
Fate Hunter

Adrian, wakes up in a strange and fantastical world, with no memory of how he got there or who he really is. As he begins to explore this new world, he discovers that he has a rare and powerful magic, the magic of fate, which is known as the fateweaver or fatehunter

Adenlia · Fantasy
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18 Chs

City and Wild - Chapter 9

After Three Days

Alia was pleasantly surprised at how quickly Adrian was able to control his magical energy. She watched as he formed various shapes with his yellowish energy, including triangles, cubes, and even spheres. She had never seen a fateweaver with such natural talent and control before.

"Remarkable," she said with a smile. "You are truly gifted, Adrian."

Adrian beamed with pride, feeling a sense of accomplishment. "Thank you, Alia. "Your guidance and teachings have been invaluable to me."

Alia nodded, her expression serious. "But we still have much to learn and much to do." "Your true potential as a fateweaver has yet to be fully realized."

Adrian's excitement grew as he realized that he had only scratched the surface of his abilities. He was eager to continue his training and discover the full extent of his powers.

Alia saw the determination in Adrian's eyes and couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in her young apprentice. She knew that with his talent and her guidance, they would be able to accomplish great things together.

The air was frigid and unforgiving, biting at any exposed skin with its icy grip. The once lush green trees were now stripped of their leaves, standing tall and bare against the stark white landscape. The sky was a shade of pale blue, almost white, signaling the arrival of a new day.

Alia and Adrian were sitting by the fire, bundled up in thick furs to shield themselves from the biting cold. The steam from the soup they were eating rose up and mingled with the foggy breaths that escaped from their mouths.

The snow on the ground was several feet deep, and the crunch of each footstep could be heard as they made their way around the small campsite. The bear's deep rumbling growls carried through the trees, echoing through the forest.

Despite the threat of danger, Alia's calm demeanor was reassuring to Adrian. He knew that she was experienced in dealing with wild creatures and trusted her completely. As they finished their meal, the sounds of nature surrounded them, from the soft rustle of leaves to the chirping of birds.

Adrian looked at Alia with curiosity and finally asked, "Alia, why do you live in this small wooden house, all alone in the middle of these mountains?"

Alia paused for a moment, sipping on her soup, and then looked at Adrian with a soft smile. "I came here to live in solitude and to train my magical abilities. "This is a place where I can focus on my work without any distractions."

Adrian nodded, listening intently. "But why here?" "Why not in a big city where you could have access to more resources and people?"

Alia chuckled. "That's a good question, Adrian. But you see, living in the city comes with its own set of challenges. There are too many distractions, too much noise, and too many people. "Here, I can be alone with my thoughts and my magic."

Adrian nodded again, understanding her point. "I see. So, do you ever get lonely living here all by yourself?

Alia smiled wistfully. "Of course, there are moments when I feel lonely. But I've learned to embrace solitude and use it to my advantage. "It's important to be comfortable in your own company and to be able to find joy in simple things."

Adrian looked at her in admiration, sensing the wisdom in her words. "I think I understand what you mean. "It's like finding peace within yourself."

"Exactly," Alia said, patting his shoulder. "And that's something you can learn from your training as well." "Once you master your magical abilities, you will find a sense of inner peace and control that will benefit you in all aspects of life."