
Chapter 5

In the boundless and infinite abyss, on the desolate wasteland that resembled the end of days...

"This wicked entity is not the Holy Grail I pursued, and it should not remain in this world. Irisviel, please allow me to destroy it and end this farce," Saber's grip on the invisible holy sword tightened as she spoke with a resolute tone. Storms surged, and faint golden light shimmered.

This should have been Saber's answer after over a millennium of reincarnation. Knowing that the Holy Grail had become corrupted, she could decisively take action to destroy it with her own hands, a true manifestation of her title as the King of Knights.

However, haste was unnecessary.

Matou Shinji shook his head in dissuasion, "Don't be hasty, Saber. Rash actions might only backfire."

Irisviel nodded in agreement, "I concur. I was created as a lesser version of the Greater Grail system to complete the Holy Grail War. Our connection is strong. Now I can clearly see that the Greater Grail system has turned into a terrifying curse device."

"It's not as extreme as you think. Even though the impurities within it have overflowed, and while it's true that the Holy Grail War has not concluded, those impurities at best are a vague and ambiguous curse conglomerate. It's like a powder keg. It remains stable without external stimuli. Until we have the power to blow the whole powder keg away, we shouldn't act hastily."

Saber asked seriously, "Caster, are you implying that the two of us combined still cannot destroy this ritual?"

Matou Shinji nodded, "If we were to break the container and not deal with the ambiguous curse in time, just imagine the scene of a volcanic eruption. The entire Fuyuki City would likely face a catastrophic disaster. I believe that breaking the container and dealing with the ambiguous curse would require the combined strength of at least four Servants."

This wasn't just Matou Shinji's opinion; it was a conclusion drawn from El-Melloi II's (possessed by Zhuge Liang) analysis.

El-Melloi II (possessed by Zhuge Liang) had strength that was undoubtedly not weaker than Matou Shinji's (possessed by Paracelsus von Hohenheim). Additionally, adding Lancer Diarmuid Ua Duibhne, Mash Kyrielight, and Saber made a total of four Servants required to dismantle the Greater Grail system.

Irisviel worriedly exclaimed, "Four Servants? Can we really gather that many Servants to assist us?"

Saber replied confidently, "It shouldn't be a problem. Despite being enemies, the Servants come from different eras, and there must be an inherent sense of honor within them. Moreover, the Holy Grail has already been tainted, and winning it would not grant any rewards."

The two turned their gazes to Matou Shinji, waiting for his input.

Matou Shinji shrugged, "Not necessarily. First, Berserker is out of the equation. While the Servants themselves are mostly fine, the problem is with their Masters. Because despite being a negative multiplied by a negative resulting in a positive, they have complete rationality. The problem lies with the fact that its Master is far from being a good person – Uryuu Ryuunosuke, a serial killer who finds pleasure in murder."

"Then there's Archer, King of Heroes Gilgamesh. He even considered using this curse device during the Fifth Holy Grail War to eliminate most of humanity, leaving only those he deemed valuable."

Saber exclaimed incredulously, "How is that possible? He's the King of Heroes after all, the origin of all heroes. How could he harbor such foolish thoughts?"

Unfortunately, that was the oldest and most severe case of chuunibyou in history.

"If you've met him, you wouldn't find it strange. Aside from them, we can potentially align with Lancer and Rider. I've already approached Lancer for cooperation. As for Rider, communication is possible, but his personality is too unpredictable. He acts capriciously based on his opponent's interests. In other words, he's quite meddlesome. He might not concern himself with the crisis of world destruction, and depending on the situation, he could even become our enemy."

"The so-called heroes are often problematic figures from various eras. That's how they stand out among ordinary people. Saber, you should be familiar with this concept." Matou Shinji glanced at Saber as he spoke.

The turbulent storms surrounding the invisible sword swirled unsettledly. Saber lowered her head, concealing her expression, and Matou Shinji's words struck like a blade to her heart.

In her era, there had also been a group of remarkable heroes surrounding her, forming the Round Table Knights. They were meant to stand united, defending Britain, but due to various reasons, they fragmented and crumbled, leading to the downfall of the nation.

"Although he's just a child, he's as reliable as you, Saber." Irisviel crouched down, ruffled Matou Shinji's hair, and said with a playful smile.

Saber forced a smile, "Irisviel, that's hardly a compliment for Caster."

"What strange thing did I say?"

Saber self-deprecatingly replied, "Compared to Caster, I'm still not mature enough. My perspective and consideration are nowhere near as profound as his."

Matou Shinji shook his head, "Saber, there's no need to be overly modest. Have you ever heard the saying that a cook has their own talents, a wise person has their own talents, and a king has their own talents? Even a king who governs a country into a golden age would likely not be as skilled as a professional cook. What I'm playing right now is a similar role."

Saber turned to Irisviel and spoke with unprecedented seriousness, "Irisviel, my Master, are you certain about forming an alliance with Caster?"

Irisviel gazed towards the distant rocky wall, where a black sun rested atop. The embryonic form of the evil from this world, nurtured by the Greater Grail, was visible. Her gentle tone held rare determination, "Yes, as an artificial being of the Einzbern family, I have the obligation to assist Mr. Caster in dismantling the Greater Grail. This is an unchangeable fact."

"I understand."


The storm subsided, and the holy sword was finally revealed in its original form. With an enamel-colored hilt and a snow-white blade adorned with elven inscriptions, it emitted a faint, inviolable glow of holiness.

The holy sword stood before Matou Shinji, and Saber made a solemn oath, "Caster, I entrust my sword to your guidance. Lead us on the right path."

Bathed in the radiance of the sword, Matou Shinji bowed respectfully, "I am deeply honored, King of Knights."

And so, a formal alliance was formed.


With the current inability to take action against the Greater Grail system, Matou Shinji brought Irisviel and Saber back to the Matou household. With the absence of the mage killer Emiya Kiritsugu and the presence of two Servants, there was less worry of immediate attacks from enemies.

Before the door, Irisviel paused, "This is...?"

"As you see, the Matou residence."

Irisviel hesitated, "Um, Caster, is that old man alright?"

"Irisviel, are you referring to Matou Zouken?"


Matou Zouken, the archenemy of the Einzbern family.

"No need to worry. I've taken care of him."


Irisviel was astonished, "Taken care of? What do you mean?"

Matou Shinji casually explained, "He's no longer the Makiri Zolgen of five centuries ago. His ideal of eradicating human sins has been eroded over 500 years, leaving him a mere remnant. He has become a monster that clings to life by consuming the lives of others. Even his victory in the Holy Grail War was for the sake of achieving immortality. He's even willing to activate a contaminated Holy Grail system for that purpose."

"Are these events that will happen in the future?"

"More or less."


Matou Shinji did not conceal the fact that he killed Matou Zouken. The Matou family had completely collapsed by now. Upon learning of Matou Zouken's death, Matou Byakuya vanished after taking a large portion of the Matou family's wealth, leaving behind only properties and the Matou family's magical secrets.

This was normal, considering that his son had killed his father, whom he had revered for many years. In his eyes, Matou Shinji might have become an even more terrifying monster.

Matou Shinji created a simple artificial spirit to take care of Matou Sakura's daily life.

There was still one more individual, Matou Kariya, whose whereabouts were unknown. Matou Shinji regretted encouraging him to learn magic. The realm of magic was unimaginable for ordinary people, filled with unknowns and dangers. Even organizations like the Clock Tower, the official association of mage, lacked morals.

For someone of Matou Sakura's caliber in magic, if she weren't from a prestigious magical lineage, she would have been captured by the Clock Tower and dissected for research.

Back at the Matou residence, Matou Sakura heard the commotion and came downstairs from the second floor. Her hair was tied with a red ribbon, a gift from her sister Tohsaka Rin. With joy, she rushed into Matou Shinji's arms and with a soft, tender voice, said, "Big brother, welcome back!"

