
Chapter 15

Within the dense fog, one couldn't see their own hand in front of them.

Matou Shinji manipulated the flyer to follow alongside the White Whale, his vision obstructed, but his Mage's Eye easily sensed the flow of magical energy within the fog, allowing him to determine the White Whale's position.

Matou Shinji turned his head and saw Reinhard, who had drawn his sword but hadn't yet attacked. He curiously asked, "Reinhard, why aren't you attacking?"

Embarrassed, Reinhard inquired, "Shinji, can you see the White Whale?"

"You can't see it?"

"Ordinary fog would be fine, but the fog emitted by the White Whale has magical properties. In such a vast area, I can't lock onto its position."

Matou Shinji joined his hands together, using alchemy to alter a portion of the flyer's structure and shoot out a red beam towards the heart of the fog.

"Follow the red light and swing your sword. This red light is locked onto its head."

"Understood, that's a big help."

Reinhard's face lit up, he raised his dragon sword and stared in the direction illuminated by the red line. The fog surged and magical energy in the atmosphere gathered around the dragon sword, its efficiency and scale surpassing conventional magic. The white fog around the flyer was violently churned.

The dragon sword emitted a faint light, transforming into a deep blue flame that suddenly surged, dispersing the nearby fog.

The sword's light pointed in the direction Matou Shinji had marked, casting a massive and blurred shadow.


The fog-filled area resonated with the White Whale's roar. It had sensed the threat of the dragon sword, abandoning its previous elusive state and swung its tail towards the edge of the fog.

"For the safety of the kingdom's people, to fulfill the obsession of the Royal Knights, and to end the lingering wishes of the Astrea family, vanish, White Whale!"

Reinhard murmured, stepping forward while raising the hundred-meter-long sword light and bringing it down. The sword light cleaved through the fog.


The fog parted, and a deafening roar burst forth. Splattering blood stained the fog crimson. The body of the white whale, several tens of meters long, was cleaved in half and fell from the sky, stirring up a cloud of dust.

The fog-filled area dissipated, and the flyer landed not far from the front half of the White Whale's body, confirming that the White Whale was dead.

Having witnessed Reinhard's sword, Matou Shinji had a rough understanding of his power. He recognized that without preparation, he might have let the White Whale escape, not to mention wiping it out in one go.

Reinhard extended his hand to touch the White Whale's body, his gaze complex. It seemed like he had let go of a burden. He turned back and, with his usual grin, revealed a warm and friendly smile, "The White Whale's body can be left here. Passing merchants will notify the kingdom's knights when they see it. Let's quickly meet up with Lady Emilia."

Matou Shinji also used alchemy to collect some of the White Whale's flesh, intending to research it later.

The two returned to the flyer. Curious, Matou Shinji asked, "Aside from your duties as a knight, do you have any other connection to this creature called the White Whale?"

"Yes, a predecessor of the Astrea family, who was also a Sword Saint, was devoured by this White Whale. For someone like me, who carries the name of the Astrea family, it's akin to a natural enemy."


In the dead of night, Matou Shinji used his Mage's Eye to locate the positions of the Witch Cult members. The Witch Cult had already infiltrated the forest not far from the village, numbering in the hundreds.

Matou Shinji found the necessary route the Witch Cult would take to attack the village and set up numerous magical traps along it.

During this time, Matou Shinji confirmed the positions of more Witch Cult members through Ram's ability to sense animals. He continuously revised the counterattack plan.

The night quickly passed, and morning arrived. The village market was just opening, bustling with a group of visiting merchants who greeted the villagers warmly and exchanged goods.

After the events of the previous night, Matou Shinji quietly used alchemy to inspect the merchants' carriages.

"None of the Witch Cult members who were supposed to die in the explosion actually died."

"For the sake of their own safety, it's likely that the Witch Cult attacked the village after the explosion. In other words, before the villagers noticed the Witch Cult's presence, someone had quietly delivered items that would cause an explosion into the village."

"The process didn't attract the villagers' attention."

Matou Shinji sensed a strong aura of fire magic and discovered that nearly every carriage had a faintly glowing fire magic stone placed on it.

"Fire magic stones are the crystallization of fire attribute magic. Their nature is very unstable. They could potentially trigger an explosion if stimulated by external magical energy or a violent impact."

"It's the perfect opportunity to give them a taste of their own medicine."

Matou Shinji's mouth curled into a mischievous smile. He discreetly used alchemy to replace the fire magic stones with regular stones, then used these fire magic stones to enhance the magical traps around the outskirts of the village.

In this world, Reinhard was essentially the bald cape-crusader from "One Punch Man."

According to the novel's description, although he couldn't kill the Envy Witch Satella due to compatibility issues, she also couldn't harm him.

In terms of strength alone, Reinhard was even stronger than the Envy Witch Satella.

Aside from dying of old age, there was practically no way to defeat him.


Evening, a cave built of stones, and a tall, slender figure emerged. With fervor in their tone, they proclaimed to the approaching person, "You've arrived just in time, beloved disciple."

"I am the Archbishop of the Great Sin of the Witch Cult, holding the office of Sloth, named Petelgeuse Romanée-Conti!"

"Now, following the guidance of the Gospel, I am conducting the trial of the vessel!"

Matou Shinji examined the familiar Archbishop of Sloth before him, approaching with the continuing aura of a witch. Smiling, he said, "Petelgeuse, Archbishop of Sloth of the Witch Cult."

"Ha!" The Archbishop's eyes brightened, clapping his hands against his face in both surprise and disbelief. He murmured, "You... you... you're Pride!?"


Using alchemy at close range, he activated invisible blades of wind that tore apart the Archbishop's body. Before falling, the skull-faced Archbishop still exhibited a mix of surprise and confusion.

"The Gospel, still incomprehensible. I'll have to ask Betty or Roswaal about the language someday." Matou Shinji retrieved the Gospel from his pocket after putting an end to the Archbishop of Sloth.

Upon entering the forest, Matou Shinji would be welcomed by the Witch Cult members. The hideout of the Archbishop of Sloth was extracted from the witch cult members.

No need for further words, everything was arranged.

Soon, near the village, the forest echoed with deafening explosions. This indicated that the Witch Cult members were preparing to attack the village, triggering the magic traps set by Matou Shinji.

"Now is not the time to relax."

Having dealt with the Archbishop of Sloth, Matou Shinji flew to the sky, overlooking the forest where the Witch Cult was hiding. He poured a substantial amount of magic into his witch's eye, enhancing its abilities and searching for the witch cult members' auras. He transmitted information to Reinhard and the others using their shared sense of consciousness.

"Ram, take control of the traders who entered the village this morning. If necessary, eliminate them discreetly. Even momentary hesitation could put the village and Emilia in danger."


"Reinhard, you can move now. The Archbishop of Sloth possessed the ability to take over followers' bodies. I killed his original form, but his consciousness has transferred to a witch cult member in the southwest of the village. Don't let him get close to the village, and also, don't move too far from it."

"I'm going now!"

"Rem, the witch cult's main force has been eradicated by the magic traps in the forest. Go and deal with any remaining stragglers. Remember to use the method I taught you to detect traps, and stay calm after activating your demon mode."

"Yes, Lord Shinji."

"Emilia, without Puck, your strength is reduced. The Witch Cult is targeting you. I need you to organize the villagers to gather in the center of the village."

"Got it."

Under Matou Shinji's command, Reinhard and Rem easily destroyed the Witch Cult's preparations for attack, coordinating with the forest's magic traps.

Matou Shinji patrolled the sky, using magic to dispatch Witch Cult members while focusing mainly on command. He was particularly vigilant about the witch cult member possessed by the Archbishop of Sloth.

Only Matou Shinji and Reinhard had the capability to deal with the Archbishop of Sloth, so they needed to proceed with caution. Matou Shinji didn't want to reload his save again.

In fact, with Reinhard's strength, it was akin to starting the game with a fully geared, max-level character on his team. Even if the other teammates were bronze-ranked or mere actors, it didn't matter much.

Half an hour passed, and the Witch Cult's preparations to attack the village were easily thwarted.

