
Chapter Five: Ryuudou Temple

Shirou POV

My eyes twitch until they slowly opened up, I blink away the blurriness allowing my eyes to focus "arghhh did anyone get the number of the truck that ran me over?" I groaned out feeling a major headache. 

"I am afraid there was no truck that struck you young Emiya although the sight of something like that would be quite something," said a voice that sent an instinctive shiver down my spine. 

I turned to face the owner of the voice she was dressed in the typical school nurse garb her hair was a long silver-gray color while her eyes were honey colored like my own. 

Although my eyes did unconsciously roam a bit down something the nurse noticed when she crossed her legs together "oh my how shameless Emiya lord have mercy upon this perverted beast that gazes upon me with such lust," the nurse prayed making me blush crimson red "I wasn't staring damn it I was just lost in thought that's all!" I quickly exclaimed.

I coughed giving me a moment to gather my barring's "so um why am I here Nurse Hortensia" I questioned making her blink in response "ara? You don't remember randomly passing out in the hall while both Miss Tohsaka and Edfelt were fighting over you?" Hortensia asked with a head tilt. 

Ah I killed Tohsaka no I surely just hallucinated it all...right? I thought as my breath begins to grow heavy "calm yourself Emiya you're going to cause yourself to have a panic attack," the voice of the nurse snaps me back to reality this time I can see some form of concern from her "are you alright Emiya do you perhaps wish to confess anything?" she asked. 

I shake my head "no I am fine just need to a breath of fresh air excuse me," I quickly jump out of the bed grabbed my jacket and left before the nurse could say anything. 

I went up to the school rooftop where no one would disturb me "Kami why is this happening! I was perfectly normal a few days ago and now this!" I raged out my eyes blinked rapidly recalling the memory. 

The contender is raised "but stopping now has no purpose I've already ran over everything that was dear to me," Tohsaka's voice rings out bam the shots of the gun echo her body drops dead in front of me. 

I palm my face trying to get rid of the memory "oi Emiya what are you doing up here shouldn't you be resting in the nurse's office," came the voice of Issei. 

"How did you know I was up here Issei?" I questioned looking at him with dead eyes Issei's own eyes widen slightly noticing the dark bags underneath my eyes.

 "I asked some of the other students who managed to see you...listen Emiya you don't seem like yourself you kept telling me you were fine in class, but I don't really think you are especially since you just collapsed right in the hallways," he asked with concern. 

"...I am sort of just dealing with a lot of stress right now and I think it's just starting to affect me now," I said giving a half-truth because ever since I picked up that card and had that near death experience, I haven't been quite normal these hallucinations aren't helping either I thought with frustration. 

Issei puts a hand on my shoulder patting it reassuringly "I am not sure how else to help but if you would like the temple is offering a session of meditation and yoga every Saturday and Sunday. 

You're welcome to join Emiya it may just help relax your mind a bit from any of the stress that you're dealing with," he offered.

"I-I think I will if the monks are okay with that," I said with a bit of hesitation, but Issei nodded his head "it's fine they won't have a problem with you being there just as long as your respectful then you should be fine," he said with a smile. 

"Right then so I'll see you there then," I said with a smile making the other boy nod he turns to leave but I quickly called out to him "thanks Issei, I owe you one," but the boy shook his head "it's fine Emiya your my friend after all," he replied before pausing. 

A frown adorned his face "although I feel like I should warn you that vixen I was talking to you about last week will be there as well. 

Like an unholy predator, she's made her den in the temple she may try to dig her claws into you," Issei said with the most serious face that I had ever seen. 

It actually made me chuckle a bit "come on Issei I think your just overreacting here a girl can't be as devilish as you're making her out to be," I said while opening the door. 

"I am telling you the truth Emiya I can instantly tell these sorts of things and trust me when I say that the moment, I looked at her I felt a vibe like feeling go down my spine just wait I am sure you will agree when you do meet her," Issei said following me down the stairs. 

I just nodded along pretending to agree with him because like always Issei liked to exaggerate. 

-Timeskip Saturday Morning Fuyuki Park-

Breath in deeply and then release were the instructions for the meditation technique I followed this technique diligently. 