Curious, she glanced at Irisviel and Saber behind Matou Shinji. Since he didn't introduce them, she didn't ask.

Irisviel bent down, tucking her silver hair behind her ear, and offered a motherly smile that had more than a thousand times the power to soothe a child's heart, "Hello, we will be your guests for tonight."

Matou Sakura, her face slightly flushed, elegantly bowed to Irisviel, "Hello, my name is Matou Sakura. You are my brother's guests, please make yourselves at home."

Matou Shinji patted Matou Sakura's head apologetically, "Sorry, Sakura, I couldn't be home to take care of you these past few days."

"It's okay, big brother. I'm sure you had important reasons. I'll always wait for you to come back."

Matou Shinji playfully pinched her nose, "Alright, go rest now. We have important matters to discuss with our guest."

A trace of disappointment flickered in Matou Sakura's eyes. She had finally waited for Matou Shinji to come back, but she couldn't stay with him. However, she understood the situation and didn't want Matou Shinji to notice her sadness. She brightened up with a radiant smile, "Then I'll go back to my room. Take care, big brother."

With another bow to Irisviel and Saber, Matou Sakura left, showcasing the mannerisms of a well-educated young lady.

"She's such a lovely child, and her magical talent is astonishing. With Mr. Caster's guidance, she will surely become an extraordinary mage in the future." Irisviel smiled warmly.

"Irisviel, do you like children?" Saber, now dressed in a black suit, curiously asked.

"Yes, because children are lively and energetic. They represent the most beautiful aspect of life, something artificial beings like me can't quite imitate." Irisviel replied softly. She was the most perfect artificial being, yet she couldn't fully mimic human traits.

Irisviel and Saber followed Matou Shinji to the second floor and entered his room.

Irisviel looked around curiously at the room's arrangement, "Is this your room? It's simple, lacking the lived-in feel of a place. Just like the dwelling of an artificial being."

She didn't hesitate to sit on Matou Shinji's bed, lazily stretching as she let out a yawn. Even her thick overcoat couldn't hide her alluring curves.

Matou Shinji, half-kneeling on the ground with his right hand touching the floor, instructed, "Irisviel, please adjust your physical state while I prepare the summoning array."

The summoning array was constructed by Matou Shinji by extending his right hand into the floor, infusing it with magical energy, inscribing runes, expanding it, and perfecting it.

"Should I take my clothes off?"

"The analysis process will be carried out by my Mystic Eyes and the summoning array. There's no need for direct physical contact. Just step into the range of the summoning array."

"Thank you for your assistance, Caster."


"According to Assassin's report, Saber seems to be working together with Caster."

Listening to the retro-styled transmission, Tohsaka Tokiomi responded in surprise, "How is that possible? That's Matou and Einzbern, the most intense rivals from past Holy Grail Wars, choosing to collaborate."

"My Lord, please make a decision."

"Has it been confirmed that the Master of Berserker is the same person responsible for the serial kidnappings in Fuyuki City?"


Tohsaka Tokiomi, lost in thought while listening to his disciple Kotomine Kirei's report through the vintage transmission, realized that this Holy Grail War was turning out to be even more intense than he had anticipated. On the very night the official commencement was announced, all the Servants for the Holy Grail War had been determined.

Things were becoming increasingly troublesome. He had thought that summoning King of Heroes Gilgamesh would guarantee his victory in the Holy Grail War. However, it was the appearance of Archer with the Independent Action skill that threw his plans into disarray. Archer's nature was hard to control.

Performing the duties of a lord to a subject was meant to gain Archer's favor, but their relationship had been ruined due to the beach incident tonight.

"Revealing one's ultimate Noble Phantasm to all the other Servants – is this a sign of composure or arrogance?"

Muttering to himself, Tohsaka Tokiomi thought it was likely the latter. Indeed, with a Servant of Rider's caliber present, his confidence in winning the Holy Grail War was severely shaken.

"Lancer, Caster, Rider, the strongest-class Saber, and the ultimate artificial being from the Einzbern family. This Holy Grail War is more intense than any previous ones."

"Yet the first Command Seal was used in such a meaningless manner, resulting in the exact opposite effect. To ensure victory, it's crucial to secure more Command Seals. Only two remain, and continuing in this manner puts us at a disadvantage."

After contemplating for a long while, Tohsaka Tokiomi reached a decision and ordered through the vintage transmission, "Kirei, inform your father that I have something to discuss with him."



Lovecraftian's artificial human technology belongs to the alchemical system, leaning towards the ancient, and since the creators left the Lovecraftian workshop, their technology hasn't truly advanced. The central control Golem·Jubstacheit continued until the eighth generation (Ahasuerus) without innovative capabilities. Its nature is a device of artificial humans designed for permanent operation at the cost of self-improvement impossibility. Nevertheless, the artificial human technology created by the third disciple remains unparalleled in the magic world today.

Matou Shinji wanted to investigate Irisviel's body and, if necessary, remove the Lesser Grail from her.


The Array emitted a faint blue light. Inside the Array, Irisviel frowned due to the discomfort, enduring the unusual sensation of external magical energy flowing into her body.

The Array was linked to Matou Shinji's right eye. It analyzed Irisviel's body and delved into the magical foundation of her creation. There, Matou Shinji saw something unusual.

A ray of light.

Dim and faint, yet with a subtle warmth. Upon realizing what this warm light was, the concept reshaped into an exquisite golden scabbard, its ornate design akin to Excalibur's.

Avalon, the scabbard of Excalibur.

The scabbard was like Irisviel's heart. Her magical energy flowed into the scabbard from within her body and then circulated out from the other end, perpetually sustaining her as an artificial being.

"Mr. Caster, is it not done yet?" Inside the Array, Irisviel blushed, embarrassed to inquire.

Matou Shinji's right eye emitted a brilliant silver light as he focused on Irisviel's body. Soon, he located another core, situated at the heart of Irisviel's body. It was an integration of all her magic circuits, its complexity and craftsmanship leaving Matou Shinji amazed. It was truly a magical marvel.

"This is... the Lesser Grail, the culmination of Lovecraftian's factory's millennium of work. It's truly amazing." Matou Shinji muttered to himself. After observing for a while, he disconnected his right eye from the Array.

Beside him, Saber anxiously asked, "How is it?"

Irisviel was the Lesser Grail. She was concerned that the tainted Grail system might affect Irisviel herself.

Matou Shinji shook his head, "The scabbard and the Lesser Grail cannot be removed in theory. These two things constitute Irisviel's foundation. Removing either one could potentially impact her body's functions."

Irisviel's expression tightened, but she remained resolute, "I've already prepared for this. As the Servants depart, my human aspect will gradually fade. The Lesser Grail's functionality will be restored. By that time, it might be too late to stop it."

"I haven't finished."

Saber sounded displeased, "Caster, you always beat around the bush. Spit it out all at once, especially for such an important matter!"

"Although we can't remove the Lesser Grail, there's no need to worry too much. I understand why Irisviel became the strongest Master. All the artificial functions within her body are based on Avalon's concept. Due to this unique connection, Irisviel is intimately linked with Avalon's abilities. As long as magical energy is supplied, Avalon's power will influence Irisviel's body."

Saber frowned in thought, "Caster, please explain that in simpler terms."

"Saber, after you pulled out the Sword in the Stone, did your body stop aging and remain in the state of a 15-year-old?"


"Irisviel is the same. She is merged with Avalon in her current state, which means Avalon will perpetually maintain her body in the state it was created. This is also why Irisviel became a Master. The restoration of the Lesser Grail's functionality won't affect Irisviel's abilities as a Master. Do you understand?"


Matou Shinji stood up, opened the room's window, and a sleek black crow landed on his shoulder, then flew away after a moment.

It was one of Matou Shinji's overtly visible familiars, responsible for monitoring the entire city of Fuyuki.

Irisviel sat on the bed and, seeing Matou Shinji communicating with the familiar, tilted her head curiously, "What's going on?"