After confirming there were no survivors, Matou Shinji descended from the sky to a corner of the forest. He had specifically instructed Reinhard to handle the Archbishop of Sloth.

On the ground, Reinhard stood ready with a steel sword in hand, next to a severely wounded witch cult member whose limbs had been severed. The Archbishop of Sloth was leaning over him, seemingly feeling no pain, laughing manically.

Relieved when he saw Matou Shinji, Reinhard walked over and asked with concern, "Shinji, is it over?"

"I can't sense any witch cult members nearby. I can confirm that all those involved in this attack are dead."

With a fierce expression, the Archbishop of Sloth glared at Matou Shinji, "You... what kind of person are you? Despite having such a strong aura of favor, why did you obstruct the trial? Incomprehension, mystery, resentment, who exactly are you?"

"I made a deal with her." Matou Shinji crouched down, gazing into the eyes of the Archbishop of Sloth.

"Her? You mean the witch? A deal? Can you... can you see her?"

"Petelgeuse Romanée-Conti, now it's my turn to ask."

"Hahaha... clearly being favored, clearly being cared for, being loved! Loved! Loved! Loved! Love! Love! Love! Love! And yet, you don't reciprocate the witch. You, truly embody Sloth." The Archbishop of Sloth laughed manically, his expression frozen in detachment as he continued, "In that case, let diligent me replace you."

Matou Shinji's pupils contracted sharply as a cold sensation rushed into his body, his consciousness under strong impact.

Could this guy's ability also affect non-witch cult members!?

Pure white space, three grand stone doors stood, one white, adorned with the Tree of Life from Kabbalah, one pitch-black, exuding a strong witch's aura, and the last, the most grand and ancient.

The Archbishop of Sloth stood bewildered in the center of the three stone doors.

"Where is this!? My ability has already been activated! I should have taken over that guy's body! Why am I here?"


The stone door carved with the Tree of Life of Kabbalah opened with a thunderous roar, revealing a giant eye that locked onto the Archbishop of Sloth. Black tendrils oozed from the eye, binding his body and slowly pulling him inside.

"Incomprehension! Mystery! Displeasure! Injustice! Diligent me should have been loved!" The Archbishop of Sloth stared at the eye behind the door, roaring in madness.

The door symbolizing Matou Shinji's Truth closed with a resounding thud, and the pure white world returned to tranquility.

"Shinji!" Reinhard hurriedly stepped forward, looking at Matou Shinji with concern.

From the moment the Archbishop of Sloth invaded Matou Shinji's consciousness to being devoured by the Truth's door, in reality, only a second had passed.

Matou Shinji shook his head, "It's fine. The Archbishop's consciousness transferred onto me."

Reinhard anxiously asked, "Consciousness transfer? This can't be brushed aside as 'fine.' Are you really okay?"

"I've long set up precautionary measures against such abilities in my mental realm. His consciousness has been obliterated." Matou Shinji felt a bit regretful that he couldn't extract useful information from the Archbishop of Sloth.

Matou Shinji had opened gates in the world of "Fullmetal Alchemist." He had connected his mental realm with his own Truth's door, so his defense against consciousness invasion wasn't something improvised. This measure was prepared by Matou Shinji in the Type-Moon world to summon Servants through possession. Unexpectedly, it came into play now, when the Holy Grail War wasn't involved.


As the eyes opened, the realization of the situation dawned, the body immersed in viscous green liquid, as if returning to a fetal state. Able to sense the presence of the body but unable to move well, even wiggling a finger required tremendous effort.

"The memories from the world of 'Re:Zero' have returned... Damn it, powerful abilities are truly rubbish. Spoilers are the way to go. I clearly entered with the knowledge and abilities of a mage and an alchemist, and yet, after that story point, the evaluation I received was only barely passable. It means that what I did is roughly equivalent to the original protagonist, Subaru Natsuki."

"The evaluation hasn't increased or decreased. I paid the price with experience points. Although I have the ability to load saves, using that ability would inevitably lower the rating. In the world of 'Re:Zero,' what's lacking most isn't power, it's information."

"Whatever, since that world's story has ended briefly, even if I'm unwilling, there's no use dwelling on it. It's better to consider the current situation."

"'Fate/Apocrypha,' one of the Type-Moon worlds. The magic I learned from 'Fate/Zero' can be put to good use here."

"The Holy Grail War, seven Servants against seven Servants."

"Now, my body is..."

"A Homunculus."

Closing my eyes, I activated the magic circuits inside me. After completely understanding my body's condition, I couldn't help but have the urge to curse.

"Rubbish, what kind of nonsense is this Homunculus technology? Even if it's trash, it should have some degree of quality, right? There are plenty of magic circuits, but the quality is abysmal, and the life force is weak. The lifespan is probably only a few years at most."


"Activate the magic circuits."

"System, link."

"Fundamental fusion, secondary adjustment."

"Structural analysis."

"Circuit enhancement."




My consciousness sank into a world of colorful splendor, surrounded by creatures that seemed real yet unreal. Looking around, I saw a vast network of light paths extending deep into space. Upon touching them, my consciousness was instantly caught in a massive whirlpool of awareness, and countless whispers echoed in my ears.

"We wait..."

"We wait..."

"We must reach the other shore."


"Recreate the miracle of the Third Magic."

"Winter's Saint."

"Holy Grail War."




It felt like being in a cinema, watching a lengthy and uninteresting film narrating the thousand-year-old aspiration of the Einzbern family. Generation after generation of Homunculi were discarded, and ultimately, it was the Winter Saint, Justeaze Lizrich von Einzbern, who vanished on the other end of light, becoming the foundation of the Holy Grail system as she sacrificed herself.

Everything concluded.

My consciousness arrived in a strange world, a sea of flowers in full bloom, with countless colors blanketing the earth and a deep blue sky stretching to the horizon. Faint radiance adorned the scene, warming my awareness.

Within the dreamlike sea of flowers stood a silver-haired woman, her appearance bearing a strong resemblance to Irisviel. She wore a white robe befitting of a celestial being, her eyes vacant as she stared at the stranger who had intruded, causing ripples to form.

"Who are you?"

"Matou... that name no longer applies. Call me Hall." Hall smiled gently, his name derived from "Homunculus," also having an alternate translation as "Homunculus."

In this world, the Matou family had completely fallen, and it seemed Matou Zouken had been dealt with. But to avoid complications, there was no need to cling to that name.

"Hall? Why are you using the Einzbern family's magic and the Third Magic?"

"The Holy Grail, or rather, Winter's Saint, Justeaze Lizrich von Einzbern."

"The consciousness of the Winter's Saint is no longer here. I am the consciousness of the Holy Grail."

Hall shrugged and opened up a portion of his memory within his consciousness: "It seems a bit different from what I know. In that case, please connect with my consciousness. It'll be quicker to access my memories."

The Holy Grail's consciousness touched Hall's, witnessing the events of the Fourth Holy Grail War in another world. In that world, the Holy Grail system was tainted, rendering the Third Magic impossible. And then, to halt the corrupted Grail, the one who reshaped the Holy Grail system was the mage standing before him.

The vacant look in the Holy Grail's eyes shifted slightly.


"In another world... the evils of this world. So that's it. A mage from a parallel world, undertaking such a distant journey. Are you still pursuing the Holy Grail?"

"The duty of the Holy Grail is to respond to the one who seeks it."

"What I offer in exchange is the essence of Caster. As a trade-off, I can help you construct and perfect the Holy Grail system."

"The Holy Grail won't favor anyone or any side."

"If the Winter's Saint, Justeaze Lizrich von Einzbern, has already agreed, this isn't favoritism. It's merely the proper function of the Holy Grail, in my opinion. I think the Holy Grail War system isn't quite mature yet, and it's still possible to reach a meaningless conclusion."

After pondering for a while, the consciousness of the Holy Grail nodded. "Agreed."


The Holy Grail War. Though originally a novel, it was actually an abandoned concept for a multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game.

Refining the rules of the Holy Grail War was also quite simple—designing it with the rules of a MOBA game wouldn't go wrong.

