
Fate Hunter

Adrian, wakes up in a strange and fantastical world, with no memory of how he got there or who he really is. As he begins to explore this new world, he discovers that he has a rare and powerful magic, the magic of fate, which is known as the fateweaver or fatehunter

Adenlia · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Training and Improvement - Chapter 7

He sat down to meditate after completing the exercises, his eyes closed as he focused on the sensations of his soul.Alia watched him closely, a sense of pride and admiration filling her heart. She knew that he had the potential to be one of the greatest fateweavers of all time, and it was her job to help him unlock that potential.

At that time, Alia could not help but laugh to herself.

"In my life, I have not even heard one fateweaver alive, not to mention seen one; other than some historical records, they do not exist at all."

Alia shook her head as he kept watching.

One week passed quickly. Alia made food for Adrian, and Adrian worked hard. His physical capabilities have already increased to a point where it was not possible before. Alia also starts to feel the slightest bit of magical energy imbued with something she believes to be "fate energy," as Adrian is a fateweaver.

Because she is a Frost Witch, her magical energy is imbued with frost energy.It is only natural that Adrian's magical energy will be imbued with fate energy.

Alia watched as Adrian stood before her, his body strong and his mind clear. She could see the progress he had made in just one week of training; his muscles were toned and his eyes shone with a newfound strength.

"Now, one week has passed," Alia said, nodding to herself. "And your body is not that weak anymore." "And your magical energy has increased slightly."

Adrian smiled, feeling a sense of pride at his progress. He knew that he still had a long way to go, but he was determined to keep pushing himself until he reached his full potential.

Alia continued, "Now, we need to work on your ability to visualize your magical energy." "This is a crucial skill for any fateweaver, as it allows you to harness the power of your soul and shape the strands of fate."

She motioned for Adrian to sit down, and he did so, his legs crossed and his hands resting on his knees.

"Close your eyes," Alia instructed. "And focus on the feeling of your soul inside of you." "Visualize it as a ball of light, glowing with a bright, vibrant energy."

Adrian did as he was told, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. He focused on the feeling of his soul, feeling it pulsing inside of him like a living thing.

"Now, I want you to visualize that energy moving into your hands," Alia continued. "Feel it flowing through your arms and into your palms." "See it taking shape in your mind's eye as a ball of magical energy that you can hold and control."

Adrian concentrated, feeling the energy moving through him and into his hands. He imagined it taking shape—a glowing ball of energy that he could see and feel in his mind.

"Good," Alia said, nodding in approval. "Now, try to manipulate that energy." "Move it around in your hands, shape it, and feel it responding to your will."

Adrian concentrated harder, feeling the energy respond to his commands. He moved it around in his hands, shaping it into different forms and feeling a sense of excitement and wonder as he did so.

As the training session ended, Adrian felt a sense of pride and accomplishment. He knew that he had much more to learn and many more challenges to face, but he was ready to take on whatever came his way. With Alia by his side, he knew that he could achieve anything he set his mind to.