"Notification from the overseer of the Church, all Masters are to gather at the Fuyuki Church tomorrow at nine. If they cannot attend in person, they must send their familiars."

Irisviel was taken aback, "The overseer is summoning all the Masters. There must be a serious incident. Could it be that the Church has also detected the Grail's anomaly..."

Matou Shinji shook his head, "It's possible, but I think a more reasonable answer might involve Berserker."

Still reeling from the revelation of the Grail's contamination, Irisviel almost forgot about Berserker's attack on her. After all, the influence of the two was entirely on different levels.

Irisviel realized, "Right, Berserker's Master isn't a legitimate magus, and he doesn't adhere to the rules of the Holy Grail War. His attacks were reckless and uncontrolled. Chaos stemming from such sources is usually the first priority to eliminate."

Matou Shinji nodded, turned, and left the room, bowing, "You both must be tired today. Rest now in preparation for tomorrow. My apologies."

Irisviel asked curiously, "Caster, aren't you staying?"


With a smile, Irisviel patted the soft bed beside her, "This is your room, right? Let's sleep together."

"Irisviel!" Saber quickly intervened.

Irisviel shrugged, unfazed, "What's the big deal? Caster is just a kid."

Indeed, Matou Shinji was still just a child, with his handsome and cute appearance easily disarming any guard one might have against him.

Matou Shinji declined with a polite smile, "No need, I have to prepare for the magical ritual."

"Oh, I see. What a shame."

Matou Shinji closed the door, and Saber, with a dubious look, questioned her Master, "Irisviel, you don't seriously view Caster as a child, do you?"

"He is a child."

"Caster is, for the moment, a Servant and a mage."

"But what does that have to do with him being a child?"

Saber gave up with a defeated expression, "Never mind, it's nothing."

Now, she fully realized that her Master was even more whimsical than she was.

Matou Shinji didn't find it surprising at all. Irisviel had been created recently and lacked common human knowledge, with no Emiya Kiritsugu to teach her normal human sensibilities. Artificial beings couldn't adapt to human complexity, and that's why Lovecraftian's factory had remained so self-contained.


At the Fuyuki Church, an elderly man dressed as a clergyman stood with his hands folded, surveying the empty church. He was Kotomine Kirei's father, Kotomine Risei, the overseer of the Fourth Holy Grail War.

Kotomine Risei solemnly addressed, "To all who have come from afar, thank you for your efforts."

"Now, the Holy Grail War is facing a crisis. We have confirmed that the recent string of kidnappings in Fuyuki City is the work of Berserker's Master. Moreover, last night, he used his Servant's power to slaughter innocent civilians."

"In order to prevent the situation from worsening, I am invoking the authority of the overseer during this exceptional period. I am temporarily altering the regulations. All Masters are to immediately cease their battles with each other and focus on eliminating Berserker."

Kotomine Risei unbuttoned his sleeve and revealed his arm covered in intricate Command Seals, "For the Master who successfully eliminates Berserker, I will grant two additional Command Seals as a reward."

"These Command Seals are the ones remaining from eliminated Masters in the history of the Holy Grail War. They should hold immeasurable value for all of you Masters and obtaining Command Seals can increase your chances of winning the Holy Grail War."

"This restriction will remain in effect until the moment Berserker is vanquished. That concludes this meeting. If anyone has objections, please raise them here."

The church fell into silence, and no one responded.

Satisfied, Kotomine Risei nodded, "Very well, then this gathering is adjourned."

He wasn't talking to himself; all those present were the familiars of the Masters, leaving no trace.


In a dim underground room in Fuyuki City, there was an antique sound system. Kotomine Risei reported solemnly, "Tohsaka, the order to eliminate Berserker has been issued according to your instructions."

"You've done well, priest. This will certainly pique the interest of the Masters to hunt down the reckless fox. Berserker's Master is a thief who doesn't comprehend the nobility of the Holy Grail, and as long as a Master is eliminated, it's a favorable outcome for us," said Tohsaka, his disdain and anger for Berserker's Master barely concealed.

Uryuu Ryuunosuke's behavior was a desecration of the Holy Grail War, a challenge to the dignity of the Three Great Houses.

"With Command Seals as rewards, Riders who use a Command Seal are a given, and other Masters will inevitably have to take action."

"Obtaining Command Seals will grant significant advantages to the Masters," Tohsaka mused.

Kotomine Risei chuckled, "Of course, and that's why delivering the fatal blow to Berserker cannot rely solely on Archer."


During the day, Matou Shinji sat in a restaurant in Fuyuki City, having breakfast. Consuming food was one of the effective ways for Matou Shinji to replenish his expended magical energy.

Empty plates covered the table, making it look as though a group of people had dined there, to anyone unaware.

Irisviel and Saber had left the Matou house before dawn, each on their own mission.

Now, during the day, there was no need to worry about attacks from other Servants.

"It's unfolding just as in the original plot."

One of the advantages of being a time-traveler was precognition, yet consecutive surprises disrupted Matou Shinji's nearly year-long preparations.

Matou Shinji thought while eating. Tohsaka Tokiomi took the same actions as in the original story. Tohsaka Tokiomi loss of one Command Seal weakened his control over Archer, and Tohsaka was well aware that using the "Interference" Command Seal had angered the King of Heroes.

To stabilize the situation, Tohsaka Tokiomi had to design a scheme to hunt down Berserker and recover the Command Seal.

"The reward is two Command Seals, a bit unexpected," Matou Shinji thought. The Matou family was the designer of the Command Seal system, and he knew exactly what Command Seals were – pure magical energy crystals. Each Command Seal could be refined into a high-quality Philosopher's Stone.

For other Masters, Command Seals only served to control their Servants, but in the hands of Matou Shinji, the Caster, their utility extended far and wide.

What was most crucial now was that Matou Shinji lacked the magical energy to activate his own Noble Phantasm. Thus, his desire for Command Seals was no less than Tohsaka Tokiomi .

Matou Shinji had considered taking action against overseer Kotomine Risei, but even if he succeeded and seized all the Command Seals, Matou Shinji would surely become an enemy of the Holy Grail War, akin to suicide without first eliminating Archer.

"Berserker is conceptually Jack the Ripper, much trickier than the original blue-bearded Gilgamesh." Matou Shinji's lips curled into a peculiar smile. Dealing with Jack the Ripper's ability was undoubtedly challenging, and though it wasn't a complete rout, Matou Shinji at least had an advantage over Berserker.

"Berserker's Noble Phantasm requires a densely populated area to take effect. It's very likely they are still hiding within Fuyuki City."

Uryuu Ryuunosuke, the hobby-driven murderer, had already killed over 42 people before joining the Holy Grail War, and he hadn't been caught or even suspected. This showed that he was no ordinary individual.

Matou Shinji's assessment of Uryuu Ryuunosuke was that he and Kotomine Kirei were surely destined to be great friends; the malice within both of them was innate.


Uryuu Ryuunosuke's Origin had yet to awaken. Undoubtedly, his pursuit of death was the process through which he gradually recognized his own Origin.

Unless something unexpected occurred, he would continue killing and eventually reach his end.

"Such a character design is likely popular among edgy teenagers." Matou Shinji thought. Similar character designs were also prevalent in games and the film industry, such as the Joker in Batman.

Matou Shinji wasn't fond of such people. Even though he was a time-traveler, no one treated him as superior. In principle, he always maintained a neutral and benevolent stance.

As the saying goes, people die when they are killed.

"Uryuu Ryuunosuke is a criminal genius, and Berserker possesses full rationality. They must remain hidden in a bustling city, conceal their tracks, and hunt humans."

"In that case, their ideal hiding spot would likely be the sewers."

"Considering Assassin's abilities, the opponent will surely locate Uryuu Ryuunosuke's tracks before me."