Hall went ahead and integrated the renowned MOBA game "League of Legends" rules into the Holy Grail War.

This Holy Grail War revolved around three main rules.

Rule One: Defeating an opponent's Servant rewards you with a Command Seal.

Rule Two: Defeating three Knights (Barracks) of the opponent's forces rewards the victor with priority participation in subsequent Holy Grail Wars.

Rule Three: Destroying the opponent's core system (Base) cuts off all magical supply.

While it had its flaws, it was still better than the dry seven Servants against seven Servants approach.


What is a Heroic Spirit?

A Heroic Spirit is merely data recorded outside the world, lacking inherent meaning. Summoning a Servant or a Heroic Spirit involves extracting the data of the Heroic Spirit and placing it within a container for summoning.

In simpler terms, the Servant's compatible vessel provided by the Holy Grail is the hardware, and the Heroic Spirit is the software.

Now, Hall's own strength could easily rival a Heroic Spirit's. He inherited all the magical knowledge of Von Hohenheim Paracelsus and also learned some primal rune knowledge from the Queen of the Land of Shadows, Scáthach. Even among all the Servants with Caster adaptability, he stood at the absolute top.

Hall possessed data quality on par with that of a Heroic Spirit. What he lacked was a container—a Servant's vessel—where he could harness the abilities within that data.


"Behold! This is the proud accomplishment of my Homunculus technology. They are all Homunculi with magic circuits. With their presence, there's no need to worry about excessive mana consumption by the Masters." The bulky mage, Hall, walked past the cultivation tank, stretching out his arms in self-satisfaction.

The long-haired mage by his side replied indifferently, "Indeed, Gold, continue creating more Homunculi. This way, the Servants can freely use their Noble Phantasms."

Both of these individuals were Masters on the side of the Black Faction.

Hall recognized their identities and maintained the appearance of a sleeping Homunculus, not attracting any attention.

Once a mage noticed anything unusual about him, the most likely outcome would be being dissected for research.


Another day, the mage stood before a Homunculus cultivation tank, recording something while instructing the Homunculus beside him, "Homunculus No. 18 is showing signs of organ failure. Remove it and discard it."

"Understood," the Homunculus by his side replied calmly.


For a continuous week, Hall had been observing the movements outside the cultivation tanks.

"I've nearly grasped the operational patterns of this Homunculus factory. It's time to take action."

Submerged in the greenish liquid, Hall carefully manipulated his fragile magic circuits, releasing the mana converted from his life force over the past few days in one go.

"Magic circuits, activate to the maximum!"

"Flow adjustment begins!"


Click... Click...

The glass of the cultivation tank shattered with a resounding crash, and the greenish liquid burst out, leaving Hall's body unsupported and weakly kneeling on the ground. He gasped heavily, his Homunculus body being so fragile that even breathing air caused fiery pain in his lungs.

"Heh... huff... huff... Compared to using magic circuits excessively, this damn body hasn't even stepped out of the cultivation tank. So fragile and pitiful."

Surveying his surroundings, he was in a spacious and dim underground room, with dozens of identical Homunculus cultivation tanks placed within, all connected by tubes, giving off a sci-fi vibe that sent shivers down one's spine.

In the world of mage, ethics had no place; using living beings for magical research was common sense.

Hall lowered his gaze to his emaciated body and muttered, "I've been observing their behavioral patterns for these days. An hour later, a mage will come down to check on the Homunculi's condition. That should be enough time to complete all the rituals myself..."

Hall struggled to stand up, took a few steps, and then gasped for breath. Leaning against an abandoned Homunculus cultivation tank, his gaze turned to the corner of the basement, where a pile of discarded Homunculus corpses lay like a small mountain, evoking a hint of pity in his eyes.

These Homunculi lacked adaptability, or perhaps their life force had been completely drained. They were like disposable items, their value exhausted after a single use, destined to be sent to a landfill for disposal the next day.

But in Hall's eyes, these discarded Homunculus corpses were the best materials to complete his Homunculus body through alchemical means.


Hall stepped on the glass shards on the ground, and a large gash was immediately cut open on his right foot. Accustomed to the pain, he couldn't help but curse at the shoddy mage technology used to create Homunculi.

Fresh blood mixed with the greenish liquid as Hall approached the pile of discarded Homunculus bodies. Clasping his hands together, he squeezed out the remaining mana and life force from his body, initiating alchemy.

Crackle... Crackle...

The blood flowing from his foot formed a transmutation array. The bodies of all the discarded Homunculi emitted patterns of light, illuminating the dim basement, each pattern representing their magic circuits.

Hall's intention was to transfer these magic circuits into his own body. Otherwise, in his current state, fusing with his Servant's spiritual core would likely result in self-destruction.

"These discarded Homunculi possess echoes of the Einzbern family's Homunculus technology. They share the same origin. Transferring their magic circuits for my use shouldn't be too troublesome."

Hall took a deep breath. "Let's begin."

"Magic circuits, connect."

"Concept, unify."

"Mana synchronization."




Hall chanted a low incantation while his body emitted countless dense patterns of light. In contrast, the light patterns on the bodies of the discarded Homunculi weakened gradually. Meanwhile, Hall's body was covered in numerous intricate lines, starting from his body and spreading to his face, then extending deeper into his eyes.

Suddenly, Hall's right eye radiated a silver-white light, like a vast universe.

With excitement, Hall laughed, "The power of Origin Awakening is still here!"

In the Type-Moon world, Matou Shinji's Origin had long awakened. This was an unchangeable fact, even if he were to replace his body. The Mage's Eye symbolized Hall's Origin, the bound existence of his soul.

As the characteristics of the Mage's Eye revealed themselves, Matou Shinji's control over mana experienced a leap in evolution. The dense light patterns covering his body rapidly receded, returning to their normal state.

Hall clenched his right hand, feeling his strength recovering significantly. The Mage's Eye analyzed his body, evaluating the magic circuits: "While these magic circuits might not match Irisviel's, they're far superior to Matou Shinji's original body. They should be on the same level as Rin, at least. That's sufficient."

Next, Hall used alchemy to transmute the piled-up Homunculus corpses into blood essence and drew a summoning circle for a Servant.

Standing at the center of the summoning circle, Hall didn't need to chant an incantation. This ritual wasn't meant to summon a Servant, but to obtain the Caster-class spiritual core from the Holy Grail, using his mana and the connection with the Grail system.

Radiance converged, and potent mana flowed into Hall's body. With the completion of the Homunculus ritual, his body was a perfect vessel. This process was simpler than possessing a summoned body.

Caster's spiritual core was formless, much like a blank canvas awaiting Hall's creativity.

As the light subsided, a handsome silver-haired youth stepped out of the summoning circle, a faint smile playing on his lips.

Through Caster's spiritual core, Hall had reshaped his own body, drawing from the Einzbern family's Homunculus technology and supplemented by alchemical body modification. He was both a Servant and a complete Homunculus.

"The Einzbern family's Homunculus technology is still quite useful." Hall sighed in a low voice, his consciousness delving into the spiritual core information he had just formed.

Name: Hall Monks

Class: Caster

Gender: Male

Height: 175cm

Weight: 60kg

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Hidden Alignment: Beast

Strength: C

Endurance: C

Agility: C

Mana: B+

Luck: C

Noble Phantasm: A+

[Class Skills]

Territory Creation: A

Item Construction: B

Presence Concealment: C

[Personal Skills]

Primordial Rune: A

High-Speed Chanting: B

Elemental Spirits: A

Philosopher's Stone: B-B+

[Noble Phantasm]

Tree of Life, Primordial Truth (Etz haChayim)

Rank: A+

Type: Anti-World Noble Phantasm

Range: -

Maximum Number of Targets: 999 people

More than a simple destructive Noble Phantasm, when activated, it briefly touches the roots of the world, controlling and trimming reality.

Can turn the illusory into reality, and the real into illusion.

The greater the impact on reality, the more mana it requires.

Its essence is an extension of the Third Sorcery, an ultimate magic on par with the Holy Grail system."

Hall's attributes weren't exceptional. Attribute allocation wasn't about being stronger the higher they were, as stronger attributes demanded more mana. Within the premise of enhancing his qualities through magic, attributes at the C-level were most suitable.


