
Fate Magus: A road to be a magician ( DxD fanfic)

Schöne Träume suddenly woke up in the body of his younger self while he still was in United Kingdom. Looking at the mirror he cannot help but remember bitter memories of the past and his present day situation. He felt life was playing a joke like his name which meant Beautiful dreams in German, never once he had lived a beautiful dream but this could be it? Suddenly a panel appeared with a message from the God of the Bible himself. But not from anyone but from the Fate world of Nasuverse who had entrusted a mission to him. It seems He along with his Prime version of Biblical God wants to resurrect the Biblical God in this Parallel World to safeguard humanity. Looking at these he though he was in a Nightmare like his life which is already is in his younger days. But it soon changed with a little gift for his services. Would this be something good finally happening in his life? A path to being a Magus who walks with death? It doesn't matter anymore. His whole life has been a dance with death. A/N: Mc appearance on the picture of webnovel

Tahsin_Aziz_Swapno · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs


A crisp morning at Tasmanian Greenwood High School, located on a serene island off the Australian coast. The atmosphere is tinged with an air of mystery.

A peculiar girl, Evelyn, stands motionless in front of the school gates along with the rest of the families who came to take their children home. Evelyn's unnaturally red eyes contrast starkly against her platinum hair cascading down her back. Her features are flawless, almost doll-like, with fair skin that seems almost porcelain. She wears a maid outfit that looks pristine and out of place in this setting.

A group of men approaches Evelyn, trying to engage her in conversation, but she remains unresponsive, fixated on a distant point as if lost in thought. A group of men approaches Evelyn, trying to engage her in conversation, but she remains unresponsive, fixated on a distant point as if lost in thought.

Whispers spread among the students and faculty about Evelyn, the enigmatic girl with an otherworldly appearance who can only be seen picking up a boy no less than fourteen studying in this school.

Some speculate she is a distant European family who came for business endeavors here at this Island. Others say they are rich ancient family living on a vacation on this Island. It is rare to see new people on the Island.

In reality Evelyn is not entirely human. She's a creation, a marionette-like puppet brought to life by Traume. An Einzbern Homolucous bought in life to do her master's bidding.

Evelyn suddenly stirs as if pulled by invisible strings, glancing at the men surrounding her. Her blank expression shifts subtly, hinting at a deeper consciousness within her manufactured exterior. Evelyn suddenly stirs as if pulled by invisible strings, glancing at the men surrounding her. Her blank expression shifts subtly, hinting at a deeper consciousness within her manufactured exterior. It was like if a robot in a fleshy body.

Without a word, Evelyn turns and walks away, leaving the men standing there, bewildered and unnerved. No matter how much they try to court her he always ignores their advances making all the man in the Island frustrated. Just what it would take to melt the heart such a beautiful girl.

Some Husbands even thought of leaving their wives and get along with such exquisite beauty. Some men had nefarious purposes to Kidnap her and make her their plaything, but a few beatings later and a trip to the hospital was enough to put such thoughts away.

Who would have thought such beauty would have refined skills at martial arts.

The school bell rings, signaling the end of classes at Tasmanian Greenwood High School. Evelyn, a puppet created by Traume, begins her daily routine, awaiting her young master's emergence from school.

She walks gracefully towards the school gates, her movements deliberate and elegant. Evelyn spots her young master, Alexander, standing amidst the crowd, his messy blonde hair standing out. As Traume moves towards Evelyn, Traume, a distinguished figure with an air of authority, arrives at the school gates. He acknowledges Evelyn's presence with a nod, recognizing her unwavering loyalty and dedication.

Evelyn greets Traume with a bow and a serene smile, embodying the persona of a refined and devoted maid. A smile that all the men on the Island just come around to look at as it pulls their heartstrings. It is also the very reason some men get caught by their wives and take a beating.

Traume acknowledges Evelyn with a smile, and the trio walks together towards Traume's Rolls Royce parked nearby.

Traume eased into the plush leather seat of the sleek Rolls Royce, an air of quiet authority enveloping him as Evelyn, graceful as ever, opened the door with an elegant gesture. She closed it with precision, slipping into the driver's seat and fastening her seatbelt. Her gaze met Traume's, silently urging him to follow suit. One of the habits his maid taken for his safety, giving a blank stare to him as long as he does not follow her wish and not doing work as the task which Evelyn considered for his protection is completed.

With a nod, Traume complied, clicking the seatbelt in place. As the engine purred to life, the atmosphere inside the car shifted. Traume's demeanor transformed from that of an innocent high schooler to one exuding an aura of calculated authority. Now for the main business.

"Tell me, Evelyn," Traume began, his voice carrying an unwavering command, "update me on the progress of the Terra Line project."

Evelyn glanced at Traume through the rear-view mirror, her eyes reflecting a mixture of respect and caution. "The plans are proceeding as scheduled, Schaune. We've secured significant parcels of land possessing potent leylines, critical for the establishment of magical nexuses."