"Assassin can't possibly defeat Berserker, and Archer won't venture into a place like the sewers. Currently, the situation is in my favor."

Leaving the restaurant, Matou Shinji headed directly for the central system of Fuyuki City's sewers.

Although it was daytime, battles in the sewer, an unpopulated area, wouldn't violate the rules of the Holy Grail War.

"Form of water, grant me intellect, seek and find."

Chanting the incantation, a water elemental spirit slipped into the sewage, radiating a spiritual light. Matou Shinji followed closely behind.


The foul stench pervaded the sewer, with no light. The only comforting aspect for Matou Shinji was that the space was relatively spacious.

The sewer was dim and quiet, large enough for tanks to pass through. Dim lights on the sides emitted faint glows. Matou Shinji could clearly hear his footsteps. His Mystic Eyes glowed, allowing him to see through the darkness into the depths of the sewer.

Matou Shinji halted, looking down at the ground. There were clear footprints on the still-moist mud. He muttered, "The number of footprints indicates three individuals: one adult judging by size, and two children. It seems we're in the right place."

Continuing forward, water oozed from cracks in the walls, and the spiritual light within touched Matou Shinji's right hand, relaying information.

The water elemental spirit had found Uryuu Ryuunosuke's slaughterhouse and confirmed that Uryuu Ryuunosuke was within.

"Indeed, it's the storage room. This sewer is a must-pass route to the storage room."

"Earth's spirit, guide me, apply pressure." Matou Shinji chanted, setting up a magical trap that anyone passing by would trigger. It caused an instant loss of control over gravity, followed by concrete spears thrusting out from all around. Anyone except Servants who touched it would die.

The trap was primarily to prevent Assassin and Uryuu Ryuunosuke from escaping.

Matou Shinji continued walking for about ten minutes, emerging from the sewer into a spacious underground building space. His Mystic Eyes allowed him to see clearly even in the darkness. He saw several thick stone columns in the building, with corpses scattered everywhere. Remains and fresh blood covered the floor, emitting a putrid smell.

Not just mere corpses, nor simple heaps. The age, gender, clothing of the bodies—all these factors created a unique impression. Each body was like a painter's pigment, outlined stroke by stroke, diluted, intensified. With fresh blood as the canvas, they created the art called death.

All meaning of life and body had been carved out in this intricate construction of art.

Valueless, aligning perfectly with the concept of death.

Here, Matou Shinji could feel the heterogeneity of spirits. Because Matou Shinji had already awakened his Origin and was exerting utmost effort to suppress his soul's impulses, he was moved by the scene before him.

On those several thick stone columns were children's bodies, impaled on them, blood left on the columns. Matou Shinji could read the significance of these bodies; they were like unfinished pigments.

Matou Shinji's face remained calm. He had been mentally prepared for the kind of infernal scene he would see before entering the sewer. It was calmer than he had imagined, angrier than he had imagined, as if something was rushing out of him, sinking into his mind, driving Matou Shinji's urgent desire to do something.

It was much like the scene in a bottle of Little People of Hormone Crux, contemptuously negating humanity's and life's meaning.

Matou Shinji didn't want to think about such complicated matters. What he wanted to do was express the anger that any normal person would feel upon seeing this.

A slim figure walked out from behind a stone column. It was an orange-haired youth, dressed slightly flamboyantly: white shirt, purple jacket. His appearance, from the perspective of ordinary aesthetics, belonged to the soft and handsome type.

The youth's hands were covered in blood, and one hand held a sharp scalpel. His eyes were calm, slightly pathological.

Ryuunosuke Uryuu, the murderer of Fuyuki City.

Seeing Matou Shinji, Ryuunosuke Uryuu curiously shouted, "How strange! I don't recall inviting a guest like you. Are you lost? It's really weird to get lost in a place like this."

Matou Shinji's body was that of a child, fitting perfectly into Ryuunosuke Uryuu's hunting range.

Without unnecessary words, Matou Shinji pointed his hand towards Ryuunosuke Uryuu, rapidly chanting a spell. In less than a second, he completed the chant required for a Grand Magecraft.

Inherent Skill [High-Speed Chant]: The ability to accelerate the casting of magecraft incantations. The chant for Grand Magecraft can be completed in a single phrase. Combined with Jewel Magecraft (Philosopher's Stone), it becomes even more efficient.

This is a skill unique to the ancient magi and a very few top-tier magi, now lost in this era.

Energy surged, compressing air to form an invisible cone of wind, roaring like a cannonball.

Struck by this Grand Magecraft, even an elephant would be reduced to ashes.

Bang! Bang!

The cone of wind seemed to collide with an invisible wall, violent gusts spreading. The residual waves of the cone hit the steel-reinforced concrete columns, directly causing a web of cracks.

Ryuunosuke Uryuu stood bewildered in place, not knowing what had happened.

But in Matou Shinji's Mystic Eye vision, the wristwatch he carried emitted a familiar aura.

Jack the Ripper, a concept in people's minds, hadn't solidified its form. It could become anything considered to be Jack the Ripper: demon, curse, doctor, policeman, and so on.

Ryuunosuke Uryuu looked around at the bodies blown away by the residual waves of the magic. Furious, he yelled, "What did you do, you ruined the death art I painstakingly put together! It's a collage of death!」

Matou Shinji stared at Ryuunosuke Uryuu's wristwatch, emotionless, and said, "If you want to understand the art of death, you shouldn't use others as materials. Only by experiencing death yourself will you truly understand what you're pursuing."

Ryuunosuke Uryuu was stunned, tears welling up as he looked at Matou Shinji. "Hey... Strange, aren't you like me? I used to have thoughts like yours. But once you die, everything ends. If you fail, there's no chance left. So, I wanted others to validate... Senpai... What did you just say? Alright, alright, I understand."

Matou Shinji looked at Ryuunosuke Uryuu communicating with his wristwatch.

Senpai? Referring to Jack the Ripper, I guess. As a seasoned murderer, Ryuunosuke Uryuu was indeed a senior to Jack the Ripper.

Energy surged, and Berserker took form in front of Matou Shinji. A girl with white hair, appearing almost the same age as Matou Shinji. Her body was wrapped in a black cloak, and bandaged hands gripped a dagger in each. Expressionless, her amber eyes showed no emotional fluctuations.

Jack the Ripper, she wasn't the collective of abandoned infants from FGO; she just borrowed her appearance. Making her appearance closer to the true Jack the Ripper would put her at ease.

Berserker, in her childlike voice, calmly said, "Master, prepare to escape."

"Huh? Are you saying he's our enemy?"

"Yes, he's an enemy I don't even have confidence to deal with."


Berserker stared at Matou Shinji before it, feeling a tremendous threat within that young body.

Their compatibility was extremely poor.

Matou Shinji's class was Caster, a male, daytime, and not in London. There was no mist either. Everything was lined up to be disadvantageous for Berserker.

Matou Shinji approached Berserker with steady steps.

"Why does he want this? He's a Caster but he's trying to engage in close combat with Berserker?" Doubts swirled within Berserker for less than half a moment. More than relying on what the enemy might do, it believed in its own abilities.

Neither side adhered to the chivalry of knights. There was no concept of honor. This was not a battle, but a fight.

Berserker's petite body instantly vanished from its original position, reappearing on the blind spot of Matou Shinji's right side. The two broad-bladed daggers crossed, forming a death scythe that was about to sever Matou Shinji's head.

The sound of the blade tearing through the air heralded the arrival of death.

However, before the blade could sever Matou Shinji's neck, Berserker met Matou Shinji's eyes, calm and indifferent, as if it had already seen through Berserker's ambush.


This time, Berserker no longer had confidence in its abilities. It instinctively leaped away from its previous position.

Is he really a Caster?

Berserker was incredibly surprised. In its current form, its abilities closely approached Assassin's, with agility at least ranked A. It shouldn't have been possible for Caster to react to its close-range attack.