In the dimly lit artificial Homunculus cultivation chamber, the portly mage hurried to the shattered cultivation tank, staring in astonishment at the broken glass on the ground. "How could the Homunculi gain self-awareness and escape from the cultivation tank? Impossible! They are disposable creations, designed solely to extract magical energy."

Behind him, a long-haired mage leaned on his staff and spoke calmly, "Gold, I've already confirmed with the Holy Grail system. The Black Faction's Caster has been summoned. Don't you find the timing too coincidental?"

Gold wiped the cold sweat off his forehead with a handkerchief from his pocket. "Lord Domnique, are you suggesting that the Homunculi managed to summon a Caster-class Servant and then escape?"

"The Holy Grail responds to those who desire it. Regardless, the fact that a Servant not aligned with our Black Faction has been summoned is a reality. Undoubtedly, it will greatly weaken the strength of our Yggdmillennia clan. Gold, you are responsible for creating the Homunculi, and the blame for this incident also falls on you. Retrieve the escaped Homunculus."

With that, Domnique turned and left the Homunculus cultivation area.

Gold glared hatefully at the shattered cultivation tank, grinding his teeth in frustration. "Damn it! Those mere tools dared to cause me such trouble. Assassin, go and bring back that Homunculus. Be careful not to kill him and confirm whether he has become the Master of a Caster."

From a vacant spot behind Gold, a calm and elderly voice sounded, "Understood. However, destruction is my specialty. If the opponent has a Servant, it's inevitable that I might be too heavy-handed."

"In any case, don't kill him. Just bring him back. Hurry! The barriers haven't responded yet, indicating that he can't have gone far."


Hall left the underground chamber, changed into a white mage robe, and found a quiet spot to unfold a magic circle for absorbing mana and creating the Philosopher's Stone.

"This is the place where the Great Holy Grail system is buried, the center of the leyline. While most of the magical energy is absorbed by the Great Holy Grail system, the overflow is enough to sustain this magical fortress."

As the magic circle formed at his feet, Hall extended his right hand. Magic converged in his palm, and he extracted and imbued the concept of the Philosopher's Stone into it. Soon, he created a high-purity Philosopher's Stone the size of a fingernail.

A high-purity Philosopher's Stone could serve as both a crystallization of mana and a foundation for creating elemental spirits.

Satisfied with the translucent Philosopher's Stone, Hall tightly gripped it. His Mage's Eye emitted a radiant light, and he chanted an incantation in a low voice, "Wind, reside here and manifest."

Infusing mana, granting the concept, constructing consciousness.

When he opened his palm again, the Philosopher's Stone was nowhere to be seen.

"Although without Tohsaka's guidance, the magic and alchemy I learned from Tohsaka might be reduced by a grade, the high-purity Philosopher's Stone compensates for that."


With the command given, a gentle breeze lifted around Hall, spreading to every corner of the castle, surveying the terrain and gathering information.

Conversations between mages and Homunculi within the castle reached Hall's ears. As expected, the Yggdmillennia clan had detected the abnormalities in the underground Homunculus factory and was now conducting an extensive search.

"This doesn't make sense. Is the escape of a single Homunculus worth such a fuss from the Yggdmillennia clan? The fact that even the Grand Barrier is activated indicates that it's not just for the purpose of dealing with Servant-level combatants. It requires an immense consumption of mana and wouldn't be activated lightly."

Linked with the wind elemental spirit, Hall's Mage's Eye allowed him to clearly sense every detail within the castle. Frowning, he stepped out from his hiding place and quickly left.

With the wind elemental spirit's reconnaissance ability, regardless of how many mages and Homunculi the Yggdmillennia clan deployed for the search, it would be futile. Hall foresaw their movements and could always avoid guards to find a way out of the castle.

"Since even the Grand Barrier has been activated, the Yggdmillennia clan's Masters must have dispatched their Servants to search for me. I mustn't be careless."

Drawing from the experience of the previous Holy Grail War, Hall didn't believe this war would unfold without any changes. If the Servants the Yggdmillennia clan summoned are the same as in the original story, then there's no need to worry about any of them possessing the ability to find me.

But if not, the greatest threat would be Assassin. The advanced level of Presence Concealment would render even the wind elemental spirit unable to detect them.

Hall easily left the castle. It was nighttime, and a slender crescent moon adorned the night sky. Before him lay a ruin of structures, covered by lush greenery—crumbling walls and debris now blanketed in a vibrant carpet of nature.

Seemingly tranquil but harboring danger, invisible waves of magical energy spread like ripples. Any insects or birds that ventured here would be instantly crushed by the potent magical fluctuations.

"From a mage's perspective, this is quite a sophisticated magical trap."

Hall strolled into the thicket. Magic held no meaning before his Mage's Eye, as he effortlessly deciphered the formula of the magical barrier with a single glance. He then invaded its interior and reshaped it for his own use.

The ripples that spread across the grass automatically avoided Hall, not triggering the defensive mechanisms of the castle's barrier.

Located deep within a mountain, the Yggdmillennia castle was surrounded by an eerie and ominous forest. The towering canopy obscured all moonlight, casting the surroundings into pitch-black darkness.

Although there was no trace of magical energy in the forest, Hall's brows furrowed, and he halted. Gazing into the depths of the woods, he sensed something amiss.

Despite being nighttime, not even the sounds of insects could be heard. Yet the lack of magical energy was also notable. The only explanation was the presence of a Servant.

As the wind elemental spirit attempted to explore the forest, it encountered an eerie repulsion, quickly weakening and fading away.

"While I could fly over, that would make me an easy target for Archer. And flying over might not help me evade the forest's anomalies."

After a brief hesitation, Hall stepped into the heart of the forest. His body suddenly stiffened, and his eyes reflected an expression of disbelief.

It wasn't magic that affected the forest, nor was it a barrier or bounded field. It was something even deeper, the foundation of the concept of a magical barrier.

Hall was quite familiar with this sensation. He had experienced something similar when he entered the Shadow Lands.

This forest had become its own "world."


Creating a world required at least an A-rank Territory Creation skill, and it demanded extremely high qualifications from the summoner.

As Hall struggled to believe his senses, a disturbance abruptly occurred.

Creak... Creak...

Numerous skeletons crawled out of the muddy ground, wielding swords and shields. Their crimson eyes fixed on Hall. The depths of the forest revealed ethereal, floating white shadows, whispering nearly inaudibly and assaulting Hall's consciousness.

They were a collective of undead and grudges.

Hall finally understood what this new world before him truly was.

"The Underworld!"

And then, only one Servant came to mind as the ruler of the Underworld.

"What's going on? Even in a large-scale Holy Grail War like this, she's not a Heroic Spirit; she's a goddess. If she's been summoned, it's impossible for her to possess the power to create a separate world, to establish the Underworld. If it's a possession summoning, the Yggdmillennia clan lacks qualified mages or Homunculi."


The presence of undead and grudges within Hall's sight was not particularly threatening. He could easily handle them with magic. What concerned Hall was the significance of the phenomenon itself.

The world of the forest was entirely distinct from the real world. The presence of the undead resembled a natural phenomenon in this world.

However, the appearance of the undead meant that the "Underworld" itself was not yet fully constructed. The goddess ruling the Underworld had a penchant for confining the undead within her prison, and she would not let them roam freely.

Walking through the deep forest, Hall used the undead as materials to create a magical curtain, concealing his aura and protecting himself from the intrusion of the undead.

"The Yggdmillennia castle is surrounded by the Underworld. To enter or leave, one must step onto the territory of the Underworld. This place has become a world-class fortress. Even Gold won't be able to defeat a goddess in the Underworld."

"Fortunately, this is just a prototype of the world. The rules of the Underworld are still in an ambiguous state, so I can act cautiously without being noticed."

Walking in the dark forest, Hall's thoughts were disrupted by the presence of the Underworld. Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of him.

Without knowing when the figure had appeared or how it had approached, a tall and thin person stood before Hall. With the left hand behind his back, the other hand clenched into a fist and pressed against Hall's chest.


