
Chapter 16 - A Brief Stroll and Meeting a Magus

"How are the repairs going Roman?" Felix asked the doctor as he visited him in the command centre.

"Oh Felix. The repairs are going smoothly, well, as smoothly as you can with this amount of people." Roman said as he sweatdropped.

"I see. I guess Medea's help is contributing to it." Felix said to him.

"Yeah. Having the help of a magus like her is really speeding up the process. And Medusa is also helping by using her strength." Roman said to him.

"That means things are fine here." Felix said with a nod.

'It has only been a few hours but at the very least the Chaldea is starting to get repaired.' Felix thought to himself as he looked at the doctor.

"Oh yeah, you said there was another one who had jumped out of their coffin right?" Felix asked him as he remembered it.

"Yes, she is currently in the infirmary. If you want you can take a look." Roman said to him.

"Sure. See you doc." Felix said to him as he exited the place.

He had learned the layout after the group had met at the Rayshift room as he didn't want to get lost. Olga was also currently at her own room looking through some paperwork or the like regarding the functions of Chaldea. Mash was helping her under his orders as he knew that Olga feared the girl, even when Mash herself does not hold any hostility towards the director.

'I hope the two of them can become good friends at the least.' Felix thought to himself as he walked.

He went to the infirmary and entered it and found a orange-brown haired girl sleeping on a bed. He looked at her as she didn't seem to be moving as he saw a file on the table near her bed. He picked it up and saw that it was her file as he read through it.

"Ophelia Phamrsolone. One of the Master candidates from the A team." Felix said as he read through it.

There were some information about her abilities as he read through it as his eyes widened a bit. He looked at her as she kept on sleeping without a care in the world.

"Well, at least she is alive. Though,I feel like I'm forgetting something about her." Felix said to himself as he looked at her.

At that time Fou jumped onto his shoulder getting his attention as he cried at him as he looked at her.

"Fou?" Felix said as he blinked at the animal.

"Fou!" Fou cried out.

"Shouldn't you be with Mash?" Felix asked him curiously.

"Fou, fou fou." Fou said as he made gestures.

"You want to roam Chaldea and so you found me?" Felix asked him confused.

"Fou." Fou said as he nodded his head.

"I see. Well, I am going to roam Chaldea a bit so I guess I can take you with me." Felix said as he cried in agreement.

He placed the file back on the table before he left the infirmary, though he did have a final look at her before he went and walked through the corridors of Chaldea.

'I guess it is peaceful here. As peaceful as you can get after being so close to being blown to smithereens. But how will this affect the future? I am here, Olga is alive as well because of me and Ophelia should also be with the other candidates but she survived as well.' Felix thought to himself as he rubbed Fou's head.

The animal cried out in delight as he smiled at it as he looked serious.

'My actions have drastically changed some things in here which might also cause the timeline to differ from the usual one. At the very least, I should prepare myself for danger. And also about how I was able to actually copy Medusa and Artoria's moves like that.' Felix thought to himself as he walked.

"Hoh~. So, you're the bigshot huh." A brown haired woman said as she suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Wha!" Felix shouted in shock before he went and gave a mana enchanced punch straight to her face out of reflex.

"Eh?" The woman made a sound before the punch connected with her face and sent her flying back.

"Ah..." Felix let out a noise when he saw what he had done.

"Ow!" The woman cried in pain as she corrected herself and landed on the ground.

She rubbed her nose as she stood up as he looked at her as his eyes widened.

"Seriously, I didn't know that you were a trigger happy Master." The woman said as she rubbed her nose and looked at him.

"Uh, sorry. The last singularity has caused me to be like this." Felix said to her as he apologized.

"Well, I guess I can understand since you were trying to stay alive. And I did suddenly come in front of you so I'm at fault as well. Why don't we forget that even happened?" The woman said to him with a smile.

"That works for me." Felix said with a nod.

"Great. Let me introduce myself, I am the great universal genius of all of human history, Leonardo da Vinci. Shocked I'm sure." Da Vinci said as she introduced herself with a smug tone.

"It's nice to meet you Da Vinci, I'm Master candidate Felix." Felix said to her with a nod.