"Who knows, maybe I'm even a Saber." Matou Shinji smiled and replied, his Mystic Eyes measuring its spiritual foundation.

It was lucky that the Empty Elemental Spirit hadn't appeared yet. If it had hesitated for another moment, it would have been instantly killed by the spirit.

Of course, Matou Shinji couldn't match Berserker's speed. His Mystic Eyes allowed him to see the flow of magical energy within Berserker's body, directly predicting its next move.

Matou Shinji knew all of Berserker's abilities, while Berserker knew nothing about Matou Shinji. In terms of information warfare, Berserker was at a clear disadvantage, a natural advantage for Matou Shinji as a Transient.

The probing had come to an end.

Matou Shinji mobilized his magical energy to prepare for spellcasting.

A swift and decisive battle was needed. A prolonged fight would reveal his abilities, leading to a stalemate, and Assassin might be observing from the shadows.

"Crush and discard." Matou Shinji chanted the German incantation, his body suddenly feeling lighter. He leaped forward in a wide arc, covering a considerable distance and charging towards Berserker.

Matou Shinji's physical abilities were at the level of a Servant. Although he was a Caster, the weakest class in terms of ability panels, he was still a superhuman in the eyes of ordinary people.

Facing Matou Shinji's seemingly reckless attack, Berserker didn't underestimate it. The strange silver eyes made Berserker feel as if its actions were transparent.

There was definitely something odd about that eye.

Berserker analyzed calmly. Given the circumstances, it chose to attack Matou Shinji's left side, the visual blind spot that the silver eyes couldn't cover.

Its speed was several times that of Matou Shinji. In an instant, it arrived at Matou Shinji's left side. This time, Berserker didn't meet Matou Shinji's gaze. Matou Shinji's movements remained unchanged, as if he hadn't reacted at all.


Berserker's eyes locked onto Matou Shinji's body, analyzing his movements and calculating which part to start dismembering to meet its requirements.

It was an action ingrained in its instincts. If three conditions were met (target is female, night time, mist present), it could even enhance its Noble Phantasm's abilities and directly expel the target's entrails.

Unfortunately, at the moment, none of those conditions were fulfilled. It could only cause straightforward physical damage.


The dagger traced an arc, about to sever Matou Shinji's neck. Berserker also heard the movement from behind, fast and urgent.

What's happening this time?

Berserker hastily defended itself, raising the dagger, but an Empty Elemental Spirit's punch sent it flying.

Caster's familiar!

In mid-air, Berserker caught a glimpse of Matou Shinji's continuous footsteps, and suddenly realized something.

From the very beginning, Matou Shinji's target was not Berserker! It was the Uryuu Ryuunosuke who stood not far behind, still puzzled and standing in place.

By the time it realized, it was too late. Adjusting its posture in mid-air, Berserker swiftly hurled a dagger towards Matou Shinji.

Swoosh~ Swoosh~

Matou Shinji dodged easily in a zigzag pattern. Everything was according to plan. He rushed to Uryuu Ryuunosuke in front of him, using his hand like a blade. Leaping up, his right hand aimed straight for Uryuu Ryuunosuke's heart.

With a Servant's D-ranked strength, his hand was enough to pierce through Uryuu Ryuunosuke's heart.

Uryuu Ryuunosuke widened his eyes, unable to react in time. In the next second, a faint, mocking smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Matou Shinji's eyelids twitched. Through his Mystic Eyes, he dissected Uryuu Ryuunosuke's body, noticing the sudden disappearance of a certain rune on the back of his hand. Without hesitation, he crossed his arms to shield himself while chanting an incantation: "Strengthen."

Blue light patterns lit up on Matou Shinji's arms. In the next moment, Berserker's form tore through space and appeared in front of Matou Shinji. Its body was no longer that of a white-haired young girl but was shrouded in black mist. It swung a fist, generating a powerful gust of wind.


Matou Shinji was sent flying, crashing heavily into a stone column. Debris flew, and cracks spread like a spiderweb across the column.


Uryuu Ryuunosuke breathed a sigh of relief and looked at his hand where the rune had disappeared. He exclaimed, "Senpai, it's fortunate you taught me how to use this thing."

Berserker's voice, now shrouded in an indistinct mist, rasped, "Master, please use a command spell to activate my Noble Phantasm."

"Do you want me to use it a second time?"

"There's no other choice. After this, please leave immediately."

Uryuu Ryuunosuke surveyed the corpses around with a reluctant expression. "Ah? What about my masterpiece?"

"You must understand, if I fight him, this place will be inevitably destroyed. Staying here will only mean giving up your life needlessly and hindering my abilities."

"You're right. In the name of the command spell, senpai, use the Noble Phantasm."

Snap, snap, snap.

Matou Shinji pulled himself out of the human-shaped pit in the column, landing on the ground. Although he had absorbed Berserker's full-force blow, his body had no major issues.

Jack the Ripper wasn't a conventional Berserker; it leaned more towards the Assassin role. The destructive power of the attack earlier was at best equivalent to a B-rank Strength Panel.

Matou Shinji's abilities as a Master, coupled with magical reinforcement, were sufficient to counteract it.

However, Berserker unleashing its Noble Phantasm through a command spell was a different story.

Through his Mystic Eyes, Matou Shinji saw the surge of magical energy within Berserker's body. He couldn't help but furrow his brows and inwardly curse. In the original work, all the Masters acted as if command spells didn't exist. How come here everyone's using them like they're free?


"Senpai, then I'll be going."

In the underground water storage room, the orange-haired young man, Uryuu Ryuunosuke, waved his hand casually, looking around at the scattered child corpses and sighed to himself, "Such a pity for my art. I spent quite some time finding such good materials."

Walking past Matou Shinji, he glanced at Matou Shinji out of the corner of his eye and chuckled, "You seem like a good material. I'm sure you can create something decent, senpai."

Uryuu Ryuunosuke's mind was twisted, just as Matou Shinji might be moved by the art he had created, Uryuu Ryuunosuke could feel the purer origins within Matou Shinji's body, even if his body and mind hadn't fully departed from the realm of humans.

The stronger and purer it was, the more vivid the art of death would become when separated from it.

"Not going to answer, huh? Quite the oddball," Uryuu Ryuunosuke mumbled as he left.

What qualifications did a serial killer have to call others oddballs?

Matou Shinji's eyes never left Berserker. Though Uryuu Ryuunosuke was a killer, he was currently still within the realm of humans both physically and mentally. At best, he was an ant with intense attack desires.

At some point, a faint mist began to spread within the spacious storage room.

A demon lurked within the mist, whispering in a hoarse and difficult voice, "From Hell! (The malevolent mist shall dissipate with London's dawn.)"

Matou Shinji stared into the depths of the mist, the mist unable to obstruct the vision of his Mage's Eyes. There, he saw a rapidly expanding congregation of malice. His expression grew serious.

If it were just the activation of a Noble Phantasm, Matou Shinji wouldn't react this strongly. However, with the reinforcement of the spell, Berserker not only gained a substantial boost in magical energy but also a significant increase in the power of its Noble Phantasm.

From Hell (The malevolent mist shall dissipate with London's dawn)

Rank: E-~A+

Type: Anti-Human Noble Phantasm

Range: 1~20

Maximum number of targets: —

Derived from the notion that Jack the Ripper was a cursed demon of mankind, Berserker's spirit has merged with the concept of a demon. Taking on the form of a demon, it harnesses the latent unease and fear of humans to vary the power of its Noble Phantasm based on the number of humans within a radius of five kilometers.

This was the sewer of Fuyuki City, relatively close to the city center with dense foot traffic. It was the perfect area for Berserker to unleash its Noble Phantasm.

Matou Shinji didn't waste any time either. He chanted spells, channeling magical energy within him to buff himself layer by layer.

"First movement, reverse curse."

"Second identity, Eiríss."

"Third protection, dispel."

