

Lawrence Ranvil, second son of the Ranvil Family has lived throughout his whole life not knowing the secrets behind his family. He met with a powerful being named Zet (Arc Warden) who informed him of what he needed to know while releasing the power that was rightfully his. First Plot will be Kara no Kyoukai. For those who don't know Kara no Kyoukai, you people must be atleast familiar with the term Mystic Eyes of Death Perception right? This is the story where the original user of that eyes is the protagonist. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: I own nothing of this novel except for the main character. They belonged to Type Moon and Kinoku Nasu, if you wish to know more about his marvelous story, please search on google!

Asthoglho · Anime & Comics
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90 Chs

Chapter 26


-Town of Fuyuki

3rd POV*

Inside a room, four girls can be seen standing along with one man. Don't misunderstand as they are not doing something spicy and rather the girls are currently scared of the man. Most of the women in the world are naturally afraid of many things but the fear of frog cannot be disregarded.

This is why the girls, who experienced being turned into frogs are now staring warily at the man. Shiki is the only one exception through the group as this girl doesn't fear anything at all. "Ugh, that was disgusting Lawrence. Please don't cast that skill again, it's sickening" Shiki complained as she can still remember how slimy her body was in that form.

Lawrence just smiled at their agony, he didn't mind doing that again just for the sake of seeing their troubled expression. It would be fantastic experience. Shiki narrowed her eyes seeing that smile, she felt like her words didn't reach Lawrence's mind at all. Shiki couldn't help but tremble from the thought of becoming a frog again.

"Praetor! That was uncalled for! I do not deserve such treatment! Nero complained pouting at Lawrence who ignored her. "Ohhh! How did you do it? It was so cool! I couldn't even do anything!" Nero then remembered how helpless she was under that situation so she confronted Lawrence about it. She was so excited that she almost got glued to his body.

Thankfully Anastashia stepped in and separated Nero from Lawrence. "What are you doing woman?! Don't you have any shame? Sticking your body to someone you literally just met!" Anastashia growled at Nero who seemed confused by her anger. "Why are you angry? Is it not an honor for him to feel this beautiful body of mine?" Nero asked genuinely confused.

For all her life she never mind people seeing her body because she deemed it just for them to witness its beauty. There was even an event in the past where someone saw her naked body in the bathroom and she just told that person to gaze at her magnificence. Though that person didn't even last a second as he passed out from embarrassment.

Shiki saw her genuine expression making her horrified. "Oh no, this woman is dangerous.." she commented looking at Nero in disbelief. She feels like she won't hesitate to pounce at Lawrence once she discover his perfect self. "No, we won't be talking about this Nero. Let's just get out of this place and talk about our plans" Lawrence said.

The girls accepted his suggestion as they left the room. "Bea brew me a coffee please, I need it to ease my mind" Shiki gave an order to Bea who didn't say anything and just proceeded to do the order. Shiki's worth is already close to Lawrence in Bea's point of view, she doesn't mind accepting orders from her.

"Praetor! Praetor! Tell me what kind of spell is that! I want to know! Umu! That's right! I must know it!" Nero decided to annoy Lawrence by asking him many questions. She was quite intrigued by the spell that even she, a Servant could not resist. She even thought it was an noble phantasm but upon thinking carefully, it is impossible for a normal human to possess one.

A theory entered Nero's mind as she couldn't help but gasp in surprise. "Praetor, are you perhaps someone who achieved something great in this generation?! That explains everything! Umu! As expected of me!" Nero was proud of her deduction not aware of the tired gaze that the group is giving her. They are now regretting summoning her and hoped she can still be replaced with.

"First Caster, are you strong as your Saber class?" Lawrence asked since he can change things considering her answer. "Umu! No matter what kind of class it is, I will always be strong!" Nero proudly claimed. "I feel like we are not having a proper conversation here. Just answer my questions can't you?" Lawrence said sighing.

Nero seemed to sense the exhaustion within her new master's voice so she followed his words and shut up. "Much better" Lawrence smiled handing Nero a mango. Nero was confused by the sudden action but nonetheless she accepted it. She thought that it was Lawrence's way of offering for her, the great emperor of Rome. Nero took a bite in the mango. 

Her eyes widened in surprise tasting probably the most delicious mango she has ever tasted. "HMM! This is great! Umu! I can think hundreds of ways to make a poem using this mango!" Nero nodded her head in satisfaction. She is now satisfied with his little offering. "Now that you have calmed down, let's talk properly" Lawrence said.

Nero nodded her head in understanding. "As expected, this class is much weaker than my Saber class. However fear not Praetor as we can still easily win this war!" Nero said shaking her head in shame. "I see, although I don't know what will happen if I do this, I will proceed anyway" Lawrence muttered something that Nero could not understand. She just sat there waiting for the thing that her master will do.

