
Chapter 3

Jeanne D'arc is an unusual person in history. She existed in a time when the idea of a woman leading an army was a joke. Her will and desire can be an example for many people, because how could one withstand enormous pressure and, in the end, put the Dauphin on the throne? Could an ordinary person achieve this?

Ryan had a lot of thoughts about this. He had great respect for Jeanne as a person. However, there was something wrong with her story. Her end was completely illogical. She expelled the English from French lands and placed a new Dauphin on the throne. Why, instead of fame and fortune, was she burned at the stake and branded as a witch?

Ryan was disappointed. Very disappointed. How rotten is humanity to do this?

A certain thought filled Ryan's head. "Perhaps I should change her fate?"

He understood that apart from him, nothing would affect her fate. The great history of mankind will one way or another lead to one thing - the death of Jeanne, which Ryan absolutely did not want to see.

He became too attached to this little girl who filled the space around her with a wide and pure smile...

The Fate Universe was truly cruel and unprincipled. No matter how much work you put in, in the eyes of higher powers it is a dummy, not worth attention.

"If I cannot escape fate, then I can only face it ready." - Ryan decided for himself that he would help Jeanne. He will kill those who dare threaten her life or freedom.

Perhaps he will be erased, perhaps he himself will die, perhaps his name will be famous in shame... But does he really want an ordinary life? Why does his heart fill with a thick darkness of hatred at the thought that Jeanne will be burned at the stake?

The inner turmoil in Ryan's heart was instantly noticed by Gray. [Please, master, calm down. Your feelings are released in the form of a dragon aura!] - Gray exclaimed in Ryan's mind.

Ryan woke up from his thoughts and noticing that his aura had been released, he instantly took control of it.

"Huh... Thanks, Gray." - Ryan mentally said with gratitude. If he released too much aura, Jeanne could get hurt.

Jeanne, noticing the expression on Ryan's face, turned to him with concern in her shining blue eyes. "What happened, Ryan? Are you feeling bad? I can call our only doctor in the village!"

Ryan returned his calm expression and answered with a smile. "It's okay, Jeanne. I'm getting distracted by my thoughts again."

Jeanne pouted slightly. "You've been thinking too much lately, maybe you should relax?"

Ryan laughed a little. "Of course, of course... Now, run! Otherwise I will catch you!" - Ryan exclaimed childishly, spreading his arms wide and portraying an evil smile. Jeanne smiled widely and she immediately ran away in the opposite direction from Ryan. "Try to catch me!"

Some would say that Ryan is acting too childish, but who doesn't recognize that there is a own child inside every person?...

the plot will be systematic and dynamic, there will be no strong jerks

altosyacreators' thoughts
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