Within the thick mist, black magical energy enveloped Berserker's body, rapidly taking on the form of a demon. Accompanied by a horrifying roar, its crimson eyes locked onto Matou Shinji.

As Berserker transformed into a demon, a result of humanity's imagination, it specialized in the ability to kill humans, including humanoid beings. This included its natural power to intimidate humans and curse-inflicting attacks.

Matou Shinji didn't dare to underestimate it. Buffing himself after having just laid his defenses, he saw Berserker unveil its full demon form.

Standing at least four meters tall, it exuded an intense oppressive aura. Its skin was dark blue, muscles knotted, its head akin to a skeletal mask with odd horns protruding. Evil and savage emanated from its crimson eyes, and behind the demon, a pair of large bat wings unfolded slowly.


Matou Shinji felt that the demon's form looked somewhat familiar.

"Isn't this the demon variant from FGO? Wonder if it'll drop a demon's heart. I remember always lacking those in the game." Matou Shinji mentally grumbled.

Of course, the in-game mobs and the real demon before him were on completely different levels of imposingness.

Matou Shinji smiled and asked, "Berserker, is it really a good idea to let your Master leave this place? I am a Caster, with as many familiars as I need, while your Master is just an ordinary person."

"That's not something you need to worry about. Once I kill you, your control over your familiars will vanish," the demon rasped in response, raising its right hand and generating a basketball-sized black energy sphere that it launched effortlessly.

Gandr (Curse Bullet), a curse from Nordic mythology, arising from the concept that pointing at others with fingers is impolite. In the hands of regular mage, it's a non-lethal spell, but when it's born from a demon's hands, it's a pure curse, a malevolent intent towards living beings that inflicts harm on contact.


The curse bullet was repelled by the defense barrier Matou Shinji had set up earlier.

With a simple exchange, both sides gained a preliminary understanding of each other's strength.

The demon politely bowed, "So, Caster, will you be able to ensure the integrity of your corpse? The least I can do for a senior."

Both sides were testing the waters, and both had yet to reveal their full hands. Matou Shinji knew that the demon before him was merely one of Berserker's manifestations. The true Berserker should still be within Uryuu Ryuunosuke.

Not Worthy of Being an End to a Tragedy (Natural Born Killers)

Rank: B

Type: Anti-Army Noble Phantasm

Range: —

Maximum number of targets: —

This Noble Phantasm takes the form of a collective, based on the idea that Jack the Ripper was a collective of killers. By fusing with the master's magical energy, numerous manifestations, referred to as the "core," are produced. Among the core manifestations, one remains after the rest dissipate. The number and strength of the manifestations are determined by the master's magical energy.

Using command spells to create and deploy these manifestations, their prowess in close combat can rival that of the Three Knights.

The demon flapped its wings, its massive form instantly appearing before Matou Shinji. Its immense size blocked out the sky. At such close proximity, its aura overwhelmed human senses. Raising its fist, shrouded in a deep black aura, it launched a punch at Matou Shinji.

An Elemental Spirit of emptiness appeared before Matou Shinji, its hands magically enhanced. Meeting the demon's punch with a flash of light.


Fists collided, mist exploded, and Matou Shinji's Mage's Eyes fixed on the demon. Patterns of light appeared on Matou Shinji's skin, as his right eye maintained a connection with the Elemental Spirit. He continuously infused magical energy into it, enhancing its magical properties.

"Such strong power, at least B-rank strength. It might even need a plus sign after it. Better be cautious." Matou Shinji thought inwardly.

If a Servant's strength value was B+, their normal output might be weaker than an A-rank, but their instant burst would be over double, surpassing even an A-rank.

One punch, then another, the speed shifted from slow to fast. Each punch was an accumulation of pure strength, creating a storm. The dispersing magical energy spread like waves of the sea.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The ground trembled, and a network of cracks expanded from beneath both fighters' feet. Countless afterimages of fists flashed and vanished.

While both sides were closely matched in strength, the Elemental Spirit, focusing all its power, had the edge in speed and explosiveness.

"A decent opponent."

Matou Shinji's silver eyes glimmered, unaffected by the tumultuous magical energy. His eyes analyzed the demon's form, sensed the flow of every bit of magical energy within it, judged its magical flow, and deduced its next move.

With his focus heightened, his Mage's Eyes and the Elemental Spirit relentlessly drained his magical energy.


In the midst of fierce confrontation, an abnormal red flush appeared on Matou Shinji's face. His Mystic Eyes captured the collision trajectories of punches hundreds of times within a second, conducting spiritual calculations to edit the answers into the operational logic of the Empty Element Sprite.

Each punch adjusted the flow of mana, increasing or decreasing magical power based on the opponent's force, extracting traces of magic from countless clashes, converging into a deadly strike to shatter the demon's weak point.

In less than ten seconds, the Empty Element Sprite gained the advantage in the countless exchanges of fists, the demon's chest covered in scars, its muscular armor torn apart by magically-infused punches.

"The flow of mana is a bit strange," Matou Shinji's eyelid twitched. He saw a fist-sized eye suddenly open on the demon's chest. Violet light gathered in the bestial pupil, and a deep purple cursed beam shot towards Matou Shinji.

Zap, zap, zap~

Almost simultaneously, Matou Shinji completed the ritual incantation for spatial movement. His body vanished from the original spot, suspended in the air. He saw the fist-sized purple destructive beam piercing through two concrete pillars.

"Damn it! Are lasers and beam cannons standard issue in this world for superhuman powers?"

Matou Shinji cursed, suspended mid-air. He tossed a red gem towards the demon. Magic infused the gem's properties, and it burst into a cascade of light and heat, creating a chain reaction of explosions.

Boom, boom, boom!

His Mystic Eyes saw through the flames, identifying the demon's location. Matou Shinji chanted spells rapidly, unfolding magical circles behind him. These circles varied in color, each with a gem suspended at its center, representing the five alchemical elements.


The pale magic circle conjured a powerful gust of wind, transforming into a destructive storm heading towards the demon on the ground.

Rumble, rumble~

The mist and flames were swept away, and the remains were cleared. The demon's large wings resisted the approaching tempest. The eyes on its chest continued to shoot cursed purple laser beams, targeting Matou Shinji in the air.

Zap, zap, zap~

In mid-air, Matou Shinji evaded behind a pillar, using it to obscure the demon's line of sight, slowing down its assault. The concrete pillars were easily severed by the purple lasers, but Matou Shinji took the opportunity to chant rapidly, "Thick Earth!"

A pale yellow magic circle illuminated, causing the ground beneath the demon to crack. Its body sank and was locked in place by solidified concrete, which transformed into a spear, stabbing out from its side.

"Roar~ Roar~"

The demon bellowed, unleashing an intense surge of demonic power. The rock spear shattered like tofu, its large wings beating to soar into the air. It crashed into a pillar and pursued Matou Shinji, extending its claws and continuously generating palm-sized cursed orbs like machine gun fire.

"Ride the Wind!"

Matou Shinji quickly commanded a wind elemental spirit to lift his body, dodging the onslaught.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The orbs created small craters as they impacted the walls. The two engaged in a chase through the vast underground space. The concrete pillars supporting the water reservoir were gradually collapsing like dominoes.

Although close combat was a mandatory skill for modern mage, magic excelled in long-range attacks. Matou Shinji could seamlessly transition between the two.

"Despite its large body, its speed is exceptional. Its wing flapping frequency can't match its mass. Newton died too soon!"

Matou Shinji ranted, forgetting he himself was a mage. He used the remaining intact pillars to evade the dense barrage of orbs. Seizing the demon's momentary vulnerability, he chanted rapidly, "Inferno!"


Flames emerged, amplified by the wind, forming a fiery dragon tornado to engulf the approaching demon.

Matou Shinji's arm glowed with light, channeling maximum magic power. The flames engulfed the underground space, raising the temperature.

"Roar~ Roar~"

Forced to land by the flames, the demon emitted a resentful roar. However, its formidable demonic power proved insufficient against the relentless fire dragon tornado.

