

"Don't worry little Yozora I have your back," Gramps said to me with a smile.

I turned around and the only people that were not currently affected by my display were the ones that didn't have any thoughts of using me. That besides Madam Bones and Mr. Tonks included a tall-blond man with a very stoic face. A black-skinned woman who looked at everything with amusement and a brunette man that really didn't want to be here. 'Seriously genetics in those families hit pretty hard.'

"So, Minister Fudge," I said with a smile on my face. "Having second thoughts about this charade?" But it seemed that my smile was not as friendly as I thought as he was looking at me with hatred.

"Hoshimura, do you have any idea of whom you are messing with, once I am out of here the whole magical community will go after your head!"

"Ah you Wizards and you meager pride, thinking that just because you say jump people would ask how high," I said mocking him. "But what if you never leave this place?" I said threatening the minister.

At this Fudge, face turned pale as he realized that I could just kill him if I wanted. "You wound not dare."

"Of course, I do," I said getting close to him. "You lot, act all high and mighty thinking that you are on the top of the food chain, while in reality, you are nothing but a waste of oxygen, you prey on the weak and fear the strong, but sadly for you, I whom you wanted to take advantage of… " I said as I was in front of him. "I am not a pushover like the little shits you are used to handling." Then I gave him some little slaps on his face. "But it doesn't mean that we can't reach a nonviolent solution."

Fudge gritted his teeth as he knows that he either accepts my terms or he dies. "What do you want, political power? The ministry? Is that what you were after from the beginning?" Said an enraged fudge.

And after hearing that I couldn't help, but snort at his stupid ranting. "Of course not, why would I be bounded to such an ugly place, where you pray for justice but have more than one of Voldemort's followers." As I looked in Lucius's direction and saw many people flinching at hearing the noseless bastard's "name". But I didn't care and continued speaking. "You preach equality, yet you discriminate against people by their origins and just give more power to the ones in power, you who think that your words are law still a kid put you in your place."

"What I want is for every person in this room except for some selected few to sign this," I said as I took out some parchment from my dimensional pocket. "If you sign this you will accept the following thing: First: You won't be able to talk about anything that happened here. Second: You will not try to cause any harm either directly or indirectly towards me, friends, and family. And Third: That if you infringe on any of the agreed terms will be punished accordingly. There are other things but those are the main ones."

I smile evilly toward fudge. "So, tell me minister what would you choose."


Hello everyone, I hope you enjoyed the chapter

First of all, I wanted to thank everyone cause we are almost reaching the 300K read of this ff!!

It was faster than I thought if I have to be honest, because I know that many people didn't like very much that the first world was Harry Potter and wanted to wait till the MC is in another one. And also I wanted to apologize for the late update but I had too much work this couple of days since my boss is going to have vacation so he is trying to finish many things before he leaves.

So, peace was never an option hahaha, so Yozora just had enough of political bullshit and the greed of the stupid blood supremacist. And by the way in you didn't recognize the "blue diamond-shaped construct." In the next chapter, I will directly tell what it was. So, what are your thoughts about this chapter? Leave a comment with them. Also, if you like this ff so far please leave a review that would help me a lot so more people start reading it. Also leave a stone or two (Seriously I don't have a stone addiction.

So with anything else to say, see you again in the next chapter.

*The author leaves cause its late on his country*

Next chapter