
Interlude: Krilin

"Hark, my celestial lord,

Thou art yet kind. I shall be thy herald,

So lend thy ear!

Hearken, men and women,

Beast and child,

The tale of thy liege,

The regal sovereign.

His gaze doth pierce,

His eyes do split,

Brown and white,

Like the heavens lit.'Tis said his hair is brown,

And 'pon his head, A golden crown,

Shines like the sun.

With power most great,

He rules the realm,

Both heaven and earth,

His might doth overwhelm.

'Tis said that magic

And fate are his,

And all who bow,

Shall reap his bliss.

He is the King,

The Sovereign true,

O, hear my tale,

And bow before him too"

—Epic Tales Of Icarus. Written by Krilin, Translated by Kriscil. Passage dates back to 8th century BCE.


He wonders, then and there. How can something this majestic, regale and graceful be mortal?

Just like all within Delphi, Krilin stands and looks with awe at Icarus. Golden Lay baurel sat perfectly upon his brows and his multiple cracked brown and white eyes perfectly clear with immeasurable wisdom and intelligence.

His robes flabs about casts a perfect image of a God descended from the heavens and grace the mortal with his aura.

Krilin wonders again, is this truly mortal? The imperfect and full of flaws in the mortal body? Truly, this boy- no, this man shan't be mortal.

But is it everything Krilin had been chasing for.


Krilin came from a family of bards, storytellers and poets that resided in Athens. His father was a famous bard with his name resounding in Greece and his grandfather was Hesiod. The poet that wrote Theogony, the story about the creation of the universe and the genealogy of the Gods.

Krilin wants to create his own legend. His own legend that passes that of his grandfather. So, he abandoned the life of luxury and comfort that his family gave, and decided he wanted to be an adventurer. He wants to write Epic poems, he wants to interact with heroes and see the world.

Unfortunately, life didn't treat him well just because his father and grandfather are famous people. He had to struggle for three consecutive years before he got himself a foothold.

Now? Now he has to find a Hero who wouldn't mind him tagging along to write their triumphs, sadness and their lives without bias.

Unfortunately, people don't want that. They don't want their own actions to be judged constantly, they don't want to be under scrutiny. And so, Fate had lended him here.

In Delphi.

Where warriors will be competing. For a reward for some, for a divine favour for other's. But in the end, they'll test their determination against themselves. Their conviction and strength against each other.

And what sight it was.

Truly, his family are vile creatures. To deny him this pleasure of being a Poet? Truly, a beast doesn't always have to stand on four legs, have wings or to slighter to be foul and evil.

The ground rumbled as warriors fought.

The air sung as storyteller's capture the audience with their story's. The Tragedy, sorrow or happiness.

And the poets? 'O by Athena's wisdom, the Poets. Of course, Krilin entered that facet of the competition, he won't stand by as the poets regale their poems. Their intelligence at waving a poem so beautiful the likes of Aeschylus never seen. Doubtful but Krilin is optimistic about his and their chances.

And then, and then he saw him.

Standing there like a noble he is. Standoffish but approachable, staring off into space and thoughtful. His blank eyes tell a different story.

Krilin almost dismissed him. His presence was hollow and empty. Like something was supposed to be there but now it isn't.

It was creepy and mysterious.

It was the perfect person who Krilin will follow without a doubt.

Krilin approached him.

And, and—

And nothing.


Krilin took it upon himself. No person this majestic can die without his story being not known. He shall spread his legend and all shall know his Sovereign.

And so.. Krilin followed him. He wrote his actions without bias or without it being distorted. He wrote every action, everything was written down.

His facial expressions, the way he stands, how he handles enemies, and how he talks, he wrote it down. And it shall be known throughout Greece. They shall know the legend of Icarus written by Krilin.

Krilin compiled it and signed it.

His meeting his Prometheus? Excellent! The way he speaks, distant yet intelligent. The wisdom in their words can surprise any human.

The content of their conversation was worryingly enough. It got him thinking, How did I miss that?

Krilin values his intelligence. So, to be surprised at something is something that is hard to come by nowadays. But Icarus' philosophical thoughts can make one listen and appreciate the wisdom in them all.

He wrote that down!

But he approached a problem. Hecate, the name Icarus uttered. The Goddess of Magic came and took Icarus away. And thus was unable to continue with his book.

But he'll get what he can.


"Verily, hear me now, my lords, and give me thine ears." Krilin shouted over the voices of the people in the tarven. He was nervous but determination made him go this way, he shan't abandon it.

This was after all his first time telling this huge crowd of people his adventures or specifically, Icarus adventures.

The crowd paid him little attention but he will take it.

"'Tis a tale of adventure, thrill, and most grievously, tragedy." Krilin had done his own research after all. He knows of Icarus' life now, but from secondary sources but it didn't make it any less legit. He knows now, he knows he will accompany Icarus for years if the Fates allow him.

He continued when he saw that he grabbed the people's attention.

"Forsooth, let me regale thee with the tale of Icarus."


The Legend of Icarus is the weirdest legend ever told in the world. It hasn't been long since it had been translated and, well. What I figured when reading was that it is one of the oldest legends yet, yet it hasn't seen distortion like the other legend. Everything is still legit and Original. Something that still eludes even the Marshall of the Clocktower.

One of the main characters in Icarus legend is Krilin. The person who was the first to record the legend of Icarus. What made his scrolls legit and trustworthy was that Krillin was there in every adventure of Icarus.

Even before what came to be known as the [Temporal displacement of Icarus]

— Theorised by [??]

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