Hall's pupils contracted like needles, a chilling aura of death enveloped him. His heart stopped suddenly, and his magical circuits activated, covering his body.

There was no sign of building up strength, yet the fist lightly touched Hall's body.


The ground shattered by a tremendous force. Hall felt like he had been hit by a high-speed train racing at 300 kilometers per hour. His vision blurred as his body was thrown dozens of meters backward, breaking several trees on impact. Magic surged uncontrollably within him.

A Servant!

Struggling to get up from the ground, Hall's face turned pale. He spat out blood mixed with bits of internal organs. His body was covered in dense light patterns, and even though his body was protected by magic, his chest was still dented by the punch, and the magical energy was continuously dispelling the strange energy.

The force of the punch was perfectly controlled, hitting Hall without damaging vital organs.

"They indeed sent a Servant to pursue me! What was that attack just now? No warning at all. Is it Assassin?" Hall took a deep breath, using his right hand to press on the wound in his chest. A blue shimmering light covered him, healing his injuries.

Scanning with his Mage's Eye, Hall saw no signs of an enemy in the forest. Not even traces were left behind.

"Gone, but not due to an aura concealment."

Indeed, the advanced level of aura concealment could even render one's body transparent, but aura concealment was a tiered skill that left behind traces of magical energy usage. Even if Hall couldn't find the opponent, he could deduce that the opponent was nearby.

Hall's situation was different. The opponent's presence disappeared completely, and there was no trace left even after the surprise attack.

There was only one inherent skill that possessed such capabilities!

"Territory Creation!" Hall said with a grim expression, spitting out blood. The taste of iron rust spread in his mouth, his mood heavy.

[Territory Creation]: A technique that uses aura to perceive the surroundings and makes one's presence disappear. Masters of this technique can even merge with nature, becoming one with the surroundings. As this skill integrates the "energy" within the body with nature, before the "energy" within the body transforms into an attack, it's impossible to perceive the person even if you touch them.

This skill could be described as achieving unity with heaven and humanity, and only those who have mastered martial arts to an extreme level could grasp it.

And then, there were only a few Servants possessing this inherent skill. Among them, the highest-ranking was Assassin, Li Shuwen.

He was the type of Servant Hall least wanted to face.

Not to mention Hall, even Gilgamesh, who was known as the Servant Killer and possessed prototypes of all Noble Phantasms, faced the same issue. Even with the presence concealment of Assassin Li Shuwen, it was impossible.

"Why can the Holy Grail's foundation summon Eastern Servants?"

"No, even Gilgamesh is considered an Eastern Servant. I can only assume that the Holy Grail's foundation has been altered." Hall quickly drew runic symbols in the air with his hand, and after concealing the traces of magic, an additional transparent barrier formed around him.

The forest was deep, and danger was everywhere.

After a short silence, an old man dressed in a red robe suddenly appeared and praised Hall with a smile hidden behind his old-fashioned sunglasses. "To withstand my punch unscathed and to be such an interesting opponent, participating in the Holy Grail War might not be all bad."

"To have a hole punched through my chest isn't exactly being unscathed."

Hall observed the Assassin in front of him. The Asian appearance, dressed in Qing dynasty-style clothing, was simple. His white hair framed a somewhat fierce face. If he held an erhu, he would perfectly resemble A Bing.

Divine Spear, No Second Strike, Li Shuwen!

If they also summoned Grand Archer, they could form a complete erhu ensemble.

Assassin casually said, "Surrendering without resistance is not my style. Go back with me to meet my Master, the one who fled. Your aura is no different from ours. Although you possess the same characteristics as a Homunculus, you are a Servant. Surrender willingly, or I cannot guarantee that I'll control the force of my punch. In this war, even if one is killed in battle, there should be no complaints."

The appearance of the unassuming old man was in stark contrast to his assassination abilities, which far exceeded those of a traditional Assassin. The "Territory Creation" ensured he remained undiscovered, and his Noble Phantasm "No Second Strike" was self-explanatory—a single strike was enough to kill, no need for a second.

Under such conditions, he even possessed combat abilities comparable to that of the Saber-class Heroic Spirit, Beowulf.

To put it simply, Assassin was a top-tier Servant. Even Hall, who was the level of a Faker, would find it hard. His flight speed was limited as he wasn't a Rider-class, and it was difficult to escape from Assassin, who possessed an Agility parameter of A+.

"Surrendering without resistance is not my style," Hall replied as he stood up. His magical circuits connected through his body, enhancing his attributes by one level.

Assassin smirked, "One must be self-aware and know their limits. Only then can one avoid foolish decisions."

"Limitations are for humans, not for me."

An unconventional Caster met an unconventional Assassin.


Hall's body vanished from its original position in an instant. However, he wasn't rushing toward Assassin. He was heading deeper into the heart of the primordial forest.

This was the "Underworld." Hall's magic might be suppressed to some extent here. Additionally, defeating Assassin here would be meaningless, and it might even attract the attention of the goddess ruling the Underworld.

His hemorrhoids were acting up again, causing excruciating pain.

His thoughts were disrupted, his mind blank, and he struggled to even formulate a single word.


[Eight Extremities Fist] and [Territory Creation], the two major cheat abilities in the Type-Moon universe.

No need for much explanation about the [Eight Extremities Fist]. It's the signature martial art of Kotomine Kirei and Tohsaka Rin. They claim to have only scratched the surface of its depth, yet they have achieved remarkable combat records.

[Territory Creation], even more terrifying than EX-ranked aura concealment. EX-ranked aura concealment only achieves transparency, and skilled mage can still perceive traces of magical energy and even touch it.

A-ranked [Territory Creation] cannot be sensed, leaving no traces of magical energy, and even touching it won't reveal its presence.

"Mushroom, you're boasting about the Eight Extremities Fist! This is too much, clearly an Assassin, yet his frontal combat abilities are on par with a Berserker." Hall, with a solemn face, navigated through the forest. All the magic circuits in his body were activated, channeling magic into his Mystic Eyes for high-speed calculations, locating the Assassin in his [Territory Creation] state.

Hall's feet didn't touch the ground. His speed barely matched a C-ranked attribute, but his advantage lay in agility and terrain independence. While retreating, he activated magic to lock onto the Assassin rapidly closing in.


Two magic circles unfolded, shooting two streams of magic towards Assassin, intersecting to block his movement.

Assassin leapt into the air, using the giant tree trunks to move freely. The streams of magic cut down dozens of trees, but they couldn't keep up with his pace.

"Magic is suppressed by the rules of the Underworld. Not to mention, magic can't lock onto an Assassin in [Territory Creation] state." Hall sighed helplessly, watching Assassin approach. He dispelled the magic, channeling magic to enhance his physical body.

Two figures crossed in the air, the magic-enhanced fists and the fists infused with inner strength collided, producing the deafening roar of cannon fire. Their bodies recoiled, then advanced again. They exchanged blows more than a hundred times in a minute. Dust exploded, and the skeletal undead on the ground were shattered by the chaotic magic currents before they could understand what was happening.

Hall struggled to keep up with Assassin through the power of his Mystic Eyes, predicting his movements and intercepting in advance. Assassin often didn't stick to conventional methods of attack, constantly changing his strikes and techniques.

Assassin exclaimed with enthusiasm, "What a delight! Although it's not martial arts, your boxing and kicking skills are impressive!"

Wherever they went, ancient giant trees fell. Hall's body landed on the ground, and he looked up to see a shadow attacking. He crossed his arms to defend, channeling magic to form a defensive barrier in his hands' light paths.


His arms blocked Assassin's flying kick, causing the ground to rupture. Hall's body was blasted into the mud below.

"Damn, this strength is like a curse. It can disrupt magical properties and dissolve magic."

Blue lightning flickered as Hall, enduring the intense pain in his arms, controlled magic to form a circle, launching alchemy. The soil beneath him turned into rocks and thrust out.

However, just like before, Assassin effortlessly destroyed the thousands of stone spears. The rocks were as soft as tofu under his fist.

Dust obscured their vision, and Hall attempted to escape using this cover.