Hum~ Hum~ Hum~ Hum~ Hum~

The demon's body turned red, its bat-like wings charred, and the dark skeleton remained. The concrete pillar it lay against turned to magma, and the steel reinforcement melted.

Whether through magic properties or sheer power, fire was the demon's bane.

"Damn it, isn't this enough?" Matou Shinji panted heavily, persevering through immense strain as he stared at the rapidly recovering demon. His body was drained of over half his magical energy, causing significant stress.

The demon's charred wings were burned through, but its body stubbornly refused to turn to ashes. Its crimson eyes remained fixed on Matou Shinji.

As Matou Shinji unleashed magic, a cold sensation suddenly enveloped him. His combat-trained instincts made him halt the flame magic instantly. He roared, "Thick Earth! Offer protection!"



A tremendous force struck Matou Shinji's back, sending his body hurtling and embedding into the wall. It felt like his bones had disintegrated, and before he could even cry out in pain, he heard a faint hissing sound.

A shadowy giant snake lunged for Matou Shinji's head, its attack repelled by a yellow-tinted magic barrier.

The Thick Earth Barrier symbolized the weight of the earth and was the most suitable concept for defense among the five elements.

"What is this nonsense?" Matou Shinji cursed, as the demonic power oozed from the serpent's fangs, corroding the barrier and transforming into venomous creatures like snakes, scorpions, and centipedes, crawling onto Matou Shinji.

The demon's concept contained evil entities like venomous creatures.

"Curse Reversal!"

Dim light emanated from Matou Shinji's body, eradicating the venomous creatures formed from mysterious concepts. Jumping down from the wall's humanoid dent, he saw the demon still standing, its body emitting black smoke, wings burnt through, tail piercing into the ground, scales shining black.

The snake from earlier was its tail, discreetly hidden underground as it took advantage of Matou Shinji being engulfed by the fire tornado. The prior battle revealed the effect of Matou Shinji's Mystic Eyes, so the powerful magic of the fire tornado helped conceal the demon's subtle movements.

Fortunately, Matou Shinji had previously cast numerous defensive buffs against curses and demons. Otherwise, he would have been defeated by that strike earlier.

"More challenging than I imagined; indeed, a demon generated by Command Spells," Matou Shinji commented. "Continuing like this might let Uryuu Ryuunosuke escape."

Matou Shinji gazed at the rapidly healing demon, his voice solemn. "You are strong. Physical attacks can't harm you, and you're immune to most of my magic attacks. To show my respect, allow me to demonstrate my Noble Phantasm."


"Wind Elemental!"

"Earth Elemental!"

"Fire Elemental!"

"Water Elemental!"

"Aether Elemental!"

Matou Shinji chanted incantations, five-colored elemental gems surrounded his right arm, each forming a point, generating a magical array. These arrays connected, forming a pentagram.

"Guide the true Aetherial Light!"

"Sword of Paracelsus (Pseudo-Elemental Mage's Sword!)"

All the magical arrays overlapped, merging their magical properties, based on alchemy, recreating an ancient miracle.

Brilliant light illuminated the underground space, a peculiar beam of light extended from Matou Shinji's right arm, elemental fluctuations spreading.

This was not Matou Shinji's Noble Phantasm. It was the answer pursued throughout Von Hohenheim Paracelsus' life, a light that could pierce through the origins of the world.

Due to the circumstances of being possessed by a summoning, even though it wasn't Matou Shinji's Noble Phantasm, with an understanding of the principle, he could simulate a similar attack, though its power would pale in comparison to the true Noble Phantasm.

Sword of Paracelsus (Pseudo-Elemental Mage's Sword)

Rank: A+

Type: Anti-Army Noble Phantasm

Range: 1~99

Maximum Number of Targets: 300

The prototype of Azoth Sword, Paracelsus' magical sword. Originally designed for magical amplification, assistance, and enhancement.

It didn't directly attack opponents with the sword, but instantly cast ritual magic from the stored magic in the sword, using all five elemental attributes. It used the true Aetherial from the Age of Gods to form a pseudo-structure. This pseudo-true Aether (Pseudo) was enough to generate a devastating destructive light.

The pseudo-true Aether converged into the gigantic sword of light in Matou Shinji's hand. Its horizontal swing melted the base of the large pillars it touched.


Matou Shinji smiled, raising his right hand and slashing towards the demon.

To block this forty-meter true Aetherial sword! Coward.

The demon seemed to anticipate something, gazing up at the sword of light. Its crimson eyes flickered, recognizing it couldn't contend with this existence. It wanted to evade but had nowhere to hide. Its body was still dealing with the magical damage from the earlier firestorm, and it had even employed demon power to ambush Matou Shinji.

The demon's wings, mostly skeletal, flapped high in the air. A black energy sphere formed at the center of the wings, and with a mighty roar and earth-shaking, it pushed the black energy sphere toward the gigantic sword of light.

Zap, zap, zap~

The sword of light cleaved through the demon's power, emitting blinding white light. The earth quaked, and everything around was blown away. The demon's closer body started to dissolve under the radiation of energy, muscles melting, bones turning black.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!!!"

Though the demon's body stood firm, it roared to the sky. The black energy sphere, gathering all its demon power, slowly began pushing back the sword of light.

However, it was in vain.

The mysterious would lose against the more profound mysteries. This didn't mean lower-level magic was incapable of harming higher-order mystical beings, but it was about the concept of restraint.

The simulated true Aetherial light from the Age of Gods was older and more enigmatic than the imagined demons, ancient knowledge long forgotten by humanity and the world.

The high-concentration cursed energy sphere was gradually forced apart by the light of the true Aether that Matou Shinji simulated.


The sword of light descended, cleaving through the high-concentration demon power and the demon itself. It divided in two, turning into particles of light and disappearing.

The demon's body stiffened abruptly, standing still before it gradually transformed into black mist and vanished.

The mist in the water storage room dispersed, leaving behind a chaotic scene, with craters everywhere, magma flowing, and burning corpses. Not a single intact pillar remained.

"We won."

Matou Shinji let out a sigh of relief. White smoke rose from his right arm, the light markings rapidly fading. His skin turned red, and he felt a sudden sense of weakness as about eighty to ninety percent of his magical energy was depleted. Unless he used a Command Spell, it would be difficult to engage another Servant in combat.

Matou Shinji surveyed his surroundings. The bodies in the water storage room had been largely burned away by the firestorm, requiring minimal further clean-up.

"Guess we might see news about a collapsed sewer due to gas explosion tomorrow." Matou Shinji chuckled and shook his head. He confirmed there were no oversights, then left the water storage room, quickly heading towards the only exit.

Having fought the demon for over ten minutes, Uryuu Ryuunosuke couldn't be far away. Moreover, Matou Shinji had set magical traps in the sewers.

Though Berserker's core remained with Uryuu Ryuunosuke, projecting such a powerful demon undoubtedly meant his own abilities were greatly diminished.

With his magical energy dwindling, Berserker would be in a dire situation.

After a few minutes of walking, Matou Shinji found the magical traps he had set triggered. Concrete spears had pierced from all directions, and while there were no bodies at the scene, there were pools of blood.

This much blood loss would leave a regular person severely injured.

However, Matou Shinji noticed that the blood stains were concentrated only around the traps.

"Traces have been covered up."

Matou Shinji narrowed his eyes. Berserker wouldn't possess such an ability, indeed, while he had a doctor's identity and could treat Uryuu Ryuunosuke's wounds, it was impossible to avoid any trace of bloodshed.

Someone proficient in healing and covering up tracks must have intervened.

The only plausible answer was Assassin.

Frontal combat wasn't Assassin's strong point, but employing underhanded tactics could be said to be the pinnacle of a Heroic Spirit's abilities.

After all, with 88 personalities, each had different capabilities.