Leaning back, Traume's mind surged with the vision he had meticulously crafted over the last five years—an intricate plan to claim all spiritual lands harboring potent leylines. These lands, he knew, would be crucial for channeling immense magical energies.

"And the golems in the underground bunker?" Traume inquired, a faint gleam of satisfaction in his eyes.

Evelyn's voice maintained its calm demeanor. "They continue their diligent work, setting up the workshop as per your specifications. The base is becoming operational as planned."

As the car smoothly glided through the streets, Traume's thoughts drifted to Romania, where he had acquired the elusive Sephiroth Graal. The relic had granted him unparalleled insight, acting as a beacon to locate and study sacred gear users, furthering his ambitious research.

"The Sephiroth Graal," Traume mused aloud, a hint of satisfaction coloring his voice. "It opened doors to the mysteries of creation. My efforts were not in vain."

Recollections of his intensive physical training flooded Traume's mind—the rigorous regimen in Bajiquan and other martial arts. He mentally cataloged his accomplishments, solidifying his own growth and capabilities.

Amidst these reflections, Traume's focus shifted to future prospects. Plans unfurled like an elaborate tapestry in his mind, each thread meticulously woven to ensure his ascent to unrivaled power.

"The stock market," Traume whispered, a triumphant grin spreading across his face. "The knowledge I gleaned from a parallel Earth paved my path to a considerable fortune. Knowledge of the future is a powerful ally."

As the car glided through the city's labyrinthine streets, Traume's thoughts turned to Kuoh City. A spark of anticipation ignited within him—an additional agenda lay hidden within that city's intricate web of supernatural activities.

With resolute determination, Traume's gaze hardened, his ambition burning brighter than ever as the Rolls Royce navigated the streets toward his next conquest. He reclined his back to the seat and closed his eyes waiting to arrive at his masion.

!!!!An hour later!!!!!!

Traume sat in the dimly lit chamber of his underground bunker, surrounded by the fruits of his dubious pursuits. His concern for unraveling the enigmas of magic echoed within his contemplative silence. The canisters holding the remains of the supernatural beings he had subdued, the grisly evidence of his conquests, solidified his transformation from an aspiring magus to a remorseless manipulator.

Recollections of the island, a clandestine domain where he had ensnared various supernatural species, infiltrated his thoughts. From rogue devil strays to lycanthropes, their captured forms lay preserved, testament to Traume's relentless pursuit of knowledge. There were species on the Island he had not thought of. Youkai Hiding on the Island to the malevolent spirits hiding and birthed from the leyline. All now in his Jar for his study. Brain, Tissue organs.

"Evelyn," Traume addressed, his voice tinged with a calculated calmness, "make arrangements for a discreet journey to Japan. Assemble a team of discreet puppets to establish a workshop at Kuoh Mountain. We must tread carefully, leaving no trace of our true intentions."

As Traume delved deeper into his contemplation, thoughts coalesced around the mystical arts he had mastered—Runes, Alchemy, Astronomy—fortifying the core of his research. The concept of Mystic Codes and Magecraft formed the bedrock upon which his ambitions were built.

A distant memory surfaced—a revelation from four years prior. His origin, once a mystery, had been unveiled as Hollow, a pathway to the realm of imaginary numbers. A sly grin played upon Traume's lips as he reminisced about this pivotal realization.

"The concept of creation through Imagination," Traume murmured to himself, a spark of satisfaction flickering in his eyes. Sacred gears had yielded secrets he'd harnessed, crafting alchemic metals utilized in forging the very gears now in production.

His mind, ever calculating, shifted to a devious plan involving the Boosted Gear—an intricate trap laid within, an analytical mechanism woven through the Sephiroth Graal. Traume intended to extract invaluable data from Issei's transformation into a dragon, using an artificial grail as an analysis engine.

However, the hyperactivity lurking magical auras across continents had forced Traume to maintain a low profile, hindering his acquisition of the coveted Longinus Sacred gears. The repercussions of his actions—the death of the vampire king and the crucifixion of Valerie Tepes—rippled through the supernatural underworld, but Traume's focus remained unwavering on his relentless pursuit of power.

"Not my concern," Traume mused, interrupting his reverie to remind Evelyn about the forthcoming visit to the supernatural underground market in Sydney for essential supplies.

As Traume's plans unfolded like a sinister symphony, his eyes gleamed with an unyielding determination, his quest for arcane mastery propelling him deeper into the shadows of manipulation.

In the secluded depths of his sanctum, Traume rose from his seat, his movements purposeful as he made his way toward the sealed chamber housing the enigmatic Grail. The room was cloaked in an otherworldly hush, its very essence pulsating with the power of leyline purification, reinforcing the bounded fields that shielded its sanctity. With practiced precision, Traume utilized the soul manipulation abilities of the Grail to shroud his own soul, obscuring it from prying metaphysical eyes.