"Eh? Why are you not surprised? Don't tell me you don't know who I am!" Da Vinci said surprised as she looked at him.

"No I know who you are. It's hard not to know." Felix said to her with a shrug.

"Then why are you not surprised about the fact that I'm a female instead of a male like in the history books?" Da Vinci asked him interested.

"I just fought against King Arthur who is a female. So yeah, you are another case of it." Felix said to her dryly.

"I see. Hmm, a smart Master, good good. And since you're not a normal Master you're not as arrogant and stuck up as the rest. I like you." Da Vinci said with a smile as she nodded to him.

"Thanks." Felix simply said to her.

"Though you are wrong about one thing. I was really a male in history. It's just that I didn't want to come back as an old man. I am a genius who pursues beauty so I became the thing that is the most beautiful. Which is of course my dear Mona Lisa, the most beautiful woman that I know. It's an action worthy of a genius, I know." Da Vinci explained as she looked both smug and proud about it.

'I think I can see sparkles around her, somehow.' Felix thought to himself with a sweatdrop.

"Right. Though I am surprised you actually chose to become a woman." Felix said to her as he shook his head a bit.

"It's not that deep. In the near future, more males will want to have the experience of being a female and vice-versa." Da Vinci said with a bright smile.

'Well, she's not wrong. She is really ahead of her time.' Felix thought to himself as he heard her.

"Oh right, do you have anything to do right now?" Da Vinci asked him curiously.

"No. I don't think I do." Felix said to her with a shake of his head.

"Great. Then you can come with me to my workshop." Di Vinci said as she grabbed his hand and pulled her with him.

"Easy easy. I'm coming." Felix said as he was pulled by her.

Fou at seeing this jumped off of his shoulder and ran through an adjacent corridor as Felix watched him leave. Soon they had reached Da Vinci's room and he entered inside to see that it is like a mechanical workshop though he could feel the mana in the room.

"Ta-da! Arent you feeling lucky? You are in the workshop of the genius Da Vinci." Da Vinci said with a smile as she gestured to her workshop.

"Yeah. So, you were a magus during life?" Felix asked her as he looked at the place.

'So that's how her mechanical bird looks like.' Felix thought as he looked at the mechanical bird in a cage.

"Yes. While I have contributed scientifically, I also dabbled in the moonlit world and as expected of a genius like myself have also gained quite a lot of knowledge in the field of magecraft as well. Maybe I won't be able to match Servants like Medea in power but I can put up a fight against almost anyone." Da Vinci said to him with a smile.

"Huh. Now that I think about it, isnt magecraft like science to an extent. That should be right up your alley." Felix said to her after thinking about it for a bit.

"Correct. It is like science which is why I am able to excell in it. But even if it did in sure I would've been able to crack it as well." Da Vinci said to him.

"Glad to know. Say, what are there things?" Felix asked as he looked at the many mechanical things there.

"Oh, these are just some of the things I made in my time here, though they don't have much use. They're mystic codes by the way." Da Vinci said to him.

"Mystic codes?" Felix asked her with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, they can be considered as magical tools." Da Vinci said to him.

She then gave him an explanation about Mystic codes and their function as he kept his attention on her as she gave the explanation.

"That's interesting to hear. What type of Mystic Codes can you make?" Felix asked her curiously.

"Almost anything I can thing and if I have the materials." Da Vinci said with a shrug.

"So, can you make weapons?" Felix asked her as he looked at her eagerly.

Da Vinci at hearing his words looked at him in interest as she smiled at him.

"Why? Do you have some ideas?" Da Vinci asked him curiously.

"Maybe. I think I would need some good equipment if I were to fight against Servants on my own." Felix said to her with a shrug.

"Ohoho. Well then, you can count on me for that. If it's making some good weapons then you can count on me. My Item Creation skill is A Rank, which means I can create a lot of things." Da Vinci said to him with a smile.

"That's good to hear." Felix said to her with a nod.

"So, Master Felix, what should I make for you?" Da Vinci asked him with interest.

(A/N: Can you guys give me some info about weapons, not too overpowered I guess. But I am curious about how strong of mystic codes she can create with her item creation. Tell it in the comments.)

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