Assassin's actions would surely be driven by orders from Kotomine Kirei.

"What does that shady priest intend by saving Uryuu Ryuunosuke? Could it be he has recognized his own repulsive nature and sympathizes with Uryuu Ryuunosuke?" Matou Shinji muttered to himself.

Saving Uryuu Ryuunosuke couldn't possibly be an order from Tohsaka Tokiomi. He had the pride of a mage and would never tolerate a serial killer running rampant in Fuyuki City.

After a brief wait, a black bat landed in Matou Shinji's hand. It was one of Matou Shinji's familiars.

"Lost them, as I expected. A few of my familiars were killed too."

The cooked duck had flown away, as Matou Shinji had anticipated. Rather than annoyance, he was more interested in the intent behind Kotomine Kirei's actions. His remaining magical energy didn't allow him to pursue Assassin.

Leaving the sewer, Matou Shinji found some tools and wrote two letters, attaching them to two familiars.

"Go to the Tohsaka residence"

"Go to the Church."

Even if he couldn't pursue Uryuu Ryuunosuke, it didn't mean Matou Shinji was powerless. Both Kotomine Kirei and Tohsaka Tokiomi were his enemies. Therefore, he didn't mind sowing discord between the two.

The letters, written in an assertive tone, embellished the events and condemned Kotomine Kirei's actions. They demanded the release of Uryuu Ryuunosuke, or else questioned the fairness of the Church.

The Holy Grail War might appear on the surface as a magic competition overseen by the Church, but it was much more than that.


In the desolate and uninhabited forest, the young priest Kotomine Kirei gazed coldly at Uryuu Ryuunosuke, lying on the ground. He tightly clenched three black keys in his right hand, furrowing his brows in contemplation.

Uryuu Ryuunosuke's right leg was completely broken, and his chest was seriously wounded. If left untreated, he would undoubtedly die. Kotomine Kirei had used simple magic to stabilize him after Berserker had risked his life to save him. If it weren't for Berserker's sacrifice, Uryuu Ryuunosuke would have perished when he triggered that magical trap.

"Why did you save this man?" Kotomine Kirei pondered the answer to this question, his brows furrowing deeper. He was deeply confused by his own impulsive actions.

"Saving him goes against the wishes of my master without a doubt. While my master does wish to eliminate him and obtain the Command Spells, he is a dignified mage who would rather not see such a scoundrel causing havoc in Fuyuki City."

"Rescuing him without permission is an undeniable act of rebellion."

"Do I have a reason for saving him?"

"Do I regret it?"

"No, that's not it. What is this feeling I'm experiencing? I've seen the depths of human hell through Assassin's eyes, yet why do I hold such an obsession with this murdering demon?"

"Now, am I feeling excitement?"

"Even Claudia's death didn't stir any emotions in me. Why does saving him make me so excited? What am I hoping for?"

"Human nature seeks pleasure."

"He said so."

"If this truly is my nature... how ironic. What have I been doing for the past twenty years? Where did the education I've received go wrong?"

A faint smile curled on Kotomine Kirei's lips, a smile that grew more eerie the deeper it became. He turned and left.

Before long, Berserker appeared, transformed into a doctor, treating Uryuu Ryuunosuke's wounds. He was currently in a weakened state, his Command Spell's magical energy entirely depleted. His spiritual body's strength had been squeezed to the limit, and he couldn't even receive magical energy from his severely injured Master.

"That man... why did you save the Master? He had the presence of a Servant around him, probably another Master," Berserker voiced his confusion regarding Kotomine Kirei's action. If Kotomine Kirei had intended to kill Uryuu Ryuunosuke earlier, he wouldn't have been able to stop him in his current weakened state.

"Cough... cough, cough... cough..."

Uryuu Ryuunosuke coughed up blood, slowly opening his eyes to see a middle-aged male doctor before him. He gave a weak smile, "Hey there, senior. Have you taken care of that guy?"

Berserker shook his head, "On the contrary, the demon with all my power was taken down by that Caster."

"I see. What a shame. He would've made for a good piece of work," Uryuu Ryuunosuke sighed with regret. He leaned back against a tree trunk, gazing vacantly at his heavily injured body. A significant amount of blood was flowing from his abdomen, his right leg was completely shattered, only connected by skin and flesh.

Yet, he smiled like a child, his expression exuberantly innocent, "Senior, I've finally found it. The color I've been longing for... the moment I felt life flowing out from within me, stepping into death, it's the best experience, the ultimate art!"

Uryuu Ryuunosuke closed his eyes, intoxicatedly murmuring as he caressed his abdominal wound. His right hand was soaked in fresh blood, "It's been here all along, always~ always~ always~ always~ always! Why didn't I notice? That guy was right. Only by experiencing it oneself can true art be created."

"Upon the cessation of the heartbeat, solace and tranquility follow."

"I want to make more people understand this art. But now, it seems impossible. This body will gradually embrace death, and this ending isn't bad at all. I can finally savor the taste of death." Uryuu Ryuunosuke sighed with a touch of regret.

Suddenly, Berserker spoke, "Master, there's a way to fulfill all your desires."


"Please use your final Command Spell to lift the seal on my Berserker class's Madness Enhancement skill."


The Church in Fuyuki City

Kotomine Kirei read the letter his father handed over and listened to the voice of Tohsaka Tokiomi from the vintage audio system, "Kirei, why did you save Berserker's Master? Your actions were reckless. The consensus among all the Masters in this Holy Grail War is to eliminate Berserker's Master. Yet you went against both my and your father's orders."

Standing behind Kotomine Kirei was the overseer of the Holy Grail War, Kotomine Risei. The elderly priest's face was rather displeased. His proud son had made a fatal mistake in this Holy Grail War.

The content of the envelope was naturally written by Matou Shinji. In essence, it was a message revealing that his familiar had observed Kotomine Kirei saving Uryuu Ryuunosuke, the one he had been pursuing. The message demanded a fair judgment from the Church.

In reality, Matou Shinji hadn't seen it, and his familiars had all been dealt with by Assassin. That was because Matou Shinji possessed God's Vision.

This was an undeniable fact.

Kotomine Kirei also didn't know what means Caster, who was Matou Shinji, had to monitor him. Faced with Matou Shinji's written accusation, he had no room for rebuttal.

The reason for saving Uryuu Ryuunosuke?

If Kotomine Kirei answered that he himself didn't know, would anyone believe such an answer?

For now, it had to be temporarily concealed.

Kotomine Kirei's face remained calm and composed, and after formulating an answer, he replied in a low voice, "Master, Caster has already repelled Berserker. If I had not intervened, Berserker would undoubtedly have been eliminated by Caster. At that time, the Matou family would have gained two additional Command Spells. Coupled with the collaboration between the Matou family and the Einzbern family's homunculi, it would have placed us in an extremely disadvantageous position."

"Kirei, is this your judgment?"

Kotomine Kirei lowered his head deeply and answered, "Yes."


A moment of silence followed, and Tohsaka Tokiomi's voice came through the speakers, "I can understand your perspective to some extent. But a mage must have the dignity of a mage. The Holy Grail War can only be carried out within the constraints of its rules. Berserker's Master is a kidnapper and murderer. I cannot tolerate such a person living in this world. His actions in Fuyuki City are a grave provocation against the Tohsaka family."

"However, even though your actions have caused trouble, they have also provided the Tohsaka family with more opportunities. Kirei, for now, I'll have you temporarily relinquish the Command Spells to your father's care. Have Assassin stand by in the church to ensure your safety. Assassin has gathered sufficient information. I won't forget your contributions."

Kotomine Kirei didn't hesitate in his response, "Understood, Master."

"Father, please announce the punishment of stripping Kirei of his Master privileges to the public, to ensure the Church's position of impartiality."

The elderly priest stepped forward, expressing remorse, "I understand. I'm sorry that my son has caused you such great trouble."

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Bro_Herocreators' thoughts
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