
Chapter 2: New World History & My Helpers(Servants)~

" It was said that human society-owned rich materials before the Great Catastrophe. At that age, underwear was sold by the dozen. Moreover, many precious articles like cigarettes, wine, meat, and as well as various rare and eccentric goods could be easily bought from a place called the supermarket."

" For at that time, an ordinary man could afford 40-70kgs of rice or wheat through a day of labor, which was enough for him to live for half to one month, or perhaps even longer. It was also said that a mysterious energy called "electricity" was made; human beings could use it to do many unimaginable things."


" Additionally, people also invented many great weapons which made them the only ruler on the celestial body. They were so arrogant that they held everything else in contempt. Unfortunately, what waited for the heyday was the Great Catastrophe."

" Lux Lutheran always thought that even the Gods could not stand the unending greed of humans; therefore, it launched the Great Catastrophe created by the Alien God. As punishment, the Gods beat human beings back from their peak into a simpler age. As a result, human beings lost all the magical powers brought by science and technology. They had neither electricity, nuclear power, explosives, nor those amazing weapons. 

" Because, according to the most accepted saying, there was some particle in the unknown rays carried by the Alien God that greatly changed all micro-components of the substances on the celestial body. Take the original star as a pot of plain water. Once the almighty god or any celestial beings found human beings uncomfortable, they could spray a hand of salt or pepper powder onto it casually, and as a result, the plain water was no longer plain. Likewise, the star was not the very same either."


" After the catastrophe, what people felt was fortunate might be that steel and iron were still as hard as before; they could be used to cast into cutleries, swords, and armors for the army. Black coal was still combustible; it could still bring light, heat, and energy to human beings. In other words, everything made from the above two such as cutleries, swords, armor, thermal energy, and steam engines would be the last dependence of human beings in this age."

' Huh, so this is my Lostbelt history.' I thought holding a malignant black book, I picked up from a human skeleton In the U.S.A army uniform, laying next to a few big pieces of bones, that appeared fantasy-looking.

Other than the book, nothing else was worth to be noted, from me. However If one found to ask for a quick summary, then I would just simply: Big trees, lots of green and human-sized Insects.

Nothing much other than that


" Hm?" Stopping In my tracks, I found a new way that came across as Japanese or Chinese.

" Interesting." Interesting Indeed my friends.

Then not even thinking about it, I took off to the new way, which I discovered to be quite intriguing to my senses.


Right when I passed the Gate-like thing, I found myself In an otherworldly beautiful landscape, a dream-like place that could not but be Into words.

Blooming In glory Is my beautiful fantasy. The tree Itself is extremely tall, extending far above the clouds and up through the stratosphere. Due to their immense height, they have also been referred to by the term [Cloud Tree] or [The Tree that leads you to Heaven]. It is said even be seen outside the Wall of Storm, appearing like pillars of light. Its branches somehow interact with each other, forming a network between the trees with which it is easy to check if a tree is either active or it was cut out.

[ Searching for Lostbelt King... Error!Error!Error!Error!Error!Error! No Lostbelt King found. True Crypter Heiko Zemlupus Please Summon your servants.] The emotionless female voice said clearly Inside my head.

" Summon Servants you say? And how would I go about doing that, Luv~?"

[ Simple: Chant the Summon Incarnation and the rest would follow.] She said plainly.

" That's all?" I raised an eyebrow at this.

[ Yes, that's all.]

" Aight. Let me see what I can pull out of my bag of tricks~!" Saying such, I started chanting.

[ I call forth into time

To heroes of legend

Through wishes crystallized

One of the individual

One of the collective

And one of civilization

These are the final wishes of humanity.

As I stand upon the infallible boundary, before the brink of its destruction,

Take form from legend, armed to fight once more.

From the collapse, we will forge a path.

And from that path, we will carve a future.

Through you, I embody change.

And through me, you embody will.

To those written into legend, of Heroes and Villains, from Men, from Kings, from Gods.

To those who hail to heed the call Come forth in duty, from desire, under will,

Come forth!]


" Ruler-class Servant. Amakusa Shirou Tokisada. Please to be here, My Lord." Standing before me is a handsome man that appears to be a tanned-skinned youth with white hair like silver and with dark ageless golden eyes. His hair became white as compensation for when he forcefully incarnated and after that his skin changed color because he spent twenty years in the middle-east. He wears the vestments of a priest and a golden cross around his neck. His vestment is a type of red holy shroud and he wore a red stole over his cassock. He has an innocent, boyish face showing that he has yet to have aged past twenty years of age.

" My name is Altera of the Saber-Class ...I am the Hun and I am a warrior serving the God of War and now you, My Lord." Then appearing next is a beautiful beautiful tan-skinned girl with red eyes and white, veil-like hair under her actual white veil. Her body is carved with the white marks of war and tattoos of combat as the Crest of the Star.

" Welcome my servants to the start of a new beginning~ I'm sure you have information on what I'm talking about~?" I asked cheerfully, retaining a friendly smile on my face.

" I do, and this is why you summoned me, is it not, My Master?" The Ruler asked also having a smile on his face.

" Yes, we are to bring happiness to all mankind, for innate goodness to be found in the heart of all humanity ~ A job I'm willing to do," I said, walking to an open grass area, with them following behind me.

" How about you Altera of the Saber-Class, will you join me~?" I asked, feeling she had been staring at me since the start.

" Whatever is you wish, Is also my wish." She said simply, with a look of familiarity.


" That's great~! Truly it is great to have such outstanding servants on my side." I clapped chuckling," Now all we have to do is find the Lostbelt King."

[ Reply: Due to not finding a Lostbelt King, True Crypter Heiko Zemlupus is hereby appointed the Lostbelt King.]

" Nevermind, found him."

"" Found him?"" Both of my servants questioned, one emotionlessly and the other with a raised eyebrow.

" Yup~ You're looking at him~!" I said, as golden lights rain down upon my body.

[ Authority of the Lostbelt Bestowed ]

" I see..." Altera nodded sage-like with a clueless look on her face.

" Congratulations are In order Master," Shirou said patting my back possessing unknown joy on his face.

" Yes, they are." Nodding, I smiled at my fantasy tree. A smile on that was nothing sort of pure.


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