His Mystic Eyes detected the flow of force, and Assassin's fist already sealed the path Hall intended to escape through.

"I've locked onto your qi movements. Even if I can't see you, I can sense every move you make." Assassin's voice deepened as the force shifted from yin to yang. The ability's effect to negate magical properties was replaced with increased power. He threw a punch with a roar akin to a tiger's, shattering hundreds of stone spears.

In the surging dust, a flash of a sword followed. Hall, wielding twin swords in both hands, lunged forward. The tips of the swords clashed with the fist.

Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang!

Sparks burst, yet Assassin's fist barely felt the sword's impact. Instead, the sword couldn't withstand the immense punch and snapped in two.

The sword wasn't a Noble Phantasm, nor was it enhanced with magic like Hall's spells. It was merely a mundane object made from metal extracted from the earth, thus incapable of harming a Servant.

"Continuing like this won't work. Am I going to be forced to use a Noble Phantasm?"

After some probing, Hall gave up on the idea of engaging Assassin head-on. He sought an opportunity to repel Assassin with magic. He began a high-speed incantation for spatial magic, shifting several hundred meters away.

If the effect of the Underworld's rules hadn't limited the magic, Hall's spatial transfer would have been at least ten times longer and with less magic consumption.

Against Assassin, Hall wasn't completely helpless. His Origin is "Flow," the essence of alchemy's basics, manipulating the flow and transformation of energy and matter. This magical concept is often employed in martial arts.

Hall had learned the superficial form of the Eight Extremities Fist, but he lacked an understanding of inner strength. While magic emphasizes concealment, martial arts excel in more than just that. Martial arts' core techniques are usually reserved for elite disciples.

In this world, where true martial arts existed, similar to the concepts found in martial arts novels, there was an idea of "inner strength." In terms of Western magic, this was like activating life force, allowing magic to flow within the body, releasing it in specific forms for various lethal effects.

Incorporating the concept of "flow" from his Origin into his Mystic Eyes, he visually understood the flow of all things in the world. Maintaining this state consumed a significant amount of magic, but Hall could barely detect Assassin in his [Territory Creation] state. It was akin to seeing the other person through frosted glass.

However, right after completing the spatial transfer, Hall's Mystic Eyes sensed an irregular flow of magic rapidly approaching from behind. He thought to himself, "He's still coming after me. If Assassin is in a static state, even if I exert my Mystic Eyes to the fullest, it's difficult to locate him. In a moving state, [Territory Creation] can't perfectly blend with the surroundings all the time. Moreover, this is the Underworld, with laws different from the real world."

Hall gazed into the void, directing the flow of magic into a blue rune. The forest's soil froze at a visible rate, transforming into a snowy tundra within seconds.

At the same time, multiple purple magic circles unfurled around Hall. He leaped into the air, overlooking the frozen forest.

The fundamental runic symbols affected the forest environment indiscriminately. This was a trap, designed to force Assassin out of his [Territory Creation] state. In his [Territory Creation], he could merge with the environment, not primarily to hide his aura but to reach a certain realm. This realm represented his understanding of the world. Therefore, if Assassin suddenly stepped into an area with special magical properties, he would need some time to comprehend the distinctions in the environment.

The moment Assassin stepped into the frozen forest, Hall's Mystic Eyes captured his precise position. The magic circles behind him radiated brilliance as the elemental torrents transformed into laser beams, as thick as a thigh, penetrating the earth.


A small mushroom cloud rose in the frozen forest, emitting a powerful shockwave that toppled rows of ancient trees.

Within the turbulent magic currents, Hall's Mystic Eyes once again captured Assassin's figure.

Assassin easily evaded the magical attacks, the explosion's aftermath having no effect on him. In the blink of an eye, he closed in on Hall again.

"So fast!"

With an Agility ranking of A+, typically possessing the speed of an A-ranked, and the plus sign indicating Assassin could burst with double or more speed at any time.


"Don't think you can escape from me using magic. I won't give you a second chance." Assassin sneered and threw a punch, casual and unremarkable, like an old person practicing Tai Chi in the park.


The yin-like force crossed the spatial distance and struck Hall's defensive barrier with a thunderous impact. The attack sliced through most of the protective runes guarding Hall.

Assassin transitioned from defense to offense, breaking free from the encirclement.


Hall's lips moved as he rapidly chanted a spell. His Mystic Eyes drew in magic, and multiple magic circles unfolded around Assassin. Magic interweaved and flowed, radiating light, and the turbulent magical energy was on the brink of causing a massive explosion.

"Unconventional methods! Shatter!" Assassin lightly shouted. He swung his fist, shattering the magic circles around his body with the force of his punch. Then, taking a step, the ground beneath his feet cracked as his qi transformed, locking onto Hall in the sky.

Hall's expression turned serious. Seeing Assassin's posture, he realized that Assassin was about to use his Noble Phantasm - the ultimate technique, [Wu Er Da].

"After all, it's the Lord's command. I won't kill you, but this punch will break your meridians." Assassin intended to finish the battle quickly. The unconventional methods might not appeal to him, but they had an unexpected effectiveness, almost allowing Hall to escape earlier.

Hall focused, closed his hands, and formed a circle of magic within his body. He gathered the remaining magic to prepare to use his Noble Phantasm. He had to use it now, or he might not get the chance later.

"The Underworld restricts its own magic, but it has no effect on Assassin. Time, place, and people are all on his side. I need to shake off his pursuit quickly."

Without hesitation, Hall began to chant his Noble Phantasm's true name: "This is the foundation of the world, the birth of all things, the dominion over everything..."

The chant abruptly stopped, and Hall looked up at the sky with a somewhat bewildered expression. Golden light flickered, and dozens of golden metal strips fell rapidly, forming a circle that imprisoned both Hall and Assassin.

It seemed like the attention of that Underworld goddess had been drawn.

The power of the metals contained the authority of the world, and conventional means couldn't break free from it.

A clear and resolute voice descended from the sky: "This is the Underworld, the resting place of souls. I am the ruler of this world, the Underworld goddess Ereshkigal. Before I unleash the Underworld's Red Lightning, answer me! Why did you disturb the sleep of the deceased and offend the dignity of a goddess?"

"Lancer, is it?" Assassin recognized her identity and replied without any inferiority: "I was ordered by my Lord to capture an escaped artificial human. I had no intention of disrupting your territory."

"You did indeed step into the Underworld. If you don't want your soul to be thrown into the depths of the earth, leave this place."

Assassin looked at Hall: "Before that, how about you hand him over to me?"

Hall, within the prison, considered restoring his magic with an incantation and then using his Noble Phantasm. He should be able to break free from the authority's binding and escape the Underworld.

"Reason, hmph, I am a reasonable goddess. If you give me a proper reason, I will hand him over to you."

"As you can see, he is my spoils of war."

"On the contrary."

"What do you mean by 'on the contrary'?"

"You were supposed to offer your soul to the Underworld goddess, if I hadn't come here."

Assassin was taken aback, understanding the meaning behind the goddess's words. He nodded: "I see, if that's your judgment, I accept it. Next, the loser retreats. I will report to my Lord in ten minutes."

Assassin bowed and the golden metal strips that bound him disappeared. He glanced at Hall, his eyes hidden behind his shades. His figure faded into the shadows, leaving behind the words: "Looking forward to our next encounter, if there's a chance."


"Well then, tell me, who are you? Are you really the artificial human who escaped from that castle?" A crisp and pleasant voice sounded beside Hall.

Hall shrugged his shoulders: "Half of it is true."

"Then we're alike." Lancer's figure emerged from the ground, her tone becoming cheerful.

Seeing her appearance, Hall understood the implication behind her words. Standing before him was a silver-haired girl, both her appearance and temperament bearing a striking resemblance to Tohsaka Rin. What caught Hall's attention, however, was the slight difference—ethereal and elegant, a beauty that went beyond human imagination, a trait that Hall was very familiar with in the Einzbern family's artificial humans.

