
Chapter 85

Dota 85


=Headquarters of Khaos Brigade=

In a place unknown to many, a group of notorious terrorists has gathered on a meeting to discuss their plan. This terrorist group is said to be led by a terrifying creature that existed before even the world was formed thus making it chilling. Well most members of it are also a force to be reckon with and with the current them, they can even confront the 3 races of the bible without losing.

"The assembly will now commence, now be quiet" The one who spoke this was a gray haired man wearing glasses. If one took a deeper look at his features then they would realize that he is quite similar to the gray haired maid that was present in the previous chapter. He is Euclid Lucifuge, the leader of Nilrem, Magician Faction of Khaos Brigade.

He is in service of the person who is sitting in the midst of the table, a silver haired man with a grin on his face. This man is Rizevim Livan Lucifer, the son of the original Lucifer. He is the proxy of the current leader of this group making him the head of it. He holds the absolute power within this group and no one can disobey him.

Every faction who kept talking just now immediately stopped. Euclid was satisfied with this so he proceed with the meeting. "We heard that a huge event will happen in the following 10 days. The Rating Game of Riser Phenex and Rias Gremory will transpire and many bigshots will appear on that site" The meeting started pretty well and no one objected to the agenda.

Well, it was good until one faction arrived late disrupting the meeting. Everyone turned their attention to the entrance where they saw the Vali Team enter without any shame. Naturally, this pissed all of them for they didn't like the arrogance from that action. "Vali! You still dare to show up?!" the other members shouted.

Vali ignored that rambling and was about to take his designated seat when someone beat him to it. "Umu! Although uncomfortable, still acceptable!" this grabbed the attention of others as they narrowed their eyes at the audacious person. "Hey, that is Vali's seat! Step out Nero!" Bikou went towards Nero and talked her out.

Who was Nero? She didn't even bother responding to the guy and just observed everyone who are sitting on the table. "Hmm, weak, weak, weak, barely acceptable, slightly strong, weak, weak, weak" then without notice, she started pointing at them while uttering her opinion. Vali's team flinched upon seeing this scene.

As for the others? They froze on their spot not understanding what just occurred. "W-What is wrong with you, nyaa~!?" Kuroka grabbed Nero's calf and dragged her from the seat. She can't believe she created such ruckus within minute of appearing here. Everyone in the Vali Team know just how prideful each of them here, and that deed of Nero will without a doubt offend all of them.

Arthur also tried to open gate using his sword but immediately stopped when aura started pouring out from each of their bodies. They are pissed. Vali knows this so he backed down and shielded his team while clicking his tongue in annoyance. He was sure before that bringing Nero will only cause trouble yet the Emperor was adamant on joining leaving him with no choice.

"Ohh, what's wrong with you guys?" Nero asked wondering why they are reprimanding her. Her question was met with shouts from Vali Team, ""What is wrong with you!!"" still sensing the dread in atmosphere, Vali readied his Balance Breaker in case the worse happen.

"Vali, drop that woman right now. She needs to be punished" even Euclid has to intervene for he was labeled as barely acceptable earlier. That made a huge blow on his pride. Though if one can notice then they will realize that Rizevim is just observing the show with an amused smile on his face showing that he was not affected by Nero's words.

Vali's face became rather heavy, he started contemplating things but sadly some people could not wait anymore. A magic circle emerged in the air before a large wind blade rushed towards Nero. Le-fay was about to break that magic when Nero finally lost her patience. "Umu! It seems like they are treating me lightly! This needs some punishment" she said before grabbing her sword and slashing the air.


Everyone heard that sound as they looked around in wary, alas it was too late. The people who took the first step towards Nero had their body divided into two part. Blood began spurting around painting the venue crimson from how thick the blood was. The perpetrator just smiled happily as if she didn't do anything bothersome, "Fuuh, weak!" Nero claimed smiling brightly.

This time many of them finally took the presence of Nero seriously. Only Rizevim has the smile on his face as if expecting this scene. "They really don't understand the situation, how pathetic" he muttered chuckling to himself. Only he recognized this face and perhaps Euclid might, anger just hindered his line of thoughts.

Nero saw that there are still resistance in their eyes, in fact their hatred seemed to soar even more. "Hm, very well. It appears that you really want to witness the real might of this Emperor! Worry not, I shall present to you my own world!" Nero grandly claimed as she raised her sword high. Rizevim, Cao Cao, Vali, and many powerful people had their neckhair stood up from chill.

Nonetheless, they weren't able to stop as Nero pierced her sword on the floor.


A light blinded the whole venue, it was too bright that none of them escape the temporary blindness it gave. "Open your eyes and bask in my magnificence! Welcome to Rome, the greatest place in the world!" Nero's voice took their attention as they slowly opened their eyes. What greeted them was the majestic view of a large city.

It was filled with lights and redness that they involuntarily closed their eyes again. There is only one opinion they have about it 'It's crazy flashy'. Nero gained inspiration from Iskandar about this Reality Marble so she recreated the Rome that she once ruled. And normally since she is the one who created this world then all of its rules is being controlled by her.

For example…


The sound of a person exploding was heard by the ears of everyone. They slowly turned their head to the source only to see a headless body of a member of Nilfem. "Umu, beautiful. I don't tolerate insult so keep your mouth shut!" Nero shouted before snapping her fingers. All of them were once again shocked when the scenery changed.

Instead of the whole town scene, it was turned into a grand theater with hundreds of seats available. Against their will, their bodies were strapped on a chair locking them on the spot. Many of them tried to use magic and their Sacred Gears but it was to no avail. Even Vali and his team were locked making them horrified.

"H-Hey Nero, why did you include us?!" Bikou complained trying to get away. Vali did not say anything and just tried contacting Albion but it was useless as his connection was cut off. "T-This is not a good joke, nya…" Kuroka was pretty scared too considering that her Senjutsu is not working. Arthur and Le-fay also resisted however just like the others, it didn't work.

"Stop your futile struggle! I denied the access of your abilities in this theater of mine, I want nothing to disrupt my show. Just sit back and let me honor you with my beautiful orchestra!" Nero was pretty giddy about this situation. She was held back by Lawrence after the last time she did a live performance but now that they are separated, she can try it again! She just reminded herself that she will be punished after this.

Before Nero could start her performance, she sensed a disturbance in the Reality Marble. As if someone or something is trying to break into it. Nero gave permission to the uninvited guest opening a hole and letting it enter. The creature that entered baffled Nero for it was not what she expected. Nevertheless, she still treated the newcomer as a potential audience giving her a seat.

It was an odd feeling for Nero since she can't force the newcomer but she just shrugged it anyway. She grabbed a mic and smiled brightly at the bunch of audience. They will surely love this performance of hers. "Mic test, mic test. Perfect! Umu! Now listen everyone for you will hear the special concert of the one and only Nero Claudius! Around of applause please" she shouted.

Everyone involuntarily clapped their hands making them terrified of what this notion means. Unbeknownst to the people here, they will hear a recital that was verified by an eldritch creature as a masterpiece. Of course, the creature that will suffer the most is the one who longed for silence more than anyone else.


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