It made my shoulders and hands less tense while my mind relaxed a bit but still now that I was in this state it gave me a bit of time to contemplate things over. 

 Magecraft I knew so little about it the knowledge only appeared in my mind after I had used the card but even, so it got me thinking about my parents they're always away never home most of the time. 

I was used to it but deep down I felt a small bitter resentment towards them for always leaving never having enough time to spend with both Illya and I. 

Now when I think back to all the times they came and left they always seemed so tense secretive even. 

There was even that one time when I overheard the two talking about something involving a clocktower and the word magic. 

I had thought that I was just imagining it but now I am certain that my parents....are magecraft users I concluded. 

I haven't really decided how to process this information perhaps I should feel angry, hurt, or maybe I should understand them since that battle with the Saber card has made me understand just how dangerous such a thing was. 

An exhale releases itself from my mouth I open my eyes taking in the nature of the Ryuudou Temple garden I felt at peace for a moment no hallucinations, no mysterious voice in my head, and most of all I was relaxed the paranoia that I held before had ceased to be. 

"Well, how was it Emiya?" Issei asked beside me I nodded with a relaxed smile "yeah thanks Issei this helped a lot more then you think I may just keep coming back here daily," I replied.

The session had ended after an hour so now the two of us were getting ready to leave when we heard the sounds of people thanking someone. 

"Shirou, we need to go now before that devil woman does something to you come, we must make haste!!" Issei yelled blocking my view of the girl. 

"Issei the hell are you doing get off me!" I yelled out in exasperation the two of wrestled for a brief moment until I finally managed to get him off of me. 

With him out of the way I was finally able to see the girl that he was talking about she looked around my age if I had to guess from her height alone. 

 She was currently walking down the Temple grounds handing out water and bentos that were held in a basket to some of the other monks. 

She wore a black habit of some kind, black and white, but with the hood down leaving her short black curled up hair exposed. 

She wore a beautiful smile happily handing the items off from her basket the sight for some reason made my heart burn. 

Without any warning though the girl's eyes shifted meeting my own golden ones I really couldn't look away, even as my head began aching badly while my fingers twitched feeling the instinctive urge to project a weapon.

Her eyes... they were beautiful, serene like someone who had just found nirvana hell just looking into them made me blush red in the face like a little kid looking at his school crush.

She came closer toward us, walking just like everyone else but my eyes drew themselves to her legs there was a small slit in her habit, exposing her pale thigh. 

Kami damn it what the hell am I doing I shouldn't be leering at this girl it's unproper for a guy like me to be doing so I mentally admonished. 

Although....my eyes trail off once again drinking her appearance again lingering just a bit on her chest where her breasts jiggled around, and that enough nope bad thoughts be gone I thought in embarrassment. 

It was just my teenage hormones acting up again yeah that's it "begone foul witch! You stay away from us, you will not temp us with your evil," came the shout of Issei which snapped me out of my thoughts. 

"My oh my, Issei-kun that quite the mouth you have," she replied the sound of her voice sounded both pleasant and alluring I couldn't really tell if the girl was flirting with him or just straight out teasing him. 

"Why isn't this contrary to your vows as a monk? To be rude to a pure innocent lady such as I?" she continued.

Issei began to splutter before looking away in frustration the girl gave a smile of victory her eyes then turned to face me. 

She looked at me up and down, slowly smiling as she looked down at a certain part of mine. 

It made me feel buck naked even though I was wearing clothes it was like she was some kind of perverted demon or a succubus of some sort. 

My eyes close as the headache I was feeling intensified this time I found myself in another hallucination. 

'I' could see her standing in the dark with my reinforced eyes 'I' walked over to her ignoring the various people that knelt before her like some kind of deity.'

'I' didn't hear what the woman was saying but the moment she saw 'me' she smiled like a carnivore's animal that had caught her prey she spread her arms "are you finally here to kill me mister superhero," she said in a mocking voice. 

Both Kanshou and Bakuya were projected in response the answer was painfully obvious.

-end of chapter five- 

That's right more trauma and bullshit await for Shirou Emiya hahahaha I am so evil for doing this aren't I. 

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