"Ereshkigal, the Underworld goddess, possessing an Einzbern artificial human. That explains everything. Einzbern artificial humans are indeed the most suitable vessels for a goddess's possession. Their souls are pure, and their inherent qualities are extremely high." Hall had a sudden realization. This situation was within his expectations, yet still unexpected.

It wasn't surprising that the Einzbern artificial humans appeared in this Holy Grail War. Even though the Greater Grail system had been taken away, the Einzbern family still held hope. Since they hadn't participated in the Holy Grail War, they hoped to achieve the Third Magic—complete the Greater Grail system—even if not by their own hands.

During the Holy Grail War, the Einzbern family secretly provided assistance to Yugdramir.

"Why are you looking at me with such strange eyes?" Ereshkigal placed a hand on her hip, her jewel-like red eyes staring at Hall, lightly huffing. She had the dignity of a goddess but also a hint of a playful girl.

Within the prison, Hall bowed in a courteous manner: "My apologies, I never imagined the Underworld goddess would be so beautiful."

Ereshkigal's lips curled up: "Even if you straightforwardly compliment me, it wouldn't mean anything. What's your name?"


"You're lucky. I haven't received any orders from my Master at the moment. Considering your recent escapade in the Underworld, causing damage to many spirits, how do you plan to make amends? I am the Underworld goddess, and I grant fair judgment to every soul."

"Treasures?" Hall blurted out. Saber liked to eat such delicacies, and Rin had a fondness for gems. These were common rules in the Type-Moon world.

Ereshkigal's eyes brightened, and she pretended to cough seriously, covering her mouth: "I am the goddess of the Underworld. Human gems don't interest me."

"Huh, I didn't say they were gems."

"Anyway, human treasures hold no meaning for a goddess." Ereshkigal emphasized her tone, a bit more strongly this time.

Your sister doesn't think that way.

"How about beautiful flowers? They suit your status and beauty." Hall recalled that Ereshkigal had always wanted to grow flowers in the Underworld in FGO. Just the flowers that Merlin summoned while walking down the street had excited her.

When Hall entered this forest, he sensed it—life force in the Underworld was weakening. Apart from trees, there was almost no vegetation.

Ereshkigal's eyes brightened even more, showing clear interest: "Hmm~ Not a bad offering. But you owe the Underworld goddess a debt. You should have given half your soul. What do you think your soul is worth?"


The personalities of summoned Servants through possession are usually influenced by their hosts. Generally speaking, if they possess an Einzbern artificial human, it would maximize the reproduction of the personality of the Underworld goddess.

However, Hall felt that Ereshkigal, despite her appearance changes, still retained the lively demeanor of a young girl.

This was a good thing. Mythical goddesses' personalities are often cruel and capricious, making them difficult to deal with. Passing this trial with Ereshkigal would allow him to leave the territory of the Yggdmillennia magi.

Hall was proactive by nature and didn't want to engage in conflict with the magi of the Yggdmillennia family before he had the qualifications to negotiate with them.

At the center of the Underworld forest, Hall pressed his hands on the ground. After the fading magic circle stopped emitting light, he breathed out, and young shoots rapidly grew from the muddy earth.

"How about this? As long as you don't intentionally interfere, this area will be exempt from the influence of Underworld rules. It will continuously draw magical energy from the ley lines to nurture the flowers. If you plant flower seeds here, even if you don't take care of them meticulously, a beautiful flower field will grow."

Hall's gratitude to Ereshkigal was creating an area in the Underworld where vegetation could flourish.

Ereshkigal stood to the side, playing with her silver-white hair with one hand, and smiled enchantingly, "I have a slightly better impression of you now. Despite being a mage, you possess the ability to create a small world within the Underworld."

"As long as you're satisfied."

"Then goodbye. Be careful when you leave the Underworld; I can't guarantee your safety." Ereshkigal waved her hand, a strong force pushing Hall away.

The scene changed, and Hall's vision blurred as he found himself at the outskirts of the forest. Taking a step forward, he felt the world's rules undergo a drastic change.

"Finally out."

Hall let out a sigh of relief and turned to look back at the deep, primeval forest, lost in thought.


Near the border of the forest close to the Yggdmillennia Castle, a female magus sat in a wheelchair with closed eyes, and the physical form of the Underworld goddess Ereshkigal materialized in front of her.

"Why did you let go of that artificial human?" The magus in the wheelchair questioned with puzzlement.

"All life deserves respect."

"That artificial human is likely capable of summoning a Servant. It's an important asset for our Yggdmillennia family."

"That's not my concern."

The female magus sighed softly, "Are you still resenting Lord Uncle?"

Ereshkigal's expression turned cold, her crimson eyes filled with killing intent, "Resentment? Fiore, don't misunderstand. If that filthy magus appears before me again, even if you order me to stop, I will use the Underworld Red Lightning to completely annihilate his twisted soul, leaving nothing behind. I will use his soul as nourishment, sparing not even infants. Such a monster doesn't even have the qualification to step into the Underworld."

"Lord Uncle acted for our Yggdmillennia family..."

"No need to say more. I am well aware of my position and mission. Ironically, even though I've been summoned as a Servant, I still cannot leave the Underworld."

Fiore gazed at the disappearing Ereshkigal's silhouette in the darkness of the forest. She lowered her head, looking gloomy, staring at her hand. Two Command Seals, symbols of a Master, had already been expended.


The Holy Grail War hadn't officially begun yet. Leaving aside the Red side for now, the Yggdmillennia family who initiated the Holy Grail War had yet to gather their Servants.

Hall arrived at a nearby city to rest for the night. He set up a magic circle in an abandoned factory, drawing magical energy from the ley lines to replenish his expended reserves.

"The Lancer-class on the Black side has been replaced by Ereshkigal, replacing Vlad... As a Servant, her specifications are too high. In the conventional Holy Grail War, summoning a Servant of Ereshkigal's caliber is equivalent to declaring victory. Based on past experience and the specifications of the Holy Grail War, a group of irregular-level Servants is likely to appear this time."

"Is this also in service to suppressing Force? But this time, the Holy Grail hasn't been tainted, so it can be wished upon..." Hall massaged his temples with force. Irregular-level Servants had frequently appeared in his original world as well.

Gawain, one of the Knights of the Round Table, was on par with King Gilgamesh in terms of strength.

The rebellious knight, Mordred, with slightly lesser prowess than King Arthur, one of the highest-ranking Saber-class Servants.

The great Greek hero, Achilles, rivaling Heracles in power.

And the Assyrian empress who "knows a little about magecraft," Semiramis.

Hall admitted that he wouldn't stand a chance against any of these opponents. Power was one aspect, but these top-tier Servants weren't as unpredictable as King Gilgamesh.

"Without a suitable ally yet... Quite troublesome." Hall sat cross-legged, his left hand supporting his chin as he organized his thoughts.

A sleepless night passed, and during the day, Hall took a flight to Cornwall, England. As a Master and a Caster-class Servant, he could manipulate the system of the Holy Grail to summon another Servant.

The Holy Grail War followed the Fate series' world line. The Yggdmillennia family's clan head had taken the Greater Grail system during the Third Holy Grail War, leading to a shift in the world line from the Fourth Holy Grail War in Fate/Zero to the Great Holy Grail War.

With this, the information Hall had gathered in the world of Fate/Zero would still be applicable.

Hall had once inquired with the Einzbern family about the specific location of the scabbard for the holy sword, Avalon, that had been excavated.

Cornwall, situated in the southwest of England, close to the sea, was one of the oldest cities in England. Around 1000 BC, a group of Celts had arrived here, who were the ancestors of modern-day Cornish people.

Legend had it that Cornwall was the birthplace of King Arthur.

Hall drove to a small fishing village in Cornwall. The area was adjacent to the sea, and houses were orderly arranged. The highest point of the cliffs provided a panoramic view of the sea and the entire fishing village.

Tides rose and fell, creating white foamy waves crashing against the rocks. The sound of waves was continuous yet not intrusive.

At the cliff's edge, the sea breeze brushed against his face, and the air was filled with the saltiness of the ocean.

Hall appreciated the vastness of the sea, stretched his body with a lazy yawn, and his mood gradually calmed, "Saber's contract with Force should still be in effect. Her wish hasn't been fulfilled, and every time she is defeated in the Holy Grail War, she returns to the final battle at Camlann."