Well Lawrence didn't disappoint her as an exquisite ball suddenly appeared between his hands. He has fully optimized the character Oracle, one of the strongest hero in Dota world, Lorewise that is. Every oracle in the world of Dota has the ability to see the future. Nerif on the other hand is the most special one among them as he can not only gaze into the future but also change it to whatever he likes. 

Nerif used the constellations in the sky as a way to see every possibility of the future, when gazing through the stars, Nerif can also see every timelines that exist. He has no equal when it comes to reading timelines, even the Kaleidoscope will lower its head for Nerif has full control of every timelines. Nerif can change the future, hence changing the fate of the people involved within it.

Fate and Causality are connected so Nerif also has control over Causality. This made him a possible Sorceror for First Magic for reasons that if he wanted he can simply create anything using his authority of Causality. Now that Lawrence has fully implanted the Hero's character, his wisdom also soared to the top. He avoid gazing at the sky or using the ball to see the future as that would destroy his every expectations.

Lawrence gaze at Nero seeing her past, present and future. His mindset as an oracle prevents him from sympathizing to the girl who lost her life without even experiencing love. He simply bended fate and made it so that Nero's Class wasn't a Caster in the first place and a Saber instead. The change in fate immediately took action to change the course of things.

Nero's bride outfit was replaced by her signature Ball Dress of Rose. It is a military style dress with translucent portion of the lower skirt. She claims the dress itself is not see-through but rather she is letting people see.

The process was quick and instantaneous however the impact of it change Nero's opinion about Lawrence. She sensed a power within him that was much stronger than anything she has ever seen, and even scarier than the power of BEAST. She gaze at her new master thinking that her luck is great. She can now probably state her wish to that accursed grail.

Lawrence finished the process as he took of Oracle's character on his body. It was exhilarating using that power, Lawrence even almost lost himself and just wanted to play with the world instead. Thankfully his mindset is different from normal people, he already has the pride of being an Eldritch Being so he is not that thirsty for power.

The group just watched the show and waited for it to end. Once the end was drawn, they immediately got closer to Lawrence. "So? What did you do? It was a scary thing for even my instinct rang danger about it" Shiki said surprising Lawrence. He didn't expect that there would be things that can shake Shiki's soul. "Umu! Master just changed my class to Saber!" Nero took the initiative to explain.

She also changed her way of addressing Lawrence as she has fully accepted that he is worthy being called her master. This change, of course was not left unnoticed by the others. Especially Anastashia who is now glaring at Nero. She feels like this is getting out of hand, Anastashia even wanted to change their Heroic Spirit right now.

Lawrence smiled at Shiki as he patted her head. "Shiki, did you finally meet something that can make you frighten? I guess we need to celebrate that" he said teasingly gaining a punch in the head by Shiki. "Sigh, shaming me is not wonderful Lawrence. Though I do admit that the adrenaline I felt through that second was crazy. I even wanted to experience it again" Shiki admitted.

That took him to another surprise, he is happy that Shiki is becoming more and more human. Now he intend to form her character to much better path than the original one. "This is great Shiki" Lawrence muttered patting her head making Shiki snort. "Stop flirting in front of us! Shiki, don't hog Lawrence all for yourself!" Anastashia complained.

"Umu! That's right master! You need to entertain me first!" Nero supported Anastashia despite having a different priority. The atmosphere became warm again as the group continued fooling around. They didn't have any sense of danger for they fully trusted their abilities on this matter.


In the top of Clock Tower, one dignified old man can be seen wearing a frown. This is the third time already, he has been trying to look for the source of the anomaly that happened three times, he is absolutely sure that all of it was the work of a single person. "Hmm, this is a hassle. Those two hags are now annoying me about it" he muttered.

A book on his hand can be seen flipping on its own. "Three world changing phenomenon has happened and I couldn't even point where it is happening… this is hard" he looked back remembering how helpless he was at every situation. First was the world's concept of Time and Space being locked on a rift, every resident of the world could not do anything but merely watch it goes.

The second one was the slight change of fate that occurred in the town of Mifune. It would normally be unnoticed by people, however those with considerable strength can perceive it happening. The field where the fate changed was too strong that they could not even get close. Now the last one was the major change of fate.

Gaia and Alaya even had to adjust just so that they won't be swept up by the strong surge of power at that time. It was frightening phenomenon, however for the old man. This is simply a great amusement for him. How long has it been that someone has escaped its fate? He couldn't tell for it was far too long. 

"Hehe, this is a great entertainment for me. I now has a clue to who is making the ruckus. I hope you entertain me more, 'ONE'" he muttered closing the book. One place was already locked into his mind and it was the Town of Fuyuki.