The Grail, an object of multifaceted significance, served not only as a vessel for mana purification but also as a conduit for divination. Traume had masterfully crafted a map of Australia, leveraging the Grail's inherent power to locate and pinpoint the whereabouts of other elusive sacred gears scattered across the continent.

Reflecting on his recent acquisitions, Traume recalled the fruitful haul—Startling Bows, Blade Blacksmiths, Sword Births, and an array of sacred gears ranging from staffs and armors to orbs. Magecraft, coupled with the aid of bounded field theories gleaned from ancient tomes procured from Alexandria, facilitated his meticulous analysis of these newfound treasures.

Not to mention he can see attacks coming his way with the Grail as a warning mechanism.

"Alchemy and metallurgy," Traume mused aloud, contemplating the intricacies of these arcane arts. He pondered the potentiality of a Sword Origin, envisioning the profound impact it could have on the creation of sacred gears.

Yet, the true marvel lay in the concealed component he'd extracted from the sacred gears—a hidden essence that intertwined the concepts of soul and creation, augmenting one's abilities beyond conventional limits.

"Such a component," Traume muttered, acknowledging its immense value. "Many mages would covet it dearly."

Aware of the inherent dangers that lingered in his pursuits, Traume had taken precautions, creating backup clones and contingencies in the event of a sudden demise or a confrontation with formidable adversaries. However, a lingering concern persisted—the potential for his soul's discovery, compelling him to maintain a low profile in Australia, a respite from the relentless pursuit of those who sought to unveil his secrets.

His resolve solidified as Traume contemplated acquiring Telos Karma, a safeguard against the probability of his discovery—a pivotal step in securing his elusive anonymity.

As he stood amidst the sanctum's mystical aura, Traume's thoughts danced between the allure of newfound power and the ever-looming specter of discovery. His grasp on the Grail's secrets had unlocked an intricate tapestry of possibilities, yet the shadows of caution encircled his ambitions, steering him toward the elusive path of safeguarding his existence.

He hates hiding like a rat and all of his life he had been under the fear of getting caught or being killed, but this will stop now.

He must have power.

With no power he cannot further his ambition.

He has all his Magecraft and Mystic code but it is not enough to get away from the crossfire of the primordials.

He has blueprint of the black barrel but it is now way close of shooting down primordials.

One thing he realized as he worked with the system provided by the biblical God is that knowledge his cheap compared to materials brought for his research especially magical plants and seeds for botany.

He needs to visit the Urya Kyoto to get his hands on the location of the clans where one of the Longinus is present.

Not to mention he needs to make a vessel of Boosted Gear and analyze it for setting up a trap and analysis mechanism that needs to be hidden using soul magic and prying eyes from the dragon God Ophis.

If he remembers the plot Ophis discovered Lokis curse that was aimed to harm Issei. Hence, he needs to make his system dormant making it a part of the sacred gear, making it look like it is a part of the sacred gear system. Overriding the systems of the gear and heaven.

But he does not have the power to do this and only one person can and that is the person he was sent to resurrect.

He needs to think about that as well the plan to get other holy relics that has part of the Will of the Biblical God.

The Holy Nail, The Cross, The Incinerate Anthem and The Holy Spear Longinus. There was also the original grail he needs to steal from the church which is the easiest of them all.

None of them are easy to acquire and he needs some help at that front.

If worst comes to worst he can summon TriHexia and release upon the world if a primordial like Shiva comes to hunt him down.

But first things first.

He needs to obtain Telos Karma to make sure to throw the probability matrix in the air if primoridials do not discover what he is doing.

So he needs to go to the hot bed of plot called Japan for those busted Longinus. 

Traume thought about getting Canis Lykan but knowing Tobio Ikusuke it is better of with him them in his hand as it suits perfectly with his bloodline.

But for Issei he has some doubts if he will steal the gear or use it as device for his ambition?

A hard choice.

But weighing the pros and cons and the time it will take to research the most important component of the gear.

The soul of Draig.

He needs to analyze the gear for making a dragon body and a dragon army.

So best choice is to take it from Issei and replace it with Twice critical. It is free stuff for easy grab why would he give away free candy?

If he can make it by the time plot kicks in by making a vessel for the sacred gear which would work as an analysis device by the time, he gathers all of the Holy relics. First, he would need the will that is inside the spear. But it is easier said than done.

He needs to do some training if he has to take on Khaos Brigade and the hero faction. He rembers the ticket that he has for the land of shadows but he needs his parameters higher as he is in C to D-Rank for all his stats as he was training.

So, sneaking into the Vatican to get the grail is the best choice to get a paty of the will from the original grail.

Also, he has to Kidnap Meredith Ordinton for her Longinus. There is also the Holy shroud and the cross Christ was put on. He needs to take those easier targets before the plot kicks in.

He is in a pinch and a time crunch so first of all in order he needs to get Boosted Gear then he can go for Telos Karma.

So much work for his dream.