Hall squatted down, pressing his hands together on the muddy ground, arranging the formation, delving into the ground. He found the scabbard buried there.

The earth parted on its own, and the ornate scabbard with enameled stripes emerged from the mud, emitting a hazy radiance. Despite being buried for over a thousand years, the scabbard's brilliance remained undiminished.

Hall gently caressed the scabbard, infusing it with magical energy. He could feel strands of warmth flowing back into his body, triggering memories and nostalgic murmurs, "I wonder how they're doing in that other world line."

The holy sword's scabbard dissolved into golden light and merged with Hall's body.


The sacred relic was ready, and to prevent the Black side from summoning a Saber-class Servant first, Hall hurriedly returned to Romania. At night, in a forest on the outskirts, he prepared a summoning magic circle with mercury.

As a sacred relic, the scabbard was placed at the center of the ritual circle.

Hall stood in front of the ritual circle, infused his magic into it without the need for an incantation.

Sizzling sounds filled the air.

The ritual circle lit up with a dazzling white light, and the fluctuating magical energy smoothed out. Within the circle appeared the familiar figure of Hall.

King Arthur, Artoria Pendragon, the Knight-King.

The petite girl knight was dressed in a blue and white dress, adorned with silver armor on her shoulders and chest. Engravings of blue patterns adorned the armor, preventing it from appearing too simple.

Her skin was porcelain-like, and her golden hair was tied up with blue ribbons, reminiscent of a medieval courtly maiden. With a dignified beauty, she looked at Hall with clear azure eyes, her gaze slightly puzzled as she asked, "May I ask, are you my Master?"

Her clear and dignified voice brought Hall back to the present. He smiled and replied, "That's right, though it's been a while since you've worn this knight's attire, Artoria."


Saber's expression changed dramatically, "Are you Shinji?"

Saber looked at Hall's current appearance with confusion. The name Artoria associated with Shinji Matou, the name she used to refer to her after spending more than half a year with him. Furthermore, when she was first summoned, she felt that the one who summoned her was Matou Shinji. The Master and Servant contract inevitably led to a clash of souls. She was very familiar with the feeling of Matou Shinji as a Master.

So, seeing someone other than him summon her left her puzzled.

Hall spread his hands and smiled, "I've changed bodies for a certain reason, and also changed my name. From now on, call me Hall."

"Is this... a parallel world?" Saber hesitated, having been bombarded with information about the Holy Grail War in this world when she was summoned.

It wasn't strange to her that Hall appeared in a parallel world. In the Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City, Hall had also been a transmigrator from a parallel world.

"In this world, the Holy Grail hasn't been tainted by evil. Here, if you obtain the Holy Grail, you can make a wish. The detailed information about this has already been conveyed by the Holy Grail, right?"


"It seems there's no need for me to explain further. How is Irisviel and Sakura doing?"

Saber nodded. A invisible gust of wind enveloped her body and when it subsided, she was now wearing a black suit, exuding a heroic aura. With one hand on her waist, she appraised Hall with a light smile and shook her head, "Hall, you might have gone through a distant journey, but in that other world, it hasn't even been a day since I bid you farewell."

Hall was momentarily taken aback and then nodded, "Is that so? That's comforting."

"Next, what should we do?"

"This Holy Grail War is divided into two factions. It's relatively simple to explain, but at the same time, it's quite complex. A fifteen-Servant Holy Grail War, and the outcome is unpredictable for anyone."

Saber curiously asked, "You know nothing about this Holy Grail War?"

"No, I'm well aware of what happened in the original Holy Grail War. However, this isn't the same Holy Grail War anymore. The distortions are even worse than the Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City. So, I can't predict what will happen next." Hall sighed.

Feeling Hall's frustration in his words, Saber placed her right hand on her chest, bowed slightly as she smiled confidently, "I am your sword. Giving orders and eliminating enemies are the rights of a Master. Anything you decide, I will execute without hesitation."

Was this a knightly form of consolation? There was no overt comfort in her words, but they gave Hall a sense of reassurance.

Hall smiled wryly, "Let's start by saying hello to the Black side. They've shown me kindness a couple of days ago. For now, I'll keep the scabbard. The Black side's Assassin is quite formidable, excelling both in assassination and direct combat abilities."



Trifas, the territory ruled by the Yggdmillennia family, where the Greater Grail was located, was also the city where Hall had spent the night two days ago.

In this city, every street and alley was monitored by familiars.

During the day, it was a bustling and prosperous city. At night, due to the effects of magic, the city's residents rarely left their homes.

Hall and Saber walked boldly through the streets, not concealing their traces with magic.

Saber cautiously asked, "Master, according to the rules of the Holy Grail War, the Black side has seven Servants. Is it wise for us to provoke them like this?"

"Don't worry, we're considered Servants of the Black side as well. So, the Black side has a total of five Servants. Excluding the unsummoned classes and Servants that can't be deployed for special reasons, the Black side can send out a maximum of two Servants. One of them should be the Assassin that fought against me the other day."

Saber nodded, understanding. "Two against two, we don't have a chance of losing."


In the castle's hall, Lord Darnic, the head of the Yggdmillennia family, stood beside the throne. Below, the Black side's Masters and Servants gathered.

An image of Hall and Saber was projected into the air.

Gordes wiped the cold sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief and asked, "Assassin, are you sure that man is the escaped Homunculus?"

Assassin nodded affirmatively, "Yes, my Lord."

Gordes disbelieved, "That's impossible! His appearance is completely different from a Homunculus!"

Beside the throne, Darnic remarked calmly, "Gordes, have you forgotten about Lancer's presence?"

Lancer, Ereshkigal, the Babylonian goddess of the underworld, had been summoned by the Einzbern family under impossible conditions.

"Lord Darnic, are you suggesting that the Homunculus has been possessed by a Servant?"

"The obvious conclusion. A Homunculus couldn't possess abilities rivaling a Servant's. The problem is the woman beside him. According to the magical energy feedback from her familiar, she's also a Servant. The Holy Grail system confirmed this as well. Black's Saber has been summoned."

Gordes was left dumbfounded, "But the quota for summoning Servants was already decided by us."

This was true, Fiore, a magus in a wheelchair, analyzed, "The fact is before us. If it's a Caster-class Servant, achieving these feats wouldn't be difficult. After all, the Holy Grail system is nothing more than a man-made miracle. The Caster summoned might very well be a magus who's reached the realm of the divine."

"Gah, is he trying to take revenge by coming back? Regardless, Assassin, use your abilities to ambush that Homunculus."


A youthful voice rang out, capturing everyone's attention. A golden-haired, red-eyed boy emerged from a side hall, sweeping his gaze over the various Masters of the Yggdmillennia family. Curiously, he asked, "What's going on? Has the game already begun? I've prepared for a game, but it seems I still have to wait."

Darnic bowed respectfully, "My King, the Holy Grail War hasn't begun yet. It's just a trivial matter, no need to trouble yourself."

The golden-haired boy yawned, "But I'm so bored. I've already prepared for a game, but I have to wait for some time."

Seeing Hall and Saber projected in the image, he became interested and inquired, "Who are they?"

"The Homunculus who escaped the other day and his Servant," Darnic respectfully replied.



"Leave it to me."


A childish voice piped up, grabbing everyone's attention. A young boy with golden hair and red eyes walked out from a side chamber, scanning the various Masters of the Yggdmillennia family with curiosity. He asked, "What's happening? Has the game started already? I'm all set to play, but it looks like I have to wait."

Darnic bowed respectfully, "Your Majesty, the Holy Grail War hasn't begun yet. It's just a minor issue, nothing you need to concern yourself with."

The golden-haired boy yawned, "I'm feeling quite bored though. I've already prepared for a game, but it seems I'll have to wait a while."

Upon seeing the projection of Hall and Saber, his curiosity was piqued, and he asked, "Who are they?"

"The Homunculus who escaped the other day and his Servant," Darnic replied respectfully.



"Leave it to me."

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Bro_Herocreators' thoughts